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Androgel and body hair growth

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How long does it take (in months, weeks) for Androgel to have a

noticeable impact on body hair growth? In other words from the time

that you started taking Androgel, how long was it before you saw a

noticeable increase in body hair.

I am 47 years old and am currently using 8 pumps per day of Androgel

which equates to 10 g per day. I have been on Androgel for

approximately two months and am happy to report have experienced

nocturnal erections several times -- that I last had nearly 25 years


Yet I don't really feel that my libido has changed. I just don't have

an urge for sex. My beard isn't growing thicker than it did before.

The reason why I ask is that my chest, belly, and back are covered by

small brown pigmented hairs that could develop into body hair if given

androgen encouragement. These " starter " hairs are very fine, but my

guess is that they started to grow just about the time my T went down


My dad had a fairly hairy chest, and thus I think I have the genetic

potential to also have noticeable body hair.

If any of you men on Androgel went from mostly smooth to average body

hair, how long did this transformation take.



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I grew hair every place I applied the gel, except the face & head.

I was hairless on the upper body until then.

> How long does it take (in months, weeks) for Androgel to have a

> noticeable impact on body hair growth? In other words from the


> that you started taking Androgel, how long was it before you saw a

> noticeable increase in body hair.


> I am 47 years old and am currently using 8 pumps per day of


> which equates to 10 g per day. I have been on Androgel for

> approximately two months and am happy to report have experienced

> nocturnal erections several times -- that I last had nearly 25


> ago.


> Yet I don't really feel that my libido has changed. I just don't


> an urge for sex. My beard isn't growing thicker than it did before.


> The reason why I ask is that my chest, belly, and back are covered


> small brown pigmented hairs that could develop into body hair if


> androgen encouragement. These " starter " hairs are very fine, but


> guess is that they started to grow just about the time my T went


> significantly.


> My dad had a fairly hairy chest, and thus I think I have the


> potential to also have noticeable body hair.


> If any of you men on Androgel went from mostly smooth to average


> hair, how long did this transformation take.


> Thanks,

> Bob

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Over how long a period of time did it take for this chest hair to

grow in?

And another question: the Androgel instructions say apply to your

upper arms, shoulders, and lower abdomen. Any idea of why you aren't

supposed to apply it to your pectorals and upper chest? This the one

area where I would like to have more hair.


> > How long does it take (in months, weeks) for Androgel to have a

> > noticeable impact on body hair growth? In other words from the

> time

> > that you started taking Androgel, how long was it before you saw


> > noticeable increase in body hair.

> >

> > I am 47 years old and am currently using 8 pumps per day of

> Androgel

> > which equates to 10 g per day. I have been on Androgel for

> > approximately two months and am happy to report have experienced

> > nocturnal erections several times -- that I last had nearly 25

> years

> > ago.

> >

> > Yet I don't really feel that my libido has changed. I just don't

> have

> > an urge for sex. My beard isn't growing thicker than it did


> >

> > The reason why I ask is that my chest, belly, and back are


> by

> > small brown pigmented hairs that could develop into body hair if

> given

> > androgen encouragement. These " starter " hairs are very fine, but

> my

> > guess is that they started to grow just about the time my T went

> down

> > significantly.

> >

> > My dad had a fairly hairy chest, and thus I think I have the

> genetic

> > potential to also have noticeable body hair.

> >

> > If any of you men on Androgel went from mostly smooth to average

> body

> > hair, how long did this transformation take.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Bob

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On Sun, 24 Jul 2005 20:16:41 -0000, you wrote:

>And another question: the Androgel instructions say apply to your

>upper arms, shoulders, and lower abdomen. Any idea of why you aren't

>supposed to apply it to your pectorals and upper chest? This the one

>area where I would like to have more hair.

Yes because it converts to E2, and estrogen and if applied to the

chest you will begin to grow breasts and also face a risk of breast


- - - -

Just another albino black sheep

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  • 12 years later...

I had a fairly hairy chest before starting AndroGel, with a few sparse spots where I wouldn’t mind a little more (edge of pecs and right at my collar line). Unfortunately, I’ve not noticed any additional hair growth on my chest, and have started getting some on my shoulders - where I never had it before (and really don’t want it now). I read the comment about not applying it to your chest because of the estrogen conversion, but what about the little spot and the base of your neck/throat (basically the are covered by the top two buttons of a collared shirt)? It’s one of the few places I don’t have much hair but would like a little more. I’m not an overly hairy guy (pecs, trail, and belly). I didn’t have any near my collar/neck line until recently, but it doesn’t connect to the hair on my pecs, so it makes for an odd pattern (probably only noticeable to me). Is there any risk applying AndroGel there (or any benefit, for the matter)?

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