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Re: Chronic Fatigue [Far Infrared Sauna & Mercury Removal]

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The far infrared sauna is one of the best and easiest ways to detox

mercury and other heavy metals. I discovered the FIR sauna when I

heard Dr. Sherry interviewed last October. After a search and

reading about it, I shared the info with a support group I'm a leader

in. One of the ladies was so impressed with the material, she has

just opened a business using the FIR saunas. My husband and I are

into our third week using it. I'm low-key and skeptical about

premature reporting of results, but must admit relief from some

chronic spinal pain feels wonderful and seems to be holding. There

are also some reports on its use with cancer, which is very


Here's an excerpt from one of the sites:


The far infrared sauna has been very beneficial in treating

fibromyalgia (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFIDS). A number of

doctors now believe that the " toxic load " of these patients are very

high and their detoxification pathways are often compromised. When

one is able to reduce the toxins and heavy metals in those with

fibromyalgia (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFIDS), their

symptoms often greatly improve. A number of people are also suffering

unknowingly from mercury poisoning or from other heavy metals such as

lead and aluminum. The infrared sauna has been invaluable in

accelerating the removal of these toxic metals. By raising the core

temperature and creating a 'hyperthermia' effect the infrared sauna

also improves a number of parameters in the immune system.



Cline Medical Center

Nanaimo, British Columbia




Saunas and steam baths have been used for centuries by cultures

around the world to bring about detoxification. Traditionally, saunas

have been used to improve mental clarity, to diminish pain and

promote longevity. In the past few years, hyperthermic (sweat)

therapy has been studied quite extensively and several papers on this

subject have appeared in the scientific literature. Through this

research, it has been shown that saunas greatly assist in the

elimination of accumulated toxins. Toxic metals, including mercury as

well as organic toxins such as PCB's and pesticide residues, are

excreted in high quantities in the sweat during properly conducted

hyperthermic therapy sessions.

Heat causes toxins to be released from cells. The toxic molecules

will then reside transiently in the lymph fluid. Since sweat is

manufactured from the lymph fluid, toxins present in the lymph fluid

will exit the body through the sweat. Because the liver and kidneys

are not required for this process, these organs are largely

unburdened by hyperthermic therapy and toxins are able to leave the

body even when liver or kidney function is impaired. This may be a

distinct advantage for chronically ill patients whose livers and

kidneys may already be under toxic stress.


Hyperthermic therapy also is one of the few things, which brings

about a significant rise in the level of growth hormone, an important

hormone that helps to maintain lean body tissue, including muscle.

For the chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia (FMS) patient, hyperthermic

therapy helps to restore normal autonomic nervous system functioning.

This is the part of the nervous system, which governs unconscious

functions such as muscle tension, sweating, blood pressure, digestion

and balance. Autonomic dysregulation is the term used to describe

changes in the nervous system, which result in many of the symptoms

of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia (FMS) . Muscle pain, excessive

body odor, digestive complaints, visual disturbances and dizziness

are some of the many manifestations of autonomic dysregulation.

Repeated sessions of hyperthermic therapy can greatly assist in the

restoration of normal autonomic nervous system functioning.


Many people with chronic illnesses find the high temperatures inside

a regular sauna or steam room intolerable. In these traditional

systems, the inside of the body is heated completely from the surface

of the skin. Even though you feel very hot in these units, the

heating is quite shallow - only a few millimetres below the skin. In

the far infrared sauna, invisible light rays emanate from several

infrared emitters. This infrared light penetrates deep into the fat

and muscles of the body, creating a more powerful detoxifying

influence upon the deeper tissues of the body. As well, since the air

temperature remains much lower than in a traditional sauna, the

individual feels more comfortable. Sweating often begins before the

person feels very hot at all and the sweating is more profuse than in

a traditional sauna.

Finally, unlike traditional saunas or steam baths, which can often

leave a person feeling exhausted, the far infrared sauna is usually

quite energizing. Many people actually use these before going to work

in the morning, something that one would never do with a traditional

sauna. Research conducted largely in Japan suggests that the far

infrared sauna has a wider range of therapeutic effects than

traditional saunas or steam baths, especially for detoxification.



Excerpted from:

Sick and Tired? Reclaim Your Inner Terrain

by O. Young, PhD.DSc.1999

Because of the level of pollution we are exposed to and its many

sources, as well as poor dietary and exercise habits, the therapeutic

value of regular sweating has become immense. It has benefits for

both body and mind and, in fact, is the primary benefit of exercise.

One of the best passive exercises is the radiant heat of an infrared

sauna which, causes a profound deep sweat. After about 30 minutes of

exposure, the blood vessels of the skin dilate to allow more blood to

flow to the surface to support the cooling process. The millions of

sweat glands covering the body are infused with fluid from the blood.

In turn, they empty to the skin's surface, thereby flushing large

amounts of toxins, including toxic acids and heavy metals, from the


My research over the last two years shows that a radiant heat

(infrared) sauna provides the following benefits:

-Speeds up metabolic processes of vital organs and glands,

including endocrine glands.

-Inhibits the development of pleomorphic microforms and creates

a " fever reaction " of rising temperature that neutralizes them.

-Increases the number of leukocytes in the blood.

-Places demand on the heart to work harder thus, exercising it and

also producing a drop in diastolic blood pressure (the low side).

-Stimulates dilation of peripheral blood vessels thus, relieving

pain (including muscle pain) and speeding the healing of sprain,

strain, bursitus, arthritis, and peripheral vascular disease symptoms.

-Promotes relaxation thereby creating a feeling of well-being.

For those who are unable to exercise sufficiently, for whatever

reason, the radiant heat infrared sauna is an excellent way to get

the benefits of exercise without undue stress on the skeleton,

muscles, and associated tissues. Such people have an even greater

need for exercise and the sauna fills the bill.



TITLE : Electromagnetic Wave Emitting Products - Potentiate

Human Leukocyte Functions

AUTHOR : Niwa Y; Iizawa O; Ishimoto K

SOURCE : Int. J. Biometeorol 1993 Sept; 37(3):133-8

In their abstract, the authors conclude that materials which emit

electro-magnetic radiation in the far infrared region, " …

significantly increased intracellular calcium ion concentration,

phagocytosis…and the blastogenetic response of lymphocytes to

mitogens. The results suggest that materials emitting electromagnetic

radiation in the far infrared range, which are widely used in Japan

for cosmetic, therapeutic, and preservative purposes, appear capable

of potentiating leukocyte functions without promoting oxidative

injury. "



Sherry A. , M.D.,

Northeast Center for Environmental Medicine,

Author of " Tired Or Toxic? "

Source: Total Wellness, May 2000

" The ultimate mercury removal ? The best way to get rid of heavy

metals and pesticide residues ? The Infrared Sauna. It has been known

for decades that sweating is a wonderful way to get rid of stored

chemicals, including heavy metals. In fact, sauna is one of the

detoxification procedures used in the Environmental Units in Dallas

(Dr. Rea) and North ton (Dr. Allan Lieberman) where

the sickest of folks go to heal. But many people, myself included,

never could tolerate a sauna. We felt weak, sick, fast heart rate,

faint, dizzy, headachy, or just miserable. Thanks to improved

technology, the infrared sauna is tolerated much better, because it

uses a heat energy that penetrates the tissues better, allowing an

overall lower temperature to be used. "

" The body can get rid of stored mercury through stool, urine or

sweat. The sweat route is the most efficient and natural (man used to

physically work before computers were invented). I used to hesitate

to recommend something so expensive, but when when you realize the

lifelong incapacity and expense of diseases such as heart disease,

chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia (FMS) , chronic

pain syndromes, migraines, Alzheimer's, or any others caused by

chemical and metal toxicity, a sauna is cheap. "



Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Benefits of the Soft Heat ® Infrared


As your body increases sweat production to cool itself, your heart

works harder pumping blood at a greater rate to boost circulation,

supplying the conditioning benefits of continuous exercise. Heart

rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate increase, while diastolic

blood pressure drops, for improved overall cardiovascular fitness.

As reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association

(JAMA), August 7, 1981

" A moderately conditioned person can easily sweat off 500 gms. in a

sauna, consuming nearly 300 kcal - the equivalent of running 2 - 3

miles. A heat-conditioned person can easily sweat off 600 - 800 kcal

with no adverse effects. While the weight of the water loss can be

regained by rehydration with water, the calories consumed will not

be. " Since an infrared sauna helps generate two to three times the

sweat produced in a hot-air sauna, the implications for increased

caloric consumption are quite impressive.

In Guyton's Textbook of Medical Physiology, we find that producing

one gram of sweat requires 0.586 kcal.

Burns 600 or more calories in just one 30-minute session!

Calories a 150-pound person normally burns up in 30-minutes of



Marathon Running 593

Vigorous Racquet Ball 510

Swimming (crawl stroke) 300

Jogging 300

Tennis (fast game) 265

Cycling (10 mph) 225

Golfing (without a cart) 150

Walking (3.5 mph) 150

Bowling 120

The JAMA citation referred to above goes on to state that,

" Many of us who run do so to place a demand on our cardiovascular

system, not to build big leg muscles. Regular use of a sauna may

impart a similar stress on the cardiovascular system, and its regular

use may be as effective, as a means of cardiovascular conditioning

and burning of calories, as regular exercise. "

As a confirmation of the validity of this form of cardiovascular

conditioning, extensive research by NASA in the early 1980's led to

the conclusion that, infrared stimulation of cardiovascular function

would be the ideal way to maintain cardiovascular conditioning in

American astronauts during long space flights.

A Soft Heat ® infrared sauna can therefore, play a pivotal role in

both weight control and cardiovascular conditioning. This would be

most valuable for those who don't exercise and those who can't

exercise yet want an effective weight control and fitness maintenance

program. This also allows for more variety in any ongoing training


Some weight loss authorities believe that our bodies use fat to

dilute toxins. As an infrared sauna is an unsurpassed expeller of

toxins, it is also a great way to get rid of any fat our bodies are

using to dilute toxins we are storing.

[end of excerpt]


> Hi Art,


> With respect to my illness, I don't think that mercury from amalgam

> fillings is a long shot at all. While I do not think that it is the

> cause of my illness (I believe there are probably many factors), I


> believe that it may play some part in my illness. After I became


> I could not afford to get my teeth fixed and I had several amalgam

> fillings that were crumbling in my mouth for about eight years.

> (Also, I was quite sick to get the dental treatments.)


> I think that the heavy metals may be a problem for a lot of people


> that is why I really believe that every person needs to be treated

> individually. A couple of years ago I had a hair analysis done and


> aluminum was really high. The ND said he never saw it that high and

> thought it was from the water. While the water may have been a

> factor, I suspect that it was my love affair with deodorant that was

> causing all the problems. (...even though I'm sick, I'm not stinky!

> ;-) LOL A girl on one of my newsgroups mentioned that she had high

> aluminum readings and was able to trace it back to her deodorant.


> soon as she said that I knew she identified the culprit in my own

> situation, as well.


> I know one fellow got over his " CFS " by treating mercury and


> (Some how the two went together.)


> I'm seeing a new practitioner at the end of the month. I've heard


> does hair analysis. Maybe I could get retested to see if I have had

> an improvement with my aluminum reading.


> I think that what is really important is reducing all toxicity,

> wherever it occurs. From reading that book, " Cancer, Cure and

> Coverup " by Ron Gdanski, I think that even in my own situation I


> to deal with parasites, candida and mineral deficiencies. (...I'm

> sort of on hold right now waiting for my upcoming appointment in a


> weeks. I really don't want to start anything, in case it changes


> results.)


> BTW, I love your idea for a license plate. ...got quite the chuckle

> over that one! ;-)


> Kind regards,

> Trudy


> From: " A. C. Brown " <abrown101@p...>

> Date: Mon Apr 15, 2002 9:59 am

> Subject: Chronic Fatigue


> Hi Trudy -


> This is perhaps a long shot, but one of the most overlooked causes


> long term Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and a variety of other hard to

> diagnose problems is mercury amalgam fillings. Even after they have

> ben removed mercury remains in the system.


> In the USA, Florida is the most active state I know of where citizen

> groups are literally hammering medical authorites to ban mercury in

> dentistry there. What a travesty they have to do that. I've read

> mercury is the second most poisonous metal to humans behind


> It has to be shipped to dentists in clearly marked hazardous


> containers and it has to be disposed of according to hazardous waste

> guidelines. Yet somehow medical authorites seem to think everything


> fine when it is put in our mouths.


> I swear, some day I am going to have a bumper sticker made saying

> " Bureaucracy - Home of the Devil " .


> - Art

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Guest guest

What proof do you have you are detoxing from heavy metals? That normally

takes a chelating agent, like DMPS or DMSA for mercury. Did you get a


Loren Parks

bsgttx wrote:


> Trudy,


> The far infrared sauna is one of the best and easiest ways to detox

> mercury and other heavy metals. I discovered the FIR sauna when I

> heard Dr. Sherry interviewed last October. After a search and

> reading about it, I shared the info with a support group I'm a leader

> in. One of the ladies was so impressed with the material, she has

> just opened a business using the FIR saunas. My husband and I are

> into our third week using it. I'm low-key and skeptical about

> premature reporting of results, but must admit relief from some

> chronic spinal pain feels wonderful and seems to be holding. There

> are also some reports on its use with cancer, which is very

> encouraging.


> Here's an excerpt from one of the sites:




> The far infrared sauna has been very beneficial in treating

> fibromyalgia (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFIDS). A number of

> doctors now believe that the " toxic load " of these patients are very

> high and their detoxification pathways are often compromised. When

> one is able to reduce the toxins and heavy metals in those with

> fibromyalgia (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFIDS), their

> symptoms often greatly improve. A number of people are also suffering

> unknowingly from mercury poisoning or from other heavy metals such as

> lead and aluminum. The infrared sauna has been invaluable in

> accelerating the removal of these toxic metals. By raising the core

> temperature and creating a 'hyperthermia' effect the infrared sauna

> also improves a number of parameters in the immune system.




> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


> ----------


> Cline Medical Center

> Nanaimo, British Columbia

> Canada





> Introduction


> Saunas and steam baths have been used for centuries by cultures

> around the world to bring about detoxification. Traditionally, saunas

> have been used to improve mental clarity, to diminish pain and

> promote longevity. In the past few years, hyperthermic (sweat)

> therapy has been studied quite extensively and several papers on this

> subject have appeared in the scientific literature. Through this

> research, it has been shown that saunas greatly assist in the

> elimination of accumulated toxins. Toxic metals, including mercury as

> well as organic toxins such as PCB's and pesticide residues, are

> excreted in high quantities in the sweat during properly conducted

> hyperthermic therapy sessions.


> Heat causes toxins to be released from cells. The toxic molecules

> will then reside transiently in the lymph fluid. Since sweat is

> manufactured from the lymph fluid, toxins present in the lymph fluid

> will exit the body through the sweat. Because the liver and kidneys

> are not required for this process, these organs are largely

> unburdened by hyperthermic therapy and toxins are able to leave the

> body even when liver or kidney function is impaired. This may be a

> distinct advantage for chronically ill patients whose livers and

> kidneys may already be under toxic stress.




> Hyperthermic therapy also is one of the few things, which brings

> about a significant rise in the level of growth hormone, an important

> hormone that helps to maintain lean body tissue, including muscle.


> For the chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia (FMS) patient, hyperthermic

> therapy helps to restore normal autonomic nervous system functioning.

> This is the part of the nervous system, which governs unconscious

> functions such as muscle tension, sweating, blood pressure, digestion

> and balance. Autonomic dysregulation is the term used to describe

> changes in the nervous system, which result in many of the symptoms

> of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia (FMS) . Muscle pain, excessive

> body odor, digestive complaints, visual disturbances and dizziness

> are some of the many manifestations of autonomic dysregulation.

> Repeated sessions of hyperthermic therapy can greatly assist in the

> restoration of normal autonomic nervous system functioning.




> Many people with chronic illnesses find the high temperatures inside

> a regular sauna or steam room intolerable. In these traditional

> systems, the inside of the body is heated completely from the surface

> of the skin. Even though you feel very hot in these units, the

> heating is quite shallow - only a few millimetres below the skin. In

> the far infrared sauna, invisible light rays emanate from several

> infrared emitters. This infrared light penetrates deep into the fat

> and muscles of the body, creating a more powerful detoxifying

> influence upon the deeper tissues of the body. As well, since the air

> temperature remains much lower than in a traditional sauna, the

> individual feels more comfortable. Sweating often begins before the

> person feels very hot at all and the sweating is more profuse than in

> a traditional sauna.


> Finally, unlike traditional saunas or steam baths, which can often

> leave a person feeling exhausted, the far infrared sauna is usually

> quite energizing. Many people actually use these before going to work

> in the morning, something that one would never do with a traditional

> sauna. Research conducted largely in Japan suggests that the far

> infrared sauna has a wider range of therapeutic effects than

> traditional saunas or steam baths, especially for detoxification.



> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


> ----------



> Excerpted from:

> Sick and Tired? Reclaim Your Inner Terrain

> by O. Young, PhD.DSc.1999


> Because of the level of pollution we are exposed to and its many

> sources, as well as poor dietary and exercise habits, the therapeutic

> value of regular sweating has become immense. It has benefits for

> both body and mind and, in fact, is the primary benefit of exercise.


> One of the best passive exercises is the radiant heat of an infrared

> sauna which, causes a profound deep sweat. After about 30 minutes of

> exposure, the blood vessels of the skin dilate to allow more blood to

> flow to the surface to support the cooling process. The millions of

> sweat glands covering the body are infused with fluid from the blood.

> In turn, they empty to the skin's surface, thereby flushing large

> amounts of toxins, including toxic acids and heavy metals, from the

> body.


> My research over the last two years shows that a radiant heat

> (infrared) sauna provides the following benefits:


> -Speeds up metabolic processes of vital organs and glands,

> including endocrine glands.


> -Inhibits the development of pleomorphic microforms and creates

> a " fever reaction " of rising temperature that neutralizes them.


> -Increases the number of leukocytes in the blood.


> -Places demand on the heart to work harder thus, exercising it and

> also producing a drop in diastolic blood pressure (the low side).


> -Stimulates dilation of peripheral blood vessels thus, relieving

> pain (including muscle pain) and speeding the healing of sprain,

> strain, bursitus, arthritis, and peripheral vascular disease symptoms.


> -Promotes relaxation thereby creating a feeling of well-being.


> For those who are unable to exercise sufficiently, for whatever

> reason, the radiant heat infrared sauna is an excellent way to get

> the benefits of exercise without undue stress on the skeleton,

> muscles, and associated tissues. Such people have an even greater

> need for exercise and the sauna fills the bill.



> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


> ----------


> TITLE : Electromagnetic Wave Emitting Products - Potentiate

> Human Leukocyte Functions


> AUTHOR : Niwa Y; Iizawa O; Ishimoto K


> SOURCE : Int. J. Biometeorol 1993 Sept; 37(3):133-8


> In their abstract, the authors conclude that materials which emit

> electro-magnetic radiation in the far infrared region, " …

> significantly increased intracellular calcium ion concentration,

> phagocytosis…and the blastogenetic response of lymphocytes to

> mitogens. The results suggest that materials emitting electromagnetic

> radiation in the far infrared range, which are widely used in Japan

> for cosmetic, therapeutic, and preservative purposes, appear capable

> of potentiating leukocyte functions without promoting oxidative

> injury. "



> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


> ----------


> Sherry A. , M.D.,

> Northeast Center for Environmental Medicine,

> Author of " Tired Or Toxic? "

> Source: Total Wellness, May 2000


> " The ultimate mercury removal ? The best way to get rid of heavy

> metals and pesticide residues ? The Infrared Sauna. It has been known

> for decades that sweating is a wonderful way to get rid of stored

> chemicals, including heavy metals. In fact, sauna is one of the

> detoxification procedures used in the Environmental Units in Dallas

> (Dr. Rea) and North ton (Dr. Allan Lieberman) where

> the sickest of folks go to heal. But many people, myself included,

> never could tolerate a sauna. We felt weak, sick, fast heart rate,

> faint, dizzy, headachy, or just miserable. Thanks to improved

> technology, the infrared sauna is tolerated much better, because it

> uses a heat energy that penetrates the tissues better, allowing an

> overall lower temperature to be used. "


> " The body can get rid of stored mercury through stool, urine or

> sweat. The sweat route is the most efficient and natural (man used to

> physically work before computers were invented). I used to hesitate

> to recommend something so expensive, but when when you realize the

> lifelong incapacity and expense of diseases such as heart disease,

> chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia (FMS) , chronic

> pain syndromes, migraines, Alzheimer's, or any others caused by

> chemical and metal toxicity, a sauna is cheap. "



> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


> ----------



> Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Benefits of the Soft Heat ® Infrared

> Sauna

> As your body increases sweat production to cool itself, your heart

> works harder pumping blood at a greater rate to boost circulation,

> supplying the conditioning benefits of continuous exercise. Heart

> rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate increase, while diastolic

> blood pressure drops, for improved overall cardiovascular fitness.


> As reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association

> (JAMA), August 7, 1981

> " A moderately conditioned person can easily sweat off 500 gms. in a

> sauna, consuming nearly 300 kcal - the equivalent of running 2 - 3

> miles. A heat-conditioned person can easily sweat off 600 - 800 kcal

> with no adverse effects. While the weight of the water loss can be

> regained by rehydration with water, the calories consumed will not

> be. " Since an infrared sauna helps generate two to three times the

> sweat produced in a hot-air sauna, the implications for increased

> caloric consumption are quite impressive.


> In Guyton's Textbook of Medical Physiology, we find that producing

> one gram of sweat requires 0.586 kcal.


> Burns 600 or more calories in just one 30-minute session!


> Calories a 150-pound person normally burns up in 30-minutes of

> exercise:



> Marathon Running 593

> Vigorous Racquet Ball 510

> Swimming (crawl stroke) 300

> Jogging 300

> Tennis (fast game) 265

> Cycling (10 mph) 225

> Golfing (without a cart) 150

> Walking (3.5 mph) 150

> Bowling 120



> The JAMA citation referred to above goes on to state that,

> " Many of us who run do so to place a demand on our cardiovascular

> system, not to build big leg muscles. Regular use of a sauna may

> impart a similar stress on the cardiovascular system, and its regular

> use may be as effective, as a means of cardiovascular conditioning

> and burning of calories, as regular exercise. "


> As a confirmation of the validity of this form of cardiovascular

> conditioning, extensive research by NASA in the early 1980's led to

> the conclusion that, infrared stimulation of cardiovascular function

> would be the ideal way to maintain cardiovascular conditioning in

> American astronauts during long space flights.


> A Soft Heat ® infrared sauna can therefore, play a pivotal role in

> both weight control and cardiovascular conditioning. This would be

> most valuable for those who don't exercise and those who can't

> exercise yet want an effective weight control and fitness maintenance

> program. This also allows for more variety in any ongoing training

> program.


> Some weight loss authorities believe that our bodies use fat to

> dilute toxins. As an infrared sauna is an unsurpassed expeller of

> toxins, it is also a great way to get rid of any fat our bodies are

> using to dilute toxins we are storing.

> [end of excerpt]



> bg




> > Hi Art,

> >

> > With respect to my illness, I don't think that mercury from amalgam

> > fillings is a long shot at all. While I do not think that it is the


> > cause of my illness (I believe there are probably many factors), I

> do

> > believe that it may play some part in my illness. After I became

> ill,

> > I could not afford to get my teeth fixed and I had several amalgam

> > fillings that were crumbling in my mouth for about eight years.

> > (Also, I was quite sick to get the dental treatments.)

> >

> > I think that the heavy metals may be a problem for a lot of people

> and

> > that is why I really believe that every person needs to be treated

> > individually. A couple of years ago I had a hair analysis done and

> my

> > aluminum was really high. The ND said he never saw it that high and


> > thought it was from the water. While the water may have been a

> > factor, I suspect that it was my love affair with deodorant that was


> > causing all the problems. (...even though I'm sick, I'm not stinky!


> > ;-) LOL A girl on one of my newsgroups mentioned that she had high


> > aluminum readings and was able to trace it back to her deodorant.

> As

> > soon as she said that I knew she identified the culprit in my own

> > situation, as well.

> >

> > I know one fellow got over his " CFS " by treating mercury and

> candida.

> > (Some how the two went together.)

> >

> > I'm seeing a new practitioner at the end of the month. I've heard

> he

> > does hair analysis. Maybe I could get retested to see if I have had


> > an improvement with my aluminum reading.

> >

> > I think that what is really important is reducing all toxicity,

> > wherever it occurs. From reading that book, " Cancer, Cure and

> > Coverup " by Ron Gdanski, I think that even in my own situation I

> have

> > to deal with parasites, candida and mineral deficiencies. (...I'm

> > sort of on hold right now waiting for my upcoming appointment in a

> few

> > weeks. I really don't want to start anything, in case it changes

> test

> > results.)

> >

> > BTW, I love your idea for a license plate. ...got quite the chuckle


> > over that one! ;-)

> >

> > Kind regards,

> > Trudy

> >

> > From: " A. C. Brown " <abrown101@p...>

> > Date: Mon Apr 15, 2002 9:59 am

> > Subject: Chronic Fatigue

> >

> > Hi Trudy -

> >

> > This is perhaps a long shot, but one of the most overlooked causes

> of

> > long term Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and a variety of other hard to

> > diagnose problems is mercury amalgam fillings. Even after they have

> > ben removed mercury remains in the system.

> >

> > In the USA, Florida is the most active state I know of where citizen


> > groups are literally hammering medical authorites to ban mercury in

> > dentistry there. What a travesty they have to do that. I've read

> > mercury is the second most poisonous metal to humans behind

> plutonium.

> > It has to be shipped to dentists in clearly marked hazardous

> material

> > containers and it has to be disposed of according to hazardous waste


> > guidelines. Yet somehow medical authorites seem to think everything

> is

> > fine when it is put in our mouths.

> >

> > I swear, some day I am going to have a bumper sticker made saying

> > " Bureaucracy - Home of the Devil " .

> >

> > - Art




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I have a very high mercury level. This was determined by injecting a

chelator called DMPS and collecting urine for six hours or so. I've

done this several times following DMPS therapy for mercury removal. This

is called a challenge test and is the only way I know of to determine

mercury levels in the body, and this is only relative.

If the challenge test done before and after a series of infrared saunas,

or any sauna for that matter, shows a significant diminution of mercury

level then the treatment is valid.

But if that test or some test of proven validity (not subjective

feelings) is not done then there is no backing for statements that sweat

removes substantial amounts of mercury.

Cilantro, chlorella, alpha lipoic acid and numerous other things remove

mercury too, but whether in significant amounts for reasonable doses

over a reasonable time period is open to question.

It would be nice if you could furnish the scientific references.

Loren Parks

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I have listened to several programs on which Dr. Sherry was

interviewed over the past 6 months. In fact, that is where I first

learned about the benefits of far infrared sauna. In one of her

writings, she wrote about the test you described for measuring


I just purchased " Painfree in Six Weeks " , her latest book. There is

much in there on the FIS and all types of maladies, even help for

intractable cancer pain. She mentions two other of her books that

cover the " total load problems " that would be very helpful, and said

it would be best to start with these two books: " The E.I. Syndrome,

Revised " , then " Tired Or Toxic. " These can be ordered from

www.prestigepublishing.com. [i haven't been able to find them


Dr. is board certified by the American Board of Environmental

Medicine, the American Board of Family Practice, is a Fellow of the

American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and a Fellow of

the American College of Nutrition. She has been in solo private

practice in environmental medicine for 30 years in Syracuse, New

York, where she sees patients from all over the world. She has

taught over 100 physician courses in 6 countries, published a dozen

books, 18 scientific papers, textbook chapters, has a referenced

newsletter for 12 years, a non-patients consulting service (but could

become patients), is a frequent radio and television guest, and


Not only have I read about mercury and other heavy metal removal in

her work, but several others. If you'd like the collection of sites

I have, will be happy to post them.


> I have a very high mercury level. This was determined by injecting


> chelator called DMPS and collecting urine for six hours or so. I've

> done this several times following DMPS therapy for mercury removal.


> is called a challenge test and is the only way I know of to


> mercury levels in the body, and this is only relative.


> If the challenge test done before and after a series of infrared


> or any sauna for that matter, shows a significant diminution of


> level then the treatment is valid.


> But if that test or some test of proven validity (not subjective

> feelings) is not done then there is no backing for statements that


> removes substantial amounts of mercury.


> Cilantro, chlorella, alpha lipoic acid and numerous other things


> mercury too, but whether in significant amounts for reasonable doses

> over a reasonable time period is open to question.


> It would be nice if you could furnish the scientific references.


> Loren Parks

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Do you know about Andy Cutler's book on mercury detoxification.?


There is also an adult metal chelation group on if you are interested.

I appreciate your questions.



Magnetic Sleep Pads, Zappers,

Ionizing- Alkalizing Water Filters,

Rebounders, Energy Therapies,

Re: [ ] Re: Chronic Fatigue [Far Infrared Sauna & Mercury


I have a very high mercury level. This was determined by injecting a

chelator called DMPS and collecting urine for six hours or so. I've

done this several times following DMPS therapy for mercury removal. This

is called a challenge test and is the only way I know of to determine

mercury levels in the body, and this is only relative.

If the challenge test done before and after a series of infrared saunas,

or any sauna for that matter, shows a significant diminution of mercury

level then the treatment is valid.

But if that test or some test of proven validity (not subjective

feelings) is not done then there is no backing for statements that sweat

removes substantial amounts of mercury.

Cilantro, chlorella, alpha lipoic acid and numerous other things remove

mercury too, but whether in significant amounts for reasonable doses

over a reasonable time period is open to question.

It would be nice if you could furnish the scientific references.

Loren Parks

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The book you referenced looks very interesting. I will order it

tomorrow. Thanks.


kallie miller wrote:

> Loren

> Do you know about Andy Cutler's book on mercury detoxification.?

> www.noamalgam.com


> There is also an adult metal chelation group on if you are

> interested.


> I appreciate your questions.


> Kallie


> http://www.4optimallife.com

> Magnetic Sleep Pads, Zappers,

> Ionizing- Alkalizing Water Filters,

> Rebounders, Energy Therapies,


> Re: [ ] Re: Chronic Fatigue [Far Infrared Sauna &

> Mercury Removal]



> I have a very high mercury level. This was determined by injecting

> a

> chelator called DMPS and collecting urine for six hours or so. I've


> done this several times following DMPS therapy for mercury removal.

> This

> is called a challenge test and is the only way I know of to

> determine

> mercury levels in the body, and this is only relative.


> If the challenge test done before and after a series of infrared

> saunas,

> or any sauna for that matter, shows a significant diminution of

> mercury

> level then the treatment is valid.


> But if that test or some test of proven validity (not subjective

> feelings) is not done then there is no backing for statements that

> sweat

> removes substantial amounts of mercury.


> Cilantro, chlorella, alpha lipoic acid and numerous other things

> remove

> mercury too, but whether in significant amounts for reasonable doses


> over a reasonable time period is open to question.


> It would be nice if you could furnish the scientific references.


> Loren Parks




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I have no proof of anything I read. I personally have not been

diagnosed as having heavy metal toxicity. However, I do have a good

bit of confidence that the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Sherry , and the

many other quoted medical professionals would not put their names and

reputations on the many lengthy articles on this therapy if it were

not true.

Might I suggest you call Dr. Sherry ' office. Her latest

book, " Painfree in Six Weeks " referred to the FIR sauna for numerous

medical conditions, and specifically for heavy metal removal,

including mercury.

Her office phone number in Syracuse, NY, is 315-488-2856. Dr.

is board certified by the American Board of Environmental Medicine,

the American Board of Family Practice, is a Fellow of the American

College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and a Fellow of the

American College of Nutrition. She has been in solo private practice

in environmental medicine for 30 years in Syracuse, New York, where

she sees patients from all over the world. She has taught over 100

physician courses in 6 countries, published a dozen books, 18

scientific papers, textbook chapters, has a referenced newsletter for

12 years, a non-patients consulting service (but could become

patients), is a frequent radio and television guest, and more.


> > > Hi Art,

> > >

> > > With respect to my illness, I don't think that mercury from


> > > fillings is a long shot at all. While I do not think that it

is the

> >

> > > cause of my illness (I believe there are probably many

factors), I

> > do

> > > believe that it may play some part in my illness. After I


> > ill,

> > > I could not afford to get my teeth fixed and I had several


> > > fillings that were crumbling in my mouth for about eight years.

> > > (Also, I was quite sick to get the dental treatments.)

> > >

> > > I think that the heavy metals may be a problem for a lot of


> > and

> > > that is why I really believe that every person needs to be


> > > individually. A couple of years ago I had a hair analysis done


> > my

> > > aluminum was really high. The ND said he never saw it that

high and

> >

> > > thought it was from the water. While the water may have been a

> > > factor, I suspect that it was my love affair with deodorant

that was

> >

> > > causing all the problems. (...even though I'm sick, I'm not


> >

> > > ;-) LOL A girl on one of my newsgroups mentioned that she had


> >

> > > aluminum readings and was able to trace it back to her


> > As

> > > soon as she said that I knew she identified the culprit in my


> > > situation, as well.

> > >

> > > I know one fellow got over his " CFS " by treating mercury and

> > candida.

> > > (Some how the two went together.)

> > >

> > > I'm seeing a new practitioner at the end of the month. I've


> > he

> > > does hair analysis. Maybe I could get retested to see if I

have had

> >

> > > an improvement with my aluminum reading.

> > >

> > > I think that what is really important is reducing all toxicity,

> > > wherever it occurs. From reading that book, " Cancer, Cure and

> > > Coverup " by Ron Gdanski, I think that even in my own situation I

> > have

> > > to deal with parasites, candida and mineral deficiencies.


> > > sort of on hold right now waiting for my upcoming appointment

in a

> > few

> > > weeks. I really don't want to start anything, in case it


> > test

> > > results.)

> > >

> > > BTW, I love your idea for a license plate. ...got quite the


> >

> > > over that one! ;-)

> > >

> > > Kind regards,

> > > Trudy

> > >

> > > From: " A. C. Brown " <abrown101@p...>

> > > Date: Mon Apr 15, 2002 9:59 am

> > > Subject: Chronic Fatigue

> > >

> > > Hi Trudy -

> > >

> > > This is perhaps a long shot, but one of the most overlooked


> > of

> > > long term Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and a variety of other hard


> > > diagnose problems is mercury amalgam fillings. Even after they


> > > ben removed mercury remains in the system.

> > >

> > > In the USA, Florida is the most active state I know of where


> >

> > > groups are literally hammering medical authorites to ban

mercury in

> > > dentistry there. What a travesty they have to do that. I've


> > > mercury is the second most poisonous metal to humans behind

> > plutonium.

> > > It has to be shipped to dentists in clearly marked hazardous

> > material

> > > containers and it has to be disposed of according to hazardous


> >

> > > guidelines. Yet somehow medical authorites seem to think


> > is

> > > fine when it is put in our mouths.

> > >

> > > I swear, some day I am going to have a bumper sticker made


> > > " Bureaucracy - Home of the Devil " .

> > >

> > > - Art

> >

> >

> >

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A dentist can remove mercury amalgams. After that there are several

different approaches to chelation/detoxification of heavy metals.


In a message dated 4/17/02 6:20:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

tnewman@... writes:

> Hi everyone,


> Thanks to all for the information regarding mercury. I have checked

> all of my cancer books and they all mention the importance of treating

> mercury toxicity. I will definitely ask this new practitioner who I

> will be seeing about it. In reading the http://www.noamalgam.com

> site, it seems that the first thing that a person needs to do is get

> their amalgam fillings removed before they attempt a treatment

> program. What kind of a doctor will help you on this? Do you require

> a prescription for the treatment, or is it herbal? (...I was unsure

> about that.)


> Kind regards,

> Trudy


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Hi everyone,

Thanks to all for the information regarding mercury. I have checked

all of my cancer books and they all mention the importance of treating

mercury toxicity. I will definitely ask this new practitioner who I

will be seeing about it. In reading the http://www.noamalgam.com

site, it seems that the first thing that a person needs to do is get

their amalgam fillings removed before they attempt a treatment

program. What kind of a doctor will help you on this? Do you require

a prescription for the treatment, or is it herbal? (...I was unsure

about that.)

Kind regards,


Message: 1

Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 06:09:16 -0700

From: LParks <parksl@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Chronic Fatigue [Far Infrared Sauna & Mercury


What proof do you have you are detoxing from heavy metals? That

normally takes a chelating agent, like DMPS or DMSA for mercury. Did

you get a urinalysis?

Loren Parks

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It is my information that a dentist trained in the " mercury removal procedure "

is an important factor as more damage can be caused by improper removal.

When I was preparing to have my mercury amalgams out, my mouth was first tested

for the " electrical " charges I was getting from the different metals in my

mouth--gold crowns and mercury. The quadrant with the highest " current " level

was worked on first and the protocol proceeded to the next highest and so on.

I was also put on a vitamin, digestive enzyme and Vit. C routine a few weeks

before my dental work. My dentist was trained by Dr. Hal Huggins whose wife's

illness was cured by her mercury removal. This so influenced my dentist that he

studied with Dr. Huggins.

You can do a search on " dangers of mercury amalgams " and find out more specific

information. Here are a couple of sites








Magnetic Sleep Pads, Zappers,

Ionizing- Alkalizing Water Filters,

Rebounders, Energy Therapies,

Re: [ ] Re: Chronic Fatigue [Far Infrared Sauna & Mercury



A dentist can remove mercury amalgams. After that there are several

different approaches to chelation/detoxification of heavy metals.


In a message dated 4/17/02 6:20:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

tnewman@... writes:

> Hi everyone,


> Thanks to all for the information regarding mercury. I have checked

> all of my cancer books and they all mention the importance of treating

> mercury toxicity. I will definitely ask this new practitioner who I

> will be seeing about it. In reading the http://www.noamalgam.com

> site, it seems that the first thing that a person needs to do is get

> their amalgam fillings removed before they attempt a treatment

> program. What kind of a doctor will help you on this? Do you require

> a prescription for the treatment, or is it herbal? (...I was unsure

> about that.)


> Kind regards,

> Trudy


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