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RE: Re: eczema remedy

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I agree with Don about diet for this. My

older daughter really suffers with it on her hands to the point she had to wear

cotton gloves all the time to prevent infection to the

constantly opened wounds. It was SO BAD…. Very painful

and itchy. She refused and still refuses to address dietary changes, though she is not a bad

eater, I think she needs to adjust for her body type a bit, though lately they

have stopped eating meat that is not organic and they do eat all fresh veggies, organic eggs and whole grains.. anyway..

thinking out loud here !! LOL

What HAS helped her hands is pure Emu oil.

Unbelievable how it healed her hands!! It didn’t take very long either, about 2 weeks

total. J And we had tried the primrose oil, lots

of different herbs and natural remedies. All failed, but the Emu oil.

I also use it on ’s lichen sclerosis

and that

stuff is so nasty that the highest

potency of steroids are used for it!! I literally panic if I run out and the HFS is out.

That’s how good this stuff is.

The catch???? ( there always

is one ya know <g>) you have

to apply it every day. As Don said, it’s a band aide, but it’s one

that WORKS as long you keep it up.

Not all brands are equal either. If you

get one that has and odor, it’s prolly not 100% no matter what the label


Same if it doesn’t work, try a

different brand. I use Health Connections Pure Emu oil and said she

bought a really good brand from massagewarehouse.com, I *think* can ask her when I see her today if

that is the right url.

And yes.. it’s fat rendered from the Emu bird . I will forever

be grateful to them for the healing, along with pain and itch relief it brings

to , and . I hope

they get to fly in heaven J They deserve it.

Mercola does a pretty nice job of ideas

for help eczema too –

http://www.google.com/custom?cof=AH%3Acenter%3BAWFID%3A5cdb2968a482194d%3B & domains=www.mercola.com & sitesearch=www.mercola.com & q=eczema & sa2=Search

If that doesn’t work, just go to

mercola.com and type eczema into the search engine on his page.

Carol in IL

Mom to seven kid, twin grandson's and ,

4 DS

" Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in

vain. " Psalm 127

My problem is not how I look, it's how you see me



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Besides diet, I would also suggest homeopathy. A true classical homeopath, not just acute care for the symptoms. The right remedy (or series of right remedies) combined with a healthy diet and some cleanses would cure this in short order.


From: doihavtasay [mailto:doihavtasay@...]

I agree with Don about diet for this.


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