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Re: Where is Dr. Kolb?

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Well, well, well, VERY well stated--all you have said. Yes, what a boring world it would be without debate!

Have a safe and pleasant trip. I'll talk to you tomorrow.



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Dr Kolb does not get allot of negativity but she does raise some questions

to a few of us, particularly with the fact that she has implants still. I

think that we have all challenged her before but no one ever said that she

was going to be kicked off or removed. I am not sure why you chose to post

that and it seems to have stirred some trouble up, but is also seems that

some people have taken it as an opportunity to bash me and e, if that

is what they chose to do, so be it. I personally don't mind if someone wants

to voice their opinions, but if they think this site is so bad then they

should probably not even bother being here.

----- Original Message -----

From: <CrystalRDH@...>

< >

Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 5:24 PM

Subject: Re: Where is Dr. Kolb?

> To All,


> I should not have phrased my post by saying Dr. Kolb SAID she had been

> removed. I should have said she was not sure if she had been removed or


> the problem was.

> She did say she was looking into the matter and trying to find out what

> 's policy was on unsubscribing, etc.


> I guess I was quick to defend her just like others are so quick to defend

> their PS. I thought she might have been removed because it seems like she

> gets alot of negativity here. (This is also my OWN opinion) I am sorry


> have " stirred " things up.


> Crystal

> I




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Today's volley of rumor and assumption was started by Crystal, and all I did was to say it was not true. I am not exactly sure why you chose this time to introduce yourself then to bash me, this group e, etc etc, but I must tell you that it seems interesting that you are basically doing what you are accusing us of doing. Maybe this is the way you like to communicate, if so then maybe you are correct not to be a member of this group, as I don't feel we need someone who is so mean spirited and negative to be here anyhow.

Like e pointed out, where were you when all these women have been crying out for help, where were you when there was more than one woman asking for help, info support? I am curious about that. I am sure not perfect, and I am very opinionated, however I also try my best to help others, and to give out as much truthful info about implants and illness and how to get through this as I can. I'm really surprised that you don't see any good in this group, here we are helping out Daryl, look at e, what she is doing for her, where are you ????

If you want to bash me, it is fine, it rolls right off my thick skin, I have been through hell in my life and if you think you can hurt me with this BS think again. I have survived illness, surgery, etc etc, and I am tough, as nails. No way are you going to get the best of me. I will go right on helping women who need to hear from someone who has been through this implant mess. Sure there will always be debate and that goes with the territory and as e pointed out, as much as I may also respect Dr Kolb's work in many areas, I still feel that the fact she has implants, doesn't quite sit well with me. She knows I feel that way, and she never has held it against me either. Dr Kolb is at least mature enough to debate with us on issues, obviously something you don't seem to capable of. Anyhow, sorry that you don't see any good in this group, however there is allot of info here, and if you don't like the group, there is the option to unsubscribe, which you obviously have not done. I want to remind everyone that I do get a notice everytime someone joins or unsubscribes to this group. At no time have I ever unsubscribed anyone unless they have asked me to. There may be times when does not work right, I have no power or control over that. I certainly have no intentions of unsubscribing anyone, unless they do something really really ugly. I also know that Dr Kolb is still a member and has always been a member since this group was formed. IF she told you about this group doesn't that tell you that even she thinks it is a good group? Anyhow I don't need to further justify myself to you. I am only doing what I do on this group to help give back what was given to me, not to hurt or be mean to people. I do have a life, a marriage, a career, I have plenty of things to do with my time that to be nasty to people on a support group. The only reason I was even talking about Dr Kolb was due to someone's implication that I had taken her off the group. That was pretty uncalled for . In the future maybe some of us should be more careful what we say. Either way, you have certainly made us aware of your opinion.

Take care

----- Original Message -----

From: Vickie

Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 1:06 PM

Subject: Re: Where is Dr. Kolb?

I am new to the support group and have not posted yet as I wanted to see what type of women I would be getting "support from". Today's volley of assumption and rumor has made up my mind for me. I will not be a part of this group. I will however say this...instead of jumping to conclusions with regard to Dr. Kolb, I called her office. She is the one who suggested I join this group of supported, informed women, and asked her office manager why she wasn't posting. The reason....she can not post due to technical difficulties with her home computer and does not post from work. She never said anyone kicked her out or made her feel unwelcome. In my opinion it is you e and who start shit and rumor to have something to do in life. I have fowarded your emails to Dr. Kolb so she can see just what kind of women she has been spending her personal at home time trying to help. It is too bad that a wonderful person like her gets stabbed in the back by the very same women she supports. Vickie e Rene' <justinerene1@...> wrote:

I agree with you, . Someone's trying to stir something up!! OR, Dr. Kolb made the decision herself to not post anymore. But no one certainly made her stop posting or made her feel that she couldn't post. We've had heated debates in the past, and that's not stopped her, me, or anyone else from posting!!


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 8:00 AM

Subject: Re: Where is Dr. Kolb?

Crystal is not telling the truth, or someone is lying, I get notices if anyone leaves the group and I NEVER BLOCKED OR UNSUBSCRIBED HER> maybe this is to upset the group, I am not sure why she would say this but it is untrue

----- Original Message -----


Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 9:19 PM

Subject: Re: Where is Dr. Kolb?

Are you kidding, Crystal? I think that is realy sad. All us girls may have disagreed on topics, but in my opinion, she gave alot of wondeful advise, advise that any other doctor wouldn't do .Most other docs definitly wouldn't do it for free or "waste their valuable time on us."like she did. And not once talking to her has she ever said one negative thing about anyone on this site, even as things got a little heated. And I think all of us, doctor or not- have some realy valuable information information we have attained according to our own problems and expereince, and she was one of them . She did mention to me a few weeks ago, she will be starting up a support group on her site in the very near future. But, I never knew it was because she wouldn't be back here. This is again, my own personal opinion. And anybody that were to leave here would be a loss to me .

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Vickie it sounds like you need to get some anger management therapy!

----- Original Message -----

From: Vickie

Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 3:10 PM

Subject: Re: Where is Dr. Kolb?

-Marie: That's just the problem, Ya'll assumed a negative instead of giving her the benefit of doubt. Crystal stated that, and it went to Dr. Kolb or someone else lying and more and more bullshit. How can negative minded people such as yourselves help others in need? And my tone is a reflection of disgust with your group not a reflection of friend ship with Dr. Kolb. I'll be happy to add you to the list of folks who make me sick with your pompus attitudes. Learn to take people at their word and trust in what they say instead of adding your negative twist to everything. Maybe that would help in your recovery process. Vickie perlesetlacet@... wrote: Vickie:Before you start jumping all over and e, perhaps you need to go back and read Crystal's post. Crystal stated the Kolb had been "removed" from the site. That to me and others here can certainly be implied as negative. If it were not, it would have been stated by Crystal something to the tune of ", is having difficulty posting, please help" THAT would imply technical difficulty. When others have had posting problems, it has been reported as such. This Re: "Where is Dr. Kolb" and Crystal saying she's been "removed" implies problems other than technical difficulties and given the tone you're (and her other friends) using against and e just compounds the very suspicions nature of the whole situation. I'm not a fool.If you're going to blame and e, make room for me too.-Marie

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And what have your posts been Vickie? All totally negative.

----- Original Message -----

From: Vickie

Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 3:15 PM

Subject: Re: Where is Dr. Kolb?

Again -Marie: support is a positive!!!! Not throwing out negatives unless and until you know the entire story. I have many friends that also helped me with my recovery, that doesn't mean they don't have faults and these two just jumped at the chance to bad mouth Dr. Kolb. From what I understand she enjoyed posting and helping in anyway she could. And when she has her computer repaired I'm certain she will again, although I can't imagine why she would want to communicate with people who have disrespected her and spoken badly about her behind her back. perlesetlacet@... wrote: Vickie:I can say the same thing about your *volley* ball assumption. You're assuming it's not a supportive environment and you've made inflammatory remarks about e who has given her heart sweat and tears into helping others on this site. She will be taking care of me after my surgery the end of this month and Daryl in December--where will you be? She helped Daryl get her appointment with Dr. Haung and has helped many with medical advice/info.Also, is very supportive/informative on this site and provides a good ear on the phone too.I suggest you do your homework before deciding it's not supportive here, then if you decide it still is non-supportive, so be it. I hope all goes well for you.Take care.-Marie

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Isn't this group for women who have had or still may have implants? If not,

my mistake. I thought this group was to provide support and information to

implanted women. I have plenty of friends who still have their implants and

are seemingly healthy. They know all about my implant illness and do believe

that my implants were making me sick. They were very supportive of my

explantation and did not discourage me from it. I do not judge them nor am I

jealous of the fact that they still have implants. I think that the implant

issue is much like russian roulette and it is definitely a gamble with your

life. This is similar to the tobacco issue- not every smoker will get lung

cancer but people know there is always the risk yet they will continue to

smoke until they ban tobacco. The same with implants. I personally think

they should not be available since there is such a risk involved, but until

that happens I think keeping women informed about the risks and letting them

decide is our best hope for now. This site should welcome any implanted

woman whether or not they choose to keep their implants. These women need

information so they can be on the lookout for implant related problems that

may arise for them. I personally thought that because Dr. Kolb had implants

herself it made her understand my illness better. She always informs patients

of the risks. I admire her for developing a protocol that has enabled her to

keep her implants because there are plenty of women who will never have their

implants removed regardless of how sick they are becoming and at least they

can try the protocol to see if it improves their health.

I generally don't feel comfortable posting because of the " cliquish " nature

here. While I do think some issues need debating some people just seem

argumentative on every subject. I am sure I will receive many comments on

this post as well.

P.S. While I did jump to the conclusion that Dr. Kolb had been removed from

this site, you and others also jumped to the conclusion that this was some

sort of scheme and begin making comments about Dr. Kolb so therefore the

negative comments you were received were generated by that.

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Your, and I quote, "removed" post came first--the negativity as you call it followed.

As for women having implants (including Kolb), that's THEIR choice so long as they are provided the FACTS first--but this is not usually the case. It's MY OPINION that it seems foolish to spend big bucks on a protocol, eat a diet enough to make one miserable (and constipated) just to wear breast implants which in most cases they look like shit anyway (beachballs). But to each their own--it's a free country, but you might be able to see why some might see it as ludicrous.

Anyway, I don't think the implants is the only problem one may have with Kolb. Ask some of her patients from last year -- oh--but we can't as they're no longer posting here.......


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You are correct, I did use the word " removed " which could imply negativity.

However, it was the way it was responded to. You say I could of stated it

differently, which is true, but the response could have also been stated

differently as well. I was basically called a liar and Dr. Kolb and " her

friends " schemers. Why didn't someone just state that what I was saying was

false or incorrect and just leave it at that? No, they made statements

against Dr. Kolb. That is still the reason they got the negative response. I

already apologized for making the statement and " stirring " things up. I have

yet to see anyone else apologize for the statements they made.

Also, my point in reposting your old post was that in it you asked Dr. Kolb

why she was on this site. That is why I made the statement about Dr. Kolb

saying she had the right as an implanted woman to be here. Also, I would

imagine alot of women probably don't post here anymore for many reasons.

Could it be that the implant topic is strayed from too often? You,

and e post here more than anyone else. That is your right, but you

often talk about topics unrelated to implants or health related issues. I

think support can and should come in many forms but since you guys seem to

have a relationship outside this forum it would make more sense to talk about

your trip plans, etc. during that time, then that way women coming here for

the first time will know they can find info about their implants. I am still

newly explanted and am still trying to get current info about this subject.

There is definitely been good info I have gotten off this site, but with all

the bias and " debating " it is hard to feel comfortable here.

Anyway, in my opinion this is now a " dead " subject and I will not comment on

it any further since I have already said we need to stick to the topic.

I do not mean to offend you and will again offer an apology.

Take Care,


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What was that about no medical information or the lack thereof? You got plenty to read now and when you're done you can go on the site and read all the medical stuff at your leisure.

Sorry you're bored with e, and I having a friendship on the site as well as off the site. I have a real simple solution: hit the delete key to our posts!

Take care.


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Well Crystal you tell me then, why did you post that info that I had kicked

Dr Kolb off, when I had not?

----- Original Message -----

From: <CrystalRDH@...>

< >

Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 5:02 PM

Subject: Re: Where is Dr. Kolb?

> ,


> Isn't this group for women who have had or still may have implants? If


> my mistake. I thought this group was to provide support and information to

> implanted women. I have plenty of friends who still have their implants


> are seemingly healthy. They know all about my implant illness and do


> that my implants were making me sick. They were very supportive of my

> explantation and did not discourage me from it. I do not judge them nor

am I

> jealous of the fact that they still have implants. I think that the


> issue is much like russian roulette and it is definitely a gamble with


> life. This is similar to the tobacco issue- not every smoker will get


> cancer but people know there is always the risk yet they will continue to

> smoke until they ban tobacco. The same with implants. I personally think

> they should not be available since there is such a risk involved, but


> that happens I think keeping women informed about the risks and letting


> decide is our best hope for now. This site should welcome any implanted

> woman whether or not they choose to keep their implants. These women need

> information so they can be on the lookout for implant related problems


> may arise for them. I personally thought that because Dr. Kolb had


> herself it made her understand my illness better. She always informs


> of the risks. I admire her for developing a protocol that has enabled her


> keep her implants because there are plenty of women who will never have


> implants removed regardless of how sick they are becoming and at least


> can try the protocol to see if it improves their health.


> I generally don't feel comfortable posting because of the " cliquish "


> here. While I do think some issues need debating some people just seem

> argumentative on every subject. I am sure I will receive many comments on

> this post as well.


> P.S. While I did jump to the conclusion that Dr. Kolb had been removed


> this site, you and others also jumped to the conclusion that this was some

> sort of scheme and begin making comments about Dr. Kolb so therefore the

> negative comments you were received were generated by that.




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Crystal, This is a late response to your post (below), but I had to state something. First of all, , LM, and myself post the most because we do have such a rapport with the women on this site (old and new members). I get many, many personal emails from women day after day stating that they value my knowledge and my willingness to help anyone out. And you know what? Most of them thank me (and the others) for posting things other than implants. The feedback I've gotten is that the varying posts provide a reprieve from the constant stress and turmoil these women are going through; yet at the same time, when they need straightforward info, I (and the others) can and will post whatever they need to help them. So, while I know that all of us try to stick to the implant topic, I think it is next to impossible because we do make good friends and become close to one another. If you don't want to read my posts, then just delete them without even opening them. I will not change the way I support people. e ----- Original Message ----- From: CrystalRDH@... Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 10:59 AM Subject: Re: Where is Dr. Kolb? -Marie,You are correct, I did use the word "removed" which could imply negativity. However, it was the way it was responded to. You say I could of stated it differently, which is true, but the response could have also been stated differently as well. I was basically called a liar and Dr. Kolb and "her friends" schemers. Why didn't someone just state that what I was saying was false or incorrect and just leave it at that? No, they made statements against Dr. Kolb. That is still the reason they got the negative response. I already apologized for making the statement and "stirring" things up. I have yet to see anyone else apologize for the statements they made.Also, my point in reposting your old post was that in it you asked Dr. Kolb why she was on this site. That is why I made the statement about Dr. Kolb saying she had the right as an implanted woman to be here. Also, I would imagine alot of women probably don't post here anymore for many reasons. Could it be that the implant topic is strayed from too often? You, and e post here more than anyone else. That is your right, but you often talk about topics unrelated to implants or health related issues. I think support can and should come in many forms but since you guys seem to have a relationship outside this forum it would make more sense to talk about your trip plans, etc. during that time, then that way women coming here for the first time will know they can find info about their implants. I am still newly explanted and am still trying to get current info about this subject. There is definitely been good info I have gotten off this site, but with all the bias and "debating" it is hard to feel comfortable here.Anyway, in my opinion this is now a "dead" subject and I will not comment on it any further since I have already said we need to stick to the topic. I do not mean to offend you and will again offer an apology.Take Care,Crystal

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