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Cellulite Oil The dimpling effect of cellulite on our thighs and behinds has been the bane of many women. Contrary to the claims of some companies, cellulite cannot be vanquished with a pill. The dimpling appearance on your thighs is due to the way fat cells are distributed in your body. The best way to diminish this appearance is to give yourself daily massages in those areas. Here is an oil you can use when massaging to diminish the appearance of cellulite.Use grapeseed oil or some other type of pure vegetable oil for your base. Add ten drops of juniper oil, ten drops of lavender oil, and ten drops of lemon oil to 1/2 cup of your base oil, funnel it into a glass bottle, and shake well. Use this oil to massage into your thighs, calves, and buttocks for at least ten minutes each night.

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I have one word, water, drink lots of it cellulite will disappear!

----- Original Message -----




Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 10:02 PM

Subject: Cellulite

Cellulite Oil The dimpling effect of cellulite on our thighs and behinds has been the bane of many women. Contrary to the claims of some companies, cellulite cannot be vanquished with a pill. The dimpling appearance on your thighs is due to the way fat cells are distributed in your body. The best way to diminish this appearance is to give yourself daily massages in those areas. Here is an oil you can use when massaging to diminish the appearance of cellulite.Use grapeseed oil or some other type of pure vegetable oil for your base. Add ten drops of juniper oil, ten drops of lavender oil, and ten drops of lemon oil to 1/2 cup of your base oil, funnel it into a glass bottle, and shake well. Use this oil to massage into your thighs, calves, and buttocks for at least ten minutes each night.

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Hi ,

You are correct about 'water', and Lots of It! I should also mention that the day you quit all the water, massage, and exercise for cellulite problems --- the cellulite will start coming back, regardless of how thin you are!


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 11:19 PM

Subject: Re: Cellulite

I have one word, water, drink lots of it cellulite will disappear!

----- Original Message -----




Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 10:02 PM

Subject: Cellulite

Cellulite Oil The dimpling effect of cellulite on our thighs and behinds has been the bane of many women. Contrary to the claims of some companies, cellulite cannot be vanquished with a pill. The dimpling appearance on your thighs is due to the way fat cells are distributed in your body. The best way to diminish this appearance is to give yourself daily massages in those areas. Here is an oil you can use when massaging to diminish the appearance of cellulite.Use grapeseed oil or some other type of pure vegetable oil for your base. Add ten drops of juniper oil, ten drops of lavender oil, and ten drops of lemon oil to 1/2 cup of your base oil, funnel it into a glass bottle, and shake well. Use this oil to massage into your thighs, calves, and buttocks for at least ten minutes each night.

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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 8/20/03 9:01:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

s.fisher22@... writes:

> ------->i would guess that would be the case in *some* cases, but not all,

> of course. generally my gluten intake is tiny. i *think* my cellulite

> increased this past winter when i gained 10 lbs. at a time when i ate a LOT

> of animal fats. i have no idea if i just didn't notice it before or not. but

> there seemed to be connection to my diet - mostly low carb, high fat, high

> protein. i think it could be connected to some type of hormonal shift

> brought on by dietary changes..? it could have to do with the *quality* of

> my food rather than composition, though. although i honestly have no idea -

> i eat meat/fat from primarily pasture-fed livestock from local farms.


Maybe you're eating more. As the abstract that Heidi posted stated in part

of it, there's no conclusive evidence for the several competing theories about

the anatomical composition of cellulite, and the particular study seemed to

indicate that it is the structure of women's hips that makes fat appear as

cellulite. So maybe you just need to lose some body fat.

On the other hand, there seem to be lots of causes of cellulite including

microorganisms. One of the studies on medline had a baby with facial cellulite

that was caused I think by some microorganism and responded to antibiotics,

iirc. So perhaps there's a candida connection-- maybe a result of candida

*detox*? Pure speculation, probably not warranted, i dunno.

If you have " mattress " cellulite, rubbing CLO on it might help, as topical

retinol smoothes that kind, but if you have " lumpy bumpy " cellulite it won't

work. (Yes these are quotes.)

There's a study on there that supports the massage idea, but it seems that

its effectiveness will depend on who's doing the massaging.


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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Peta, welcome out of lurksville!

Cellulite appears on the skin's surface as areas of mattress-like bulging and puckering, and tends to affect the upper thighs, buttocks and upper arms. The skin feels tight and tender upon pinching. Do not confuse cellulite with cellulitis, an infection of the skin's connective tissue.

Poor elimination of toxins, especially in the lymphatic system, plays a role in the establishment of cellulite. This is often due to a very low intake of fluids, related to chronic constipation or the result of an overall poor diet. Cellulite affects the tissue containing fat cells, which lies just beneath the skin's surface. Since the distribution of fat is quite different both among women and between the sexes, individual makeup plays a large role in the development of cellulite.Sudden weight gain causes cellulite to appear more obvious, therefore, reducing body fat through exercise and proper nutrition is important in preventing and shrinking cellulite.

Regular use of kelp in combination with apple cider vinegar or concentrated liquid whey is great for assisting weight reduction.Chromium should also be added to regulate blood sugar so that it is not converted into fat.

The pancreas influences fat metabolization, so it is important to keep this organ functioning properly. Many natural ingredients prepared as tinctures and massaged into the skin improve cellulite skin appearance and stimulate the pancreas.

Extracts from seaweed, algae and plankton stimulate the circulatory and lymphatic systems to carry away trapped fluid and fat by acting on the enzymes that break down fat cells.

Horsetail and witch hazel tighten and tone the skin.

Birch leaves, red vine and butcher's broom draw water from cells, reducing the spongy look of cellulite.

Fresh juices of horsetail, birch, nettle, parsley, yarrow and dandelion are excellent to help internal detoxification. Take 2 tbsp. of herbal juice diluted in a glass of water three times daily. They can also be taken as teas or diluted tinctures.

To dissolve the fat and to help flush away excess fat and toxins, increase circulation to the area by applying hot ivy compresses or poultices two to three times daily. Prepare a hot compress by soaking a cotton cloth in an infusion of fresh ivy leaves boiled for fifteen minutes in 1 qt. of water. A poultice of fresh, crushed fenugreek seeds is also effective. Fenugreek seeds taken internally help prevent fatty deposits.

More useful herbs


What else you can do

Regular exercise for at least twenty minutes a day, five days a week, is essential. It should include aerobic and isometric (spot: stomach, hips, thighs) exercises preferably outdoors. The aerobic exercises should be performed at moderate to low intensity to bum subcutaneous fat most efficiently.

To enhance the workout, apply algae creams before exercising and fasten wrappings with plastic so they will hold the heat in and help melt down the fat. Add herbs to the wrappings to increase the effectiveness.

Strong affusion directed at fatty deposits and tissue helps to stimulate circulation and dislodge fatty tissue.

Sauna baths are also very beneficial.

How much to take

Kelp, 1 tbsp

Chromium, 200 mcg Peta Celleste <petacelleste@...> wrote:

Hi Guys,Been a lurker for a long time....I would like to getrid of my cellulite. I am a vegetarian that does eatfish and would say that I am 15 Kg overweight (alreadylost 5 Kg). I work casual on night shifts with asheavy work load and as I have not been there long andonly get every second day off work that I don't wantanything too extreme.What do y'all suggest?


What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.


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This is a very interesting article.  Thanks for posting, Suzanne!Peta...as a fellow, cellulite sufferer, I am right there with you on looking for methods to reduce those awful bumps and lumps!  Not to be too discouraging, but I think it is 95% genetics.  My daughter is 6 years old, is not a junk food eater, is as active as any 6 year old I've ever seen, and you can already see cellulite on her upper thighs and buttocks.  Sigh.  I know that when I was in my late 20s and in excellent physical condition -- worked out 6 days a week, ate very healthfully, had youth on my side, I still had cellulite!   Double sigh.  However, I do know that when we are eating well and exercising more, the cellulite does go down a bit.  Hopefully with some of the ideas in this article, we can see some additional changes to the appearance of our skin.good luck!RoseOn Jul 26, 2005, at 7:43 AM, Suzanne wrote: Hi Peta,  welcome out of lurksville! Cellulite appears on the skin's surface as areas of mattress-like bulging and puckering, and tends to affect the upper thighs, buttocks and upper arms. The skin feels tight and tender upon pinching. Do not confuse cellulite with cellulitis, an infection of the skin's connective tissue.

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