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Re: ] progesterone cream

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This raises a very interesting question for me. See my post below to another group. Would like to hear from some others. Don if you read this - This is the ear infection girl. :)

Thank you for posting this. I have a question. My 15 yo old daug. has skin discoloration under both of her arms. It is getting darker and darker. Her Dr. said he thought it was yeast infection and had us use cortisone which did absolutely nothing. This article mentions this problem. What other conditions may be causing this? > What should be my first step in determining.> > Thanks, Kathy

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome What is it? http://www.weightcontroldoctor.com/healthtopics/a-z/pcos.asp Hi Kathy, This condition is characterized by abnormally high levels of testosterone (androgens) and is related to hormonal imbalances (excessive testosterone combined with a lack of progesterone.Three hormones are produced in the ovaries-estrogen, androgen and progesterone.Excess androgens (male hormones): This is most often caused by too much sugar and simple carbohydrates in the diet. (March 1999, page 6)Progesterone deficiency: this is the most common hormone imbalance among women of all ages. You may need to change your diet, get off of synthetic hormones (including birth control pills), and you may need to use some progesterone cream.(This is explained in detail in Dr. Lee's books, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause" and "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About PREMenopause") http://www.johnleemd.net/forms/hb_test.htmlBecause ovulation does not occur very often, women do notproduce adequate amounts of the hormone progesterone but do produceoestrogen. As a result, the follicle, the fluid filled sac that develops around the egg before it ovulates, never develops. Instead, it turns into a cyst on the ovary.It is the abnormal progesterone level that prevents the folliclefrom developing. Two more hormones -follicle stimulating hormone(FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH) - are produced in the pituitarygland in the brain.The hormones produced in the brain regulate the production of thehormones produced in the ovaries.For whatever reason, production of FSH and LH is irregular, soproblems develop with the other three hormones as well.Women with PCO Syndrome usually have higher levels of male hormonesor androgens produced in their ovaries, adrenal glandsand also in their upper level body fat.This results in infertility and very infrequent menstrual bleeding.Lack of progesterone can also result in heavy irregularmenstrual bleeding.Abnormal blood chemistry-Women with PCOS have high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol and triglycerides,and low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL or "good")cholesterol.Some women with PCOS have high blood insulin levels, particularly if overweight.Elevated insulin has been shown to stimulate ovarian "androgen" production as the ovaries retain their 'sensitivity' to the insulin even though the muscles and liver have not.Excessive insulin may also stimulate fat storage and alter cholesterolmetabolism leading to elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.Acne is seen in about 1/3 of PCOS patients. This is caused by the increased secretion of sebum stimulated by the excessve male hormones. Skin tags, thick lumps of skin that can be as large as raisins, canform and usually are found in the armpits or neck. These can easilybe removed. Darkening and thickening of the skin also can occuraround the neck, groin, underarms, or skin folds. This condition,called "acanthosis nigricans", is a sign of an insulin abnormality.This disease (PCOS) is often called a mystery disease and is oftenmisdiagnosed because of its varied collection of symptoms.PCOS can be diagnosed by blood tests and a transvaginal sonogram.• Many PCOS patients will have abnormal levels of one or more ofthese tests, although normal values do not rule out a PCOS diagnosis. • Patients should be monitored for endometrial cancer. A endometrialbiopsy is essential to rule this out if the woman has missed severalperiods. That PCOS also conveys significant risks for diabetes and endometrial cancer is a fact that has been clinically under-recognized Interestingly, many of the features of the metabolic syndrome, including insulin resistance, obesity, and dyslipidemias, are also present in PCOS.In PCOS, retrospective studies based on menstrual abnormalities (which would mostly, but not exclusively, be caused by PCOS) showincreased cardiovascular and diabetes-related deaths). . In comparison to lean women with PCOS, obese women with PCOS havehigher levels of testosterone and lower levels of "luteinizing hormone" (LSH). Women with PCOS also have dyslipidemia.At least one abnormal lipid level is seen in 70% of women with PCOS.The pattern of dyslipidemia found in the metablic syndrome, which features elevated "triglycerides" and low HDL cholesterol, has been reported in association with obesity in PCOSAn assessment of women undergoing coronary angiography for chest pain found an excess of women with polycystic ovaries seen on ultrasound. While neither endpoint--the need for angiography or the presence of polycystic-appearing ovaries--is specific, this has encouraged others to look more closely. Coronary artery "calcification" was increased when examined in small studies of women with PCOS. (40,41)Consumption of growth hormones commonly found in our standard american diet... mainstream (non-organic) animal protein (i.e. Dairy foods and meats)is a causative factor. Some women with PCO Syndrome are treated with the oral contraceptivepill, which produces a regular menstrual bleed.However long term use of the contraceptive pill, especially pillscontaining masculine synthetic progesterones, aggravates insulinresistance in women with PCO Syndrome.PCO Syndrome can often be controlled very well with the use of natural progesterone and nutritional supplements.Natural progesterone is usually given in the form of progesterone creams. Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome are generally deficient inthe hormone progesterone and will benefit from its supplementation.Blood tests should include serum levels of:. Total testosterone. Free Androgen Index. Estrogen. SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin). LH (Luteinising Hormone). FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone). A glucose tolerance test with accompanying insulin levels.TreatmentAlthough insulin-sensitizing medications are used, "dietary" changes remain the best strategy for long term success.All the Best! JoAnn_____________________________________________________________________Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals ---------------------------------------------------------------------Environmental estrogens. Endocrine-disrupters. Endocrine-modulators. Ecoestrogens. Environmental hormones.Xenoestrogens. Hormone-related toxicants.Endocrine-active compounds. Phytoestrogens. These terms describe endocrine disrupters, the synthetic chemicals and natural plant compounds that may affect the endocrine system (the communication system of glands, hormones and cellular receptors that control the body's internal functions).Many of these substances have been associated with developmental, reproductive and other health problems in wildlife and laboratory animals. Some experts suggest these compounds may affect humans in similar ways. Endocrine disrupters alter hormonal functions by several means. Substances can: mimic or partly mimic the sex steroid hormones estrogens and androgens (the male sex hormone) by binding to hormone receptors or influencing cell signaling pathways. Those that act like estrogen are called "environmental" estrogens. They block, prevent and alter hormonal binding to hormone receptors or influencing cell signaling pathways.Chemicals that block or antagonize hormones are labeled anti-estrogens or anti-androgens. They alter production and breakdown of natural hormones and modify the making and function of hormone receptors. Environmental estrogens are the most studied of all the endocrine disrupters.Natural compounds capable of producing estrogenic responses, such as the phytoestrogens, occur in a variety of plants and fungi. Many synthetic chemicals that also mimic estrogen are commercially manufactured for a specific purpose or produced as a byproduct. Exposure to these substances occurs throughout our lives from food, air, water, soil, household products and probably through breast milk and during development in our mother's womb. The human health risks that may be associated with these low-level yet constant exposures are still largely unknown and highly controversial. http://e.hormone.tulane.edu/edc.html---------------------------------------------------------------------Chaste Tree Berry (vitex agnus castus)- Herbal "Progesterone" ---------------------------------------------------------------------Chaste Tree Berry (vitex agnus castus) are the berries of the chaste tree, a large shrub indigenous to southern Europe, the Mediterranean region, and Asia. Chaste Tree Berry has been used since ancient Greek times as a treatment for menstrual problems. It is the fruit (dried ripe berries) that contains a mixture of iridoid glycosides (agnoside and aucubin), fatty oils, and flavonoids. Chaste Tree Berry has medicinally active components that act upon the pituitary gland, specifically on the production of luteinizing hormone to influence progesterone levels during the luteal, or late, phase of the menstrual cycle. A 1997 double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that Chaste Tree Berry offered significant relief for women suffering from symptoms of PMS, especially breast tenderness, cramping, and headaches (Lauritzen et al. 1997). In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial reported in the January 20, 2001 British Medical Journal, German researchers assigned 170 women diagnosed with PMS to a daily dose of Vitex agnus castus (chaste tree berry) extract or to placebo for three menstrual cycles. The women assessed themselves before and after treatment on measures of irritability, mood, anger, headache, bloating, and breast fullness. Clinicians evaluated symptom severity and treatment effects. More than half of the women taking chaste tree fruit extract (chaste tree berry) had a 50% or greater improvement in PMS symptoms (with the exception of bloating). The researchers concluded that the dry Vitex Agnus Castus extract of agnus castus fruit is an effective and well-tolerated treatment for the relief of symptoms of PMS. It is important to note that the German government's Commission E, which evaluates herbal remedies prescribed in conventional medical practice in Germany, has approved chasteberry for menstrual irregularities, breast pain, and premenstrual complaints (Schellenberg R., 2001).



NOT LOVE THINGS AND USE PEOPLE.Have nothing to do with the evil deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. Ephesians 5:11

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Eph. 6:12).

-------Original Message-------

From: Rica

Date: 10/31/04 14:53:09


Subject: {SPAMFILTER} progesterone cream

unless you are young or trying to get pregnant,you shud not be using progesterone cream without being on estrogen too.it can be a catalyst for cancer cells...it can really cause weight gain too

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Kathy wrote:

> This raises a very interesting question for me. See my post below to

> another group. Would like to hear from some others. Don if you read

> this - This is the ear infection girl. :)



Well Kathy,

From what I recall you telling me about your daughter, I would think

that this is a very realistic possibility. She really needs to lose the

weight and change her diet. She is still quite young and can conceivably

do this with very little problems. I do understand, now, the issues that

she is faced with. But these are only issues she has chosen to take a

negative outlook on. I realize how hard it is to be really positive when

you have that many people stuffed into a small trailer. Cripes!!! No

wonder they fight all the time. None of them get any breathing room,

probably very little privacy, etc.

At the age of your children it is almost impossible to see past your own

face. I know I was that age once. All they see is how their lives have

been ruined. It is a really hard lesson and a really tough time for

them. Your boys might be able to make the adjustment if they can get out

and romp in the woods (hopefully without creating too much havoc in the

process). Your daughter is a little older and more used to city life. I

don't know Kat, all I can say is if God brings ya to it he'll see ya

through it. You and your family will be in my prayers. Never give up

hope and never despair. Believe and have faith. There is a reason why

you are there. Who knows the reason why but there is always a reason.

God works in mysterious ways and all he/she asks in return is to have

faith and believe. I realize this won't help the kids much right now but

it will help you and DH. Don't be afraid to ask for answers either.

We are here to offer our support and help you through this in any way we

can. The pendulum always swings back Kat. We all reap what we sow both

good and bad. However, Kat, no matter how you or your family choose to

look at it you are right where your are supposed to be right now. There

is a reason. If you or the kids have a hard time comprehending this just

recall all those people who are still alive today because they got stuck

in a traffic jam or forgot their briefcase or something on 9/11.

Everything happens for a reason. Give thanks for the wisdom (even if you

can't fathom it) that brought you where you are today and set up a

lemonade stand. The sooner you can quit feeling like a victim the sooner

your children will too. I really mean no offense here Kat. I just

understand all of this. I have been in similar situations myself and

know the mechanism of it.

Get your daughter pen-paling with Diane's daughter and maybe it will

help her to open up and let out the negative emotions she is holding

inside. As long as she holds onto the negative it will continue to

poison her mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. This goes

for all of you. Get rid of the negative and begin living positive again.

I know it is easier said than done but if you begin and ask for

assistance from God and others it will happen.

Peace be with you and your family Kat.


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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