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I started 5-mg androderm patches about a month

ago and have been feeling some nice improvements.

However, aside from the awfull itching there is really

only one major problem. You guys know what I'm talking

about.<br><br>Any thoughts on shrinkage? Is there anything that can

be done like stretchers or pumps. Has anyone had any

experience with this? (OR eon?)I didn't start off very well

N-dowd. Please help.<br><br>Thanks, PetShopBoy

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PetShopBoy,<br><br>Yesterday I had made a long

reply post to yours....lots of relevant<br>links...went

to post it and got " this page cannot be displayed "

Grrrrrrrrrr<br><br>Not to worry....we Texans don't give up so

easy...ain't that right Brad!<br><br>Pumping can do many

things.<br><br>To address size increases straight way, IMO Tiger

Dave gives the most honest answer in this area

<a href=http://www.tigerpumping.com/index.html

target=new>http://www.tigerpumping.com/index.html</a><br><br>You'll find this

under FAQ in left hand sidebar. Tiger

Dave always has alot of good information and I check

his site weekly. Within last couple of months he's

added pumping for women.<br><br>Quoting from Tiger's

site..<br><br> " Are the results permanent?<br><br>This one's

controversial! I've chatted with vets who say they've

permanently grown 1 or 2 inches in length and 2 to 4 inches

in girth. But I'm almost a vet myself (been pumping

since early 1996) and if I don't pump for two or three

days, my measurements shrink back to around 5.5 - 5.75

long by 4.75 - 5 around - close to the size I was

before I took up pumping.<br><br>I do have permanent

gains, though. I can now pump up much bigger and faster

than I did at the end of my first year. I can reach a

size (8 x 9) that I would have thought impossible back

when I started. Usually I only pump up to 7 x 7, as

that gives the best results in terms of a useable

tool. " <br><br>From Tiger's stated sizes above, we would call him

endowed modestly...but through pumping he can pump up

" huge " for a good sex play session.<br> <br>Individuals

pump for different reasons....as Tiger states

above...he likes pumping to get " huge " and if you look at

some of images on his site...some guys can pump

" huge " <br><br>I bought my first pumping gear in 1989 and then it

was to play with gay buds. However, I had HIV

encephalopathy in 1998 and didn't have a nocturnal erection (NE)

or orgasm for four months....longest w/o orgasm

since I started wanking at 13.<br><br>Reading at ASI-NG

value of pumping....I began daily regimen and combined

with daily supplementation with 8-10 gm L-Arginine I

restored my NEs.<br><br>You can email Tiger directly with

any questions you may have....I have never done that

but a friend has exchanged emails with

Tiger.<br><br>This site if for asking questions and replies are


quick<br><br><a href=http://pumptoys.com/wboard/bulletin.htm

target=new>http://pumptoys.com/wboard/bulletin.htm</a><br><br>For pumping

nuts...Tiger has recently added some

material to his site but this site can be most


href=http://www.monsternuts.com/cgi-bin/meeting/YaBB.cgi?board=test & action=logou\


target=new>http://www.monsternuts.com/cgi-bin/meeting/YaBB.cgi?board=test & action\

=logout</a><br>If you post at Monster Nuts and use cock/dick in

your post, it will be changed to " thingy " that site is

as it states....for nuts.<br><br>For pumping gear

<a href=http://www.cockpump.com/ target=new>http://www.cockpump.com/</a> is

quite reputable. I have bought two cylinders

from them and their merchandise is high

quality.<br><br>I began TRT Feb '99 and I've lost no appreciable

nut mass...when I'm relaxed marbles bag, holding two

walnuts, hangs ~4 " below my pelvic floor.<br><br>For fun,

I'm slowly getting into nut pumping and have bought a

two stage cylinder, a nut cylinder and a 3 x 9 " cock

and nuts cylinder from a private<br>vendor. If you

are interested in contact information for him, you

can email me. I have also bought an electric

pump/pulsator from him which I like very much....these are for

serious pumping.<br><br>If you have any questions, don't

hesitate to email

me....<br><br>oreon@...<br><br>Good luck....and above everything else


fun!!!!<br><br>OR eon

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