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About Barrett as ABC's expert...

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This " Millions of Health Freedom Fighters - Newsletter " is about

the battle between " Health and Medicine " on Planet Earth. Tim

Bolen is an op/ed writer with extensive knowledge of the

activities of a subversive organization calling itself the

" quackbusters, " and that organization's attempts to suppress,

and discredit, any, and all health modalities that compete with

the allopathic (MD) paradigm for consumer health dollars. The

focus of the newsletter is on the ongoing activities, battles,

politics, and the victories won by members of the " Health Freedom

Movement " against the " quackbusters " It details " who the

quackbusters are, what they are, where they are operating, when

they appear, and how they operate - and how easy it is to beat

them... "

For background information on the " Battle between Health and

Medicine " go to: http://www.save.org/by_whom2.htm.

About Barrett as ABC's " expert " ...

About Barrett as ABC's " expert " ...

Opinion by consumer advocate Tim Bolen

I've been tied up on another project or I'd have commented on ABC

PrimeTime's program about the Mexican Cancer Clinics sooner, and

their reference to de-licensed MD Barrett as their

" expert. "

ly, it's nothing to be concerned about - and, actually,

Barrett, in his megalomania, played right into our hands

one-more-time. I AM VERY PLEASED.

There is something that can be EASILY done to put a stop to

future nonsense like this. I'll tell you HOW in a minute.


Yes, he did...

Remember that Barrett has MEGA-legal problems. One of the

allegations made against him is the he is involved in

" racketeering " (RICO) violations. The way I look at it - the

whole PrimeTime program about the Mexican Clinics, and the way,

and by whom, it was constructed, contains SOLID EVIDENCE of a

conspiracy. Just what we're looking for.

I was at the Cancer Control Society's conference (the one that

was filmed). I saw the film crew. ABC DID NOT FILM THIS.

So, who did? Who sold this program idea to Diane Sawyer?

I think that with this " Mexican Clinic " program, Barrett blew it

big time. Because, now, I think we're about to find Barrett's

paymasters. I think that, with this, Barrett has given us the

vehicle to go after his funding sources. I think he made this

BIG MISTAKE because of his internal problems, and this was his

attempt to wrest back control of, the " quackbuster " hierarchy.

To put himself back on top.

I think that the Mexican Cancer Clinics would enjoy having a

" deep pockets " target to pursue through the court system. I

think we are about to find that target.

Didn't someone tell me that there were five different drug

companies sponsoring that show? Do any of those companies make

cancer drugs? Did an " Ad Agency " bring this program to

PrimeTime? Who actually did the " hidden camera " filming?

Get the idea?


To file a FORMAL COMPLAINT to ABC management about the show, and

their statement " Barrett is our Expert, " go to


m.html, and have at it. Don't hold back on your commentary.

Tell them what you really think... They are in a competitive

market - and they need to know how badly they screwed their own

credibility with this.

If you want, you can refer ABC management to the statements made

about de-licensed MD Barrett, and his lack of

credibility, by LA Superior Court Judge Haley Fromholz in case #

BC245271 on December 17, 2001 - which can be read in it's

entirety by going to www.save.org, and clicking on the box

titled " What a Judge Says About the Quackbusters. "


Was even more interesting. - Rosenberg. Remember the

Interleuken-2 SCANDAL? I believe Rosenberg WAS the

" Interleuken-2 " SCANDAL.. Wasn't he the guy who got himself on

the cover of Time magazine in the mid 1980's claiming his

" Interleuken-2 " was the do-all, be-all, cancer cure of the world?

Wasn't he the one who used his connections with the National

Cancer Institute to get it out into the market UNTESTED until,

finally, almost eight years later, a clinical study showed that

it had " no more effectiveness than a placebo? " If my memory

serves me right, Rosenberg, who, on the show, blatted his

complaint about " untested products on the market, " should know

what he was talking about - he was one of the cancer " untested "

originals. Some expert.

Stay tuned...

Tim Bolen

Consumer Advocate

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Dotsie,sorry but this link is dead: please update it- Dean...



From: DotsieBoo@...


Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 12:43:11 EST

Subject: FW: About Barrett as ABC's " expert " ...


To file a FORMAL COMPLAINT to ABC management about the show, and

their statement " Barrett is our Expert, " go to


m.html, and have at it. Don't hold back on your commentary.

Tell them what you really think... They are in a competitive

market - and they need to know how badly they screwed their own

credibility with this.

If you want, you can refer ABC management to the statements made

about de-licensed MD Barrett, and his lack of

credibility, by LA Superior Court Judge Haley Fromholz in case #

BC245271 on December 17, 2001 - which can be read in it's

entirety by going to www.save.org, and clicking on the box

titled " What a Judge Says About the Quackbusters. "


Was even more interesting. - Rosenberg. Remember the

Interleuken-2 SCANDAL? I believe Rosenberg WAS the

" Interleuken-2 " SCANDAL.. Wasn't he the guy who got himself on

the cover of Time magazine in the mid 1980's claiming his

" Interleuken-2 " was the do-all, be-all, cancer cure of the world?

Wasn't he the one who used his connections with the National

Cancer Institute to get it out into the market UNTESTED until,

finally, almost eight years later, a clinical study showed that

it had " no more effectiveness than a placebo? " If my memory

serves me right, Rosenberg, who, on the show, blatted his

complaint about " untested products on the market, " should know

what he was talking about - he was one of the cancer " untested "

originals. Some expert.

Stay tuned...

Tim Bolen

Consumer Advocate

To unsubscribe - send a message to the return e-mail address

listed above.

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About Barrett as ABC's " expert " ...

Opinion by consumer advocate Tim Bolen

I've been tied up on another project or I'd have commented on ABC

PrimeTime's program about the Mexican Cancer Clinics sooner, and

their reference to de-licensed MD Barrett as their

" expert. "

ly, it's nothing to be concerned about - and, actually,

Barrett, in his megalomania, played right into our hands

one-more-time. I AM VERY PLEASED.

There is something that can be EASILY done to put a stop to

future nonsense like this. I'll tell you HOW in a minute.


Yes, he did...

Remember that Barrett has MEGA-legal problems. One of the

allegations made against him is the he is involved in

" racketeering " (RICO) violations. The way I look at it - the

whole PrimeTime program about the Mexican Clinics, and the way,

and by whom, it was constructed, contains SOLID EVIDENCE of a

conspiracy. Just what we're looking for.

I was at the Cancer Control Society's conference (the one that

was filmed). I saw the film crew. ABC DID NOT FILM THIS.

So, who did? Who sold this program idea to Diane Sawyer?

I think that with this " Mexican Clinic " program, Barrett blew it

big time. Because, now, I think we're about to find Barrett's

paymasters. I think that, with this, Barrett has given us the

vehicle to go after his funding sources. I think he made this

BIG MISTAKE because of his internal problems, and this was his

attempt to wrest back control of, the " quackbuster " hierarchy.

To put himself back on top.

I think that the Mexican Cancer Clinics would enjoy having a

" deep pockets " target to pursue through the court system. I

think we are about to find that target.

Didn't someone tell me that there were five different drug

companies sponsoring that show? Do any of those companies make

cancer drugs? Did an " Ad Agency " bring this program to

PrimeTime? Who actually did the " hidden camera " filming?

Get the idea?


To file a FORMAL COMPLAINT to ABC management about the show, and

their statement " Barrett is our Expert, " go to


m.html, and have at it. Don't hold back on your commentary.

Tell them what you really think... They are in a competitive

market - and they need to know how badly they screwed their own

credibility with this.

If you want, you can refer ABC management to the statements made

about de-licensed MD Barrett, and his lack of

credibility, by LA Superior Court Judge Haley Fromholz in case #

BC245271 on December 17, 2001 - which can be read in it's

entirety by going to www.save.org, and clicking on the box

titled " What a Judge Says About the Quackbusters. "


Was even more interesting. - Rosenberg. Remember the

Interleuken-2 SCANDAL? I believe Rosenberg WAS the

" Interleuken-2 " SCANDAL.. Wasn't he the guy who got himself on

the cover of Time magazine in the mid 1980's claiming his

" Interleuken-2 " was the do-all, be-all, cancer cure of the world?

Wasn't he the one who used his connections with the National

Cancer Institute to get it out into the market UNTESTED until,

finally, almost eight years later, a clinical study showed that

it had " no more effectiveness than a placebo? " If my memory

serves me right, Rosenberg, who, on the show, blatted his

complaint about " untested products on the market, " should know

what he was talking about - he was one of the cancer " untested "

originals. Some expert.

Stay tuned...

Tim Bolen

Consumer Advocate

This " Millions of Health Freedom Fighters - Newsletter " is about

the battle between " Health and Medicine " on Planet Earth. Tim

Bolen is an op/ed writer with extensive knowledge of the

activities of a subversive organization calling itself the

" quackbusters, " and that organization's attempts to suppress,

and discredit, any, and all health modalities that compete with

the allopathic (MD) paradigm for consumer health dollars. The

focus of the newsletter is on the ongoing activities, battles,

politics, and the victories won by members of the " Health Freedom

Movement " against the " quackbusters " It details " who the

quackbusters are, what they are, where they are operating, when

they appear, and how they operate - and how easy it is to beat

them... "

For background information on the " Battle between Health and

Medicine " go to: http://www.save.org/by_whom2.htm.

To unsubscribe - send a message to the return e-mail address

listed above.

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