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Re: What kind of Implants did the founder of this group have???

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Hi Tina,

I had textured McGhan implants. I am not going to knock your opinion as you stated in your letter, but I will tell you that I did EVERYTHING the doctor told me to in pre-operative and post operative care. I did not lapse in any way in my dedication to the success of my surgery. I had one of the best plastic surgeons in town, so that was not an issue either. I believe firmly that for those who have implant problems, it is a matter of genetics and/or environmental exposure to toxins, and those are things that you have absolutely no control over whatsoever. I think it is a game of chance until the causes of the disease process we experience are identified. Therefore, I don't believe presently there is any way of knowing if you are going to have implant problems or not.

I personally feel that the percentage of those becoming ill from implants might be around 10%--it is not a huge number in itself, but when you look at the numbers of women being implanted today, I think the number of ill women that might be out there is scary. We (our group) are just a drop in the bucket, believe me! I also believe that many, many women are experiencing nagging symptoms common to victims of implants, but refuse to acknowledge the connection, simply because they don't want to, and they believe their doctors when they are told their problems are in no way related to their implants. I am astounded at the number of women who will say they are having no problems with their implants, but yet when you question them about their health, they will reveal some of these common indicators of brewing problems, such as joint pain, hair loss, a little more fatigue, getting colds more frequently, and many others. I run into these women often. There is a huge amount of denial going on.

It seems that perhaps some of us have had allergies to metals, or perhaps we have had a heavy metal load that is more toxic than others....one doctor who runs a detox clinic in Seattle, Dr. Crinion, wrote me a letter several years back and explained it this way.....here is his letter that I have saved:

----- Original Message ----- From: <DrRadio845@...>


Sent: Monday, October 19, 1998 6:11 PM

Subject: Re: Please post--high mercury levels

> Mercury and arsenic are common findings in all persons who have been made ill> from environmental toxicity. Those heavy metals are not in silicone shells,> but they may have been the first piece that lead to your becoming ill from> silicone. > Here is how environmental toxicity often happens. Heavy metals show up,> sometimes in childhood. Kids retain more heavy metals when exposed than> adults. Amalgam fillings put off mercury vapor every time you chew. this vapor> goes into the lungs and brain. Arsenic is often from cigarette smoke. these> and other heavy metal toxins impair the ability of the liver to clear other> chemical compounds out of the body. Our air is full of solvents and> pesticides, those little exposures will not be cleared efficiently because of> the heavy metal presence. Over the years these little bits have build up into> quite a load. Then you get just one more hit, and the problems begin to occur.> Often the silicone implants are this "last straw". > We find the same immunotoxic problems in silicone patients as in solvent toxic> patients (the same as gulf war patients too). One of the reason why not all> women with implants are ill, is the difference in total body load of toxics.> Getting the heavy metals out of your body is a great place to start.> Dr. Crinnion

Tina, if you've been on this group long enough, you'll also know that platinum is an issue with implants because it is used as a catalyst in the manufacture of implants. Platinum is a toxic metal, and while we don't have all the answers, it is possible that we are suffering from the breakdown of the implant inside our body, and the release of these chemicals or other heavy metals, to which we already have a load, or are sensitive to. I have seen tin listed also as a possible metal catalyst, from either McGhan's or Mentor's own website.

Well, in any case, I can't give you specifics other than to say I don't believe this has as much to do with following the protocol of a Board Certified doctor, as much as it has to do with genetics and total body load of environmental toxins, neither of which you can know enough about at the time you choose to be implanted.

I hope you will think seriously about your decision. IF you decide to get the implants, just be knowledgeable about the seriousness of these illnesses. It is so hard to know just how horrific autoimmune conditions affect your daily life until you actually experience them....and after what I've been through, I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

Here is my story:


God bless you--take care,


----- Original Message -----

From: singerlady_43

Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 4:20 PM

Subject: What kind of Implants did the founder of this group have???

Hi.,I am still concidering Implants and have gone back and forth on this decision.I would like to know if the founder of this group "Patty" had the "textured" type Implants or were they smooth???? I'd like to know your complete story.I have done research for well over a year and a half now..I know the pro's and cons...but honestly...I have yet to meet someone who have had the complications that many of you have had.I know many women who have had Saline implants for 10 years with no problems whatsoever.In my opinion it seems that success in this procedure involves many things....A very skillful Board certified plastic surgeon...and following directions exactly to the letter as you return home from the procedure and for MANY weeks after that.Please don't harrass me in response to this post for voicing my opinion on this..no plastic surgeon has paid me for writing this.Also..the Dr.that many of you speak of here Dr. Kohl...I just viewed her website and she apparently performs breast Augumentations as well???? I don't understand if a Doctor is in homeopathic medicine...why she would do breast augumetations too????Any information from Patty or any of you.,would be greatly appreciated.Thanks and God Bless! Tina :)

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I too like Patty had textured saline implants. I only had then in me for 3

months when all kind of weird stuff happened to me, numbness, dizziness,

aches and pains, extreme fatigue, just felt sick all the time. I was very

healthy prior to implants, I was 34, ran 20 miles a week, lifted weights,

worked full time and was a single mother. I loved life. I loved having

breasts too, but I ended up way to ill to enjoy them. You can say that all

the women you know are happy and healthy, that was the case for me too, till

I got sick, then I started finding out more and more about this or that

problem, replacements, failure of the implant, rupture, infection, and the

worse things illness. The illness we are talking about is not your typical

illness either, Dr's are clueless so when you think you can find help, well

lets just say you cannot find help because no one understands, so on top of

being ill you get treated like you are a mental case. Pretty hard to deal

with all this to be a C cup was in my case not worth it. And even if you

don't get illness, you will be dealing with this for the rest of your life,

it is not a one time deal, sure the women look good, they look so good that

that is all you see. You don't see how it feels to have an implant in your

body everyday of your life. I know many women who take them out just because

they cannot stand the way they feel. Until you have them in your body you

don't know and cannot adequately be informed of how these things feel in


If you think smooth are better,some say that is true, however I have some

friends who are very ill from smooth implants as well.

If you are one of the lucky women who just have small breasts, my advice is

to love your body like it is. Look at all the famous people shunning

implants, Gwen Steffani, , Shakira, there are less stars these

days with implants than without, and besides, most men actually like natural

over hard fake boobs, despite what the girls you know tell you.

If you are one of the ladies that have larger breasts and just hate the

shape or they sag, consider getting a mastopexy or breast lift, these are

great and can dramatically change the way you look without foreign object

being placed in your body.

If on the other hand you are so set and determined that you are going to get

them, no one can stop you or talk you out of it. Make sure when you see your

PS that you read the FDA booklet and look at the long list of diseases and

symptoms that have been reported but supposedly unproven. That alone is

enough to sure make you wonder.

I also want to say I am a medical worker, I have worked in the most

respected hospital in the USA at Stanford and I took great care of myself, I

had a great PS and still I had illness. You just never know.

now that I am explanted and small again I wonder why I ever even did it, but

at least now I have my health and my life back and a new husband who loves

me not for my big fake breasts but for who I am really.

If you would like to see the photos on our site check them out on the

webpage, they tell the story about the implants and what we all went


good luck on your decision and at least you are armed with the knowledge

many of us weren't. That is good knowledge is power. I also suggest to

anyone undergoing plastic surgery that you should not only have enough $$$

to cover your original surgery but twice that amount to cover the possible



----- Original Message -----

From: " singerlady_43 " <singerlady_43@...>

< >

Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 5:20 PM

Subject: What kind of Implants did the founder of this group


> Hi.,


> I am still concidering Implants and have gone back and forth on this

> decision.I would like to know if the founder of this group " Patty "

> had the " textured " type Implants or were they smooth???? I'd like to

> know your complete story.I have done research for well over a year

> and a half now..I know the pro's and cons...but honestly...I have yet

> to meet someone who have had the complications that many of you have

> had.I know many women who have had Saline implants for 10 years with

> no problems whatsoever.In my opinion it seems that success in this

> procedure involves many things....A very skillful Board certified

> plastic surgeon...and following directions exactly to the letter as

> you return home from the procedure and for MANY weeks after

> that.Please don't harrass me in response to this post for voicing my

> opinion on this..no plastic surgeon has paid me for writing

> this.Also..the Dr.that many of you speak of here Dr. Kohl...I

> just viewed her website and she apparently performs breast

> Augumentations as well???? I don't understand if a Doctor is in

> homeopathic medicine...why she would do breast augumetations too????


> Any information from Patty or any of you.,would be greatly

> appreciated.Thanks and God Bless! Tina :)





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Thank God Patty, I lucked out & on my hair analysis it was found I had no heavy metal, or mercury traces above the normal level, mine were far below normal! I was so grateful to at least hear that, although I have hashimotos & rhuematiod arthrits (and brain fog from hell!) from them. I guess we all get efected one way or another . Thanks for all your knowlegde. Its always so helpful!

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I agree with . I think that smooth implants can make you sick as well. I am 27 years old and have had them for 8 years. I will be getting them explanted due to :

*Hashimoto's Thyrioiditis with a suspicious nodule that needs to be rechecked every 6 months. (I was severely hypothyroid with TSH levels at 76!) *Elevated Rheumatoid Arthritis ( I feel as if I have it full blown)

* Hair Loss

*Muscle twitching

*An Attack of Bells Palsy at the age of 26 *Brain Fog terribly

*Depression, Confusion, Spaciness

*Strange viral infections, ear infections, yeast infections


*Rashes on the skin

*Pain in my right breast

*It has been found through Live Cell Analysis, that I have candida overgrowth(Fungas everywhere) All my doctors (including one from the University of Chicago that told me,"Get them out as fast as you can") believe that I am too young for ALL these types of problems in only the last two years, and to have them removed.

I have always ate right, excersized everyday (but Sunday) played sports, and have been fit and active, until just recently. Breast Implants are never fully safe, no matter how strong you are, how young, and no matter what kind. It's all about the luck of the draw, and if in the end-that draw will be you.

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Hi ,

I'm so glad to hear you had no heavy metal load to be concerned about. Before getting sick from implants, I had no idea that this was even a concern, and so I was really scared when I was found with high arsenic and mercury. It can lead to so many troubles--scary things with the brain and nervous system.

What have you done to help with your Hashimoto's? I had an elevated rheumatoid factor too, but no diagnosis of autoimmune disease until now with the thyroid tests. I have not been told I have Hashimoto's but with the looks of my recent tests, there is definitely something autoimmune going on. So, I decided I will have a specialist look at it. Please let me know what has helped yours. Now you can help educate me!

Isn't this brain fog the pits?? Brain fog from hell is right! I hear brain fog described in so many diseases, such as mulitple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, it is hard to know just what the heck is causing it, but I wish someone would figure it out so we can treat it. It is the one thing in my life that has made me absolutely miserable beyond belief. I was doing so good, until I took that Cytomel and Biothroid today! Thanks for your input ....I appreciate all your contributions, especially being a patient of Dr. Mercola, who I respect. I hope he can get you turned around and fully healed quickly!



----- Original Message -----


Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 5:56 PM

Subject: Re: What kind of Implants did the founder of this group have???

Thank God Patty, I lucked out & on my hair analysis it was found I had no heavy metal, or mercury traces above the normal level, mine were far below normal! I was so grateful to at least hear that, although I have hashimotos & rhuematiod arthrits (and brain fog from hell!) from them. I guess we all get efected one way or another . Thanks for all your knowlegde. Its always so helpful!

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Thank you all for your information as I certainly appreciate it so

very much.I guess it seems that if you go ahead with implants...you

are making a decision which is like Russian Roulette with your

health.I guess one never knows the outcome until after it's done and

that is the unfortunate part.I am a christian and I do have problems

altering my body...but I have absolutely hated being a 36A all of my

life although people have always told me I am attractive.Another

questionI have is...what reaction have your former PS's have had in

relation to the autoimmune illnesses that you have now developed

because of your implants???? Apparently I have heard that when you

sign the papers to get implants..you also waive your rights to any

legal rights after the procedure has been performed..is that true???

I thank you all for your information....you have been so helpful.

Sincerely,Tina :)

> Hi ,

> I'm so glad to hear you had no heavy metal load to be concerned

about. Before getting sick from implants, I had no idea that this

was even a concern, and so I was really scared when I was found with

high arsenic and mercury. It can lead to so many troubles--scary

things with the brain and nervous system.


> What have you done to help with your Hashimoto's? I had an

elevated rheumatoid factor too, but no diagnosis of autoimmune

disease until now with the thyroid tests. I have not been told I

have Hashimoto's but with the looks of my recent tests, there is

definitely something autoimmune going on. So, I decided I will have

a specialist look at it. Please let me know what has helped yours.

Now you can help educate me!


> Isn't this brain fog the pits?? Brain fog from hell is right! I

hear brain fog described in so many diseases, such as mulitple

sclerosis, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, it is hard to know

just what the heck is causing it, but I wish someone would figure it

out so we can treat it. It is the one thing in my life that has made

me absolutely miserable beyond belief. I was doing so good, until I

took that Cytomel and Biothroid today! Thanks for your input

....I appreciate all your contributions, especially being a

patient of Dr. Mercola, who I respect. I hope he can get you turned

around and fully healed quickly!

> Hugs,

> Patty

> ----- Original Message -----


> @y...

> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 5:56 PM

> Subject: Re: What kind of Implants did the

founder of this group have???



> Thank God Patty, I lucked out & on my hair analysis it was found

I had no heavy metal, or mercury traces above the normal level, mine

were far below normal! I was so grateful to at least hear that,

although I have hashimotos & rhuematiod arthrits (and brain fog from

hell!) from them. I guess we all get efected one way or another .

Thanks for all your knowlegde. Its always so helpful!


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Hi Tina,

These are both good questions. The first answer I want to tell you is that once you get implants, you will have absolutely NO LEGAL RECOURSE if anything bad happens to you as a result of them. It is correct that you will have to sign a release form saying you will not hold the P/S responsible in any way for any problems. I don't know if they actually call it "experimental" surgery anymore or not, since the FDA did approve them in May 2000. However, when I signed my consent form, it basically said that I was undergoing experimental surgery and I could not hold anyone accountable if anything went wrong. I thought this was all just the typical consent form that makes you cross every "T" and dot every "I" before any type of surgery. Boy, was I wrong. It is mindboggling to know that a woman can sue Mc's for millions when she spills hot coffee on herself, and yet we who got implanted in the 90's were deceived, lied to, not given full information in order to be able to give informed consent, and basically sold a bill of goods, then suffered such severe health concerns that some of us had to quit work ( I did), lost our savings, some of us our homes, our husbands, and yet through all of this suffering, we cannot recover a single thin dime. I think it was lin who said, "it is a tragedy that our justice system has so little to do with justice." That has never been more true than with breast implants.

In regards to your other question, most plastic surgeons are very patronizing when you suggest that you might be ill from your implants. I know mine was. He basically treated me like a little child and tried to be real lighthearted about the whole thing, making me feel that my concerns about the implants were totally unfounded. After I began to show a little mettle, he changed his tune and got very serious and quite defensive. My former attitude of gratitude toward this man turned to one of intense disrespect and disgust. I saw him for what he really was: an arrogant, greedy man who had a high opinion of himself because he could transform women's bodies into some perverted idea of perfection, and make tons of money doing it regardless of whether it destroyed a woman's health or not. In other words, a "doctor" who lacked moral and ethical integrity.

Oh, I wanted to make one more comment. I, too, am a Christian, and I had an awful time with my decision to get breast implants. All the while I was saving my money, I was wringing my hands over the fact that this hard earned money could really be helping the poor, or feeding some hungry people, that I could give it to the church and it would be more wisely spent......and I was going to frivolously spend it on making my breasts larger. But I was like you--I absolutely detested my breasts so much that I could not stand the thought of not doing something to fix them. I had suffered with them long enough, after 4 children, breastfeeding and seeing them sag, and cringing at myself when having sex. I was always told that I was attractive, but my breasts were just disgusting to me! It was horrible! Believe me, I know how you feel totally, and can sympathize with you and your feelings. However, all I can say is please learn to make the most of your breasts the way they are now, and learn to love the body that God gave you. I had to learn the foolishness of my decision the hard way. Hindsight is so much better than foresight, and getting implants was the pinnacle of folly for me. It totally ruined my life. I cannot say this any stronger. God has been merciful to me, and my suffering from implants has made me draw much closer to my loving Father in Heaven, but please, don't learn this the way I did....it just wasn't worth it.


----- Original Message -----

From: singerlady_43

Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 7:03 PM

Subject: Re: What kind of Implants did the founder of this group have???

Thank you all for your information as I certainly appreciate it so very much.I guess it seems that if you go ahead with implants...you are making a decision which is like Russian Roulette with your health.I guess one never knows the outcome until after it's done and that is the unfortunate part.I am a christian and I do have problems altering my body...but I have absolutely hated being a 36A all of my life although people have always told me I am attractive.Another questionI have is...what reaction have your former PS's have had in relation to the autoimmune illnesses that you have now developed because of your implants???? Apparently I have heard that when you sign the papers to get implants..you also waive your rights to any legal rights after the procedure has been performed..is that true???I thank you all for your information....you have been so helpful. Sincerely,Tina :)

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Patty: You could try Thyrosine by Phytopharmica instead of thyroid. It will help your body make thyroid when it needs it. .

-----Original Message-----From: ~*Patty*~ [mailto:fdp@...]Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 9:51 PM Subject: Re: What kind of Implants did the founder of this group have???

Hi ,

I'm so glad to hear you had no heavy metal load to be concerned about. Before getting sick from implants, I had no idea that this was even a concern, and so I was really scared when I was found with high arsenic and mercury. It can lead to so many troubles--scary things with the brain and nervous system.

What have you done to help with your Hashimoto's? I had an elevated rheumatoid factor too, but no diagnosis of autoimmune disease until now with the thyroid tests. I have not been told I have Hashimoto's but with the looks of my recent tests, there is definitely something autoimmune going on. So, I decided I will have a specialist look at it. Please let me know what has helped yours. Now you can help educate me!

Isn't this brain fog the pits?? Brain fog from hell is right! I hear brain fog described in so many diseases, such as mulitple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, it is hard to know just what the heck is causing it, but I wish someone would figure it out so we can treat it. It is the one thing in my life that has made me absolutely miserable beyond belief. I was doing so good, until I took that Cytomel and Biothroid today! Thanks for your input ....I appreciate all your contributions, especially being a patient of Dr. Mercola, who I respect. I hope he can get you turned around and fully healed quickly!



----- Original Message -----


Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 5:56 PM

Subject: Re: What kind of Implants did the founder of this group have???

Thank God Patty, I lucked out & on my hair analysis it was found I had no heavy metal, or mercury traces above the normal level, mine were far below normal! I was so grateful to at least hear that, although I have hashimotos & rhuematiod arthrits (and brain fog from hell!) from them. I guess we all get efected one way or another . Thanks for all your knowlegde. Its always so helpful!

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Thanks , I'll check into this...yet another product, but I guess I will have to try them all until I hit on the right one or the right combination. I'll see what this other doc says as well. Thanks for the advice!


----- Original Message -----

From: Dr. Kolb

Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2002 4:33 AM

Subject: RE: What kind of Implants did the founder of this group have???

Patty: You could try Thyrosine by Phytopharmica instead of thyroid. It will help your body make thyroid when it needs it. .

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