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I received the announcement re: the MS Breast Implant Connection! Cannot get into the sight! I was diagnosed in 1997 with MS....Please advise as to how I can be a member? Thank you Helman ----- Original Message ----- From: lany25@... Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 10:22 PM SBIPrayerForum ; BreastAugmentationAndReconstruction ; BreastImplants_MultipleSclerosis ; SalineInfo ; ; 1pureheart@...; kkjohnston@... Cc: LANY25@...; s_laliberte_2001@...; sic42001@... Subject: PLEASE POST TO ALL GROUPS~BREAST IMPLANT-MULTIPLE SCLEROSISNEWSGROUP Greetings~ I am very proud to announce our new public newsgroup, "The Link BetweenBreast Implants and Multiple Sclerosis [bIMS], which has been indevelopment for the past few months. Our new public newsgroup focuses on the increasingly high incidence ofwomen with breast implants who are also being diagnosed with MultipleSclerosis, and Atypical MS Syndrome. The BIMS Newsgroup provides a greatdeal of information about Multiple Sclerosis, and issues concerning thisdebilitating disease. Laliberte is our Group Moderator, and has done a great jobcreating a foundation of information in the message archives centeringon the group focus. has also started a collection of testimonials from women who havebeen diagnosed with MS and Atypical MS, which can be found in the archives. We welcome all testimonials from those who are experiencing similarhealth problems. You may submit your testimonial for publication toeither or to myself. We hope you will stop by the group and view the message archives, andcurrent messages which are posted on the home page of the newsgroup. Theaddress to the group is below: The BIMS Newsgroup address: <a href="BreastImplants_MultipleSclerosis">TheLink Between Breast Implants and Multiple Sclerosis</a> BreastImplants_MultipleSclerosis Thank you very much for your time! The description to the group islisted below. Blessings, Lany Donnelly Group OwnerLany25@... and Laliberte Group Moderators_laliberte_2001@... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description of "The Link Between Breast Implants and MultipleSclerosis:" Welcome to "The Link Between Breast Implants and Multiple Sclerosis -[bIMS]," a public newsgroup containing information about MultipleSclerosis. The focus of this newsgroup centers around Multiple Sclerosis andAtypical MS Syndrome due to silicone toxicity, and is an excellentsource of information for all who seek information about MS. Current Information pertaining to MS research and available treatmentsare posted, along with information about the development of MS andAtypical MS Syndrome in women with breast implants. Women's testimonials will be posted to the newsgroup, and can be foundin the archives and the bookmarks sections of the newsgroup. Members are encouraged to share their experiences with others by addingtheir testimonial to the collection. All testimonials will be accepted and reviewed for publication. Pleasecontact the BIMS Owner or Group Moderator for information and assistancewith submitting your testimonial. This newsgroup contains information which will aid and assist theresearch endeavors of all who have been diagnosed with MS, atypicalMS,or other neurological disorders, or those who are simply interestedin researching this subject. Special attention will be focused upon the growing evidence betweenbreast implants and multiple sclerosis. The archives and bookmarks of this public newsgroup are available to allmembers and guests, however only members have the benefit of receivingdaily newsletters. Members may obtain daily newsletters upon subscription using the addressfound at the bottom of the home page. Please review the Policy Guidelines for BIMS located in the archives andin the bookmarks. We hope you find this site educational and informative. God bless, Lany DonnellyOwner/Moderator and LaliberteGroup Moderator

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