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Somebody asked if gallstones have to be removed.

I have two and my doc said " Leave them there and eat a low-fat diet. "

Unless they bother you you can just leave them alone, and the low-fat diet

should help.

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Seems like I've heard that too. I'm sure there can be exceptions, but I

have a kidney stone problem and you can also live with them as long as they

aren't causing harm. Mine was 1.5 cms (some kind of a record breaker) and

it was literally cutting the inside of my kidney so it had to be removed by

lithotripsy. Incidentally, have you also heard thta there is a technique

similar to lithotripsy that's used for pulverization and elimination of

gallstones? I know they use the procedure in Europe but I don't know about

whether it's done in the US. Much less invasive and I would assume safer

than surgery.

Take care,


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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Hi group

Last week I drank the blended Organic Lemon, Olive

oil 1 1/2 cups distilled water Liver Flush from Hulda

's book Sat Sun Tue Wed Thur and Friday.....then

planned on this long weekend, the Liver/Gallbladder

Cleanse to see if I had any liver or gallstones...

..did just as Hulda and Saul's (modified hulda's

cleanse)said and the 2nd day, today have been seeing

alot of things float on top of water light green and

tan as stated in this group, but they are not

stonelike, they are soft and very small, they are

irregular shape and they are not smooth, such as

marbles. Still expelling alot of liquid.

Have I just got the beginning of collection?? and the

worst are to come,?? such as Stonelike and

Larger.??...I plan to repeat cleans in 2 weeks and

hoping to Zap the week prior....I am on maintenance

parasite program now but maybe need to add, more to

the maintenace, of once a week....would like to hear

from you about what I am finding and any suggestions

on further cleansing till I have a clean liver and


Chronic Fatigue still has me down with no energy,

along with the work that I do lifting freight about 2

to 3 hours a day. Pat




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Keep up the good work! It pays after the cleanse is over and not during. For

the fatigue have you done a good colon cleanse with fasting?


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  • 8 months later...

Hi. A week or so ago I posted that I was at one scheduled for gall bladder

surgery, and in tremendous pain. I trusted a friend who passed along the

recipe for a cleanse, I did it one night, and never had pain again and

cancelled the surgery. There are lots of cleanse recipes on the net, and it

would be a great idea to look up " gallbladder cleanse " . some recipes are

more elaborate than mine. Here is what I was told to do: " Fast for at least

half a day, beginning at 2pm, except for water. The night before, do an

enema. At 7pm, be prepared to go to bed, and have the ingredients near the

bed. Stay lying down as much as possible. At 8pm, drink one ounce of the

oil and one ounce of the lemon juice. Repeat every fifteen minutes until all

has been used. " Well, I did as I was told, because I had asked the doctor

who was going to do the surgery. He laughed at me, and said it wouldn't help

but it wouldn't hurt, so go ahead if I wanted to. (the surgery was to be two

weeks later). So I did it, and passed 20 to 30 stones. (You know what they

are when you see them). I never felt any more pain and I do the cleanse at

least twice a year now to keep from building up stones. Some people do it

much more often than that. The net even has pictures of stones. It saved

me lots of money, plus if you read you find that the body needs the gall

bladder and many people have severe problems when it is taken out. I am not

recommending anything to anybody, only telling what took care of my problem

for me. There is lots of information on the net about gallbaldders,

cleanses, and stones.

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when reading the entire post, the ingredients and amounts are listed.

Remember, I am not at all advising anyone do this cleanse, merely reporting

what I was told to do. I used 16 ounces COLD PRESSED Olive Oil and the juice

of 12-16 squeezed lemons. susan.

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Hi ,

Thanks for your informative message. One question: Referring to your

statement below, what quantities did you start out with? Otherwise, I don't

know how much will be consumed when " all has been used " .

The night before, do an

> enema. At 7pm, be prepared to go to bed, and have the ingredients near


> bed. Stay lying down as much as possible. At 8pm, drink one ounce of the

> oil and one ounce of the lemon juice. Repeat every fifteen minutes until


> has been used. "

Thanks again,


> There are lots of cleanse recipes on the net, and it

> would be a great idea to look up " gallbladder cleanse " . some recipes are

> more elaborate than mine. Here is what I was told to do: " Fast for at


> half a day, beginning at 2pm, except for water. The night before, do an

> enema. At 7pm, be prepared to go to bed, and have the ingredients near


> bed. Stay lying down as much as possible. At 8pm, drink one ounce of the

> oil and one ounce of the lemon juice. Repeat every fifteen minutes until


> has been used. "

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, did you tell your doctor about your successful cleansing?!

- Vito

>From: str8barber@...

>Reply-bowel cleanse

>bowel cleanse

>Subject: Re: Gallstones

>Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 09:42:38 EST


>Hi. A week or so ago I posted that I was at one scheduled for gall bladder

>surgery, and in tremendous pain. I trusted a friend who passed along the

>recipe for a cleanse, I did it one night, and never had pain again and

>cancelled the surgery. There are lots of cleanse recipes on the net, and


>would be a great idea to look up " gallbladder cleanse " . some recipes are

>more elaborate than mine. Here is what I was told to do: " Fast for at


>half a day, beginning at 2pm, except for water. The night before, do an

>enema. At 7pm, be prepared to go to bed, and have the ingredients near the

>bed. Stay lying down as much as possible. At 8pm, drink one ounce of the

>oil and one ounce of the lemon juice. Repeat every fifteen minutes until


>has been used. " Well, I did as I was told, because I had asked the doctor

>who was going to do the surgery. He laughed at me, and said it wouldn't


>but it wouldn't hurt, so go ahead if I wanted to. (the surgery was to be


>weeks later). So I did it, and passed 20 to 30 stones. (You know what


>are when you see them). I never felt any more pain and I do the cleanse at

>least twice a year now to keep from building up stones. Some people do it

>much more often than that. The net even has pictures of stones. It saved

>me lots of money, plus if you read you find that the body needs the gall

>bladder and many people have severe problems when it is taken out. I am not

>recommending anything to anybody, only telling what took care of my problem

>for me. There is lots of information on the net about gallbaldders,

>cleanses, and stones.


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  • 1 year later...

hi to the " gallstone gals " ,

I recently read of a recipe for a gallstone flush in " The Healthy Liver and

Bowel Book " , by Dr Cabot M.D. If you are interested I could send it

to you, ingredients include citrus, garlic, ginger, olive oil etc.

Could be worth a look if you have gallstones bothering you.

>From: " snowmillions " <snowmillions@...>



>Subject: Re: My family physician: Is he right?

>Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 05:12:17 -0000



>I have pain in my right side under the bottom ribs. It gets so bad

>sometimes it hurts to walk or move. My doctor said lots of people

>have gallstones and it only bothers some. They could remove them but

>they would probably return.


> > Kate - What are your gall bladder symptoms please?

> > - Peta x

> >

> >

> >

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> hi to the " gallstone gals " ,


> I recently read of a recipe for a gallstone flush in " The Healthy

Liver and

> Bowel Book " , by Dr Cabot M.D. If you are interested I could

send it

> to you, ingredients include citrus, garlic......

" Galstone Gals?!!!! "

I'd appreciate the recipe. Thanks.



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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for the info. I am glad it's normal and not something I did or didn't do. I will find out in about 2 weeks what they are going to do. I found out I am number 138 on the tx list. Is that good?

the WV hillbilly

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What is a tx list?

-------------- Original message -------------- Thanks for the info. I am glad it's normal and not something I did or didn't do. I will find out in about 2 weeks what they are going to do. I found out I am number 138 on the tx list. Is that good? the WV hillbilly

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest


> I just got some bad news. I have gallstones! I was having awful


> so I had an u/s. The doctor said if the pain comes back we'll talk

> about having my gallbladder out. Anyone have any suggestions for


> natural ways to take care of this problem?

==>Hi . If the doctor didn't do an ultrasound you may not

have gall stones. However, I'm sure it is quite a shock to think you

do, but it is extremely common. There are many natural ways to take

care of it, and this diet with the high " good " fats plus all of the

supplements is the best way. It will naturally dissolve gall stones.

Also see this article by Dr. Tom Cowan:


Here's another article " Priming Your Gallbladder for Fats " ;



> I have to share some good news though - since I started this diet,

I have been able to get off 2 of my prescriptions. :) I've been

able to get off my blood pressure meds and my cholesterol meds. I've

also lost 30 pounds. :) My doctor was never planning on getting me

off those meds so I had to do it myself. Then when I went back for a

check-up she said the meds are working and I said no they're not, I

stopped them. :)

==>Yippee! Hooray! for ! I would have liked to see

the look on your doctor's face. Very very well done my dear!

Onward & upward!

Cheers, Bee

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> Oh, one of the things I forgot to mention is that my doctor told me

to eat no fat because of the gallstones. NO fat. Hmmmm.

==>Hi . No fat of any kind would definitely cause a " catch

22 " for you since good fats are very necessary for liver and gall

bladder health, digestion, and for overall health, for that matter.

The liver produces bile mainly from cholesterol. Bile consists of

water, cholesterol, other good fats, bile pigments, bile salts and

sodium bicarbonate. Bile salts (sodium glycocholate and sodium

taurocholate) are produced by the liver from cholesterol.

The liver also breaks down harmful or toxic substances (toxins)

absorbed from the intestine or manufactured elsewhere in the body and

then excretes them as harmless by-products into the bile or blood.

But when the liver gets clogged up by too many toxins it can't get

rid of, it becomes less able to produce bile like it should, and the

bile mixture won't be properly balanced so it can become too

concentrated, which can produce gall stones.

Also the sphincter of Oddi is involved. This sphincter controls

secretions from the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder into the

duodenum of the small intestine, into which stomach contents are

emptied. If it becomes tight or closed, bile is prevented from

draining into the intestine and instead flows into the gallbladder,

where it is stored and concentrated, which can form gall stones.

The sphincter of Oddi function is directly related to the production

of a hormone called Cholecystokinin (CCK) which is stimulated by fat-

or protein-rich chyme entering the duodenum.

When the sphincter becomes overly tight it does not allow adequate

drainage of the pancreatic and bile ducts. With the ingestion of a

meal, the gallbladder contracts and there is a simultaneous decrease

in the resistance in the sphincter of Oddi zone.

Also we know that candida toxins makes all of the body's cell

membranes go rigid/stiff, so this also affects the Sphincter of Oddi

function, liver function, etc., and it means cells are as able to

communicate properly so the important hormones produced, such as CCK,

aren't as able to act like they should.

This stuff is directly from Medical information, but doctors have

been swindled by drug companies and their own Associations so they

buy into the cholesterol scam, without regard to their medical

training and common sense.

Here's what I suggest:

1. Eat all protein with its natural fats.

2. In addition take 1/4 tsp. each of coconut oil and butter together

(the combination helps each other) with each meal, it can be melted

over cooked foods. Increase the amount by 1/4 tsp. of each with each

meal every 7 days. Ensure your meals always contain good protein,

and take Betaine hydrochloric acid supplements and 6 ounces of the

Electrolyte Drink with every meal.

3. Do a Castor Oil Pack over your liver for 1 hour every day for 7

days as follows:

What you will need:

-cold pressed castor oil

-flannel cloth

-cling wrap plastic

-heating pad

a. Saturate the flannel with castor oil (soaked flannel can be stored

in a plastic bag and reused.)

b. Lay it over the liver area on your right side, an inch or so above

your waist and mostly towards your back.

c. Cover it with cling crap plastic and tape it in place.

d. Set the heating pad to medium.

e. Place the heating pad over it for 1 hour.

4. On day 8, after doing the castor oil pack, start taking a normal

dose of Cod Liver Oil every day, and add diakon radish juice to the

Electrolyte Drink as follows:

-Extract the juice of daikon radishes in a juicer. It can be kept in

the refrigerator for 2 weeks at a time.

-Here's the schedule of amounts to add to the Electrolyte Drink for

each meal (3 times per day) - it takes 39 days total:

Day 1-3: 2 tablespoons

Day 4-6: 3 tablespoons

Day 7-9: 4 tablespoons

Day 10-12: 5 tablespoons

Day 13-15: 6 tablespoons

Day 16-18: 7 tablespoons

Day 19-21: 8 tablespoons

Day 22-24: 7 tablespoons

Day 25-27: 6 tablespoons

Day 28-30: 5 tablespoons

Day 31-33: 4 tablespoons

Day 34-36: 3 tablespoons

Day 37-39: 2 tablespoons

Note: If you get pains in your gall bladder area when you start on

Cod Liver Oil, cut the dose in half, and increase it gradually.

At the same time help your liver decongest by doing coffee enemas and

dry skin brushing.

Let me know how you do on this program.

The best in health, Bee

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Hi ,

Up your magnesium if you can. Even though cholesterol may not be

particularly harmful, many gallstones are deposits of cholesterol and

magnesium should help metabolize them. To give you some hop, my MIL had

gallstones, was told she needed gallblader surgery and by the time she saw

the specialist was no longer a candidate. She watched her food and drank

her local water supply which happens to have a lot of magnesium in it.


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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

I hope I have posted this to the correct address.


Hello group, does anyone know how to get rid of gallstones naturally? 


My doctor wants me to have my gallbladder removed, and I do not want to do that.

I have been taking a product called Stone Free for several months, and so far it

has not done very much.

I don't think I could stand drinking olive oil.  I had been using lemons in

water also, and I should probably start that again.  Does anyone know where to

buy unfiltered, unsweetened apple juice?


Any suggestions?

Thank you, blessings,




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any price - with or without a prescription - that has been clinically proven to

do all the things that Juice Plus+ has been shown to do. " Dr DuBois M.D.


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Dr. 's Liver Cleanse!

colon, then kidney, then liver


From: JANET RICHMOND <janetrichmond@...>


Sent: Friday, July 3, 2009 3:34:58 PM

Subject: Gallstones

I hope I have posted this to the correct address.

Hello group, does anyone know how to get rid of gallstones naturally?

My doctor wants me to have my gallbladder removed, and I do not want to do that.

I have been taking a product called Stone Free for several months, and so far it

has not done very much.

I don't think I could stand drinking olive oil. I had been using lemons in

water also, and I should probably start that again. Does anyone know where to

buy unfiltered, unsweetened apple juice?

Any suggestions?

Thank you, blessings,


" I don't believe that there is anything else available anyplace in the world at

any price - with or without a prescription - that has been clinically proven to

do all the things that Juice Plus+ has been shown to do. " Dr DuBois M.D.

www.juiceplus. com/+jr28319

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  • 1 year later...


> Hi Bee,I have been having stomache aches quite often over the last few

years...I have been reading about your program,I have most of my supplements

now,bought the coconut oil,and have been using it,on my oatmeal today.Yesterday

with my eggs...etc.

> My question is if I take all my supplements and coconut oil will I still have

gallstone troubles? I think I do pass stones...because when I have a BM at

times it looks like pebbles of sand,but they are black...and they are hard as

rocks. I have no insurance,so I cannot go to a dr.

+++Hi ,

Do you have pain in your gall bladder area? You can pinpoint the area by

looking it up on Google Images. If you do, please describe it, and when after

eating that it occurs, etc.

Also are your stomach aches in your actual stomach or lower abdomen or off to

the right or left of your stomach? Also when do you get those pains, i.e, after

eating (hours or right away, etc.)?

Do you get heartburn?

I assume you are still changing over to my diet, since you are having oatmeal

which isn't on my program.

To understand the connection between good fats and oils and gallstones read

Gallstone Causes & Treatments:


The best in health, Bee

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