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I enjoy the country..I go to town but don't want to live there..Where my Hep Dr is it is a fairly large town and I hate to go there...The people drive so crazy!!! Thanks for the support everyone..I took my first anti-depressant last nigh so I' m on my way it seems...Kinda scared to take the tx again after the last 2 times but I think if I am watched better this time everything will be ok..At least I saw the right Dr yesterday..

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I have female trouble Dave and have been having alot of pain..It should have been done years ago but of course I always thought it would get better but it has only gotten worse..The Dr told me on my next appt we would schedule the surgery if the pain was still there..I said well it's been here for about 7 years and it's only getting worse so you might as well go ahead and set the date..It's my own fault for waiting so long though but I can hardly take the pain anymore..It isn't everyday but when it's there I can barely walk..Sorry to those who think I got too personal but this is what the groups about..Sharing and helping for anything we feel we need...

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IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME YOU COME BACK TO US GIRL!!!!!!! We've missed you..So you got a puter now huh?? GREAT!!!!!! Yes I went..U know I didn't miss it..Now I am worn out!!!! hahaha but it was well worth it......Partners in crime back to do time!!!!!!

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Good Luck, Jan. We'll all be here pulling for you. I

waited several weeks to start mine because of a heavy

work commitment that I didn't need any additional

impairment to accomplish. I hope that things go well

for you. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Ok I went to the Dr today..He said my last viral

> load was good so I am going

> back on tx..I have to wait 4 weeks till the

> anti-depressant Paxil works first

> and then I'm trying again.Wish me luck everyone.....



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I found a happy medium here in Green Bay. As a

computer programmer, its hard for me to find work in a

small town, unless I start my own business and I don't

seem to have the ambition for that. I always lived in

large towns. Milwaukee, Denver, New Orleans. I am

living in Green Bay now with a population of about

100,000. I can get up in the north woods pretty quick.


--- Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

> I wish I was living in a small town. Unless I win

> the power ball lottery or some unknown relative

> leves

> me a large sum of Money. I stuck here in Phoenix.

> Terry

> --- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> > I live in a very small town and love it plus I'm

> in

> > the country

> >



> __________________________________________________


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I'm sorry if I missed this, but what are you having

surgery for? I'll be praying for you...


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Thanks for the prayers.. I did get to tal to the

> head honcho today and he

> was soooo confused by what the other Dr's told me

> what I could not do..He

> said he don't understand why they said that..He has

> me on Paxil for 4 weeks

> before tx and I get my muscle relaxers and

> valium..He saw I was in pain today

> when I went..I told him I understand you say the

> liver feels no pain but it

> sure is hurting everything around it..So for pain he

> told me to take

> Aleve...ALEVE? That never cured a headache of

> mine..Oh well those muscle

> relaxers sure are working though..I got a BIG smile

> on my face right now but

> I am so tired..He could see I was aggrevated too

> from all the pain but alot

> has to do with female trouble too I am going

> through..That will be seen about

> next month on the 6th I think..We will schedule

> surgery then..Now for that

> wish me luck....



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Response for the combo compared to the shot alone is

double the responders, so it is well worth it. Now I

think the only people who do the shot alone are those

whose bodies for some reason cannot tolerate

ribavarin. The amount of ribavarin given, I believe is

dependent on your weight, so you must be getting

skinnier? -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> They will cut the pill dosage by 1 pill a day..I

> don't know what difference

> that makes but that's what they are doing this

> time..My hubby asked if I

> could either take the pills or the shot and not both

> but the Dr said no it

> had to be the combo..That you could take just the

> shot but it would take alot

> longer..Oh well I got 4 weeks for my

> anti-depressants to work for

> me..Hopefully this time I can do it..I mean I had to

> try again knowing my

> last viral load after I took myself off of tx showed

> my enzyme level was

> good..3rd times a charm I always say..My whole right

> side is inflammed due to

> my liver..The Dr even said I was swollen..I just

> gave him the DUHHHHHH look

> like I didn't notice that myself..I just kept

> telling him please don't poke

> on my side..He said he had to I said well then don't

> hurt me ok..I felt like

> a kid but it was hurting bad yesterday..Then I got

> aggrevated..He asked hubby

> if I was always like that and he said no only when I

> don't feel good but that

> my nerves were always bad..Humm I told myself my

> nerves are bad because he is

> an alcoholic..He promised this time I am on tx he

> would straighten up..Time

> will tell..



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You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope they

find you some relief for the pain you have been going

through... One step at a time, eh? -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> I have female trouble Dave and have been having alot

> of pain..It should have

> been done years ago but of course I always thought

> it would get better but

> it has only gotten worse..The Dr told me on my next

> appt we would schedule

> the surgery if the pain was still there..I said well

> it's been here for about

> 7 years and it's only getting worse so you might as

> well go ahead and set the

> date..It's my own fault for waiting so long though

> but I can hardly take the

> pain anymore..It isn't everyday but when it's there

> I can barely walk..Sorry

> to those who think I got too personal but this is

> what the groups

> about..Sharing and helping for anything we feel we

> need...



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Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I somehow got back on

the group......... ooooooooo

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Hey -dz-

I got my puter set up and all I can do is look at it.... I have never

been on one in my life to learn anything..... I am so used to Web


Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Did you go to Marti Gras.... My girlfriend went and paid a lot for a

balcony spot on Bouran Street.... I said I wished Iknew she was going

cause I have a cajun girl who would have got her a spot for nothing....

Good Luck on your tx Jan,,,,,

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Get you butt there and get something done..... I went like that for

10 years and had to end up with a hysterectomy.... Don't put it off....

I sure did miss you all...... I will be on a little at a time cause I

can't sit long because of my back pain... Sending love to all.......

Heeeeeeeee-hawwwwwwwwww Jan has her parter in misbehavior back.... I

don't know how I got off the group but now I am back to stay!!!!!!!!

Look out..... We are a team again....

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Your right jan. That's what we are all here for, to

help each other through are hard times.

I will be keeping you in my prayers


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> I have female trouble Dave and have been having alot

> of pain..It should have

> been done years ago but of course I always thought

> it would get better but

> it has only gotten worse..The Dr told me on my next

> appt we would schedule

> the surgery if the pain was still there..I said well

> it's been here for about

> 7 years and it's only getting worse so you might as

> well go ahead and set the

> date..It's my own fault for waiting so long though

> but I can hardly take the

> pain anymore..It isn't everyday but when it's there

> I can barely walk..Sorry

> to those who think I got too personal but this is

> what the groups

> about..Sharing and helping for anything we feel we

> need...



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No they look like lobster but alot smaller but have a taste all their own..They are good and you are making me hungry for some..I made crawfish spaghetti tonight but it isn't the same as boiled ones.

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Look out guys and girls.... Jan is going to corrupt me again........ We

just can't behave when we get together..... Right Girl??????? Missed

you all so much..... I don't know how I got off the group, but I was put

back on out of the blue...... Ja I can just see you out there Flashing

every one.... Did you get me beads?????

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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I can just picture you out there carrying on!!!!!! You are a rare

one girl!!!!!!! My girlfriend was telling me how the real southerners

eat crawfish.... She sai you suck the juice out of the head and take off

the tale.... She got drunk and did it...... I wouldn't be able to get

past those eyes.....

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Ok I will get brave and ask.... this is those little seafood things huh? Re: [ ] (no subject) Girl if you got good suction then you suck the heads till the eyes go in the head...hahahaha...I do that too...As the shirts say suck the heads and pinch the tails!!!! LOL

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Diane I thank you & Jan are corrupting the rest of

us. HA HA


--- diane214@... wrote:

> Look out guys and girls.... Jan is going to corrupt

> me again........ We

> just can't behave when we get together..... Right

> Girl??????? Missed

> you all so much..... I don't know how I got off the

> group, but I was put

> back on out of the blue...... Ja I can just see you

> out there Flashing

> every one.... Did you get me beads?????


> Angel Hugs,

> Diane


> May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope,

> Peace & Unity






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