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----- Original Message -----

From: " Kathi " <pureheart@...>

Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2002 10:01 PM

Subject: Toxicity, Phosgene

> Toxicity, Phosgene

> Last Updated: January 21, 2002


> Author: Noltkamper, MD, Assistant Medical Director, Department of

> Emergency Medicine, Naval Hospital of Camp Lejeune


> Coauthor(s): Burgher, MD, Department of Emergency Medicine, the

> Woodlands Memorial-Herman Hospital, Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital

> Noltkamper, MD, is a member of the following medical societies:

> American College of Emergency Physicians Editor(s): C Fernandez,

> MD, Medical Director of South Texas Poison Center, Associate Clinical

> Professor, Departments of Emergency Medicine and Toxicology, University

> of Texas Health Science Center at San ; T VanDeVoort,

> PharmD, DABAT, Manager, Clinical Assistant Professor, Pharmacy

> Department, Regions Hospital; Fred Harchelroad, MD, FACMT, Chair,

> Department of Emergency Medicine, Director of Medical Toxicology,

> Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Allegheny General

> Hospital; Halamka, MD, Chief Information Officer, CareGroup

> Healthcare System, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Department of

> Emergency Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Assistant

> Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; and J Roberge,

> MD, MPH, FAAEM, FACMT, Research Director, Department of Emergency

> Medicine, Ohio Valley Medical Center; Clinical Associate Professor,

> Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Pittsburgh


> Background:

> Phosgene (COCl2) is a highly toxic gas or liquid that is classified as a

> pulmonary irritant. Synonyms for phosgene include carbonic dichloride,

> carbon oxychloride, carbonyl dichloride, chloroformyl chloride, d-stoff,

> and green cross. The military symbol for phosgene is CG, and its United

> Nations/Department of Transportation number is UN#1076. The American

> Chemical Society's Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registry number for

> phosgene is #75-44-5.


> Sir Humphrey Davy first synthesized phosgene in 1812 by passing carbon

> monoxide and chloride through charcoal. During World War I, it was used

> in combination with chlorine gas for combat purposes by the German army.

> This combination allowed phosgene emission to be hastened in cold

> weather. The German army switched to mustard gas in 1917 because of the

> development of effective gas masks. More effective agents and improved

> personal protective equipment make phosgene an unlikely agent to be used

> in future battles.


> Present day exposure occurs during the manufacture of aniline dyes,

> polycarbonate resins, coal tar, pesticides, isocyanates, polyurethane,

> and pharmaceuticals. Phosgene exposure also occurs in the uranium

> enrichment process and during the bleaching of sand for glass

> production. Exposures related to the heating or combustion of

> chlorinated organic compounds, such as carbon tetrachloride, chloroform,

> and methylene chloride, also occur. These products are found in common

> household solvents, paint removers, and dry cleaning fluids.

> Occupational exposure can occur when welders heat metals treated with

> these chemicals and in organic chemistry laboratories that use

> chloroform. Similarly, vehicle crashes involving trains or trucks

> transporting phosgene (or chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as methylene

> chloride, that could combust to form phosgene) could expose numerous

> individuals to this toxin.


> Pathophysiology:

> Phosgene is a colorless gas with the odor of newly mown hay or green

> corn. Olfactory fatigue may occur with a large exposure. Exposure to

> concentrations of 3 ppm may not cause noticeable symptoms for 12-24

> hours. Exposures to 50 ppm may be rapidly fatal. While an odor threshold

> of 1.5 ppm has been reported in some humans, this does not protect

> against toxic inhalation effects.


> Phosgene is considered to have poor warning properties and, hence, may

> reach the lower airways before it is noticed. It is 4 times heavier than

> air and is a gas above

> 47°F (8°C). Because of hydrolysis from atmospheric water, it appears as

> a white cloud in an outside environment.


> Damage caused by phosgene is due to the presence of a highly reactive

> carbonyl group attached to 2 chloride atoms. The gas dissolves slowly in

> water, but when this occurs, it hydrolyses to form carbon dioxide and

> hydrochloric acid. This slow dissolution allows phosgene to enter the

> pulmonary system without significant damage to the upper airways.

> However, in the lower airways and alveoli, the tissue undergoes necrosis

> and inflammation. After the first few hours of exposure, the carbonyl

> group attacks the surface of the alveolar capillaries, causing leakage

> of serum into the alveolar septa. The tissue fills with fluid, causing

> hypoxia and apnea. Massive amounts of fluid (up to 1 L/h) leak out of

> the circulation, leading to a noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, with

> associated hypoxemia and volume depletion.


> Researchers in the past decade have discovered 2 important facts that

> may lead to improved therapy. First, phosgene stimulates the synthesis

> of lipoxygenase-derived leukotrienes. Second, phosgene combines with

> glutathione to form diglutathionyl dithiocarbonate. When the glutathione

> stores become depleted, phosgene binds to the cellular macromolecules,

> causing cell necrosis in the renal and hepatic tissues.


> Frequency:

> In the US: Clinically significant phosgene exposure occurs infrequently.

> Sporadic exposures in recent years are related to industrial accidents

> or isolated.


> Internationally: In view of currently available war gases, which are

> much more lethal than phosgene, and improved respiratory protection,

> phosgene is no longer considered a significant threat.


> Mortality/Morbidity:

> The Occupational Safety and Health Administration permissible exposure

> limit (OSHA PEL) for the workplace is 0.1 ppm (0.4 mg/m) as an 8-hour

> time weighted average. The level immediately dangerous to life or health

> (IDLH) is 2 ppm. Even a short exposure to 50 ppm may result in rapid

> fatality.


> During World War I, from December 1915 to August 1916, casualties from

> phosgene exposure occurred in 4.1% of gas-exposed troops. Fatality from

> phosgene exposure occurred in 0.7% of gas-exposed troops. Total

> casualties from chemical gas exposure occurred in 1.2 million troops and

> caused 100,000 deaths. Phosgene accounted for an estimated 80% of these

> cases.


> According to OSHA, millions of kilograms of phosgene are produced

> annually, with 10,000 workers at risk of exposure. This does not include

> the large number of people that may have mild-to-moderate exposures in

> their homes from using solvents (eg, methylene chloride) with heat guns

> to remove paint.


> Morbidity and mortality are related to the degree of pulmonary insult

> and subsequent hypoxemia. Delayed diagnosis may result from delayed

> signs and symptoms. Underlying medical conditions contribute to the

> patient's ability to withstand the hypoxic insult.


> Race:

> No evidence has demonstrated that outcome of phosgene toxicity is

> dependent on race.


> Sex:

> No sex predilection exists. Historically, most exposures have occurred

> in men because of their military roles. Women were exposed during World

> War I from developing and testing gas masks at the home front.


> History: Diagnosis of phosgene toxicity depends largely on history of

> exposure. Consider phosgene toxicity in patients involved in the

> manufacture of dyes, resins, coal tar, and pesticides. Query patients

> regarding occupation and any exposure to chemicals, especially around

> sources of heat. In the work setting and at home, phosgene can be

> produced by the combustion of methylene chloride (paint remover) or

> trichloroethylene (a degreasing solvent). Patients typically have an

> asymptomatic period of

> 30 minutes to 72 hours, but most significant exposures have a latent

> period less than 24 hours. The duration and concentration of exposure

> determine the time to symptom onset.


> Pulmonary

> Cough (initially nonproductive, later frothy white-to-yellow sputum) or

> hemoptysis

> Dyspnea (exertional early on, subsequently becomes resting dyspnea)

> Chest tightness or discomfort (may be pleuritic but frequently is

> described as retrosternal burning)

> Head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat

> Mucosal irritation - More common with intense exposure

> Eye irritation and tearing

> Nasal irritation (irritation and burning of the nasal passages) - Occurs

> with phosgene concentrations higher than 3 ppm, but, with lower

> respiratory tract disease, may occur at even lower concentrations

> Throat irritation extending to the retrosternal area - Common with

> exposures more than 5 ppm and may be described as a burning sensation

> Sudden death secondary to laryngospasm with large exposures

> Cardiovascular (caused by volume depletion or hypoxemia)

> Lightheadedness, palpitations

> Angina

> Headache (thought to be secondary to the hypoxemia and the inflammatory

> response initiated in the pulmonary parenchyma)

> Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting

> Flat metallic taste when smoking cigarettes or overall altered taste

> sensation

> Weakness

> Anxiety and sense of impending doom (likely from the hypoxemia and

> tachycardia)

> Skin burning if the patient has been sweating or if clothing is wet

> (caused by the breakdown to hydrochloric acid)


> Physical: Physical examination is useful with patients with active

> symptoms. Patients who relate a recent exposure may be in the latent

> phase and have no specific findings related to the exposure.


> Pulmonary

> Tachypnea and bronchorrhea

> Wheezes, crackles, or rales on auscultation

> Cyanosis

> Apnea (late finding)

> Head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat (Upper airway findings are not good

> prognostic indicators because significant injury may occur to the lower

> airways without upper airway involvement.)

> Conjunctival injection and lacrimation

> Oropharyngeal hyperemia and salivation

> Nasal mucosa hyperemia associated with rhinorrhea

> Cardiovascular

> Tachycardia

> Hypotension

> Skin

> Cyanosis from pulmonary injury and resultant hypoxemia

> Chemical burns from liquefied phosgene (Although it also is considered a

> frostbite hazard in the compressed liquid form)


> Causes:

> The major risks are occupational exposure and close proximity to an

> industrial incident.


> Present day exposures described in literature are caused by the

> combustion products from chlorinated chemicals (eg, methylene chloride,

> trichloroethylene).


> Welding metals recently treated with degreasers, such as

> trichloroethylene, may produce phosgene.


> Use of methylene chloride, a commonly used chemical paint remover, near

> a heat source allows the release of phosgene.


> Carbon monoxide is released in vivo as a metabolic product of methylene

> chloride.


> Phosgene is a breakdown product of chloroform that is stored for more

> than 6 months, even if the chloroform is stabilized with amylene.




> Acute Coronary Syndrome

> Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

> Altitude Illness - Pulmonary Syndromes

> Bronchitis

> CBRNE - Chemical Warfare Agents

> Congestive Heart Failure and Pulmonary Edema

> EMS and Terrorism

> Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome

> Hazmat

> Pneumonia, Bacterial

> Pneumonia, Mycoplasma

> Pneumonia, Viral

> Pulmonary Embolism

> Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Adult

> Smoke Inhalation

> Toxicity, Ammonia

> Toxicity, Carbon Monoxide

> Toxicity, Chlorine Gas

> Toxicity, Cyanide

> Toxicity, Hydrocarbon Insecticides

> Toxicity, Hydrogen Sulfide

> Toxicity, Organophosphate and Carbamate

> Toxicity, Phosgene


> Other Problems to be Considered:


> Phosphorus pentoxide exposure (white phosphorus weaponry)

> Sulfur dioxide exposure



> Lab Studies:


> ABG with carboxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin levels


> ABG demonstrates the degree of hypoxemia. A partial pressure of oxygen

> (pO2) as low as 23 mm Hg on 8 L/min of oxygen by face mask has been

> reported.


> Typical presenting pO2 levels are 50-60 mm Hg while breathing room air.


> The carboxyhemoglobin level is important for cases involving exposure to

> methylene chloride or when carbon monoxide exposure is suspected.

> Methemoglobinemia may suggest other causes.




> CBC may be obtained as a baseline level or if pneumonia is high on the

> differential diagnosis list. An elevated WBC count is not specific

> because it may result from hypoxemic stress or an infectious process.


> CBC may reveal hemoconcentration late in the disease process.


> Electrolytes may be obtained as baseline studies because of the

> anticipated large fluid shifts that occur.


> Cardiac enzymes (eg, creatine kinase-MB [CK-MB], troponin T, troponin I)

> may be obtained if cardiogenic pulmonary edema is high on the

> differential.


> Continue pulse oximetry and cardiac monitoring in patients suspected of

> phosgene toxicity.


> Investigation on a blood test that measures exposure to phosgene is

> being pursued. Most likely, This test will be used in laboratory

> settings.


> Imaging Studies:


> Chest x-ray


> Initial findings may be normal; however, as the disease progresses, the

> chest x-ray (CXR) may demonstrate bilateral, diffuse interstitial

> infiltrates.


> Heart and pulmonary vessel sizes are usually normal unless the patient

> has baseline cardiomegaly.


> CXR findings may precede the clinical presentation.


> Procedures:


> Perform endotracheal (ET) intubation and mechanical ventilation based on

> the degree of respiratory failure and overall clinical picture.




> Prehospital Care:


> To avoid further exposures, hazardous materials (Hazmat) prehospital

> providers should always ensure that the environment is safe.


> A self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) should be worn at the

> exposure site. Remove the patient's clothes to prevent further

> contamination.


> If the eyes and skin are exposed, begin irrigation onsite.


> In the field, standard management of ABCs usually is sufficient. Severe

> exposures may require ET intubation and suctioning. If a significant

> bronchospastic component is present, bronchodilators may be used with

> caution.


> Past wartime experience has demonstrated that, in a mass casualty

> situation, phosgene exposures should be classified as immediate because

> of the impending need for intubation and positive end-expiratory

> pressure (PEEP) to maintain distal airway opening.


> Emergency Department Care:

> Always consider the need for decontamination in any toxic exposure to

> minimize the risk of poisoning hospital personnel. Inhalational exposure

> of phosgene should not occur unless in the proximity of the gas. If

> external decontamination has not been performed in the field, use

> personal protective equipment, as necessary, including dermal, eye, and

> facial protection. A decontamination shower unit may be used.


> Initiate humidified oxygen supplementation. Intubation with continuous

> positive airway pressure (CPAP) ventilation and pressure support is

> usually required to improve oxygenation. Frequent suctioning may improve

> conditions.


> Bronchodilators may improve existing bronchospasm. In animal studies,

> beneficial effect has been shown with the administration of numerous

> drugs, including leukotriene antagonists, ibuprofen, colchicine,

> cyclophosphamide, terbutaline, aminophylline, and N-acetylcysteine.

> Nebulized sodium bicarbonate treatment theoretically may be beneficial;

> however, consider it as second line after the drugs noted above.


> Avoid excessive fluid administration. Pulmonary artery catheter

> monitoring may be required to maintain appropriate fluid balance while

> treating hypotension caused by fluid shifts.


> In severe cases, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) may be

> considered refractory to supportive care.


> Minimize fluid administration except when it is needed to correct

> hypotension. Avoid diuretics because the patient typically is

> volume-depleted from fluid shifts.


> Avoid exertion during treatment and for several weeks after recovery.


> Prophylactic antibiotics have been recommended by some authors based on

> the findings of pneumonia and bronchitis in virtually all autopsy

> specimens.


> Corticosteroid administration within 15 minutes postexposure has been

> shown to reduce the degree of pulmonary edema.


> No specific antidote or effective elimination process exists. During

> both world wars, the Germans and Russians believed that hexamethylene

> tetramine was the antidote. Subsequent studies have shown some

> preexposure benefit but no definite postexposure benefit.


> Tomelukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist, prevents pulmonary edema

> in phosgene-exposed rabbits. Experimentally, ibuprofen has been shown to

> reduce phosgene-induced pulmonary edema. Colchicine and cyclophosphamide

> reduce neutrophil influx when administered to mice 30 minutes following

> phosgene exposure. These drugs reduce lung injury and mortality in mice.


> Intratracheal dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (DBcAMP), a

> cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) analogue, inhibits the release of

> leukotrienes that contribute to the disease process. In phosgene-exposed

> rabbits, terbutaline and aminophylline (cAMP enhancers) limit the

> pulmonary capillary leakage. Also, intratracheal N-acetylcysteine (NAC),

> administered to rabbits 45 minutes postexposure, reduces leukotriene

> formation and pulmonary edema. Theoretically, nebulized NAC also should

> be effective.


> Consultations:


> Consult the regional poison control center and a medical toxicologist

> for additional useful information and patient care recommendations.


> Prolonged critical care management often is required for the pulmonary

> complications of phosgene exposure.


> MEDICATION Section 7 of 11 Author Information Introduction

> Clinical Differentials Workup Treatment Medication Follow-up

> Miscellaneous Pictures Bibliography


> Management of phosgene toxicity is supportive. Oxygen, corticosteroids

> (inhaled, systemic), leukotriene inhibitors, IV fluids, and prophylactic

> antibiotics are recommended. The recommended steroid dose is much higher

> than the dose conventionally used in asthma. Prophylactic antibiotics

> and antifungals may be required because of the risk of superinfection.

> Pressor agents may be required to treat hypotension, bradycardia, and

> renal failure.


> Drug Category:

> Corticosteroids -- Reduce inflammatory response. Whether early

> administration of corticosteroids can prevent development of

> noncardiogenic pulmonary edema is unknown. The decision to administer

> corticosteroids must be made on clinical grounds.


> Treatments lasting more than 1 week may require a taper to prevent

> abrupt steroid withdrawal.


> Drug Name

> Dexamethasone (Decadron) -- Decreases inflammation by suppressing

> migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and reducing capillary

> permeability.

> Adult Dose 4 puffs immediately followed by 1 puff q3min until any sense

> of irritation is gone; then 5 puffs q15min until 1 inhaler is exhausted;

> followed by a daily regimen of 1 puff qh during the day and 5 puffs

> q15min for 90 min before sleep; repeat for at least 5 d

> Pediatric Dose Not established

> Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity Interactions Effects

> decrease with coadministration of barbiturates, phenytoin, and rifampin;

> decreases effect of salicylates and vaccines used for immunization

> Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.

> Precautions Increases risk of multiple complications, including severe

> infections; monitor adrenal insufficiency when tapering drug; abrupt

> discontinuation of glucocorticoids may cause adrenal crisis;

> hyperglycemia, edema, osteonecrosis, myopathy, peptic ulcer disease,

> hypokalemia, osteoporosis, euphoria, psychosis, myasthenia gravis,

> growth suppression, and infections are possible complications of

> glucocorticoid use


> Drug Name

> Beclomethasone (Beclovent, Vanceril) -- Inhibits bronchoconstriction

> mechanisms, producing direct smooth muscle relaxation; may decrease

> number and activity of inflammatory cells, in turn decreasing airway

> hyperresponsiveness.

> Adult Dose

> 10 puffs immediately followed by 5 puffs qh for 10 h; then 1 puff qh for

> at least 5 d Pediatric Dose Not established

> Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; bronchospasm, status

> asthmaticus, and other types of acute episodes of asthma Interactions

> Coadministration with ketoconazole may increase plasma levels but does

> not appear to be clinically significant Pregnancy C - Safety for use

> during pregnancy has not been established.

> Precautions Weight gain, increased bruising, cushingoid features,

> acneiform lesions, mental disturbances, and cataracts may occur (taper

> medication slowly if these changes occur)


> Drug Name

> Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) -- Decreases inflammation by

> suppressing migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and reversing

> increased capillary permeability.

> Adult Dose Day 1: 1000 mg IV Days 2-3: 800 mg IV Days 4-5: 700 mg IV Day

> 6: Reduce dose quickly if chest x-ray remains clear

> Pediatric Dose Not established

> Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity Interactions

> Coadministration with digoxin may increase digitalis toxicity secondary

> to hypokalemia; estrogens may increase levels; phenobarbital, phenytoin

> and rifampin may decrease levels (adjust dose); monitor patients for

> hypokalemia when taking medication concurrently with diuretics Pregnancy

> C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.

> Precautions Hyperglycemia, edema, osteonecrosis, peptic ulcer disease,

> hypokalemia, osteoporosis, euphoria, psychosis, growth suppression,

> myopathy, and infections are possible complications; caution in viral,

> fungal, or tubercular skin infections


> Drug Name

> Betamethasone (Celestone, Soluspan) -- Decreases inflammation by

> suppressing migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and reversing

> increased capillary permeability.

> Adult Dose Begin with 20 mg IV; repeat q6h IV/IM for 24 h; reduce dose

> over next 5 d

> Pediatric Dose Not established

> Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity Interactions Effects

> decrease with coadministration of barbiturates, phenytoin, and rifampin;

> dexamethasone decreases effect of salicylates and vaccines used for

> immunization Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been

> established.

> Precautions Increases risk of multiple complications, including severe

> infections (caution in tubercular or systemic fungal infections);

> monitor adrenal insufficiency when tapering drug; abrupt discontinuation

> of glucocorticoids may cause adrenal crisis; hyperglycemia, edema,

> osteonecrosis, myopathy, peptic ulcer disease, hypokalemia,

> osteoporosis, euphoria, psychosis, myasthenia gravis, growth

> suppression, and infections are possible complications


> Drug Category:

> Vasopressors -- Used to treat hypotension, bradycardia, or renal

> failure.

> Drug Name

> Dopamine (Intropin) -- Stimulates adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors.

> Hemodynamic effect is dependent on the dose. Lower doses predominantly

> stimulate dopaminergic receptors that, in turn, produce renal and

> mesenteric vasodilation. Use low dose to protect renal function; use

> high dose to combat severe hypotension unresponsive to fluid

> administration.

> Adult Dose 2-20 mcg/kg/min IV; titrate to effect

> Pediatric Dose Administer as in adults

> Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; pheochromocytoma or

> ventricular fibrillation Interactions Phenytoin, alpha- and

> beta-adrenergic blockers, general anesthesia, and MAOIs increase and

> prolong effects Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not

> been established.

> Precautions Closely monitor urine flow, cardiac output, pulmonary wedge

> pressure, and blood pressure during the infusion; before infusion,

> correct hypovolemia with whole blood or plasma prn; monitoring central

> venous pressure or left ventricular filling pressure may be helpful in

> detecting and treating hypovolemia


> Drug Category:

> Leukotriene antagonists -- Reduce the inflammatory response elicited by

> the leukotriene cascade. Leukotriene antagonists are approved by the

> Food and Drug Administration (FDA) only for chronic asthma management.

> Drug Name

> Zafirlukast (Accolate) -- No human studies have evaluated the efficacy

> and safety of zafirlukast in patients exposed to phosgene. Nevertheless,

> given the known effects of leukotriene stimulation by phosgene, the

> results from animal studies, and the drug's safety profile, should be

> considered first line. In the presence of food, bioavailability of oral

> zafirlukast is decreased by 40%. Administer on an empty stomach.

> Adult Dose 20 mg q12h PO asthma; however, given the pharmacokinetic

> profile and the exaggerated response caused by phosgene, an increased

> dosage can be assumed (consider 40-80 mg PO q12h for the initial 48 h)

> Pediatric Dose Not established

> Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity Interactions Aspirin

> increases plasma levels; erythromycin decreases plasma levels;

> theophylline may decrease levels and may increase plasma theophylline

> levels; warfarin may result in clinically significant increases in

> half-life of warfarin Pregnancy B - Usually safe but benefits must

> outweigh the risks.

> Precautions Severe liver disease; concomitant warfarin therapy; systemic

> eosinophilia, and symptoms consistent with Churg-Strauss syndrome have

> been reported during reduction in oral steroid therapy; efficacy and

> safety in humans exposed to phosgene have not been validated in clinical

> trials



> Further Inpatient Care:


> Admit patient to an intensive care setting for continued monitoring and

> supportive care. Improvement typically occurs within 48-72 hours.


> Further Outpatient Care:


> In a case of suspected exposure to phosgene, monitor the patient for a

> minimum of 12-24 hours because of the potential for delayed-onset

> pulmonary edema. (The patient must remain asymptomatic and have no chest

> x-ray changes or hypoxemia after observation to be released from the ED

> or inpatient ward.)


> Instruct patients discharged from the hospital after recovery from

> pulmonary edema to avoid exertion and any pulmonary toxins that may

> precipitate a recurrence. Also, instruct patients to avoid circumstances

> similar to their exposure and to warn others of the same dangers.


> Transfer:


> Provide supplemental oxygen and/or bilevel positive airway pressure

> (BiPAP) and immediately transfer patients to an appropriate facility if

> they present to clinics or hospitals without endotracheal intubation

> capability, ventilator capability, or ICU monitoring.


> Deterrence/Prevention:


> A standard field protective mask or gas particulate filter provides

> adequate protection.


> Personnel working with chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds should ensure

> adequate ventilation and avoid exposing the compounds and the vapors to

> heat.


> Complications:


> Recurrence of pulmonary edema because of exertion, re-exposure, or

> exposure to other pulmonary toxins

> Pneumonia

> Development of reactive airway disease


> Prognosis:


> The prognosis of acute phosgene exposure is good with early

> intervention. Few significant long-term sequelae occur after recovery.


> Studies involving combat personnel and workers involved in the uranium

> enrichment process have shown increased morbidity and mortality with

> high level exposure because of the development of pneumonitis, chronic

> bronchitis, emphysema, and impaired pulmonary function.


> The degree of the patient's cyanosis provides a rough estimate of

> survivability. Historically, patients with a mouse grey cyanosis have a

> worse prognosis than those with a plum blue cyanosis (quantitative

> assessment of hypoxemia was not routinely available at the time of these

> historical observations). To estimate the time until respiratory

> failure, double the length of time from exposure to the development of

> crackles.


> Patient Education:


> Instruct patients to avoid future exposures and to educate others

> involved in similar practices. Patients should minimize exertion for

> several weeks. Determining factors for return to the ED should include

> the symptoms of cough recurrence, dyspnea (especially resting dyspnea),

> and chest discomfort.



> Medical/Legal Pitfalls:


> Failure to consider the asymptomatic period and delayed onset of

> symptoms associated with phosgene toxicity and discharging the patient

> from the ED without an adequate period of observation


> Failure to ascertain a history consistent with phosgene exposure


> Failure to recognize phosgene as a combustion product of certain

> chemicals, especially chlorinated compounds (eg, methylene chloride,

> trichloroethylene)


> Failure to associate phosgene with the manufacturing process of common

> chemicals (eg, methyl isocyanate)


> Failure to consider phosgene toxicity in patients who present dyspnea or

> chest discomfort and who have occupations (eg, welding, refinishing)

> with increased risk of exposure


> Delay in the administration of corticosteroids in patients with phosgene

> exposure


> Administering diuretics to a volume-depleted patient, causing further

> circulatory collapse


> Failure to consider secondary pneumonia in patients not responding after

> 2-3 days of aggressive therapy


> Failure to recognize early signs of significant respiratory distress and

> document either a pO2 or oxygen saturation via pulse oximetry


> Failure to monitor the patient in a setting where respiratory support is

> immediately available or failure to transfer the patient to a facility

> with appropriate respiratory support capability


> Failure to consider carbon monoxide poisoning from exposure to methylene

> chloride


> Failure to evaluate and treat possible angina or myocardial infarction


> Special Concerns:


> The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not

> reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Navy,

> Department of Defense, or the US government.

> BIBLIOGRAPHY Section 11 of 11 Author Information Introduction

> Clinical Differentials Workup Treatment Medication Follow-up

> Miscellaneous Pictures Bibliography

> Balmes J: Phosgene. In: Olson KR, ed. Poisoning and Drug Overdose. 2nd

> ed. Appleton & Lange; 1994: 256. British War Office: Medical Manual of

> Chemical Warfare. London; 1941: 31-38. Ellenhorn MJ: Chemical warfare.

> In: Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology. 2nd ed. Lippincott &

> Wilkins; 1997: 1301-2. Kennedy TP, JR, Hoidal JR, et al:

> Dibutyryl cAMP, aminophylline, and beta-adrenergic agonists protect

> against pulmonary edema caused by phosgene. J Appl Physiol 1989 Dec;

> 67(6): 2542-52[Medline]. LS: Simple asphyxiants and pulmonary

> irritants. In: Goldfrank L, ed. Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies. 6th

> ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1998: 1530. Ng TP, Tsin TW, O' FJ: An

> outbreak of illness after occupational exposure to ozone and acid

> chlorides. Br J Ind Med 1985 Oct; 42(10): 686-90[Medline]. Noort D,

> Hulst AG, Fidder A, et al: In vitro adduct formation of phosgene with

> albumin and hemoglobin in human blood. Chem Res Toxicol 2000 Aug; 13(8):

> 719-26[Medline]. Schelble DT: Phosgene and phosphine. In: Haddad LM,

> MW, Winchester J, eds. Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug

> Overdose. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders;

> 1998: 960-3. Sciuto AM, Strickland PT, Kennedy TP, Gurtner GH:

> Protective effects of N-acetylcysteine treatment after phosgene exposure

> in rabbits. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1995 Mar; 151(3 Pt

> 1): 768-72[Medline]. Sciuto AM, Strickland PT, Kennedy TP, Gurtner GH:

> Postexposure treatment with aminophylline protects against phosgene-

> induced acute lung injury. Exp Lung Res 1997 Jul-Aug;

> 23(4): 317-32[Medline]. Sciuto AM, Stotts RR: Posttreatment with

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