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Cavitations & Root Canals

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-------- Forwarded message --------

From: JRifkin500 <jrifkin500@...>

News: alt.image.medical

Date: 2000/02/17

Subj: 3D Color from Black & White X-rays

Cognitive Scientist With Toothache Discovers

3D Color in Black & White X-rays

By Eve Rifkin

February 15, 2000

On the morning of Sept 15, 1999 Albert Harrell was

searching the internet with a toothache. Local San Diego

dentists were unable to help Harrell because there was in fact

no tooth in the area of his pain. This 'perhaps not so rare'

condition is known as " Neuralgia Inducing Cavitational

Osteonecrosis " , meaning 'painful cavity of bone death'.

" I searched for days but couldn't find a dentist or oral

surgeon in San Diego who had even heard of this [NICO]

condition, " says Harrell daharrell@..., an internationally

published designer of artificially intelligent computer

systems. " So I started looking at out-of-town doctors. It

turns out there are only a few oral surgeons in the country

that perform the [NICO] operation. "

The keywords " jawbone pain " eventually led Harrell to the

website of Wesley E Shankland, II, DDS, MS, PhD of Columbus,

Ohio who specializes in NICOs. One of Dr. Shankland's pages

(www.drshankland.com/nico.html) featured an x-ray of the

notoriously stealthy NICO lesion.

" It looked like two big white arrows pointing at nothing. "

Says Harrell, " I guess he [Dr. Shankland] was trying to make

the point that NICOs don't show up very well on x-rays. " (see

illustrations at http://members.aol.com/daharrell/enhance1.jpg)

NICOs are in fact so elusive that a new ultrasonic NICO

detector known as a Cavitat is currently being developed and

tested. This prototype device is scheduled for release in the

US this year and will cost in the neighborhood of $20,000.

Technetium-99 MDP bone scans have been the most reliable method

of detecting NICOs in the past; a radioactive tracer (secondary

nuclear reactor waste with a three day half-life) is injected

intravenously into the patient creating isotope 'hotspots' that

help locate the lesions.

Harrell downloaded Dr. Shankland's x-ray of the elusive NICO

and began trying to bring out the lesion through computer

enhancements. After only a few hours he produced the revealing

image below, the world's first clear look at the camera shy

NICO phantom. (confirmed by pathology reports)

Harrell emailed the enhancement to Dr. Shankland who replied

that same evening of the 15th, " Wow! What a great tool to use

for evaluation of radiographs. "

" Over the next few weeks " , says Harrell, " Wes [Dr. Shankland]

FedExed 19 x-rays to me which I enhanced and returned to him

for medical evaluation, along with a series of enhancements

focusing on my own NICO lesions which Dr. Shankland surgically

removed in November.

But the real discovery happened just a couple of weeks into the

research, I found something I wasn't even looking for, three

dimensional images from variable depths within the radiographs


Enhancements A through D (see illustrations at

http://members.aol.com/daharrell/enhance1.jpg) are all from a

single x-ray of a mandibular anomaly enhanced at various depths

to reveal in relief the outer and inner structures, clearly

with indicatively relative colors. "

On Oct 3, 1999 Harrell wrote to Dr. Shankland, " I now suspect

it is possible to image a fully detailed translucent 'color 3D

photograph' of most biological organs, elements, and anomalies.

The implications of this are of course overwhelming. "

" Enhancing NICOs isn't even the tip of the iceberg. " Says

Harrell, " With correct radiograph exposures it should be

possible to image tumors or any portion of the anatomy with

great new detail. This new diagnostic technology has the

potential to save millions of lives and tons of human misery. "


Albert Harrell

San Diego, CA



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CAVITAT Medical Technologies, Inc. is in the business of

developing, manufacturing and marketing new and

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This enhances the computer generated image four fold and

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Dear Bill,

How do you do the colour enhancements?



Professor Noel

89 Royal Parade P O Box 137 Parkville VIC 3052 Australia Phone 03 9347

8444 International 613 9347 8444 Fax 03 9347 8850 International 613 9347


Email noelc@... Web http://www.smile.org.au

Sapere Aude: Dare to be wise.

All truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed: then it is

violently opposed: finally it is accepted as self evident. Schopenhauer.

Re: Cavitations & Root Canals

-------- Forwarded message --------

From: JRifkin500 <jrifkin500@...>

News: alt.image.medical

Date: 2000/02/17

Subj: 3D Color from Black & White X-rays

Cognitive Scientist With Toothache Discovers

3D Color in Black & White X-rays

By Eve Rifkin

February 15, 2000

On the morning of Sept 15, 1999 Albert Harrell was

searching the internet with a toothache. Local San Diego

dentists were unable to help Harrell because there was in fact

no tooth in the area of his pain. This 'perhaps not so rare'

condition is known as " Neuralgia Inducing Cavitational

Osteonecrosis " , meaning 'painful cavity of bone death'.

" I searched for days but couldn't find a dentist or oral

surgeon in San Diego who had even heard of this [NICO]

condition, " says Harrell daharrell@..., an internationally

published designer of artificially intelligent computer

systems. " So I started looking at out-of-town doctors. It

turns out there are only a few oral surgeons in the country

that perform the [NICO] operation. "

The keywords " jawbone pain " eventually led Harrell to the

website of Wesley E Shankland, II, DDS, MS, PhD of Columbus,

Ohio who specializes in NICOs. One of Dr. Shankland's pages

(www.drshankland.com/nico.html) featured an x-ray of the

notoriously stealthy NICO lesion.

" It looked like two big white arrows pointing at nothing. "

Says Harrell, " I guess he [Dr. Shankland] was trying to make

the point that NICOs don't show up very well on x-rays. " (see

illustrations at http://members.aol.com/daharrell/enhance1.jpg)

NICOs are in fact so elusive that a new ultrasonic NICO

detector known as a Cavitat is currently being developed and

tested. This prototype device is scheduled for release in the

US this year and will cost in the neighborhood of $20,000.

Technetium-99 MDP bone scans have been the most reliable method

of detecting NICOs in the past; a radioactive tracer (secondary

nuclear reactor waste with a three day half-life) is injected

intravenously into the patient creating isotope 'hotspots' that

help locate the lesions.

Harrell downloaded Dr. Shankland's x-ray of the elusive NICO

and began trying to bring out the lesion through computer

enhancements. After only a few hours he produced the revealing

image below, the world's first clear look at the camera shy

NICO phantom. (confirmed by pathology reports)

Harrell emailed the enhancement to Dr. Shankland who replied

that same evening of the 15th, " Wow! What a great tool to use

for evaluation of radiographs. "

" Over the next few weeks " , says Harrell, " Wes [Dr. Shankland]

FedExed 19 x-rays to me which I enhanced and returned to him

for medical evaluation, along with a series of enhancements

focusing on my own NICO lesions which Dr. Shankland surgically

removed in November.

But the real discovery happened just a couple of weeks into the

research, I found something I wasn't even looking for, three

dimensional images from variable depths within the radiographs


Enhancements A through D (see illustrations at

http://members.aol.com/daharrell/enhance1.jpg) are all from a

single x-ray of a mandibular anomaly enhanced at various depths

to reveal in relief the outer and inner structures, clearly

with indicatively relative colors. "

On Oct 3, 1999 Harrell wrote to Dr. Shankland, " I now suspect

it is possible to image a fully detailed translucent 'color 3D

photograph' of most biological organs, elements, and anomalies.

The implications of this are of course overwhelming. "

" Enhancing NICOs isn't even the tip of the iceberg. " Says

Harrell, " With correct radiograph exposures it should be

possible to image tumors or any portion of the anatomy with

great new detail. This new diagnostic technology has the

potential to save millions of lives and tons of human misery. "


Albert Harrell

San Diego, CA




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Cavitations & Root Canals


Lee Interview with Meinig, DDS & Dr. M. LaMarche www.lauralee.com

Lee: Have you ever looked at fossil remains of dinosaurs or those of

early man and noticed those rows and rows of perfect teeth still intact?

Have you ever wondered why modern man can't seem to get through a lifetime

with all his teeth intact, it doesn't seem fair does it? What are we doing


No doubt you've heard and we have covered in depth on this show the

problems arising from mercury and silver amalgams. It's so well known in

fact that 50% of the over 1,000,000 amalgams placed in teeth of Americans

today are composites. A new material that doesn't contain mercury.

You probably thought that mercury was the big issue and that now you know

about it you're safe in terms of what's safe in your mouth. I'm sorry, but

there's more. There's much, much more. And we have tonight two gentlemen

who are experts in their field in some of the newest research, actually

it's old research, but it's just getting the attention today that it deserves.

And that is problems with root canals; apparently there are bacteria that

can be harbored in root canals no matter how perfectly they're done. These

bacteria mutate and become toxin factories, they can get out into the

bloodstream and cause degenerative diseases or make them worse.

Also cavitation is a new term you're going to learn tonight and that is the

space left in the jawbone when a tooth is extracted. If an infected tooth

or simply a wisdom tooth that needs to come out to make space, problems can

arise with dead tissue in the jawbone and you're going to learn tonight

what you can do about these conditions. We have with us Dr. Meinig,

the author of Root Canal Cover-Up. It's a book that details this work from

the 1920's done by Dr. Westin Price. Research that has been done recently

and confirmed. He's a specialist in root canals and a dentist.

We also have with us Dr. LaMarche. He's a dentist that is in

practice today specializing in mercury removal. He has worked closely with

Dr. Hal Huggins who's a leading researcher into mercury toxicity and silver

dental amalgams and also Dr. LaMarche is one of 13 dentists selected

nationwide selected for research into cavitations. And we're going to find

out some very important and useful information tonight.

Welcome Dr. Meinig.

Dr. Meinig: Thank you very much, .

Lee: And welcome Dr. LaMarche.

Dr. LaMarche: Thank you, it's a pleasure to be here.

Lee: Thank you for all the work that you two have been doing in this.

I know that people who are plagued with degenerative diseases, people who

want to avoid those conditions, people whose health is delicate don't need

any extra assaults on the immune system.

And this research is quite startling when you first hear about it. It

begins to make more and more sense when you look into it. Let's start with

you Dr. Meinig, tell us a bit about the problems with root canals, your

research and why do we even have infected teeth? That's a question we'll

get to - prevention - at the end of our discussion tonight, but what is a

root canal, let's define some terms. What has been some of the research?

Dr. Meinig: Let me start out by saying that I am one of the 19 founding

members of the root canal association, so the people out there don't get

the idea that I have no background in the...

Lee: Did I not mention that? I'm sorry, that was in my notes.

Dr. Meinig: And it's important for you to know that because I'm going to be

saying some things critical about root canal treatment today. And the

reason is that I practiced some 47 years and in all of that time I never

heard about a 25-year research program that was conducted by Dr. Westin

Price in the early 1900's and actually before then and it was finally

published in 1923.

His work was all well documented in two volumes of 1174 pages and in 25

articles that appear in the medical and dental literature. Now what he

reported and what he found with the tests which involved some 5,000 animals

over the 25 year period was root canal distilled teeth, no matter how good

they looked, or how free they were from symptoms, always remained infected.

Now that's a shocker, and it's one that many dentists don't want to believe

because many of the things that we do as an endodontist involve large areas

of bone loss at the end of a root of the tooth and when you do the root

canal filling you see that bone fills in with new bone and how could that

dentist and that patient ever think that there could still be infection in

that tooth? And the problem is that the infection occurs in what is known

as the dentin of the tooth.

The dentin involves 95% of all of the tooth substance and surprisingly,

although it's almost as hard as enamel when it's cut with a drill it makes

a shrill noise just like if you were cutting stone, and you would think it

was a very hard solid substance. Surprisingly it's composed of little tiny

tubules, and those tubules are so small that if we took our smallest front

tooth and stretched it out - stretched those tubules out end to end - it

would stretch out for a distance of 3 miles.

Now what happens is when you get a cavity in a tooth and the decay gets

into the dentin of the tooth the bacteria that are involved in the decay

process get into those tubules. I should tell you that initially those

tubules carry a fluid and that that fluid carries nutriments and the

nutriments in those dentin tubules keep the tooth alive and healthy.

And those nutriments come from the nerve and the blood vessels that come

into the root canal of the tooth. And so fundamentally what happens when

you get a deep cavity and it exposes the nerve of the tooth, those bacteria

get into all of those dentin tubules and they remain in there causing

infection and eventually they can escape and that's a story in itself. They

can escape in what's known as the lateral canals and there toxins can

actually escape directly through the root surface into what's called the

peridontal membrane or ligament.

This is a hard fibrous tissue which holds the tooth in the bony socket, and

when the infection gets into there it transfers easily into the bony socket

and from there the bacteria and the bacterial toxins can get into the

surrounding bone and the blood supply of that surrounding bone. And now

this acts much like cancer cells, you know cancer cells metastasize and

that means that they travel around the body in the bloodstream and they get

to another tissue, gland or organ and they set up a new cancer.

Well these bacteria from infected dentin tubules also travel around and

metastasize in the same way and they can get into the various tissue. Those

bacteria are kind of like people, you know, if they get to like Seattle or

Reno or someplace they decide that's where they're going to have their

home, well the bacteria traveling around the body, they may get to the

liver, the kidneys or the heart or the eyes or some other tissue and they

set up an infection in that area. So this is exactly what happens and why

the degenerative diseases occur from these teeth.

Lee: Now why isn't the immune system not able to knock out these

bacteria when they get outside the tooth? I can understand three miles of

tunnels in these microtubules of an infected tooth for these bacteria to

propagate in. It's hard for the immune system to get in there, but once

they travel out, what's the immune system doing there? Just a slow wear and

tear where they can't get rid of the infection sites so it's this constant


Dr. Meinig: Well, you're right, the immune system under certain

circumstances can take care of this quite adequately, but it has to be

those people who have extremely good genetic backgrounds who are in good

nutrition basis, are having no health problems, in their daily life.

Lee: Now, who in the late 20th century can make that claim with all

the assaults on our systems.

Dr. Meinig: That's right, , there's not very many that can make that

claim. Now if there are some people, and Dr. Price found that 258 of his

patients met that requirement, he found they could stand root canals for

many years without any difficulty until they had a severe accident, until

they got a case of the flu, they had some severe stress to them, and now

their immune system which was able to cope with these bacteria and these

toxins of the bacteria now had too much to do and they could no longer cope

and this person would develop a disease in their liver, their kidneys,

their eyes, their brain, their whatever, just the same as a cancer

metastasizing around this would happen to them in degenerative disease


Lee: When we come back let's talk a little bit about Dr. Price's

original research. This research went on for five decades or so not being

recognized. He was first doing this in the 209. It went for a long long

time not really being recognized, though he was part of the establishment

of his day, he did legitimate research, he wrote volumes, it's

well-documented, he did the proper laboratory experiments, etc. etc.

And yet it's counter intuitive to what dentists observe, or how we thought

the mouth worked, or bacteria in the immune system worked. So I'd like to

know what's the original research, I know he did a lot with rabbits, it's

pretty startling research, it's dramatic research. Let's talk about that

and how it went on for so long and you said there was a cover-up involved.

We've got more to talk about with Dr. Meinig, the author of Root

Canal Cover-up and Dr. LaMarche that's going to tell us a bit about

cavitations. I'm Lee.

, you were telling me in the break that your description of your

practice in dentistry is now encompassing so much more that you now

describe it as biologically compatible dentistry. Could you define that

term and then we'll...

Dr. LaMarche: Yes, basically our practice has changed and to say that our

focus was strictly on amalgam removal would not be correct. I think we're

more focused on the nutritional aspects of an individual in conjunction

with blood chemistries and also working very closely with physicians for

the patient's general overall health. Certainly we are concerned with heavy

metals in our patients but to say that would be our major concern and focus


Lee: Well, I'm one of your patients and I know that you look at the

system as a holistic system and that the role that dental health plays in

that segues into so many other areas so I think you're the dentist of the

future and that you're looking at the whole system of the person, the

entire health of the person, and that interplays, yes indeed. Thank you for

making that correction. And you'll also find Dr. LaMarche in Lake s,

Washington. Dr. Meinig, you were going to tell us about Westin Price's work

in the 1920's - how he even happened onto the thought that root canals

might be a stress on the immune system.

Dr. Meinig: Before I mention that I should say that all of this is really

dealing with the theory of local infection. Focal infection means that you

can have an infection somewhere in the body and that the bacteria that are

involved may be transferred to another tissue, gland, or organ somewhere in

the body and set up a whole new infection. Most of this was started by Dr.

Billings in the first decade of this century and by 1914 his research had

showed that 958 of all focal infections came from teeth and from tonsils.

The others came from a few other sources like infected sinuses,

fingernails, toenails, appendices and so on. But what happened is that of

course Dr. Price learned about all of this work and he had done a root

canal filling for a woman who developed a severe arthritic condition. She

was so bad that she was bedridden most of the time and her hands were so

swollen with arthritis that she could hardly feed herself. And when he

heard about all of this focal infection work by Billings he realized that

maybe this root fill that he did that looked so fine on the X-rays was part

of her problem in causing this arthritis. And so like all research programs

in which researchers get involved, there's usually one that sets of the

tone and this case happened to be the one that captured everybody's


There were a lot of others, but this one did, and the reason was that he

finally convinced her that she should have that tooth removed and she came

into his office, had the tooth removed aseptically incidentally, because if

he contaminates the tooth when he's taking it out with the saliva and other

things then that's a problem of introducing other bacteria into the situation.

Lee: Also couldn't do a proper lab test on it.

Dr. Meinig: So he did that and he secured a laboratory animal and in this

case it was a rabbit and he put a little local anesthetic under the skin of

the back of the rabbit. He made a small buttonhole incision into the skin

of the rabbit and he put that extracted root canal filled tooth into that

incision. He put a couple of little stitches in there to hold the tooth, to

keep it from popping out again and he returned the animal to a spacious

cage that had plenty of good food and awaited development.

Well it didn't take long, two days later that rabbit developed the same

arthritis in its limbs that the patient had and in ten days it passed away

from the infection from that root filled tooth. Well now this was somewhat

of a confirmation for Dr. Price that people who had root canal filled teeth

and had illnesses that the medical profession was having difficulty in

solving - that maybe these root filled teeth were causing those problems,

and so whenever he had people who were going from doctor to doctor and not

finding out what was wrong with them, he would then advise them to have any

root filled teeth out and he would implant the tooth under the skin of the

rabbit or they used numbers of other animals, but rabbits proved to be a

little more dramatic, but the same thing happened whether it was a dog or a

rat or a chipmunk or whatever they used, these same diseases would occur.

Well the surprising thing was when the patient with a heart condition came

in and had a root filled tooth and wasn't getting anywhere with his

treatment and they took that root filled tooth and implanted it under the

skin of a rabbit, by golly, that rabbit got a heart condition and usually

passed away within a few days.

If the person had kidney trouble, well the rabbit got kidney trouble. And

if the person had trouble with their eyes, well the rabbit got trouble with

the eyes. As a matter of fact the eyes reacted so severely that even minor

problems with the patient's eyes would cause the rabbit to go blindusually

in two to three days. And so there were a lot of different situations and

almost any disease that you might think of they eventually transferred from

a patient through the root filled tooth into another laboratory animal.

Lee: So what's the theory with the focal infection? Why is it there's

the connection with the infected tooth and that problem area in another

part of the body?

Dr. Meinig: Well, the reason that this is a focal infection is because the

infection came from the tooth and traveled from the tooth to the heart or

the kidneys or the lungs or some area of the body and it set up a new


Lee: Right, but certain bacteria that is human transferred to an

animal, say rabbit, that same bacteria will not just accidentally go attack

the liver, it will attack the eyes.

Dr. Meinig: Yes.

Lee: It's destined for that one organ. How do you explain that?

Dr. Meinig: Price I'm sure was not able to explain that either, it was a

big surprise to them to think that almost always the same disease occurred.

Sometimes it wasn't exactly the same, but it was usually the same tissue.

But most of the time it was actually the same disease and what he did in

order to prove these things in those days - he realized he might insert his

own thinking into what was happening and so what he did very often was to

repeat experiments because they didn't know double-blind business, but he

did know enough about it, so what he did was he transferred...

Lee: We'll get the rest of this when we come back with DR,

Meinig and Dr. LaMarche. And you thought it was just mercury in

your mouth that was a problem. I'm Lee, we'll be right back on the

Lee Show.

And we are back, hi. Dr. Meinig and Dr. LaMarche are with us

in studio tonight. The topic, root canals and the problem with bacteria

that get trapped inside the microtubules of the tooth, of an infected

tooth, can migrate throughout the body, they can infect an organ, gland or

tissue, they can damage the heart, kidneys, joints, eyes, brain. They can

even endanger pregnant women. These infections were first discovered by a

25 year root canal research program carried out by the American Dental

Association. Dr. Meinig says this research was secretly covered up. It's

been re-examined and redone recently and here's the story. Let's start

taking some phone calls from up first from Portland, Oregon. Hi, .

: Hello, Lee. Yeah this is kind of a personal topic for me,

about 15 years ago I heard a report from the University of Texas Medical

School at Waco. They had a 6ve-year study where they demonstrated that

1,000 milligrams of vitamin C per day would prevent periodontal disease.

Well then shortly thereafter my cat came down with distemper so I cured him

over a period of ten days using 500 mg. of vitamin C per day. And about two

years after that I was diagnosed by my dentist whom I had been going to for

a long time, with pretty serious periodontal disease. And he X-rayed my

whole mouth upper and lower, showed me all the pockets and everything I had

and he sectioned my teeth of into two upper and three lower and did the

scraping on the first section lower, the worst part first.

Well I was so frightened and saw that there was going to be such a

tremendous amount of expense to me that I immediately started taking 15,000

mg per day for the next four months. He x-rayed my teeth at the end of the

third month and he said " You know something's happening here, the number of

pockets you have and the size of those pockets is rapidly diminishing " 90

he wanted to re-X-ray just to verify this, so he did and it showed that

some of the smaller pockets had completely gone away and the larger pockets

were reduced by less than half their previous size only three months before.

And he was amazed and he asked me what I had been doing, and I said I had

simply been taking 15,000 mg of vitamin C every day - 5,000 with each meal.

And other than that I hadn't changed my diet or done anything else. Does

your guest have any experience using vitamin C for therapy?

Lee: Well, they are looking into nutrition and the impact it has on

health overall. Dr. Meinig...

Dr. Meinig: Well a third of my practice is actually periodontal disease.

You said that I was a specialist in endodontics but I preferred to do all

of dentistry and about a third of practice was periodontal disease. I never

had any patient do 15,000 mg of vitamin C, I got many of them on vitamin C,

but not that much, and your discovery is a very interesting one and I'm

going to advise a few people to try that and let's see what happens with

them. I can't say that I've had experience to that extent with anybody.

Lee: I would say that you'd want to get the plaque and everything

else scraped off your teeth and give yourself a head start. Don't do it

instead of.

Dr. Meinig: That's right. Absolutely it's important that you get all of the

deposits removed, otherwise.... Incidentally those infections from

periodontal pockets are as serious as root canal filled teeth are, so it's

very important that you know that.

: Well, just recently I had had a relapse where one of my front teeth

has been pressed back partly out of the jawbone as far as support is

concerned and developed a pretty serious periodontal pocket because I used

an infected dental floss, well I hadn't used a brand new one, I used one I

used a couple of days previous and apparently the food had become

contaminated and it infected the lower gum, down the root line below the gum.

And I developed a pretty serious pus pocket down there which it took about

three days to clean out physically, but then I merely started taking high

doses of vitamin C and within about 2 weeks the gums are completely cleared

up and developed a more reddish color and the tooth was much firmer in the

gum than it had been before. Also, ginkgo can have some of the same effect

as far as helping a person of middle age or older to develop much stronger

teeth, you know as far as being rooted in the jawbone and help their gums .

Lee: Thanks for that story, we appreciate that . Also, let's go

back to the research that Dr. Westin Price had done you were saying you

were going to explain another aspect of it.



This was an interview from the Lee Show on radio that has been edited

of news and commercials. For a complete listing of over 600 interviews on

cassette as well as selected videos and books, write to Lee, P.O. Box

3010, Bellevue, Washington 98009, or call the hotline at 1-800-243-1438 for

the newest listings

Click Here for Part 2


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