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The Conspiracy And Why The Mainstream Is In A Fear Driven Panic To Stop


Here is an article with information derived from the JAMA. It is a couple

years old so the number of people seeking Alternative instead of

conventional medicine has undoubtedly grown immensely since then.

And it certainly explains the " Why " very well.

Alternative Medicine Is Going Mainstream

Last November, the American Medical Association (AMA) raised a white flag to

alternative medicine in their Journal of the American Medical Association

(JAMA). They dedicated an entire issue to alternative medicine, and their

editorial comments literally gushed with the promise of alternative medical

procedures. You might ask yourself why this bastion of conventional

medicine, which has vociferously opposed alternative medicine in the past,

suddenly jumped on the bandwagon. The answer is simple.

Highlights From JAMA'S Issue on Alternative Medicine

* The herb saw palmetto {Serenoa repens) improves urinary flow in men with

benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Eighteen studies involving 2,939 men

were reviewed, and it was concluded that the herb is as effective as the

most popular drug treatment for this condition, and has significantly fewer

side effects.

* A Chinese herbal formulation was found to be effective in the treatment of

irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), an inflammatory condition of the

gastrointestinal tract that affects up to 20% of the population. In a study

of 116 patients with IBS treated for 16 weeks with herbs or a placebo, the

group taking the herbal combination showed significant improvement.

* Yoga is more effective than splints in treating carpal tunnel syndrome.

Yoga-based stretches and postures aimed at correcting alignment of the

hands, wrists and arms and improving flexibility were demonstrated to be

superior to wrist splints in relieving the signs and symptoms of this common


.... " It's because the public is deserting conventional medicine and

flocking to alternative health care providers by the millions. '....

Back in 1991, Eisenberg, M.D., published a groundbreaking study on the

extent to which the public had adopted alternative medicine. His follow up

study was the lead article in JAMA, entitled " Trends in Alternative Medicine

Use in the United States, 1990-1997. " In it, Dr. Eisenberg reported that

46,3% of Americans visited an alternative practitioner in 1997. This is a

substantial increase from the 36.3% he reported in 1991, when the public

made 427 million visits to alternative care practitioners. By 1997, the

number had jumped to 629 million, exceeding the total visits to all

conventional physicians. We spent $27 billion on alternative therapies in

1997, most of it out of pocket, since they generally aren't covered by

medical insurance. These numbers are staggering!

This was nearly as much as we paid just out of pocket (not including

insurance and third-party payments) for almost all conventional therapies,

including hospital care. One finding of the study, which was of particular

interest to me, and must surely be alarming to the medical establishment,

was that 60% of people who consulted alternative practitioners didn't

discuss it with heir conventional physicians. It's not that they don't want

professional advice. They just know in advance what their doctor will say

and are sparing themselves an unpleasant and often demeaning interview. Most

conventional physicians are missing the boat

Conventional medicine is wired for expensive invasive procedures and oiled

by the pharmaceutical industry. This multibillion dollar industry so

jealously guards its dominion over serious illnesses that they've made it

difficult, and in some cases, illegal for practitioners to treat these

diseases with what are considered to be superior and safer alternatives. In

many states, it's ctually against the law to treat cancer with any modality

other than surgery, chemotherapy and radiation even though these therapies

fail in most types of cancer.

But all of that is changing. Ready or not, alternative medicine is going

mainstream. Viable alternative solutions for virtually all medicine

conditions will continue to grow in popularity into the next century. As a

result, the entire face of medicine will change dramatically.

What The FDA and Drug Companies Are Doing

If they can't find a way to patent a substance, even a simple vitamin like

vitamin c, and make it their own property (whether it is or not), and force

people to pay for a doctor appointment to get a pricey prescription for it,

and make billions of dollars from it, they obstruct it, oppress it ,

discredit it, ignore it. Yes millions of patients are dying of cancer every

year as the FDA/CM/Drug companies obstruct and oppress anything that they

can't make millions from!

What Is Happening To This Support Group

There is a well known strategy/GAME where someone attacks and try's to win

by distracting, alienating, dividing and causing strife within the targeted

group. Those of you who are sparring with Moran. Why not just stop! I have

used the " just stop acknowledging the attacks " strategy with numerous Morans

in my life. It worked every time no matter who they were or what they were

attacking, or where the attacks were occurring, church, family, work,

political organizations etc. Ignore, with total indifference, and you take

away a bullies fun of getting a rise out of you and like magic they just go

away. And, if those of you who are playing the game like the game, at least

take it to personal e-mails, not postings to the group, so the rest of us

can get on with the objective...to help each other find health and healing!

Some of you have allowed Moran, to some degree, to oppress the positive,

productive communication and helping of others that this group had in the

past. If nothing else you have allowed him to waste a great deal of your

time and energy that should have gone into helping others, looking for

solutions, rejoicing over victories, and positive communication inside and

outside this group.

What We Can And Should Be Doing Instead Of Wasting Time And Energy The Small

And Unimportant.

The current situation with the FDA, CM and Drug companies will not change by

arguing with anyone. They are a tiny speck in the big picture. Victory comes

from taking a unified stand in large numbers. Join the organizations already

in existence that are legally, politically and economically taking on the

FDA, CM, and Drug companies. If the organizations that exist are

ineffective, it could be because not enough people, who understand what is

wrong, are willing to join, help out, and support, to make them effective.

If the organizations are truly ineffective, start new ones that are


I think we should turn the tide on the FDA, CM, Drug companies and start

taking actions to assist in shutting them down. If every person, who can

afford it, or who has a lawyer in the family, who has ever been harmed, not

helped, or had a family member die because of drugs, surgery, chemo and

radiation, or an FDA ruling etc. would file a lawsuit, it would change

things considerably. There undoubtedly are organizations in existence

already that are taking on the task of filing suits for just such reasons.

Lets find them and support and help them. And, when appropriate utilize

their services.

We should diligently watch for legislation that erodes our rights to

quality, self chosen care. And also legislation that helps and protects us

as well. When large numbers of people stand together and write, call, e-mail

of Government, FDA and CM officials it does make a difference. There

undoubtedly are organizations we can join and support that are already watch

dogging the issues for us. Get our family, friends, neighbors, co-workers,

club and church members to also join them and make their voice heard loudly,

firmly and often. Folks the squeaky wheel gets the attention. The more times

large numbers of people write on an issue the better.

In addition, we should work for the goal of being allowed to hold doctors to

the exact same standards as EVERY other working person on this planet. There

isn't one person who would not be fired very quickly if they had the same

performance record as the conventional medical doctors and drug companies.

Theirs is the only profession where they can minimally help very few,

damage, harm and kill others, and not only stay employed, but also get paid

large sums of money from those they harmed and killed. If I produced

nothing tangibly positive at my job, failed more then I succeeded, I would

be looking for another very soon. If we all start holding CM, FDA and drug

companies accountable for their failures and they were only paid for their

successes, like everyone else, there would " suddenly " be a great interest in

safe and effective preventive, and alternative solutions.

Since greed is the driving force here, start boycotting, as much as

possible, every company associated in any way with pharmaceuticals, medical

doctors, medical supplies, oppressed AM studies, rigged for the desired

propaganda CM and AM studies. Their parent companies, subsidiary companies

etc. Especially those who buy off, and pay off, politicians , the FDA and

subsidize studies that are done poorly and inadequately to discredit AM.

Money talks especially when large numbers of people write to the company and

tell them why they are being boycotted.

Bottom line is, nothing will change for the better with the current path

that is being followed. To truly change anything, positive, decisive,

effective, focused action must be taken by large numbers of people. That is

just the way it is. Forget arguing with the small and unimportant and focus

on taking steps within the big picture to create positive change. If you

dont, the status quo will be maintained forever..

M Meadows

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