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Re: soy (fermented)

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I've read extensively about the pros and cons of

soy (both of which I believe are largely valid,

and largely exaggerated). Even most antisoy people

agree that organic fermented soy (e.g., tempeh,

miso, cultured soy yogurt) and, to a lesser extent

sprouted soy (in Ezekiel bread), is healthy in

moderation. I recommend eating only organic,

fermented soy. If I had cancer, organic tempeh and

sprouted soy (and the expensive fermented soy

beverages) are the only soy I would consume.


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I agree with you on fermented soy as fermentation gets rid of most of

the harmful phytic acid. Sprouting, however, may not (assuming, of

course, that the soy you buy will sprout).

On Thursday, December 12, 2002, at 07:23 PM, Leonard wrote:

> I've read extensively about the pros and cons of

> soy (both of which I believe are largely valid,

> and largely exaggerated). Even most antisoy people

> agree that organic fermented soy (e.g., tempeh,

> miso, cultured soy yogurt) and, to a lesser extent

> sprouted soy (in Ezekiel bread), is healthy in

> moderation. I recommend eating only organic,

> fermented soy. If I had cancer, organic tempeh and

> sprouted soy (and the expensive fermented soy

> beverages) are the only soy I would consume.

> Leonard


Neil Jensen: neil@...

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

Why would someone pay $1.89 for a bottle of Evian water?

(hint: Try spelling " Evian " backwards!)

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  • 3 years later...
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Will you please provide detailed information on fermented soy drinks, (e.g.

quality brand names, where to get,etc.) ? How do I know the soy drink is

fermented? Can I get it in regular grocery store, or health food stores?


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Many people can't say enough bad things about soy, and many can't say enough

good things about it. Both positions are highly misleading. Soy has many

pros and cons, both of which are exaggerated. I wish to highlight 2 things:

1. If one does eat soy, I think organic FERMENTED soy (TEMPEH, miso) is much

healthier than nonfermented. I personally would (and do) avoid all

nonfermented soy.

2. Huge numbers of people w/cancer have recovered thru consuming large

amounts of high-quality fermented soy beverages.


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Hi Leonard,

I would add a few caveats.

1. Most soy on the market is GM. Organic non-GM is a rarity.

2. Fermented or not, it is goitrogenic. This is why Asian recipes

that contain soy (usually in small amounts) almost always include

seaweed (rich in iodine and supportive of the thyroid).

3. Fermented or not, regular soy consumption was linked to progressive

brain degeneration, Alzheimer's, and premature senility in a large

study that traced Japanese American males eating vs. not eating soy in

Hawaii for 30 years.

4. American vegetarians like to use soy " to replace " meat. This is a

crazy idea if you ask me, conductive to consuming amounts of soy that

have never been eaten by any culture for any purpose. I asked my

taijiquan teacher (a former champion of Beijing in taiji swords who is

50 and doesn't know what " sick " means, having never been sick with

anything, not even a cold), who cooks traditional Chinese dishes at

home and occasionally shares his recipes, if he uses soy. He gave me

a recipe for a tofu-pork dish he makes. Yum. He said he uses tofu

about once a week, and always with pork!


> Many people can't say enough bad things about soy, and many can't

say enough

> good things about it. Both positions are highly misleading. Soy has many

> pros and cons, both of which are exaggerated. I wish to highlight 2


> 1. If one does eat soy, I think organic FERMENTED soy (TEMPEH, miso)

is much

> healthier than nonfermented. I personally would (and do) avoid all

> nonfermented soy.

> 2. Huge numbers of people w/cancer have recovered thru consuming large

> amounts of high-quality fermented soy beverages.


> Leonard


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From: " me2youlink " <me2youlink@...>

> 1. Most soy on the market is GM. Organic non-GM is a rarity.

Uncommon but not rare. There's plenty of organic soy in health-food stores,

including organic tempeh & miso.

> 3. Fermented or not

Did they (the study below) specifically study (organic?) FERMENTED soy

intake and find it correlated w/the below diseases? I've read several places

that the neurotoxin in soy is removed by fermentation. Also, fermented soy

beverages in cancer treatment are usually used only for a matter of months,

not decades.

> regular soy consumption was linked to progressive

> brain degeneration, Alzheimer's, and premature senility in a large

> study that traced Japanese American males eating vs. not eating soy in

> Hawaii for 30 years.

> consuming amounts of soy that

> have never been eaten by any culture for any purpose.

I agree that eating LARGE amounts long-term as part of a healthy person's

diet is irrational, but in healing from cancer, countless short-term

measures (e.g., juicing) are taken that " have never been [done] by any

culture for any purpose " .

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From: <jpking@...>

> Will you please provide detailed information on fermented soy drinks,


> quality brand names, where to get,etc.)?

See below

> How do I know the soy drink is fermented?

It'll say so.

> Can I get it in regular grocery store,


Soy Essence is in health food stores, and health-food stores can order other

products (e.g., Haelan).

Below are my notes on FERMENTED SOY PRODUCTS for

cancer patients.

note: Many of the comments listed under Haelan (below) probably apply to all

fermented soy beverages.

" One of the most valuable anticancer food agents I have found is a special

fermented soybean extract.developed in a cancer hospital in

China..anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral.anti-mutagenic,

anti-carcinogenic..phytochemicals..effective in the prevention and treatment

of..breast, colorectal and prostate [cancers]..detoxifying the

liver..relieve pain..Genistein is an estrogen precursor that binds to

receptor sites and either block estrogen uptake if there is too much or

supplies it if there is too little..other isoflavones found in soy are

effective against..lung, brain, breast, colon, prostate, skin [cancer] and

even blood dyscrasias including leukemia and Hodgkin's disease "

Tierra, www.planetherbs.com/articles/cancer.html

Fermented soy " Reduces the Circulating Levels of

Estrogen...30-40%...Improves Estrogen Metabolism Ratios...Improves Estrogen

Receptor Site Blocking...improved the effectiveness of

[Tamoxifen]...anti-angiogenesis..restore cell differentiation and induce

apoptosis...Shuts down the Nuclear Factor - Kappa Beta (NF-kB) Cancer Cell

Survival Mechanism...Slows Down.Mitosis...Immune Stimulation...increase CD3,

CD4 and CD8 cells, improve the ratio of the CD4/CD8 cells, increase the

production of beneficial interferons and interlukins, increase the NK killer

cell activity, increase the cytotoxic effects of the NK killer cells, and

increase non-specific immunity 700% based on macrophage


Wainright, 3/4/04

Curcumin's highly synergistic w/the genistein in soy. Soy contains beta

glucan, IP6, other phytic acids; its protease inhibitors reportedly inhibit

cancer but do not interfere w/chymotrypsin or pancreatic enzyme therapy. If

patient has flora deficiency (e.g., from taking antibiotics), probiotics

will increase its effectiveness. Protects against harmful effects of chemo &

enhances its effectiveness. Reportedly more effective than and synergistic

w/tamoxifen. Extremely effective in treating protein calorie malnutrition

(which many cancer patients die from), since it contains concentrated,

easily absorbable protein. Avoid caffeine while using them (interferes

w/isoflavones). For more general info, see below under Haelan.

HAELAN 951-- high-quality organic soy beverage; standard recommendation's 1

bottle/day for 30-60 days, then 1/2 bottle/day for another 30-60 days. about

$2,000/mo if using 1 bottle/day (if ordered by practitioner or health food


Exceptionally effective w/the vast majority of cancers, including leukemia

(was effective in a case of AML), stomach, SCLC , breast , prostate,

pancreatic (2 cases healed), met. liver cancer, cholangiocarcinoma (2

successful cases), & fast-growing cancers; it is reportedly most effective

w/NSCLC. It's more effective w/astrocytoma than w/GBM; appears ineffective

w/some brain cancers. Bone mets. take the longest time to heal due to poor

circulation in bones (take 1 bottle/day for at least 37 days). Brain mets.

take the 2nd longest to heal (lung & liver mets. take less time). Breast &

liver cancer and stage 4 NHL (including follicular) have been healed.

Children (including those w/leukemia & brain cancer) respond faster than

adults; thus they don't have to take it as long. Acute leukemia requires

higher dosage. Very effective w/hepatitis C and AIDS/HIV. Tumor markers may

go up before they go down. It tastes very bad .

Evidence and Reports of Effectiveness

" may be the best nutritional food supplement....I've interviewed many

patients, maybe a hundred, who have taken Haelan as the only form of cancer

treatment that helped them. Either it causes remissions,

or...tumors...shrink and disappear....patient who used Haelan as the only

thing that caused his cancer to disappear...nothing else was working for

him. He had liver cancer...metastasized....breast cancer with metastases

to...liver and bones...about to die....a bottle a day for two month...no

more cancer " (Morton , DPM, cited in Hess, 1999, pp. 156-157).

At Hospital Santa , Haelan was given to " six [cachexic cancer]

patients...very critical [who reportedly were unresponsive to other

therapies and had a 1-week life expectancy]...could not eat [or]

walk...Within two days, four of the six people were up eating and walking

again " (Ross Pelton, RPh, PhD, CCN, cited in Hess, 1999, p. 150). Five of

them reportedly were alive 5 yrs later; Haelan probably did not heal their

cancers but rather healed their life-threatening cachexia (Wainwright, 2003,

personal communication). " I have put every patient on it that I can....many,

many people benefit from it...some who have had miraculous turnarounds "

(Pelton cited in Hess, 1999, p. 150).

" Sherman , the only known survivor of cholangiocarcinoma (primary

liver cancer spread to the intestines, lymph system and gall bladder) and

cancer free for over 6 years after using Haelan [ " one bottle per

day.for.four months] " www.cancercontrolsociety.com/bio2002/wainwright.html

" Breast Cancer..15cm x 15 cm breast tumor..refused.surgery....drank the

Haelan.cancer free (See article: Well Being Journal, November/December,

1999; Healing Breast Cancer with Haelan) " HAELAN PRODUCTS, NCI " Best Case

Series " , Summary of " Persuasive Cases " , 3/4/04

" [NCI] `Best Case Series'...12 cancer patients.Haelan.as a `sole therapy'

.....[One] `estrogen receptor positive' breast cancer case...metastases to

the lungs, bronchial area, bone, lymph system, and soft tissue with a lump

the size of a `baseball' under the ribs....unsuccessful round of

chemo....terminal and had three months to live....Haelan....for one year and

was cancer free "

" Clinical Trials Funding Guidelines for Haelan Products, Inc. Nutriceutical,

Platinum Formula 951, Fermented Soy Beverage " by Walter H. Wainright,

Research Director

" Majid Ali M.D.. spoke of a prostate cancer patient with a PSA of 800.After

3 weeks on Haelen his PSA dropped to 120. Another man had his kidney

blocked due to a sizeable prostate tumor, after taking Haelen 951 the tumor

shrunk and his kidney opened up and his PSA came to near normal " CARE

Meeting 5/10/04

I've spoken w/several holistic cancer practitioners who've used Haelan and

other fermented soy beverages. All have reported very positive results.

For more info,

www.haelanproducts.com (800-542-3526/425-482-2645)




Soy Essence (www.jarrow.com/products/fermentedsoy.htm)-- organic powder; $17

for 30-day supply; master herbalist Yance who used to use Haelan

switched to

this product due to cost; in health food stores; doesn't taste bad

Other fermented soy beverages:



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Guest guest


Many people can't say enough bad things about soy, and many can't say enough

good things about it. Both positions are highly misleading. Soy has many pros

and cons, both of which are exaggerated. I wish to highlight 2 things:

1. If one does eat soy, I think organic FERMENTED soy (TEMPEH, miso) is much

healthier than nonfermented. I personally would (and do) avoid all nonfermented


2. Huge numbers of people w/cancer have recovered thru consuming large amounts

of high-quality fermented soy beverages.


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