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Re: scalp pain

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I agree, I used to have the very same thing that is being discribed. The back of my neck, and scalp would kill me, esp apon waking up. Now, that I am no longer hypo, that has went away.

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, when you talked about the thyroid in all this, I remember reading a while ago, on Dr. Lowe's (www.drlowe,com) sight he belives Fibromyalgia and /or symptoms of it, are not a seperate disease at all, but realy an undertreated thyroid problem that had been going on for years, undetected, that is now causes these painful symptoms, such as neck pain, and headaches, (some other are : back pain, achiness, stiffness,fatigue) resembling a different disease such as Fibromyalgia. But realy it is undertreated thyroid disorder, that has went on for so long, the thyroid is no longer reaching tissues, where they need that hormone to function. And without tissue penetration, you get this dull, achiness, and often extreme pain in many areas. He believes that is a classic symptom of undertreated thyroid, and even if you are just placed on meds, it will take time, months actually to get that thyroid back deep into those tissues. Just a thought. I used to have the worse neck pain, in the back of my neck when I was hypo seemed like forever, I could scream! They tested me 3 times for fibromyalgia, that's what made me go on the site. It stopped about 6 month after being on thyroid meds.

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Thanks Kathy, that scenario certainly fits mine!

----- Original Message -----

From: mikat

Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 9:12 AM

Subject: Re: scalp pain


I don't know if this is of any help but a friend of mine from church had terrible pains in the back of her head and neck area --almost like a constant headache, but not a normal one. She even had MRI and couldn't find anything. She finally found out she was hypothryroid. I think that treating the thyroid helped some what and she finally decided it must be related to that.

love kathy

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I find it strange that all these weird things happen with low thyroid. I wonder if it is not just because parts of the body are affected that thyroid hormone affects, but the body is also being affected by what made the thyroid screwed up in the first place. In other words there is SOMETHING causing the autoimmune process that is attacking your thyroid. While supplementing your thyroid will help many symptoms, it does not address the THING causing havoc in the first place. I believe this is the same thing responsible for your neurotoxic symptoms. I would really look into the natural antiviral stealth protocol as well as the questran. It has apparently made a huge difference in the moderator of the stealthvirus support group's life. The book "Desperation Medicine" explains it thoroughly. The fact that you tested positive for neurotoxins by the vcs test points in that direction. Probably all the detoxing you have and continue to do is what has kept as well as you are. Something like the questran might finally help you eliminate the toxins causing the intermittent brain fog. Just a thought! Take care and I hope you are having a great day! Love, kathy

Thanks Kathy, that scenario certainly fits mine!

----- Original Message -----

From: mikat

Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 9:12 AM

Subject: Re: scalp pain


I don't know if this is of any help but a friend of mine from church had terrible pains in the back of her head and neck area --almost like a constant headache, but not a normal one. She even had MRI and couldn't find anything. She finally found out she was hypothryroid. I think that treating the thyroid helped some what and she finally decided it must be related to that.

love kathy

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I never had this problem, sounds bad though. I wonder how this relates to thyroid

----- Original Message -----


Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 12:44 PM

Subject: Re: scalp pain

I agree, I used to have the very same thing that is being discribed. The back of my neck, and scalp would kill me, esp apon waking up. Now, that I am no longer hypo, that has went away.

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It seems the thyroid stuff wrecks havoc everywhere in the body, and considering how close our implants are to the thyroid, I am not surprised that almost everyone seems to have trouble with it. I'll look into the book you mentioned. thanks Kathy!


----- Original Message -----

From: mikat

Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 10:20 AM

Subject: Re: scalp pain

Patty I find it strange that all these weird things happen with low thyroid. I wonder if it is not just because parts of the body are affected that thyroid hormone affects, but the body is also being affected by what made the thyroid screwed up in the first place. In other words there is SOMETHING causing the autoimmune process that is attacking your thyroid. While supplementing your thyroid will help many symptoms, it does not address the THING causing havoc in the first place. I believe this is the same thing responsible for your neurotoxic symptoms. I would really look into the natural antiviral stealth protocol as well as the questran. It has apparently made a huge difference in the moderator of the stealthvirus support group's life. The book "Desperation Medicine" explains it thoroughly. The fact that you tested positive for neurotoxins by the vcs test points in that direction. Probably all the detoxing you have an d continue to do is what has kept as well as you are. Something like the questran might finally help you eliminate the toxins causing the intermittent brain fog. Just a thought! Take care and I hope you are having a great day! Love, kathy

Thanks Kathy, that scenario certainly fits mine!

----- Original Message -----

From: mikat

Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 9:12 AM

Subject: Re: scalp pain


I don't know if this is of any help but a friend of mine from church had terrible pains in the back of her head and neck area --almost like a constant headache, but not a normal one. She even had MRI and couldn't find anything. She finally found out she was hypothryroid. I think that treating the thyroid helped some what and she finally decided it must be related to that.

love kathy

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Let us know how your appointment went today....I am really curious about the treatment. It seems to be that adrenal insufficiency is not something to lollygag around with. I am surprised you haven't been put on a treatment already!

I hope you can give the thyroid a try, just to see if it helps your hair loss and depression. You never know, even with low normal ranges, you may benefit from supplementation. You probably would be surprised to know that quite a few people take Armour thyroid without a diagnosis of hypothyroidism. I know they use it on the Gerson therapy for cancer patients, with proper medical supervision--it has been a standard on their protocol for years. And on another group I belong to called Natural Breast Enlargement, they are using Armour to bring their body temps up!! Absolutely nothing at all to do with thyroid probs!

I am glad to hear you'll be looking at the naturals first....I think it is best to give those a try over the synthetics, and only use the synthetics as a last resort.



----- Original Message -----

From: perlesetlacet@...

Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 8:55 AM

Subject: Re: scalp pain

Dear Patty:I went to a dermatologist last week about the scalp pain--he was absolutely clueless! He thought it was in my imagination.....good grief! Anyway, I told him I had read about scalp pain (accompanies telogen effluvium) in Archives of Dermatology and he gave me this blank "duh" look. Evidently, it seems to effect some individuals with Telogen Effluvium and Areata. I hope it passes soon.Adrenal insufficiency--well funny you should mention that. I have my follow up appointment with that doc this afternoon. I hope she knows what she's talking about. We'll see.BTW, I'm going to ask e if she wants to go to a thyroid specialist--one who will give Biothriod or Armour. I've decided NOT to go back on synthetics.Hugs,LM

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I am taking Armour thyroid. I've taken Cytomel and Synthroid, and Synthroid was by far the worst for me as far as side effects go. Armour seems to have the least amt of side effects, but regardless, they all give me awful headaches!!


----- Original Message -----

From: perlesetlacet@...

Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 9:55 AM

Subject: Re: scalp pain

Dear Patty:I went to a dermatologist last week about the scalp pain--he was absolutely clueless! He thought it was in my imagination.....good grief! Anyway, I told him I had read about scalp pain (accompanies telogen effluvium) in Archives of Dermatology and he gave me this blank "duh" look. Evidently, it seems to effect some individuals with Telogen Effluvium and Areata. I hope it passes soon.Adrenal insufficiency--well funny you should mention that. I have my follow up appointment with that doc this afternoon. I hope she knows what she's talking about. We'll see.BTW, I'm going to ask e if she wants to go to a thyroid specialist--one who will give Biothriod or Armour. I've decided NOT to go back on synthetics.Hugs,LM

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Hi Patty:

My doc said my problem is adrenal insufficiency but mainly a limbic problem. Stress and depression are the underlying issues. No endocrine issues such as too much male hormones are my issue thank God! Well, I already knew this as my derm and endo have told me this--more validation never hurts (well perhaps my wallet).

I'll tell you more later. It's late here. I just got off the phone with e after our usual 4 hour marathon conversations!



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It would seem you are very sensitive to meds that sucks. Hey is the font looking weird again to you e? Your font is teeny tiny and I was wondering if mine looked that way too?

----- Original Message -----

From: e Rene'

Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 6:24 PM

Subject: Re: scalp pain

I am taking Armour thyroid. I've taken Cytomel and Synthroid, and Synthroid was by far the worst for me as far as side effects go. Armour seems to have the least amt of side effects, but regardless, they all give me awful headaches!!


----- Original Message -----

From: perlesetlacet@...

Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 9:55 AM

Subject: Re: scalp pain

Dear Patty:I went to a dermatologist last week about the scalp pain--he was absolutely clueless! He thought it was in my imagination.....good grief! Anyway, I told him I had read about scalp pain (accompanies telogen effluvium) in Archives of Dermatology and he gave me this blank "duh" look. Evidently, it seems to effect some individuals with Telogen Effluvium and Areata. I hope it passes soon.Adrenal insufficiency--well funny you should mention that. I have my follow up appointment with that doc this afternoon. I hope she knows what she's talking about. We'll see.BTW, I'm going to ask e if she wants to go to a thyroid specialist--one who will give Biothriod or Armour. I've decided NOT to go back on synthetics.Hugs,LM

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Your font is HUGE!! I just downloaded the new MSN 8, so that's probably why my font looks small. I'll go look at what it has on there. When I read and write my emails, my font looks normal. Tell me again, how do I find what size font I have?


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 8:11 AM

Subject: Re: scalp pain

It would seem you are very sensitive to meds that sucks. Hey is the font looking weird again to you e? Your font is teeny tiny and I was wondering if mine looked that way too?

----- Original Message -----

From: e Rene'

Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 6:24 PM

Subject: Re: scalp pain

I am taking Armour thyroid. I've taken Cytomel and Synthroid, and Synthroid was by far the worst for me as far as side effects go. Armour seems to have the least amt of side effects, but regardless, they all give me awful headaches!!


----- Original Message -----

From: perlesetlacet@...

Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 9:55 AM

Subject: Re: scalp pain

Dear Patty:I went to a dermatologist last week about the scalp pain--he was absolutely clueless! He thought it was in my imagination.....good grief! Anyway, I told him I had read about scalp pain (accompanies telogen effluvium) in Archives of Dermatology and he gave me this blank "duh" look. Evidently, it seems to effect some individuals with Telogen Effluvium and Areata. I hope it passes soon.Adrenal insufficiency--well funny you should mention that. I have my follow up appointment with that doc this afternoon. I hope she knows what she's talking about. We'll see.BTW, I'm going to ask e if she wants to go to a thyroid specialist--one who will give Biothriod or Armour. I've decided NOT to go back on synthetics.Hugs,LM

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You need to go into your emial and go under options, then chose the font settings there.

Hope it works!

----- Original Message -----

From: e Rene'

Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 7:11 PM

Subject: Re: scalp pain


Your font is HUGE!! I just downloaded the new MSN 8, so that's probably why my font looks small. I'll go look at what it has on there. When I read and write my emails, my font looks normal. Tell me again, how do I find what size font I have?


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 8:11 AM

Subject: Re: scalp pain

It would seem you are very sensitive to meds that sucks. Hey is the font looking weird again to you e? Your font is teeny tiny and I was wondering if mine looked that way too?

----- Original Message -----

From: e Rene'

Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 6:24 PM

Subject: Re: scalp pain

I am taking Armour thyroid. I've taken Cytomel and Synthroid, and Synthroid was by far the worst for me as far as side effects go. Armour seems to have the least amt of side effects, but regardless, they all give me awful headaches!!


----- Original Message -----

From: perlesetlacet@...

Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 9:55 AM

Subject: Re: scalp pain

Dear Patty:I went to a dermatologist last week about the scalp pain--he was absolutely clueless! He thought it was in my imagination.....good grief! Anyway, I told him I had read about scalp pain (accompanies telogen effluvium) in Archives of Dermatology and he gave me this blank "duh" look. Evidently, it seems to effect some individuals with Telogen Effluvium and Areata. I hope it passes soon.Adrenal insufficiency--well funny you should mention that. I have my follow up appointment with that doc this afternoon. I hope she knows what she's talking about. We'll see.BTW, I'm going to ask e if she wants to go to a thyroid specialist--one who will give Biothriod or Armour. I've decided NOT to go back on synthetics.Hugs,LM

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