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We'll miss you.


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> I just want yall to know i may not be on for a few

> days..Got some problems I

> need to take care of..Everything is ok though..I'll

> be thingking of all of

> you..After today it'll be probably Saturday before

> I'm back on..Keep things

> going in here..



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Hi Teri,

Thanks for the reply. I called a rheumatologist's office in my group

today--guess what? One of them is not taking anymore patients and the one

that is has a 2 month waiting list! I'm on the waiting list. I don't need a

referral with my insurance, but I have to stay in the network and they are

the only two in my area that I can go to. Don't need to take any tests with

me either. In the mean time, I'm going to try and get in to see my gp

tomorrow asap, she wasn't in today. I pray that she can see me because I

can't take this pain anymore. If my foot gets numb again tonight--I'm going

to the hospital!

Thanks for the help,


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I agree with Meghan. Get to a rhuemy ASAP by referral. They don't need test

results. In fact, most of them want to do the tests themselves. I had two MRI's,

a bone scan, x-rays, blood work, etc... Good luck to you.

kweezon@... wrote: Hi, I'm new to the group. I'v had P since 1993--scalp,

limbs, ears, two

fingernails, one toe nail and occasional patches in other places throughout

my body. I've been on all the creams and ointments, Dovonex, Utravate,

Temovate, Tazorac,etc,. I get some clearing of the skin, but it never

completely goes away. I always seem to have a patch of it somewhere. I was

diagnosed in 2000, by my gp with spondylitis. She told me that most people my

age get this condition (I'm 45). She didn't give me anything for it--I don't

think she made the connection between the nails, the P and the

spondylitis--neither did I. As a matter of fact, when I showed her my nails,

she told me that I probably bumped them and didn't remember doing it. Since

then, I have had many more joints that are very painful--hips, knees,

shoulders and one finger. I can barely walk sometimes because the pain is so

excruciating. I haven't seen my dermatologist since earlier this year when I

mentioned all of this to him and I haven't complained to my gp about it

either since she doesn't seem to have a clue. The dermatologist told me that

I have PA and that he was going to send me to a rheumatologist--he never did.

In November of last year, the back of my heel hurt so bad that I went to a

podiatrist thinking I had a foot problem. Turns out is is achilles

tendonitis. Again, the podiatrist made no connection. She put me on Relafen

for it, gave me some shoe inserts and told me to go buy myself a pair of New

Balance sneakers.( I had to stop the Relafen because it was tearing up my

stomach) I got some relief for a time, but it started acting up again within

the past few weeks. I have no idea which doctor I should see about this

ongoing pain. The dermie? My gp? An orthopaedist? I've been trying to take

care of this on my own for months--with no sucess. I've tried ibuprophen,

Tylenol Arthritis, Mineral Ice, Capsaicin, Deep Heat, Icy Hot, hot baths,

heating pads--you name it, I 've tried it. I do not know what to do. I want

to go to a rheumatologist asap, but I have no test results to take with me. I

have one x-ray from 98 and that's it. I can't take much more of this

horrendous pain! Most of my joints large joints are killing me! Will a rheumy

see me without my having to take some kind of test results with me? Any

advice is appreciated.




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Get on that waiting list!!!! 2 months is better than never.


kweezon@... wrote: Hi Teri,

Thanks for the reply. I called a rheumatologist's office in my group

today--guess what? One of them is not taking anymore patients and the one

that is has a 2 month waiting list! I'm on the waiting list. I don't need a

referral with my insurance, but I have to stay in the network and they are

the only two in my area that I can go to. Don't need to take any tests with

me either. In the mean time, I'm going to try and get in to see my gp

tomorrow asap, she wasn't in today. I pray that she can see me because I

can't take this pain anymore. If my foot gets numb again tonight--I'm going

to the hospital!

Thanks for the help,


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Hi, Janne,

What is CRS? I've seen the term here, but don't know what it is.


Re: [ ] (no subject)

Dave has CRS today.Hummmm glad to see I'm not the only one..

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, CRS is Can't Remember Sh-t


Sizer <ssizer@...> wrote:

Hi, Janne,

What is CRS? I've seen the term here, but don't know what it is.


Re: [ ] (no subject)

Dave has CRS today.Hummmm glad to see I'm not the only one..

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Is it that you don't know it or "Can't Remember"? CRS Can't Remember S**t.


Sizer <ssizer@...> wrote:

Hi, Janne,

What is CRS? I've seen the term here, but don't know what it is.


Re: [ ] (no subject)

Dave has CRS today.Hummmm glad to see I'm not the only one..

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And I thought it was Cardio Respiratory something or other!

Re: [ ] (no subject)

Dave has CRS today.Hummmm glad to see I'm not the only one..

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Jan and Fluffy...... Come on up!!!!!!!!! I missed you too girl...... I

ca't wait till I can sit for a longer amount of time......

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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I can kick with my right leg....... it works good....Lets rock and roll Fluffy [ ] (no subject) Diane I missed you...Keep us in touch about your condition..Hey if ya need some crazy cajun to help ya go kick some ass just let me know ok!! I'm ready to run anyway..Hey Fluffy we could go there!!

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We are on the way........ With Jans long legs we should be there in no time at all. Fluffy Re: [ ] (no subject) Jan and Fluffy...... Come on up!!!!!!!!! I missed you too girl...... Ica't wait till I can sit for a longer amount of time...... Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Hey Jan, I could use some of that rain. We've gotten

a little but most of it is skipping us. I was never

good at that patience thing either, but I'm getting a

little better. I used to do everything myself because

I didn't have the patience to wait for someone else to

do it. On treatment I've had to learn to back off.

Good luck with the ultrasound.



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We've been blessed with a gorgeous weekend here. In the low 80's and sunny. I fixed a couple of doors I've been meaning to for about 2 years now, sat out in the yard and in general enjoyed life. I forgot all about hepatitis and pills and pains and work and dragons and devils. I hope to do the same today (except for fixing the doors) -dz-

Jannewilms42@... wrote: I hope eeryone is having a good weekend..It is raining here and has been since last night..I hope it quits soon we have enough now..It stayed dry for so long and now it don't want to quit...My wekend is ok...My youngest brother is down for a few days and my daughter is gone for a few..Oh well it always balances out doesn't it?? Just thought i"d say hi..Oh and for the record my LIVER ISN"T feeling pain again..Yea right!! It sure is but my ultrasound is MOnday so I"ll see what's up with this pain that supposedly doesn't exist!! I won't get the results yet though..That'll take a few weeks before I get another appt..It always takes so long..They say patience is a virtue..Well I don't know how much virtue I have left!!

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  • 1 year later...

I write all my own jokes....Trouble is these are all someone elses.....I come in and from 6 to 7 in the am I just read jokes and e-mails and do my paper work at the office...glad they make your day better.

"Good breeding consists of concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person."-Mark Twain-Eddie

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I remember one of the neighborhood kids had one. We teased him, as kids tend to do. We called him M1 or unisac. But we dropped it before high school age. -dz-Tubs46@... wrote:

There once was an Indian whose given name was "Onestone", so namedbecause he had only one testicle.He hated that name and asked everyone to not to call him Onestone!After years and years of torment, Onestone finally cracked and said,"If anyone calls me Onestone again I will kill them!"The word got around and nobody called him that any more. Then one day ayoung girl named Blue Bird forgot and said, "Good morning, Onestone..."He jumped up, grabbed her, and took her deep into the forest where hemade love to her all day and all night. He made love to her all thenextday, until Blue Bird died from exhaustion.The word got around that Onestone meant serious business.Years went by and no one dared call him by his given name until a womannamed Yellow Bird returned to the village after being away for manyyears.Yellow Bird, who was Blue Bird's cousin, was overjoyed when she sawOnestone.She hugged

him and said, "Good to see you, Onestone..."Onestone grabbed her, took her deep into the forest, then he screwedherall day, made love to her all night, made love to her her all the next day, made love toher all the next night...but, Yellow Bird wouldn't die!!!!What is the moral of this story???And the moral is........................ You can't kill two birds with one stone!

OLD IS WHEN...a sexy babe catches your eye and your pacemaker opens the garage door.Eddie

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Your probably like me and have herd most jokes several diffrent ways. Just glad I can add something here. Have a good one.

The most thoroughly wasted of all days is that which one has not laughed!Eddie

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I caught some heat about the off color jokes and I understand that but be damned if I come to this place to be depressed all the time. Most people who are on tx are about this ----- far from being basket cases, trust me, been there and sure don't want the tee shirt. Sure hope you don't mind a few jokes for everyone to enjoy will keep them clean(for the most part) Hope the world is treating you all well.

The most thoroughly wasted of all days is that which one has not laughed!Eddie

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Hey Eddie,Keep em coming sugar.Your jokes make so many peoples lives

brighter.It's great waking up to a funny!!!Are you still on tx ?---

In , Tubs46@a... wrote:

> Terry:

> I caught some heat about the off color jokes and I understand that

but be

> damned if I come to this place to be depressed all the time. Most

people who are

> on tx are about this ----- far from being basket cases, trust me,

been there

> and sure don't want the tee shirt. Sure hope you don't mind a few

jokes for

> everyone to enjoy will keep them clean(for the most part) Hope the

world is

> treating you all well.


> The most thoroughly wasted of all days is that which one has not



> Eddie

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No I was one of those that couldn't take the tx. When I say couldn't, it was because of the sever sides, and after the second stay in the hosp, I made the decision to quit. I am a geon-3 stage 1 stage 1 and my viral load after 12 weeks was undetectable..Been checked twice since then and still undetectable.

Only problem I am having now is my hemo keeps going up from my hemochromitosis (spelling) and they take a pint of blood every 6 weeks to bring it down. Now I'm doing some vitamins and herbs (not the smoking kind lol) and all my #s are staying good.

I love this board and all the others and wish I had found them before and during my tx.

The most thoroughly wasted of all days is that which one has not laughed!Eddie

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