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Re: Lani

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Hi. I respect what you have to say. It's true it is not anyone place to say, get your implants out! But if someone asks for an OPINION, their sure to get one. You can't really expect folks who've been screwed by implants not to take a hard line on them. On the other hand, I pride myself on the ability to be objective where implants are concerned.

Recently, I've been approached by a women who has implants and is sick too. She wants to get explanted because she feels that the implants MIGHT be the cause. I agreed with her that this is very possible that she's ill from them and that explantation/mastopexy is a good thing. BUT, I told her she should approach the matter from the standpoint that the implants might be the cause or it may be exacerbating the cause (meaning she would have developed fibromyalgia regardless of her implant status--I know women who are sick like you guys who have never had implants) or might NOT be associated with the implants at all but it's best to be safe rather than sorry (I also pointed out risks associated with mammograms and cancer detection and how implants can impede proper detection). I suggested to her in order to know if she's comfortable with explantation, she needs to ask herself , "even if this turns out NOT to be my cause of illness, am I OK with saying good-bye to implants that I like?" Her answer was "yes, because at least I would know that I tried--if I never got them out, I'd always wonder." For this reason I feel it's imperative to get women the best aesthetic results they can get (vertical mastopexy) so if they get their implants out and they're still ill, at least they still have aesthetics on their side--not adding misery to an already bad situation and also, even if you are sick from implants, it's always good to look better after explantation. Looking good helps you to feel better.

I too have friends who are healthy and have implants and I would never impose on them telling them what they should do with their body.If a friend wants to get implants, I've said "no" get a mastopexy instead or tell them small boobs are cool. I will point out the dangers, the lies, trickery and deceit of the implant "kingdom" and tell of my experience--but ultimately, it's their life, their decision--so be it.


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It's true. I hated my implants. Had I known what they would look/feel like in my chest, I NEVER would have opted to get these fuckin things put into my body (also I was not given proper informed consent--surprise, surprise). If only the PS had told me "hey, you have plenty of breast tissue--all you need is a mastopexy" my life would have turned out much better. In all fairness though, it's not just the beach balls themselves, it's the nasty, putrid sleaze bag who implanted/explanted me.


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Dear ,

I told my story on that web site and i never not once changed my mind about being sick from them, however im not sick anymore at lease for the moment, i know what the risk are, u all keep talking to me like i was never sick, i was very sick i couldnt even lift my hands abouve my head,fatique etc. I have notice on this site that you all are bound and determined to convince everyone u can to have them taken out. Im not asking for anyone on here to be all for implants, for that matter I really dont think Ive asked anybody for anything on here other than what kind of meds there on or doctors they might know. As for opinions well everyone has one but u all arent doctors. I have nothing against anyone but you should be giving advice and educating people not lecturing everyone, everytime i get a email i feel like im being lectureed maybe thats why u hardly ever hear from me, its almost like i hate to say anything cause everyone gets defencive, like this, look i have to keep comming back here and explaining this, cause u all think i dont want to get my implants out which is not the case at all. Believe it or not there is going to be people out there that are going to be able to have them with no problems. I happen to know a lot of people who have had them for many many yrs with no problems. maybe some day they will , who knows .Look i dont want any troble with anyone i just wont post anymore it really dose not matter to me .


-------Original Message-------


Date: Friday, November 22, 2002 2:31:27 PM

Subject: Lani

You mentioned that none of us would have had our implants removed if nothing was wrong with us and that may be true for some of us. However ask Marie about that, she removed hers because she hated them period, she was not sick. Ask Keli from Australia about that, she too was not sick at all, just hated them and upon learning the facts about implants there are more and more women getting them out because of the risks that they have learned about as well as because of the fact that they do not like the implants enough to risk their future. However, you yourself had told me you were convinced that your implants had made you sick, you even sent a letter on Ilenas group telling others not to get implants. So my point is that now because for the time being you are not sick your changing your opinion, which is fine, but remember there are allot of women out there that are getting rid of the implants now because of reasons other than illness reasons. However you won't find as many of them on this site as for say, www.explantation.com where many are getting them out for other reasons besides health. This site here is a site made to help women that have been harmed by implants so yes, the consensus here is that most of us did get them out due to illness. For me however, I don't think I ever would have felt completely comfortable with implants in my body even if I had been sick and gotten better with them in. Especially if I had blood work, such as you told me that was showing signs of autoimmune disease. I would be worried that the high ANA was just a sign of what is going to come next. I am curious have you had your ANA tested lately and did it come down? I do remember you telling me that your ANA was very high. To me that is proof of a problem. Also your hypothyroidism, that is also another big problem associated with implants. Anyhow again I think that the choice is yours, and we cannot make anyone removed their implants, however, common sense tells me that I am better off without them.

Take care

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I don't wish you to feel that you need to be defensive on our group, and I do hope that you have found some answers that have helped you. I know that this whole implant thing is controversial, and there are going to be many strong opinions expressed.

I hope you know that most of us care and just wish that nobody else has to go what we went through. The only way we can help keep others from getting really sick is to warn them about our experiences, and sometimes that comes across really strong. I guess it happens that way because so many people just blow us off. I know I got really hurt and offended when I found out my own stepdaughter got implants after I told her how sick I was. I mean it is like, didn't she hear me???? Didn't she understand me when I told her I was so sick I wanted to DIE???? Didn't she understand that these illnesses are serious and that implants are just not worth it??? So, sometimes we feel like things we say go in one ear and out the other, because we totally cannot understand how anyone would want to keep implants after all that we've shared. I say we....I guess I feel like I am speaking for alot of women here, but I can say for sure, I totally don't understand how anyone would want them knowing how bad these sicknesses are, and how long it takes to recover from them.

I don't judge you for your opinion at all. I hope you don't feel offended by anything I've written. And, of course, I do hope that you get better and never have to deal with any illness or symptom again that takes away your joy in life.

God bless.


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Yes, it felt like what I went through was very much trivialized. My brother in law even said to me, "well Patty, don't you think you were an exception?" I felt like screaming at him! I still do!


----- Original Message -----

From: perlesetlacet@...

Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 3:31 PM

Subject: Re: Lani

Patty:I hear you! I can imagine how you must feel about the step daughter thing. Makes you feel like your suffering was for not.LM

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I hate it when people try to tell us we are the exception, that is BS and that is not the way it is. More women then they know have problems they just don't admit it or else they don't want to remove the implants so no one knows about it. I wish more women would speak up but we know how that goes

----- Original Message -----

From: ~*Patty*~

Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 4:50 PM

Subject: Re: Lani

Yes, it felt like what I went through was very much trivialized. My brother in law even said to me, "well Patty, don't you think you were an exception?" I felt like screaming at him! I still do!


----- Original Message -----

From: perlesetlacet@...

Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 3:31 PM

Subject: Re: Lani

Patty:I hear you! I can imagine how you must feel about the step daughter thing. Makes you feel like your suffering was for not.LM

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I also hated the way they felt long before I had problems. It was hard to work out, or jog, and sleeping was such a problem always. I cant believe how good I sleep, and how refreshed I wake up now. I had told my husband years ago before obvious symptoms, that I would never get them replaced once they ruptured. I felt that I had grown out of them. yuck!!!!!!

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  • 5 years later...

Indeed, it looks very promising. I wonder how much it will cost.


> was this already mentioned ?




> al-ms.html_





> looks promising to me


> when will it be available ?


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