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I'll be sure to ask them about the testing to ensure that the vaccine has


> In a message dated 10/2/2004 7:36:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> writes:

> Hep A -/- Hep B Vaccination/s


> I FINALLY was able to start the vaccine-series of Hep A and Hep B

> vaccines.


> For some reason, it took my doctor's office quite a long time to

> acquire the vaccines, but, I've finally 'started', so, I'm a bit happier

> about it now.

> believe it or not my set of 3 series of Hep B vaccines didn't take.. I found

> that this is not unusual in some women.. so you want to get your blood tested

> after each injection.

> amy

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  • 4 years later...

Beverly, You apparently miss the point. You should do whatever you wish.

My "style" is to add balance to the list, as if you actually read many of these you would think all mainstream medical decisions are the wrong ones. I just don't want ONE side of the facts be the only side, it is just not smart or prudent. There are too many charlatans out there. Not everyone does the research, and listens to the best personality.

I don't have ear infections either, never did, and I was immunized. So both of us in our series of TWO prove nothing. It is interesting also that when I stopped taking vitamin C a couple years ago (out of laziness) I stopped getting colds. That also proves nothing, it is an anecdote to share, not recommend.

If you didn't like my tone you should see some ot the other nastiness on this list! I always suggest theat we do the research and make our own decisions. Many others want to scare people into mistrust of the medical community. I say use it all, and pick the best. I wouldn't be a proponent of LDN if the mainstream medical experts had anything good to offer. So I hope it works for you, it sounds like your family has had all the bad DNA it can use.

From: Beverly Hammons <beebie10@...>Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Vaccineslow dose naltrexone Date: Sunday, October 5, 2008, 12:08 AM

Bob C-- I chose not to have my son (now 15 yrs old) vaccinated. And it WASN'T because I read some ex-playgirl' s book!!! After EXTENSIVE research (and NOT just from the MAINSTREAM medical community), I decided the risk of vaccinating outweighed the risks of vaccinations. I have MS, I had a sister who died from MS, I have a brother with Tourette's Syndrome, and another sister with Asperber's Syndrome. I was not about to do anything that would compromise my son's neurological system. Injecting viruses into an infant's body, when their immune systems are not fully formed yet, didn't sound like my idea of a good plan.

And why should anybody care? If their children are vaccinated, there is NO risk to them, right? In fact, my son is more at risk from recently vaccinated children than they are to him.

Chicken pox? Measles? WOW. Terrible diseases.

I would choose chicken pox over an autoimmune or neurological disease for my son anyday of the week.

Mandatory vaccinations? Yeah, I can trust my government to look out for me..........

(By the way, my son has never had one ear infection in his life. He doesn't have asthma. He isn't autistic. He had to go on antibiotics ONE time in his entire life. At 15 he is 6 feet tall, plays football and lacrosse, gets a's and b's in school, plays the guitar and the bass guitar. I guess he survived without the vaccinations. )

Sorry for my sarcasm; I guess I wasn't thrilled with your judgmental style.


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The decision to vaccinate or not is a very personal one. I

just don’t feel anyone should blindly trust the medical profession (or

anyone else for that matter) without doing extensive research.

I decided not to vaccinate after MANY, MANY long hours of

research, both on the internet and at the library. I did NOT, however,

rely on any personal web pages depicting tragic stories, although they are

plentiful and terrifying. I used the CDC’s Adverse Event Reporting

System, researched ingredients listed on vaccine inserts, tried to determine

what amounts of each could possibly cause harm. The only two diseases I

vaccinate against are polio and meningitis, as those are truly the only two of

the covered diseases that frighten me.

When my middle child (now 7) was 6 months old, his pediatrician

strong-armed me into allowing him to have a Prevnar shot. I SHOULD have

trusted my instincts, because he had mild seizures for the next 6 hours,

beginning an hour after the injection. Coincidence? I highly doubt


When my oldest child, who was fully vaccinated until age 9, was

11, he contracted a full-blown case of Whooping Cough. Despite the

characteristic cough, the doctor insisted on swabbing him and having the mucous

cultured. He did, in fact, test positive for the disease. Now, the

middle child, then 2, had been in extremely close proximity with the older boy…napping

together at times, sharing a water cup here and there, etc. Two questions

that has never been answered sufficiently by any of our physicians is:

How did the oldest get the disease with the full set of shots? And how did the

younger boy, who never had a pertussis vaccine, NOT catch it? I keep

hoping someone can explain that to me one day.

As far as the government mandating vaccines, I am vehemently

opposed to that. The government has NO business telling us what we can

and cannot do regarding our own personal medical issues. Thank goodness I

live in a state with a legal exemption! I also believe shot “cocktails”

should not be allowed. It is my humble opinion that it is the combination

of shots that cause MOST of the problems. Children have immature immune systems

and some likely just cannot handle the onslaught of so many components at one

time. For my friends who do want to vaccinate, I urge them to get the

shots singularly and at least a month apart. Yes, it is more inconvenient

and yes, it costs more in co-pays, etc. But, what is a child’s

neurological health worth? I feel that offers some bit of protection and

the spread gives their systems a little time to recover. Also, if they do

have a reaction, at least a parent or doctor would be able to pinpoint the

culprit and exclude that vaccine in future treatment.


From: low dose naltrexone

[mailto:low dose naltrexone ] On Behalf Of ROBERT CASTANARO

Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 12:59 AM

low dose naltrexone

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Vaccines

Beverly, You apparently miss the point. You should

do whatever you wish.

My " style " is to add balance to the list, as if

you actually read many of these you would think all mainstream medical

decisions are the wrong ones. I just don't want ONE side of the facts

be the only side, it is just not smart or prudent. There are too many

charlatans out there. Not everyone does the research, and listens to

the best personality.

I don't have ear infections either, never did, and I was

immunized. So both of us in our series of TWO prove nothing. It

is interesting also that when I stopped taking vitamin C a couple years ago

(out of laziness) I stopped getting colds. That also proves nothing, it

is an anecdote to share, not recommend.

If you didn't like my tone you should see some ot the

other nastiness on this list! I always suggest theat we do the research

and make our own decisions. Many others want to scare people into

mistrust of the medical community. I say use it all, and pick the

best. I wouldn't be a proponent of LDN if the mainstream medical

experts had anything good to offer. So I hope it works for you, it

sounds like your family has had all the bad DNA it can use.

From: Beverly Hammons


Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Vaccines

low dose naltrexone

Date: Sunday, October 5, 2008, 12:08 AM

Bob C--

I chose not to have my son (now 15 yrs old) vaccinated. And it WASN'T

because I read some ex-playgirl' s book!!! After

EXTENSIVE research (and NOT just from the MAINSTREAM medical

community), I decided the risk of vaccinating outweighed the risks of

vaccinations. I have MS, I had a sister who died from MS, I have a

brother with Tourette's Syndrome, and another sister with Asperber's

Syndrome. I was not about to do anything that would compromise my

son's neurological system. Injecting viruses into an infant's body,

when their immune systems are not fully formed yet, didn't sound like my

idea of a good plan.

And why should

anybody care? If their children are vaccinated, there is NO risk to

them, right? In fact, my son is more at risk from recently vaccinated

children than they are to him.


pox? Measles? WOW. Terrible diseases.

I would choose

chicken pox over an autoimmune or neurological disease for my

son anyday of the week.


vaccinations? Yeah, I can trust my government to look out for


(By the way,

my son has never had one ear infection in his life. He doesn't have

asthma. He isn't autistic. He had to go on antibiotics

ONE time in his entire life. At 15 he is 6 feet tall, plays football

and lacrosse, gets a's and b's in school, plays the guitar and the bass

guitar. I guess he survived without the vaccinations. )

Sorry for my

sarcasm; I guess I wasn't thrilled with your judgmental style.


No virus found in this incoming message.

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I have two boys and they are similar to yours. They are 15 and 11 and

have never had an immunization! My Doctor gave me a choice, whether to

vaccinate or not, since I had MS and I know it was the right one.



> Bob C--  I chose not to have my son (now 15 yrs old) vaccinated. 

And it WASN'T because I read some ex-playgirl's book!!!   After

EXTENSIVE  research (and NOT just from the MAINSTREAM medical

community), I decided the risk of vaccinating outweighed the risks of

vaccinations.  I have MS, I had a sister who died from MS, I have a

brother with Tourette's Syndrome, and another sister with Asperber's

Syndrome.  I was not about to do anything that would compromise my

son's neurological system.  Injecting viruses into an infant's body,

when their immune systems are not fully formed yet, didn't sound like

my idea of a good plan.


> And why should anybody care?  If their children are vaccinated,

there is NO risk to them, right?  In fact, my son is more at risk from

recently vaccinated children than they are to him.


> Chicken pox?  Measles?  WOW.  Terrible diseases. 


> I would choose chicken  pox over an autoimmune or

neurological disease for my son anyday of the week.


> Mandatory vaccinations?  Yeah, I can trust my government to look out

for me..........


> (By the way, my son has never had one ear infection in his life.  He

doesn't have asthma.  He isn't autistic.  He had to go  on antibiotics

ONE time in his entire life.  At 15 he is 6 feet tall, plays football

and lacrosse, gets a's and b's in school, plays the guitar and the

bass guitar.  I guess he survived without the vaccinations.)


> Sorry for my sarcasm; I guess I wasn't thrilled with your judgmental



> Beverly


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Good for anyone that does this, I applaud you. I wish I had the courage you had to say no. I backed down due to intense pressure. Our insurance keeps records and they sounded the alert. I tried to wait as long as I possibly could before I was forced to give my boys shots. I still feel very guilty about allowing the shots to be given to them. I felt as if I was backed into a corner and at that time I didn't have as much information as I have now. I didn't know how to say no. On Oct 6, 2008, at 9:33 AM, cjl215 wrote:Beverly,I have two boys and they are similar to yours. They are 15 and 11 andhave never had an immunization! My Doctor gave me a choice, whether tovaccinate or not, since I had MS and I know it was the right one.Carole>> Bob C-- I chose not to have my son (now 15 yrs old) vaccinated. And it WASN'T because I read some ex-playgirl's book!!! AfterEXTENSIVE research (and NOT just from the MAINSTREAM medicalcommunity), I decided the risk of vaccinating outweighed the risks ofvaccinations. I have MS, I had a sister who died from MS, I have abrother with Tourette's Syndrome, and another sister with Asperber'sSyndrome. I was not about to do anything that would compromise myson's neurological system. Injecting viruses into an infant's body,when their immune systems are not fully formed yet, didn't sound likemy idea of a good plan.> > And why should anybody care? If their children are vaccinated,there is NO risk to them, right? In fact, my son is more at risk fromrecently vaccinated children than they are to him.> > Chicken pox? Measles? WOW. Terrible diseases. > > I would choose chicken pox over an autoimmune orneurological disease for my son anyday of the week.> > Mandatory vaccinations? Yeah, I can trust my government to look outfor me..........> > (By the way, my son has never had one ear infection in his life. Hedoesn't have asthma. He isn't autistic. He had to go on antibioticsONE time in his entire life. At 15 he is 6 feet tall, plays footballand lacrosse, gets a's and b's in school, plays the guitar and thebass guitar. I guess he survived without the vaccinations.)> > Sorry for my sarcasm; I guess I wasn't thrilled with your judgmentalstyle.> > Beverly>

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Dear Beverley,

Good for you!!!

There are so many people today who are so fearful that they just do what they're

advised and have the vaccinations. More people should follow your example. You

are so right.


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You should just remember that the reason you dont get sick after not

taking the vaccination is down to the fact that vaccination programes

are so effective in controlling the disease in the population. If you

dont have exposure you dont get disease. If everyone else is

vaccinated then there is not anyone to give you the disease. When

vaccination levels drop below a threshold of typically 80%, the

disease can become active in the population. Try wikipedia on herd


The western world does not suffer from major outbreaks of polio or

measles, smallpox has been erradicated all down to vaccination


So while not taking the vaccine may not result in you becoming ill, if

everyone took this course of action we would be back to having high

mortality from these diseases.



> Dear Beverley,

> Good for you!!!

> There are so many people today who are so fearful that they just do

what they're advised and have the vaccinations. More people should

follow your example. You are so right.

> Audrey


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This came to mind... If you study when vaccines were invented,(I do

not know the exact dates- early 1900s) around the same time indoor

plumbing was invented and cleanliness became the norm. So naturally

vaccines are noted as working, but also the general population was

cleaner not living in sewage. In the cities they use to throw waste

out the windows of apartment buildings and horses used to roam the

streets pooping everywhere! I believe that cleanliness has allot to do

with the lower disease rates. Just a thought:)


> >

> > Dear Beverley,

> > Good for you!!!

> > There are so many people today who are so fearful that they just do

> what they're advised and have the vaccinations. More people should

> follow your example. You are so right.

> > Audrey

> >


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I think I remember hearing that, I think it was Rush Limbaugh. He said that when Polio was eradicated it may have been GREAT TIMING that it may have been eliminated ANYWAY and the vaccine was just coincidental

We'll never know

[low dose naltrexone] Re: Vaccines

This came to mind... If you study when vaccines were invented,(I donot know the exact dates- early 1900s) around the same time indoorplumbing was invented and cleanliness became the norm. So naturallyvaccines are noted as working, but also the general population wascleaner not living in sewage. In the cities they use to throw wasteout the windows of apartment buildings and horses used to roam thestreets pooping everywhere! I believe that cleanliness has allot to dowith the lower disease rates. Just a thought:)Carole>> > You should just remember that the reason you dont get sick after not> taking the vaccination is down to the fact that vaccination programes> are so effective in controlling the disease in the population. If you> dont have exposure you dont get disease. If everyone else is> vaccinated then there is not anyone to give you the disease. When> vaccination levels drop below a threshold of typically 80%, the> disease can become active in the population. Try wikipedia on herd> immunity. > > The western world does not suffer from major outbreaks of polio or> measles, smallpox has been erradicated all down to vaccination> programmes. > > So while not taking the vaccine may not result in you becoming ill, if> everyone took this course of action we would be back to having high> mortality from these diseases. > > Bowie>

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The experiment has been done, many cases of diseases re-emerging after

vaccine rates drop in a population.

see the folowing link for polio,



The same thing has happened for measles, and many other diseases.

While sanitation plays a part in transmission of disease, the early

work of Jenner and others on the innoculation of coxpox to prevent

smallpox in the late 1700s shows that vaccination does work despite

poor sanitation.

> >

> >

> > You should just remember that the reason you dont get sick after not

> > taking the vaccination is down to the fact that vaccination


> > are so effective in controlling the disease in the population.

If you

> > dont have exposure you dont get disease. If everyone else is

> > vaccinated then there is not anyone to give you the disease. When

> > vaccination levels drop below a threshold of typically 80%, the

> > disease can become active in the population. Try wikipedia on herd

> > immunity.

> >

> > The western world does not suffer from major outbreaks of polio or

> > measles, smallpox has been erradicated all down to vaccination

> > programmes.

> >

> > So while not taking the vaccine may not result in you becoming

ill, if

> > everyone took this course of action we would be back to having high

> > mortality from these diseases.

> >

> > Bowie

> >


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>>it may have been eliminated ANYWAY and the vaccine was just coincidental<<

This is total nonsense, and based on nothing scientific. If you know anyone

with polio or secondary emergence of polio, you know they would KILL for the

vaccine if they could turn back time.

For the few problems the polio vaccine caused - one in 2.5 million, the result

of this vaccine has all but eliminated polio from the face of the earth with no

new outbreaks in the U.S. except those not vaccinated.

Smallpox was declared eliminated about a decade ago and then countries stopped

vaccinating. Guess what? The virus still exists and smallpox outbreaks were

beginning in some 3rd world countries, I believe.

The flu vaccine and some other vaccines are a personal choice, but these are

diseases can most times be survived with no long term effects. But Polio is a

sentence like MS, and I cannot imagine what anyone would have against

vaccinating against it, considering the 60 year history of these vaccinations.

This is not some flash in the pan vaccination, there are volumes of data

supporting this. To think that polio was gong to go away on its own is



> From: bowie979 <bowie979@...>

> Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Vaccines

> low dose naltrexone

> Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2008, 3:54 AM

> The experiment has been done, many cases of diseases

> re-emerging after

> vaccine rates drop in a population.

> see the folowing link for polio,





> The same thing has happened for measles, and many other

> diseases.


> While sanitation plays a part in transmission of disease,

> the early

> work of Jenner and others on the innoculation of coxpox to

> prevent

> smallpox in the late 1700s shows that vaccination does work

> despite

> poor sanitation.



> > >

> > >

> > > You should just remember that the reason you

> dont get sick after not

> > > taking the vaccination is down to the fact that

> vaccination

> programes

> > > are so effective in controlling the disease in

> the population.

> If you

> > > dont have exposure you dont get disease. If

> everyone else is

> > > vaccinated then there is not anyone to give you

> the disease. When

> > > vaccination levels drop below a threshold of

> typically 80%, the

> > > disease can become active in the population.

> Try wikipedia on herd

> > > immunity.

> > >

> > > The western world does not suffer from major

> outbreaks of polio or

> > > measles, smallpox has been erradicated all down

> to vaccination

> > > programmes.

> > >

> > > So while not taking the vaccine may not result

> in you becoming

> ill, if

> > > everyone took this course of action we would be

> back to having high

> > > mortality from these diseases.

> > >

> > > Bowie

> > >

> >

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http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=MXdGtMOhhWs & feature=PlayList & p=FEAAE6DB059485E1 & index=42 & playnext=3 & playnext_from=PL

Check out this youtube.

And go ask Rush where he got his data from for that quote.

Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Vaccines

>>it may have been eliminated ANYWAY and the vaccine was just coincidental<<This is total nonsense, and based on nothing scientific. If you know anyone with polio or secondary emergence of polio, you know they would KILL for the vaccine if they could turn back time.For the few problems the polio vaccine caused - one in 2.5 million, the result of this vaccine has all but eliminated polio from the face of the earth with no new outbreaks in the U.S. except those not vaccinated.Smallpox was declared eliminated about a decade ago and then countries stopped vaccinating. Guess what? The virus still exists and smallpox outbreaks were beginning in some 3rd world countries, I believe.The flu vaccine and some other vaccines are a personal choice, but these are diseases can most times be survived with no long term effects. But Polio is a sentence like MS, and I cannot imagine what anyone would have against vaccinating against it, considering the 60 year history of these vaccinations. This is not some flash in the pan vaccination, there are volumes of data supporting this. To think that polio was gong to go away on its own is unlikely.BC

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While is an entertaining conspiracy theorist, and has gained much

popularity as many increasingly distrust the government, he often presents no

proof of many of his claims. If not for the first amendment, the government

that this guy rails against would have him in prison by now. " Russia Today " was

very complimentary of him......

As far as anything about vaccines, he said absolutely nothing of substance

except many contain mercury, which we have already substantiated.

Unfortunately, guys like this get people stirred up with a minimum of facts and

a few embellishments, and neglect to furnish solid proof.

If this is where Limbaugh gets his information, I did not hear anything in this

link to indicate this, nor did I hear anything to prove that diseases like polio

were going away on their own.

I have to admit, he does give rise to thought on a variety of subjects, and we

need guys like this to keep questioning the status quo. I just don't think we

should blindly go by what these guys say.. too many of their rants do not hold

up to reasonable scrutiny.

Best regards,


> From: LarryGC <larrygc@...>

> Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Vaccines

> low dose naltrexone

> Cc: " MSWatchers " <mswatchers >

> Date: Thursday, October 9, 2008, 12:46 AM


http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=MXdGtMOhhWs & feature=PlayList & p=FEAAE6DB059485E1 & in\

dex=42 & playnext=3 & playnext_from=PL


> Check out this youtube.


> And go ask Rush where he got his data from for that quote.


> Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Vaccines



> >>it may have been eliminated ANYWAY and the

> vaccine was just coincidental<<


> This is total nonsense, and based on nothing scientific.

> If you know anyone with polio or secondary emergence of

> polio, you know they would KILL for the vaccine if they

> could turn back time.

> For the few problems the polio vaccine caused - one in

> 2.5 million, the result of this vaccine has all but

> eliminated polio from the face of the earth with no new

> outbreaks in the U.S. except those not vaccinated.

> Smallpox was declared eliminated about a decade ago and

> then countries stopped vaccinating. Guess what? The virus

> still exists and smallpox outbreaks were beginning in some

> 3rd world countries, I believe.

> The flu vaccine and some other vaccines are a personal

> choice, but these are diseases can most times be survived

> with no long term effects. But Polio is a sentence like MS,

> and I cannot imagine what anyone would have against

> vaccinating against it, considering the 60 year history of

> these vaccinations. This is not some flash in the pan

> vaccination, there are volumes of data supporting this. To

> think that polio was gong to go away on its own is unlikely.

> BC

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They were TWO different statements. The youtube I just happened to be watching at the time.

What RUSH said was YEARS ago, probably when Clinton was still in office. I haven't listened to him in a while.

Still, 50% of the people will disagree 50% of the time on 50% of the topics.


here, try this one on for size: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7065205277695921912 the first hour is one topic, after that they show an awesome solution

believe what you want, doesn't really matter anyway, nobody listens to what they should, and scoff at what they shouldn't

good luck to us all

Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Vaccines> > > >>it may have been eliminated ANYWAY and the> vaccine was just coincidental<<> > This is total nonsense, and based on nothing scientific. > If you know anyone with polio or secondary emergence of> polio, you know they would KILL for the vaccine if they> could turn back time.> For the few problems the polio vaccine caused - one in> 2.5 million, the result of this vaccine has all but> eliminated polio from the face of the earth with no new> outbreaks in the U.S. except those not vaccinated.> Smallpox was declared eliminated about a decade ago and> then countries stopped vaccinating. Guess what? The virus> still exists and smallpox outbreaks were beginning in some> 3rd world countries, I believe.> The flu vaccine and some other vaccines are a personal> choice, but these are diseases can most times be survived> with no long term effects. But Polio is a sentence like MS,> and I cannot imagine what anyone would have against> vaccinating against it, considering the 60 year history of> these vaccinations. This is not some flash in the pan> vaccination, there are volumes of data supporting this. To> think that polio was gong to go away on its own is unlikely.> BC------------------------------------

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Okay, here's another that's NOT ALEX JONES

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=RnqdPX_av7Y & feature=PlayList & p=FEAAE6DB059485E1 & index=48 & playnext=9 & playnext_from=PL

This whole playlist is a lot of food for thought, and only someone brainwashed to preconceived notions would dismiss it without giving any thought to it at all.

Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Vaccines> > > >>it may have been eliminated ANYWAY and the> vaccine was just coincidental<<> > This is total nonsense, and based on nothing scientific. > If you know anyone with polio or secondary emergence of> polio, you know they would KILL for the vaccine if they> could turn back time.> For the few problems the polio vaccine caused - one in> 2.5 million, the result of this vaccine has all but> eliminated polio from the face of the earth with no new> outbreaks in the U.S. except those not vaccinated.> Smallpox was declared eliminated about a decade ago and> then countries stopped vaccinating. Guess what? The virus> still exists and smallpox outbreaks were beginning in some> 3rd world countries, I believe.> The flu vaccine and some other vaccines are a personal> choice, but these are diseases can most times be survived> with no long term effects. But Polio is a sentence like MS,> and I cannot imagine what anyone would have against> vaccinating against it, considering the 60 year history of> these vaccinations. This is not some flash in the pan> vaccination, there are volumes of data supporting this. To> think that polio was gong to go away on its own is unlikely.> BC

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This conspiracy nonsense does not belong on an LDN list.

PS -- Do you really believe this stuff?

In a message dated 10/9/2008 7:53:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, larrygc@... writes:

Okay, here's another that's NOT ALEX JONES

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=RnqdPX_av7Y & feature=PlayList & p=FEAAE6DB059485E1 & index=48 & playnext=9 & playnext_from=PL

This whole playlist is a lot of food for thought, and only someone brainwashed to preconceived notions would dismiss it without giving any thought to it at all.

Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Vaccines> > > >>it may have been eliminated ANYWAY and the> vaccine was just coincidental<<> > This is total nonsense, and based on nothing scientific. > If you know anyone with polio or secondary emergence of> polio, you know they would KILL for the vaccine if they> could turn back time.> For the few problems the polio vaccine caused - one in> 2.5 million, the result of this vaccine has all but> eliminated polio from the face of the earth with no new> outbreaks in the U.S. except those not vaccinated.> Smallpox was declared eliminated about a decade ago and> then countries stopped vaccinating. Guess what? The virus> still exists and smallpox outbreaks were beginning in some> 3rd world countries, I believe.> The flu vaccine and some other vaccines are a personal> choice, but these are diseases can most times be survived> with no long term effects. But Polio is a sentence like MS,> and I cannot imagine what anyone would have against> vaccinating against it, considering the 60 year history of> these vaccinations. This is not some flash in the pan> vaccination, there are volumes of data supporting this. To> think that polio was gong to go away on its own is unlikely.> BC

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Dear LimeEone,

This thread originally started as a question about the flu vaccine and was of

interest to some members as to whether it would be OK with LDN, and then the

whole safety issue arose naturally as some on this list are already pretty sick


It devolved from there unfortunately.

I really did not want to get into a heavy off-topic discussion, but felt there

has to be some balance and reason on all sides.

I'm done with this, I have made my point several times in the interests of the

well being of all the members, and don't feel I have to have the last word on

any of this.


Bob C


> > From: LarryGC <_larrygc@..._

> (mailto:larrygc@...) >

> > Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Vaccines

> > _low dose naltrexone@lowdosenaltrlow_

> (mailto:low dose naltrexone )

> > Cc: " MSWatchers "

> <_mswatchers@gromswatch_

> (mailto:mswatchers ) >

> > Date: Thursday, October 9, 2008, 12:46 AM

> >


_http://uk.youtube.http://uk.http://uk.you & feature=PlayList & p=FEAAE6DB059485E1 & i\

ndex=42 & playnext=3 & playnext_from=pl_



(http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=MXdGtMOhhWs & feature=PlayList & p=FEAAE6DB059485E1 & i\

ndex=42 & playnext=3 & playnext_from=PL

> )

> >

> > Check out this youtube.

> >

> > And go ask Rush where he got his data from for that

> quote.

> >

> > ----- Original Message -----


> > _low dose naltrexone@lowdosenaltr<WB_

> (mailto:low dose naltrexone )

> > Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 23:11

> > Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Vaccines

> >

> >

> > >>it may have been eliminated ANYWAY and the

> > vaccine was just coincidental<<

> >

> > This is total nonsense, and based on nothing

> scientific.

> > If you know anyone with polio or secondary emergence

> of

> > polio, you know they would KILL for the vaccine if

> they

> > could turn back time.

> > For the few problems the polio vaccine caused - one

> in

> > 2.5 million, the result of this vaccine has all but

> > eliminated polio from the face of the earth with no

> new

> > outbreaks in the U.S. except those not vaccinated.

> > Smallpox was declared eliminated about a decade ago

> and

> > then countries stopped vaccinating. Guess what? The

> virus

> > still exists and smallpox outbreaks were beginning in

> some

> > 3rd world countries, I believe.

> > The flu vaccine and some other vaccines are a

> personal

> > choice, but these are diseases can most times be

> survived

> > with no long term effects. But Polio is a sentence

> like MS,

> > and I cannot imagine what anyone would have against

> > vaccinating against it, considering the 60 year

> history of

> > these vaccinations. This is not some flash in the

> pan

> > vaccination, there are volumes of data supporting

> this. To

> > think that polio was gong to go away on its own is

> unlikely.

> > BC








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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow. There are no words. The below has me speechless.

It's a shame - if people actually did any research to see how you get HepB -

and realize that their one day old infant is not going to be doing those

things, then it's really a no-brainer to not give his vaccine.

I spent an hour talking to someone a couple of months ago who was due to

give birth anytime - she seemed very nervous about what to do about vaccines

and said to believe the whole autism connection. Found out last week (baby

is just turning 2 months) that they were taking her in for her 3rd shot

yesterday. There's only so much you can do - people just have to learn on

their own sometimes. Such a shame for these kids.

You tried. You just have to hope their child makes it through unharmed.

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Arias

Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 11:25 AM

Subject: [ ] Vaccines

I tried to explain the dangers of the Hep B vaccine to someone and

this is what they wrote back:

I am the husband of Amy Wurtz and I am writing you this so that you

could please stop sending this panic emails to vent your frustration.

I could say I am sorry for the hard circumstances you are facing but

the fact is I am not. Especially now that you keep trying to put fear

on the heads on innocent people when they are most vulnerable.

We find no noble sentiment in your outreach.

I'll ask you with civility to please stop this line of communication.

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I find that you have to read the clues when approaching the vaccine

conversation. If someone asks a leading question, I answer. But, I

don't spill out all over them. I just give enough to gauge whether they

are ready for more. If they are, they will ask. With some it goes all

the way to sending a copy of " Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and

Effective. " With others, it is just planting a seed that someone else

will water and hopefully will come to harvest at some point. Tact is

the key to getting the info into the hands of individuals. Relationship

and appropriateness must always be considered before heading down the

vaccine education road. To be honest, from the sound of this man's

reply, it seems maybe you didn't know Amy well enough for the volume of

information that you sent. He sounds as if you were badgering her. To

some, a single comment can be badgering, it depends on the situation.



> From:

> <mailto: %40>

> [mailto:

> <mailto: %40>]

> On Behalf Of Arias

> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 11:25 AM


> <mailto: %40>

> Subject: [ ] Vaccines


> I tried to explain the dangers of the Hep B vaccine to someone and

> this is what they wrote back:


> I am the husband of Amy Wurtz and I am writing you this so that you

> could please stop sending this panic emails to vent your frustration.


> I could say I am sorry for the hard circumstances you are facing but

> the fact is I am not. Especially now that you keep trying to put fear

> on the heads on innocent people when they are most vulnerable.


> We find no noble sentiment in your outreach.


> I'll ask you with civility to please stop this line of communication.



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What is the reasoning for giving the HepB vaccine in the hospital so soon after

birth anyway?  I found out my boys actually got this on the day they were born. 

They had trouble nursing from the get go and now I know why!  They were

hospitalized for jaundice one week later along with several other newborns born

around the same time.



From: <hisblueeyes@...>

Subject: RE: [ ] Vaccines

Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 11:34 AM

Wow. There are no words. The below has me speechless.

It's a shame - if people actually did any research to see how you get HepB -

and realize that their one day old infant is not going to be doing those

things, then it's really a no-brainer to not give his vaccine.

I spent an hour talking to someone a couple of months ago who was due to

give birth anytime - she seemed very nervous about what to do about vaccines

and said to believe the whole autism connection. Found out last week (baby

is just turning 2 months) that they were taking her in for her 3rd shot

yesterday. There's only so much you can do - people just have to learn on

their own sometimes. Such a shame for these kids.

You tried. You just have to hope their child makes it through unharmed.

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Arias

Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 11:25 AM

Subject: [ ] Vaccines

I tried to explain the dangers of the Hep B vaccine to someone and

this is what they wrote back:

I am the husband of Amy Wurtz and I am writing you this so that you

could please stop sending this panic emails to vent your frustration.

I could say I am sorry for the hard circumstances you are facing but

the fact is I am not. Especially now that you keep trying to put fear

on the heads on innocent people when they are most vulnerable.

We find no noble sentiment in your outreach.

I'll ask you with civility to please stop this line of communication.

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I don't think he knows that his wife asked me about my daughter. I

think the converstation is over. The seed was planted at least. I

just cringe thinking about the Hep B needle going into another little


On Nov 4, 2008, at 10:47 AM, P. wrote:

> I find that you have to read the clues when approaching the vaccine

> conversation. If someone asks a leading question, I answer. But, I

> don't spill out all over them. I just give enough to gauge whether

> they

> are ready for more. If they are, they will ask. With some it goes all

> the way to sending a copy of " Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and

> Effective. " With others, it is just planting a seed that someone else

> will water and hopefully will come to harvest at some point. Tact is

> the key to getting the info into the hands of individuals.

> Relationship

> and appropriateness must always be considered before heading down the

> vaccine education road. To be honest, from the sound of this man's

> reply, it seems maybe you didn't know Amy well enough for the

> volume of

> information that you sent. He sounds as if you were badgering her. To

> some, a single comment can be badgering, it depends on the situation.

> P.


> >

> > From:

> > <mailto: %40>

> > [mailto:

> > <mailto: %40>]

> > On Behalf Of Arias

> > Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 11:25 AM

> >

> > <mailto: %40>

> > Subject: [ ] Vaccines

> >

> > I tried to explain the dangers of the Hep B vaccine to someone and

> > this is what they wrote back:

> >

> > I am the husband of Amy Wurtz and I am writing you this so that you

> > could please stop sending this panic emails to vent your

> frustration.

> >

> > I could say I am sorry for the hard circumstances you are facing but

> > the fact is I am not. Especially now that you keep trying to put

> fear

> > on the heads on innocent people when they are most vulnerable.

> >

> > We find no noble sentiment in your outreach.

> >

> > I'll ask you with civility to please stop this line of

> communication.

> >

> >

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Whatever they tell you, I don't believe them. It's probably money and

perks that the hosp. gets for pushing them.

On Nov 4, 2008, at 12:19 PM, dana pope wrote:

> What is the reasoning for giving the HepB vaccine in the hospital

> so soon after birth anyway? I found out my boys actually got this

> on the day they were born. They had trouble nursing from the get

> go and now I know why! They were hospitalized for jaundice one

> week later along with several other newborns born around the same

> time.


> Dana




> From: <hisblueeyes@...>

> Subject: RE: [ ] Vaccines


> Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 11:34 AM


> Wow. There are no words. The below has me speechless.


> It's a shame - if people actually did any research to see how you

> get HepB -

> and realize that their one day old infant is not going to be doing

> those

> things, then it's really a no-brainer to not give his vaccine.


> I spent an hour talking to someone a couple of months ago who was

> due to

> give birth anytime - she seemed very nervous about what to do about

> vaccines

> and said to believe the whole autism connection. Found out last

> week (baby

> is just turning 2 months) that they were taking her in for her 3rd

> shot

> yesterday. There's only so much you can do - people just have to

> learn on

> their own sometimes. Such a shame for these kids.


> You tried. You just have to hope their child makes it through

> unharmed.


> From: [mailto: @

> groups. com]

> On Behalf Of Arias

> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 11:25 AM


> Subject: [ ] Vaccines


> I tried to explain the dangers of the Hep B vaccine to someone and

> this is what they wrote back:


> I am the husband of Amy Wurtz and I am writing you this so that you

> could please stop sending this panic emails to vent your frustration.


> I could say I am sorry for the hard circumstances you are facing but

> the fact is I am not. Especially now that you keep trying to put fear

> on the heads on innocent people when they are most vulnerable.


> We find no noble sentiment in your outreach.


> I'll ask you with civility to please stop this line of communication.



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Mine had jaundice too - before we left the hospital - and after reading

about the hepB shot, I knew why.

The reasoning was if you were positive then you could potentially pass it on

to your child, that's what I understood anyway - anyone feel free to correct

me if I am wrong. If you're not positive, there's no reason for the

vaccine. But it's easier for them to vaccinate straight across the board.

And it makes $$ too.

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of dana pope

Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 1:20 PM

Subject: RE: [ ] Vaccines

What is the reasoning for giving the HepB vaccine in the hospital so soon

after birth anyway? I found out my boys actually got this on the day they

were born. They had trouble nursing from the get go and now I know why!

They were hospitalized for jaundice one week later along with several other

newborns born around the same time.


From: <hisblueeyes@... <mailto:hisblueeyes%40comcast.net> >

Subject: RE: [ ] Vaccines

<mailto: %40>

Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 11:34 AM

Wow. There are no words. The below has me speechless.

It's a shame - if people actually did any research to see how you get HepB -

and realize that their one day old infant is not going to be doing those

things, then it's really a no-brainer to not give his vaccine.

I spent an hour talking to someone a couple of months ago who was due to

give birth anytime - she seemed very nervous about what to do about vaccines

and said to believe the whole autism connection. Found out last week (baby

is just turning 2 months) that they were taking her in for her 3rd shot

yesterday. There's only so much you can do - people just have to learn on

their own sometimes. Such a shame for these kids.

You tried. You just have to hope their child makes it through unharmed.

From: [mailto: @ groups.


On Behalf Of Arias

Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 11:25 AM

Subject: [ ] Vaccines

I tried to explain the dangers of the Hep B vaccine to someone and

this is what they wrote back:

I am the husband of Amy Wurtz and I am writing you this so that you

could please stop sending this panic emails to vent your frustration.

I could say I am sorry for the hard circumstances you are facing but

the fact is I am not. Especially now that you keep trying to put fear

on the heads on innocent people when they are most vulnerable.

We find no noble sentiment in your outreach.

I'll ask you with civility to please stop this line of communication.

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The excuse they gave in No. Maine was even better. It is such a high

risk that we want to make sure the baby is covered. This was shortly

after my last birth at the hospital. There was no Hep A in No. Maine at

the time (as per our pediatricians admission), and it is spread sexually

or by bodily fluid contact. So, what are they doing to those babies in

the nursery!!! BTW - mine never spent time in the nursery. And, Dad

never left there sides when they weren't in the room with me. The only

way to make sure that all is well. :-( Fortunately, Hep vax hadn't

been mandated for part of the birth procedure when mine were born. But,

the ped pushed it to the point we just said " I'll research it and let

you know. " That and Hib. We didn't do either, and shortly thereafter

stopped all vaccinations. Not soon enough though obviously.



> Mine had jaundice too - before we left the hospital - and after reading

> about the hepB shot, I knew why.


> The reasoning was if you were positive then you could potentially pass

> it on

> to your child, that's what I understood anyway - anyone feel free to

> correct

> me if I am wrong. If you're not positive, there's no reason for the

> vaccine. But it's easier for them to vaccinate straight across the board.

> And it makes $$ too.


> From:

> <mailto: %40>

> [mailto:

> <mailto: %40>]

> On Behalf Of dana pope

> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 1:20 PM


> <mailto: %40>

> Subject: RE: [ ] Vaccines


> What is the reasoning for giving the HepB vaccine in the hospital so soon

> after birth anyway? I found out my boys actually got this on the day they

> were born. They had trouble nursing from the get go and now I know why!

> They were hospitalized for jaundice one week later along with several

> other

> newborns born around the same time.


> Dana


> -


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It is really frustrating. The only thing we can do now, is try

getting our children better!

On Nov 4, 2008, at 2:17 PM, Sheena wrote:

> I had no idea that heb shot n hospital was the cause of both my

> sons jaudice! I took my son home before he was able to get the shot

> & they warned me at the danger-THEY DIDN'T WARN ME MY SONS WERE

> MORE IN DANGER FROM THE ACTUAL SHOT! things like this make me so

> angry!


> More angry-my brother, knowing the DANGER, is going ahead &

> vaccinating my neices! My 5 yr old neice has HUGE red rings around

> her eyes & from all that I've learned now & heard from u guys-she

> is poisoned! & I can't do anything about it!! :(


> -- In , Arias

> <thinkingheads@...> wrote:

> >

> > I don't think he knows that his wife asked me about my daughter. I

> > think the converstation is over. The seed was planted at least. I

> > just cringe thinking about the Hep B needle going into another

> little

> > baby.

> > On Nov 4, 2008, at 10:47 AM, P. wrote:

> >

> > > I find that you have to read the clues when approaching the

> vaccine

> > > conversation. If someone asks a leading question, I answer. But, I

> > > don't spill out all over them. I just give enough to gauge whether

> > > they

> > > are ready for more. If they are, they will ask. With some it

> goes all

> > > the way to sending a copy of " Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and

> > > Effective. " With others, it is just planting a seed that

> someone else

> > > will water and hopefully will come to harvest at some point.

> Tact is

> > > the key to getting the info into the hands of individuals.

> > > Relationship

> > > and appropriateness must always be considered before heading

> down the

> > > vaccine education road. To be honest, from the sound of this man's

> > > reply, it seems maybe you didn't know Amy well enough for the

> > > volume of

> > > information that you sent. He sounds as if you were badgering

> her. To

> > > some, a single comment can be badgering, it depends on the

> situation.

> > > P.

> > >

> > > >

> > > > From:

> > > > <mailto: %40>

> > > > [mailto:

> > > > <mailto: %40>]

> > > > On Behalf Of Arias

> > > > Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 11:25 AM

> > > >

> > > > <mailto: %40>

> > > > Subject: [ ] Vaccines

> > > >

> > > > I tried to explain the dangers of the Hep B vaccine to

> someone and

> > > > this is what they wrote back:

> > > >

> > > > I am the husband of Amy Wurtz and I am writing you this so

> that you

> > > > could please stop sending this panic emails to vent your

> > > frustration.

> > > >

> > > > I could say I am sorry for the hard circumstances you are

> facing but

> > > > the fact is I am not. Especially now that you keep trying to put

> > > fear

> > > > on the heads on innocent people when they are most vulnerable.

> > > >

> > > > We find no noble sentiment in your outreach.

> > > >

> > > > I'll ask you with civility to please stop this line of

> > > communication.

> > > >

> > > >

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