Guest guest Posted July 25, 1999 Report Share Posted July 25, 1999 OPEN LETTER TO ALL SUFFERING FROM CANCER AND THOSE WANTING TO AVOID CANCER Boy cures himself of cancer! Forgive me for the somewhat candid " lets get real " nature of this post. I feel earnestly that everyone has the God-given right to know the truth about cancer. So I offer these words in the hope that some will listen. Be warned. This letter, and more particularly the references, might shock you. I make no apology. -oOo- Are there REAL alternatives to the treatments offered by mainstream medicine? I believe there are. And I am going to attempt to explain why. When diagnosed with cancer a person can feel alone and helpless not knowing what to do or where to turn. In this situation she or he has little knowledge of alternative treatments unless they have read something beforehand. Even then, once in the hands of the doctor, it is hard to resist his advice. For instance, a woman with breast cancer might ask: " Do you really have to irradiate both breasts, doctor? " and will probably consent even though she reasons " What's the point of it if it has already spread? " We have been conditioned from an early age to believe, " Doctor knows best " . And it is most particularly when we are under stress that we tend to regress to an earlier age for support, which makes it even harder to separate ourselves from our early conditioning in order to assess the situation. Under these circumstance we tend to 'do as we are told'. The most vital step in making any decision about choosing a therapy is to TAKE CHARGE of the situation and 'stay in the Adult' - a Transactional Analysis term - which means, simply, to avoid Parent/Child dialogs so as to prevent being carried along like a machine part on a conveyor belt. Only then will real choices begin to become apparent. There is a strong Parent-to-Child dialog underlying every transaction between doctor and patient. Even the term 'patient' forces us into a psychologically inadequate position. Our question to the doctor should not be " Will I get better? " , but, " What has been the progress in cancer research over the last 30 years, doctor? What are my options? " . If he fails to answer then look elsewhere. The real answer to this question is: Man has gone to the moon and his robots have roved the surface of Mars yet he has declared that he has LOST the war against cancer even after spending billions of dollars on research ( Why? Unfortunately, the Cancer Industry is controlled mainly by the pharmaceutical companies, who are making huge profits, and cancer authorities everywhere have demonstrated that they have failed in their duty to provide effective cures for cancer, being unilaterally responsible for the unnecessary death and mutilation of millions of people worldwide: Almost every cure for cancer to emerge since the turn of this century has been suppressed by mainstream medical authorities. For this reason even the most dedicated oncologist is unable to offer anything more than basic chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. If they try they usually get struck off. (Well you may say: No, there are trials of new substances. But generally, trials are limited to a few people and have been proving to be ineffective). I realised there was a definite pattern here after joining an alternative cancer society that gave me access to its library of books, reference materials, and videotapes, along with their own collective personal knowledge gained over the years. I learned about the Cancer War and about the enormous power of the medical establishment. Book after book convinced me that cancer is a systemic disease that results when the bodies natural ability to fight cancer is diminished. However, the one thing that clinched it for me, and got me started on my quest, was a documentary video made by Realdad, called " Hoxsey: The Quack who Cured Cancer " ( and, a story about Harry Hoxsey, an oil tycoon, who had a herbal tonic that was passed down through his family that would get rid of cancer. He had many clinics throughout the USA in the '50s, but the AMA, using the FDA, closed him down by using the legal system again and again to try to force him out of business. The AMA eventually wore Hoxsey down and defeated him and closed down all of his clinics - bar one. There is now only one Hoxsey clinic left operating out of Mexico ( run by a nurse, Mildred - who was initially skeptical until she went to see for herself and became Hoxsey's most ardent supporter. She still claims an extraordinary cure rate of 80% - and that's even after the medical establishment have finished poking, prodding, x-raying, irradiating, poisoning, and mutilating victims only to fail - which makes it a lot harder to heal them. She also opens her medical records freely to the public, and she has been audited many times. So how has the truth been covered up for so long?! Its simple. The AMA's main thrust is to label all cancer crusaders, even bonefide doctors and medical researchers with ph D's, as " quacks " and then drag them through court and literally jail them (eg Rife, Koch, Gaston Naessens)! Most of the time the cases get thrown out of court through lack of evidence and because of the overwhelming weight of cure testimonials presented by the defense. But unfortunately, the sheer weight of ongoing litigations can take its toll in the end. The emotive term " quack " , coined by the AMA, sticks, and is generally accepted without question by an unsuspecting public. However, times 'they ARE a-changing'..... There is a new type of doctor emerging having sympathies toward alternative therapies. He or she is a rare but growing breed. Look out for them. -oOo- By the way, did you know that almost everyone gets cancer, but the immune system attacks and destroys it? A disease state develops when the immune system can no longer contain it. If the immune system is damaged then cancer wins. If the immune system is strong or strengthened then the immune system wins. The immune system has many levels of defense and must be properly nourished to function properly. When I say 'nourish' I am not talking about just proteins or carbohydrates as have been popularized in adverts. What I am talking about are the missing ingredients in modern food: vitamins, enzymes, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, and herbs etc. The established medical community claims cancer is a localized disease. However, when the main body of a cancer is removed, what inevitably happens is some cancer cells remain that are promoted to grow dramatically by the same mechanism that repairs the surgical wound. Further, the effects of chemotherapy and radiation stresses the body more and destroys or weakens the immune system. Since the root cause of the problem initially was inadequate immune function, the cancer soon returns and spreads with a vengeance. You might say: how do you know? Who are you? I am nobody. I am not doctor, and I do not possess any formal training in medicine. So please don't take my word for it - find out for yourself what the truth is - no one is going to hand it to you on a platter. you will have to do the work yourself - and this is the first step toward real change. A cancer crusader friend - now retired - put it this way: " If you keep doing what you did - you will keep getting what you got " . -oOo- Let me tell you what motivates me: Both my parents died of cancer. When my mother was diagnosed with cancer of the ovaries I was unable to help her because, like most people, I didn't know there was anything other than conventional treatment. The oncologist talked to her in terms of " quality of life " and used other seductive pseudo-meaningful terms. But we all knew what " quality of life " meant - they thought she was going to die. So I prayed for her earnestly, and one day she knocked at my door and said the swelling in her neck was going down. But being naive and not understanding prayer I stopped praying thinking " its done " . She trusted the local cancer clinic who treated her with an " experimental " drug in a trial program. She eventually died from a heart attack caused by a known side effect of that horrible substance - which actually did kill the cancer but also killed the patient. This was probably counted as a success in the trial! Since that time I have been motivated to study alternative treatments for cancer. It was during this period that I discovered the awful truth: cancer is a multi-billion dollar industry - and they don't love you. I discovered something else about the establishment as well but, I don't even want to write about it - its that bad! Recently, my father contracted lung cancer (he was 78). Naturally, being on the committee of a self-help grass-roots alternative cancer society, at that time, I suggested to my father that he read my cancer survival book. He did read some of it but he didn't believe it. He said he liked the little cartoons in it though! He trusted the medical system and believed in it. Being an ex-serviceman he was treated free at the local repat. He announced proudly " they know how to look after their own " . He was x-rayed and they decided to take a biopsy and it was while on the operating table that he suffered a heart attack while under anesthetic - his body couldn't cope with the stress. They allowed him to go home after a few days with a recommendation that he have a course of radiation treatment even though the doctors felt it would do not good. He did have it, and soon after deteriorated, developed secondary cancer in his prostate, and died. Routine X-rays taken months before diagnosis actually showed a cricket-ball sized lump in my fathers left lung but his physician either didn't see it, or he didn't tell my father it was there. This physician later resigned from my fathers case when it was pointed out to him on the x-ray. When I was initially informed of my fathers diagnosis of cancer I decided to build a special machine, a banned device, called a Rife Ray Machine that produced a plasma ray that kills cancer microbes. I got a manual ( I sent away for the parts and built it. I planned to treat my father with it. There were some teething problems getting it going - returned faulty parts etc - which wasted precious time. But, eventually, I got it to work. I arrived at my father's house the day after he died - too late. If only he had listened to me! But people do get sick of life and want to go. That's another factor in the healing equation that many dismiss - He missed my mother terribly. I use the machine on myself these days, and I also lend it out to others. Does the Rife Ray Machine work? See Since then I have spoken to many people who have been diagnosed with very serious cancers that are still leading a normal and active life - some are at the same age as my father. They all seem to have this in common: they reject the quick-fix option offered by mainstream medicine, and choose some form of alternative therapies, mostly consisting of: herbs, minerals, juices, natural food diets, elimination of fluoride/fat/sugar in the diet; embracing suppressed therapies, psychological counseling, meditation and prayer, and even laughter therapy - yes laughter is great medicine! Many had their amalgams removed because of mercury toxicity. and the list goes on. Each person seemed to have their own chosen program that they believe in and often experiment on themselves with different things. -oOo- Remember this: The medical establishment protect their own interests - they have to - despite what they say. I do like to think that most doctors are dedicated, believing in what they are doing, but how can they be effective if they receive inadequate training and are denied correct advice from those who claim to know the truth? A carpenter is only as good as the tools he uses. Right? Can a plumber tighten a nut with a screwdriver? Or can a housewife cook tea with a nuclear reactor? No. The right tools are required for the right job. So, anyone wishing to receive the best possible treatment has first to free themselves from the mindset of the establishment and then embark on a new journey: reading books, and searching the internet - its all there - including establishment disinformation. Another thing that most people fail to appreciate is this: there is a 5-10 year delay from the time that a new drug is discovered until it is actually applied in practice. And thats assuming that the system supplies the best drug for evaluation and not the most expedient drug (see AZT). AZT was shelved because it was too poisonous even for cancer treatment. So what did they do? They released it for the treatment for AIDS! However, they neglected to tell AIDS sufferers that the side-affect of AZT IS AIDS itself! Anyone who takes it will die from AIDS. Ready supply of effective drugs frustrate the community because of big delays caused by the millions of dollars required to test drugs - which limits the the field to the major drug suppliers. The US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) adherence to prolonged rigorous testing is the main inhibitor to free supply of treatment. Most western countries usually follow the FDA's lead and unfortunately things take a long time to happen. So the point is: if you want tomorrows medicine today then you will have to go get it yourself and not rely on a doctor who's hands are tied. Ask an oncologist what medicine he would take if he was diagnosed with cancer? His truthful answer will shock you! -oOo- Here are some suggested links to begin investigating: and Search the web using a search engine such as Some excellent keywords to use are: rife essiac hoxsey minerals oxygen ozone peroxide " aloe vera " urea hydrazine budwig flaxseed cancell herbs pawpaw " green tea " Laetrile parasite " Hulda " " alternative medicine " ginko vitamins magnesium " Linus ing " bromolain " colloidal Silver " Homeopathic diet cleansing Kombucha magnet magnetic breathing zapper 714X " Gaston Naessan " " Ray " " body electronics " garlic turmeric crucifers cabbage Magnesium Hyperthermia mercury amalgams Use the advanced boolean search feature and search on <keyword> AND cancer to narrow the search down. -oOo- For those who live by the word of God I must mention here what is truly 'Biblical' and what is not. Herbs, water, vegetables, and oils ARE mentioned in the Bible in connection with health. Nowhere in the Bible have I seen mention of using poisons and radiation to cure disease. The book of Acts refers to being bitten by the snake and surviving due to the power of the spirit of God - but nowhere have I seen mention of the use of poisonous substances being used to promote healing. Certain quarters of the Christian Community are saying that herbs are the " work of the devil " because they were used by witches long ago and have been falsely associated with the occult. This could not be further from the truth. The early Christians clearly made use of herbs - even the names of some herbs were christianized to make them 'acceptable' - e.g.: " St MarĂ½'s Thistle and St 's Wort " (the first is for liver repair, the second is an anti-depressant) Make no mistake: herbs are Gods medicine and cost almost nothing compared to the inflated prices of orthodox medical treatment. That's why the pharmaceutical companies don't like herbs - they've tested herbs - but they wont promote them because there is no money in herbs. There have been books written about anticancer herbs. But have you heard about it? Anyone can grow their own herbs - why should they do it? However, they will try to genetically modify herbs and there is also a push on to patent herbs so as to control them - but that's another story. -oOo- Now, the Pawpaw leaf is possibly the most potent anticancer herb in the world( This is not opinion but is the result of laboratory testing. Most herbs have been tested for anti-cancer effects. The other most potent herb would have to be Aloe Vera. One source I know for Pawpaw Leaf Extract is S.A.F.E in Australia (PO box 2233 Burleigh Junction QLD 4220, 56 Junction Rd Burleigh Junction QLD 4220. Ph 067 55934566 fax 5593 4877). Also, check out their colloidal minerals, Green Barley powder, and proanthogen mixture - this a great combination - I take it myself! They also have a naturopath on staff to offer advice. Some things you can get now out of the supermarket are: GREEN tea (not brown tea, kiwi fruit (Chinese gooseberry), juice WHOLE pineapples (the center throwaway part contains bromelain - which attacks the surface of cancer cells). Also see Vitamin C powder IN LARGE DOSES (forget anything less than a gram - more like 8-20 grams. There are protocols available from most self-help cancer societies) - get it from the health food store but it can also can be purchased in bulk from chemical suppliers (as we do). Much research has been conducted on the effects of intravenous and megadose vitamin C on cancer with positive results, and yet the pharmaceutical companies are trying to get rid of it by reducing the pill strength available in health food stores. They are trying to do this through the CODEX: It seems to me that almost anything BUT chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery has a positive effect on cancer! Maybe this is because the published side affect of chemotherapy IS cancer, and I personally would not stand in front of a high energy radiation machine for anything. " Doesn't radiation cause cancer doctor? " (see, and, as discussed previously, surgery also promotes the growth of cancer. But, sometimes surgery is necessary, and If this is the case then one can take megadoses of vitamin C (powder by the teaspoon), Ginko Biloba (to reduce inflammation), and drink the whole Pineapple (try with apples and mint - yum!) every day to help healing and prevent regrowth of the remaining cancer cells. This is but a small fraction of what can be done. -oOo- JOIN AN ACTIVE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP. Mix with others and share - its great therapy. Find a group that actively supports the promotion of alternative health and is willing to accept new ideas. If a society is chaired by a doctor attached to the local hospital and sells wigs then it might not be the best one to join - even if it does call itself a charity. -oOo- And, finally, the prayer made in faith can heal the sick. Jesus was a healer. He healed the sick. He had faith to heal but it also required faith on the part of the one being healed for it to work (why couldn't he heal in his home town?). Further, I have been astounded in the past to hear normal human beings who profess the name of Christ claim - almost in the same breath - that it is actually WRONG to heal someone. It is never wrong to heal! Isaiah says: take the yoke of oppression off the backs of my people. Jesus asked: Is it wrong to heal on the Sabbath? (let alone any other day!). He said: " YOU can do this and MORE! " Do you have to be a Christian to be healed by faith? In our experience, and in the experience of the qualified and famous healer, Canon Jim Glennan, the answer is a resounding " No! " . In fact it has been his observation that non-Christians seem to respond better to faith healing than do Christians because they are more accepting of it. Why is this? It seems to have something to do with certain man-made interpretations of the Bible that poison the soul. If you live by faith you will be healed by faith; anything else is no gain at all. Learn to reject the negative emotions of fear, guilt, shame, humiliation, powerlessness, rejection, and worry; which have been shown to inhibit immune function. Choose instead to embrace forgiveness, faith, trust, love, acceptance, and hope - as Jesus taught in the scriptures. -oOo- Find out the truth - get well - and join the good fight. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Please pass this on to anyone having cancer - they deserve to know the truth.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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