Guest guest Posted September 11, 2000 Report Share Posted September 11, 2000 WHAT ABOUT ORAL CHELATION? By Elmer M. Cranton, M.D. Over the years, oral chelation has been marketed in two ways-both deceptive. High-potency formulas containing vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids and chelated minerals are advertised as " Oral Chelation. " Although it is true that vitamin C and some amino acids found in food are weak chelators, those products are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased in any health food store, without the hype and without the high prices of the same products when sold as " oral chelation. " People will naturally feel better while taking a high-potency vitamin preparation, but it is not chelation therapy. Minerals used in nutritional supplements are often chelated (bound together) with amino acids to improve absorption, and the label may state " chelated. " That is the reverse process of infusing a chelator like EDTA to remove toxins from the body. Most products marketed as " oral chelation " are nothing more than multiple vitamin/mineral supplements with excessively high prices. One product being sold as " oral chelation " is honey with a tiny amount of EDTA as preservative. The amount of EDTA is so small that it has no therapeutic significance. This is another example of deceptive marketing. There has recently been an upsurge of aggressive marketing and advertising for oral products that contain EDTA, such as garlic tablets and other nutritional supplements. Although only a small percentage of EDTA is absorbed by mouth, it is true that after taking such a product every day for a year or more the same total amount of EDTA as the amount received in a course of intravenous therapy can be assimilated. The problem is that 95% of the oral EDTA remains in the digestive tract, passes on through, and clings tightly to nutritional trace elements such as zinc, copper, manganese, and chromium, blocking their absorption and carrying them out of the body in the stool. Over time that can cause severe nutritional deficiencies. Intravenous EDTA is usually given only 20 to 30 times in a year. It does remove essential nutritional trace elements from the body on the days when it is given-but those losses can easily be restored and pre-existing deficiencies replenished by supplementing during more than 300 days of the year when there is no EDTA in the body to counteract absorption or cause deficiencies. One hundred percent of intravenous EDTA is absorbed on the day it is infused, allowing a full course of therapy to be administered on 20 to 30 days spread out over several months. Oral EDTA is so poorly absorbed that it must be taken every day, and there is never a time to make up the losses. It is also not possible to supplement with additional trace elements while taking EDTA by mouth because even more EDTA would then be trapped in the digestive tract, bound to nutritional elements, reducing absorption of both essential nutrients and EDTA. EDTA by mouth has never been studied in a large group of people for a long enough period of time to determine the extent to which it contributes to nutritional deficiencies. Because it has never been studied in this way, it is just not possible to state that oral EDTA in therapeutic doses is safe when given for months at a time. To date, there is no good scientific data to prove that people who take therapeutic doses of EDTA by mouth for months on end do not become deficient in nutritional trace elements. If studies exist of before-and-after body zinc balance, copper balance, manganese balance, etc., or similar information gathered during continuous oral EDTA treatment, I would be most interested in seeing them. I have never seen such data and I do not believe that it exists. I have also never seen any convincing evidence that daily EDTA by mouth brings any benefit, in comparison to intermittent intravenous infusions. Marketing claims thus far are unsubstantiated by scientific evidence. I see only unsubstantiated advertising claims by those who profit from sales. Until proven otherwise, I will continue to believe that it is irresponsible, and possibly dangerous, to promote oral EDTA as a treatment or preventive for heart disease, atherosclerosis, and other age-related diseases. Mercury chelation is an exception to the above opinions. DMSA (dimercapto succinic acid) is available in capsules from pharmacies on a doctor's prescription. DMSA is very effective by mouth to remove mercury from the body. In fact, oral DMSA is even more effective than EDTA and other intravenous chelators, including DMPS, for mercury detoxification. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2000 Report Share Posted September 11, 2000 Hi all, You stop using it after 3 or four months straight. You can take a half a packet for maintenance once a day after that...especially if you have high blood pressure, or clogged arteries. The company that makes it is called Kelation Plus. Their phone number is 800-450-8502. Here are the major benefits: Cleansing arterial plaque Removing toxic heavy metals Reducing harmful free radicals Increasing blood flow improving elasticity of blood vessels and veins releiving pain in the extremities and joints Again, I can tell you from very personal experience, and experience from feed back from dr.s from my clients...IT WORKS> Sherry oral chelation > > Sherry > > Please share with us what was the name of your product for oral > chelation, and who is the company that makes, supplies it. > > Also, how did you know when to stop using it? > > Thank you > Siu-Lan > > Subscription email: bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 18, 2001 Report Share Posted January 18, 2001 I dissagree. I have recommended this to so many people and have taken it myself as well as my husband. In ALL cases, without most people changing their diets, ALL have had normal, if not close to normal cholesterol checkups three months later. The EDTA in Kelation Plus is the same ingredient they use in intravenous chelation. Sherry Oral chelation ----- Original Message -----> I overhead several people at my doctors office asking for oral> chelation. He told them it was no good. Any thoughts on this?Oral chelation is just another one of those things where someone tried tojump on the chelation bandwagon with an expensive, ineffective product sopeople will think they are doing something good for themselves.Real chelation therapy using EDTA is a very intensive program, usually whichrecommends at least 20 two hour sessions of EDTA in an IV drip,administered by an authorized doctor, which can be found through ACAM. (TheAmerican College for Advancement in Medicine. )The oral chelation products sold over the counter are not well absorbedthrough the digestive system, and are therefore, not as effective. However,that is not to say that they won't do ANY good. As I stated above, it isjust an expensive product with only a very mild chelating action at best.Here is what Dr. Elmer Cranton (author of "Bypassing Bypass" and a chelationexpert) has to say:( )WHAT ABOUT ORAL CHELATION?By Elmer M. Cranton, M.D.Over the years, oral chelation has been marketed in two ways-both deceptive.High-potency formulas containing vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids andchelated minerals are advertised as "Oral Chelation." Although it is truethat vitamin C and some amino acids found in food are weak chelators, thoseproducts are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased in any health foodstore, without the hype and without the high prices of the same productswhen sold as "oral chelation." People will naturally feel better whiletaking a high-potency vitamin preparation, but it is not chelation therapy.Minerals used in nutritional supplements are often chelated (bound together)with amino acids to improve absorption, and the label may state "chelated."That is the reverse process of infusing a chelator like EDTA to removetoxins from the body. Most products marketed as "oral chelation" are nothingmore than multiple vitamin/mineral supplements with excessively high prices.One product being sold as "oral chelation" is honey with a tiny amount ofEDTA as preservative. The amount of EDTA is so small that it has notherapeutic significance. This is another example of deceptive marketing.There has recently been an upsurge of aggressive marketing and advertisingfor oral products that contain EDTA, such as garlic tablets and othernutritional supplements. Although only a small percentage of EDTA isabsorbed by mouth, it is true that after taking such a product every day fora year or more the same total amount of EDTA as the amount received in acourse of intravenous therapy can be assimilated. The problem is that 95% ofthe oral EDTA remains in the digestive tract, passes on through, and clingstightly to nutritional trace elements such as zinc, copper, manganese, andchromium, blocking their absorption and carrying them out of the body in thestool. Over time that can cause severe nutritional deficiencies.Intravenous EDTA is usually given only 20 to 30 times in a year. It doesremove essential nutritional trace elements from the body on the days whenit is given-but those losses can easily be restored and pre-existingdeficiencies replenished by supplementing during more than 300 days of theyear when there is no EDTA in the body to counteract absorption or causedeficiencies.One hundred percent of intravenous EDTA is absorbed on the day it isinfused, allowing a full course of therapy to be administered on 20 to 30days spread out over several months. Oral EDTA is so poorly absorbed that itmust be taken every day, and there is never a time to make up the losses. Itis also not possible to supplement with additional trace elements whiletaking EDTA by mouth because even more EDTA would then be trapped in thedigestive tract, bound to nutritional elements, reducing absorption of bothessential nutrients and EDTA.EDTA by mouth has never been studied in a large group of people for a longenough period of time to determine the extent to which it contributes tonutritional deficiencies. Because it has never been studied in this way, itis just not possible to state that oral EDTA in therapeutic doses is safewhen given for months at a time. To date, there is no good scientific datato prove that people who take therapeutic doses of EDTA by mouth for monthson end do not become deficient in nutritional trace elements.If studies exist of before-and-after body zinc balance, copper balance,manganese balance, etc., or similar information gathered during continuousoral EDTA treatment, I would be most interested in seeing them. I have neverseen such data and I do not believe that it exists.I have also never seen any convincing evidence that daily EDTA by mouthbrings any benefit, in comparison to intermittent intravenous infusions.Marketing claims thus far are unsubstantiated by scientific evidence. I seeonly unsubstantiated advertising claims by those who profit from sales.Until proven otherwise, I will continue to believe that it is irresponsible,and possibly dangerous, to promote oral EDTA as a treatment or preventivefor heart disease, atherosclerosis, and other age-related diseases.Mercury chelation is an exception to the above opinions. DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid) is available in capsules from pharmacies on a doctor'sprescription. DMSA is very effective by mouth to remove mercury from thebody. In fact, oral DMSA is even more effective than EDTA and otherintravenous chelators, including DMPS, for mercury detoxification."PattySubscription email:mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 5, 2002 Report Share Posted March 5, 2002 Hi guys, Talking about oral chelation, I just picked a bottle of a substance called " Metal Free " a sublingual formula, which is supposed to be effective in removing toxic metals from the body. My only concern is does it cross the BBB in order to detoxify the brain tissue? The little 30ml bottle cost me $200, but if it works it will be well worth it. Then too, it may just be so expensive because of the mark up price the person that sold it to me put on it. There is a web address on the bottle for those of you who are interested, it is Tracey Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 5, 2002 Report Share Posted March 5, 2002 -- We've been using Metal Free. I have a whole packet of info our homeopath gave us on it. I had some concerns too (one of which was that mine cost $170!). Actually, I've been out for awhile and haven't picked up more because of the cost, but am going today to get more. I can't say I noticed a big difference one way or the other -- but I do know that her heavy metal levels are slowly coming down. This is a very gentle form of chelation without a lot of the side effects you can get with some of the more aggressive therapies. The blood/brain barrier is not discussed in this packet, but if you have any other specific questions, I'd be happy to look them up for you. Anxious to hear if you get anything back on this! Take care.--D __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 5, 2002 Report Share Posted March 5, 2002 Hi De Ette, I did E-mail the website I told you about today and asked if it did in fact cross the BBB and I also asked about contraindications for using it along with anti seizure meds. Will let you know what comes back on this. But I guess you answered the second question for me already since you say you have used one bottle of it. Is there anything in the book that says not to use with certain kinds of anti seizure meds? is on Depakote and Zonegran. Thanks, Tracey Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 6, 2002 Report Share Posted March 6, 2002 Just checked e-mail before I headed off to bed. There is a sentence in here that answers question #1: " Further, the product is orally active and it is absorbed into the oral mucosa and crosses the blood brain barrier. " (Forgive my ignorance. . .is this a good thing or a bad thing?) I don't see anything about med interactions. 's not on any seizure meds (she's on the keto diet), so I didn't ask about this when it was " prescribed. " You may already have this, but these are the ingredients and I don't think any of them are a problem (please, someone correct me if I'm wrong!) -- Microactivated algae, lactobacillus and bifudus extracts Peptidylgulconase Glycine Ionic Sea Minerals Hydrated colloidal silica Glutathione Vitamin C Hyalronic Acid Fulvic, Ferulic and Lipoic Acids Chlorella Acetylcystine It does say that it shouldn't be used by those with oral metals, such as amalgams. Hope this helps. Let me know if you use it and what you think. I did just go spring for another $170 bottle!--D __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 6, 2002 Report Share Posted March 6, 2002 Hi D, Crossing the blood brain barrier means that it has the capability to go into the brain and spinal cord area to hopefully detoxify the mercury out of these regions. Which is, I think, what we are after. From the reasearch I have done in the past, brain tissue holds on to Mercury the longest, the half life (If I remember right) was something like seven years. So I would consider it a good thing. If anybody knows better and can contradict this, please speak up. Tracey Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 6, 2002 Report Share Posted March 6, 2002 Hi Tracey, What is "oral" chelation? I had the regular chelation therapy one time. By that I mean I had a sack of liquid vitamins dripped into my veins over a period of several hours. I don't know that it did me much good. On the other hand, I don't think it hurt me, either. But, what is oral chelation if not simply the swallowing of vitamins? The idea of regular chelation is that the vitamins do not pass through the stomach and possibly out of the body entirely without first doing some good. By passing through the veins first, those nutrients supposedly get put to good use. One thing I think those nutrients do is help eliminate plaque in the arteries and therefore lessen the possibility of a heart attack or stroke. But, this is speculation on my part. I do not know this to be a fact. Lamar Traceygrubbs@... wrote: Hi D, Crossing the blood brain barrier means that it has the capability to go into the brain and spinal cord area to hopefully detoxify the mercury out of these regions. Which is, I think, what we are after. From the reasearch I have done in the past, brain tissue holds on to Mercury the longest, the half life (If I remember right) was something like seven years. So I would consider it a good thing. If anybody knows better and can contradict this, please speak up. Tracey Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 7, 2002 Report Share Posted March 7, 2002 Lamar, I had not thought about why they call it " oral " chelation until you asked. The solution is spayed sublingual thus absorbed into the blood stream without having to go through stomach. By the way, loved your story. Tracey Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 7, 2002 Report Share Posted March 7, 2002 Lamar, There are little capillary beds under your tongue. The spray is put under your tongue, you hold it there for three minutes and it is absobed into the blood stream, thus, bypassing your stomach. Now if it works or not??? But it sounds good in theory. Tracey Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 7, 2002 Report Share Posted March 7, 2002 Tracey, Pardon my ignorance but what does "sprayed sublingual" mean? I would think anything that states it is "oral" means it goes into your mouth. And, if it goes into your mouth, I would think swallowing follows, which means the next stop is the stomach. I don't understand how anything can get sprayed into your veins unless surgery is being done. You really need to explain this to me. Glad you liked my story. Like many such stories, it was not a fun experience while I was going through it. Perhaps the telling of my experience will prevent others from making similar mistakes. Lamar Traceygrubbs@... wrote: Lamar, I had not thought about why they call it "oral" chelation until you asked. The solution is spayed sublingual thus absorbed into the blood stream without having to go through stomach. By the way, loved your story. Tracey Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 8, 2002 Report Share Posted March 8, 2002 Tracey, That's amazing. Only three minutes with the spray under your tongue and you're done. I wonder if anyone in this group has actually done oral chelation and received a definite benefit? When I did the old-fashioned chelation where I was hooked up to an IV for 3 hours while the liquid vitamin/mineral solution dripped into my body. I really didn't feel any different after the treatment was over than before I started. So far as I know it didn't do me any harm - outside of what I took out of my wallet to pay for the treatment. Lamar Traceygrubbs@... wrote: Lamar, There are little capillary beds under your tongue. The spray is put under your tongue, you hold it there for three minutes and it is absobed into the blood stream, thus, bypassing your stomach. Now if it works or not??? But it sounds good in theory. Tracey Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 11, 2006 Report Share Posted February 11, 2006 I have experience with oral chelation (captomer or DMSA), but as with anyone, methods of oral chelation are very patient specific. With some folks, I'll use captomer full strength will little fear of aggravation. With others, I build up over time. With ALL patients, I insist on (1) liver support (2) kidney support (3) glutathione precursors (4) Basic Treatment Guidelines. With (1) and (2), the options in these categories vary widely. In a perfect world, all patients would be willing to at least TRY colonics. My verdict on colonics is still out there; I find them to be overly disturbing to the colon in some cases and extremely cleansing to the liver and gall bladder in others. If your question is specifically regarding dosage for DMSA I suggest calling Doctors Data. Theirs is the protocol I traditionally follow and their staff there has always been very helpful. Klamath Falls, OR Tan <drktan@...> wrote: Does anyone have any experience with oral chelation? I have a pt ask me about it and I don't have any experience with it.Thanks Tan, ND, LAcHonolulu, HI Brings words and photos together (easily) with PhotoMail - it's free and works with . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2006 Report Share Posted February 12, 2006 HI , I have been using oral chelation protocols for years for adults and children with heavy metal retention. I'm available for questions anytime. Regards White, Ct. -------------- Original message from Tan <drktan@...>: -------------- > Does anyone have any experience with oral chelation? I have a pt ask > me about it and I don't have any experience with it. > > Thanks > > Tan, ND, LAc > Honolulu, HI > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 29, 2009 Report Share Posted August 29, 2009 How do Dr. 's books recommend Chelation. what is her formula and has anyone used it before I have mega amounts of mercury and lead. They need to come out. fast... any and all info. is always appreciated linda Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 5, 2009 Report Share Posted October 5, 2009 Hi and group, I looked for the chelation recipe source so I could credit the writer/website & checked 1st with either this or the Dr. Enthusiasts and to do so did a search for " cilantro chelation " I believe it was, (it was several hrs. ago), and found many posts regarding it so still did not know WHO/which website to really credit. Be that as it may, here goes with the recipe & comments I originally copy/pasted but not credits as assumed it was only for my personal use. (This probably would fall under the educational/fair use exemption for copyright but I still like to ask permissions and credit where credit due! IF you are the author, please fill in a response. Joyce: CORIANDER CHELATION PESTO Heavy metal poisoning is rampant. It is a major cause of hormonal imbalances, cancer, thyroid problems, neurological disturbances, learning problems, depression, food allergies, parasites, etc. etc. This is a great recipe that is not only easy to make but also really yummy! It is truly a healing food. One friend suffering from high blood pressure due mercury poisoning had her blood pressure return to normal after eating 2 teaspoons of this pesto daily for only a week. So whether you need to detoxify heavy metals from your body or just wish to use it as a preventative measure, 2 teaspoons a day is all you need to take. This pesto has now become a regular in my diet. Enjoy! [Note aside: THAT & the recipe was by the poster I forgot to credit here. Joyce] CORIANDER CHELATION PESTO 4 cloves garlic 1/3 cup Brazil nuts (selenium) 1/3 cup sunflower seeds (cysteine) 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (zinc, magnesium) 2 cups packed fresh coriander (cilantro, Chinese parsley) (vitamin A) 2/3 cup flaxseed oil [Note aside: I used part Olive, sunflower and peanut as I did not have flaxseed] 4 tablespoons lemon juice (vitamin C) 2 tsp dulse powder [Note aside: another author had noted that for a little Mexican twist to your already delicious recipe, omit the dulse powder & add diced fresh jalapeno, Serrano chiles or cayenne which is what I did]. Bragg's liquid aminos [Note: Japanese Miso is healthier (per original ? author) & is what I used] Process the coriander and flaxseed oil in a blender until the coriander is chopped. Add the garlic, nuts and seeds, dulse and lemon juice and mix until the mixture is finely blended into a paste. Add a squirt of Bragg's to taste and blend again. Store in dark glass jars if possible. It freezes well, so purchase coriander in season and fill enough jars to last > through the year. Also: In my search I found this reference to what may be the original: The Poor Man's Chelation Therapy at which I've not had time to check out yet. Hope this is beneficial to many! I am a believer!! Oh, yes, coriander and cilantro are just different names for the same plant. Joyce Simmerman There is ALWAYS a " BETTER WAY " ! WE can find & make ITa " Cradle for Humanity " ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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