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Re: Xango-Still another cure? Sutent

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Sutent is advertised as a 'Targeted Therapy' and has evidence, as many

chemotherapy treatments do, of 'tumor response.' Which is why they use it of


In medical terms that relates to Tumor Shrinkage. Additionally they speak to

increased survivability over placebo.

I believe Xango is one of those strongly 'hyped' products perhaps a

Multi-Level-Marketing effort to get everyone to drink it. Let me add that I

have no idea whether or not it offers any benefit or not so I cannot speak to

the question of its benefit or lack of one.

Again, Tumor Response is very common from chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

Joe C.

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I would suggest that anything that is " hyped " as a cure-all or a " possible "

cure-all is highly suspect. Most people that get well do so because they have

changed their lifestyle completely. There are no magic bullets...none. And you

must give natural medicine a chance to work. Many people make the mistake of

moving from one product to the next or adding products until they spend their

whole day taking products and doing nothing else. This is not effective for most


Drinking any type of fruit juice is probably not a good idea. The reason?

Because when you juice a fruit then consume it you will get a high insulin

response. Most fruit juices contain high levels of sugar. There is a lot of

controversy even in natural medicine about whether or not cancer patients should

even consume fruit at all. When I was doing my cancer protocol, I was allowed

fruits as long as I ate the whole fruit. It did not seem to affect me in a bad

way as the cancer still went away. I believe that God created fruits to aid the

body in health. When the fruit is consumed as a

whole then the body gets the synergistic effect from the fiber (helps with

insulin spike), pulp, vitamins and minerals. This is important.

I suspect that we have some on this list that are in MLM. Certainly a personal

choice. But I have not seen many MLM products that are worth their hype and you

can certainly find other products that will do the same thing without having to

join an MLM and having a monthly shipment sent to you.

Please take full responsibility for your health and do your own research and if

you read something that seems too good to be true---well, it probably is. Not

everything will work in the same way for everybody. There are just no

quick-fixes or miracle supplements.


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Noni is in the PDR so his doctor let him take noni along with chemo. Mom said

" you have to do what your doctor says "

I told her they don't get any more money if he lives or dies.

I already knew a lot about nutrition that wasn't all I sent him.

We did get him on cessium which he couldn't handle.

My sister got him to go to vci.org heat treatments but they radiated his

pancreas. And told him to eat what ever he wanted. After we had him eatting

everything GOOD and juicing.

But my sister juiced friut and I meant greens and as you know fruit turns into

sugar after its juiced. " Like the sugar habit " . My brother had pancreatic cancer

stage 4.

I found cantron but it wasn't ment to be since it took 10 days to get it to him.

His family didn't give it to him the last 4 weeks of his life or much of

anything else. That's why I wonder if he died because of NOT having his

potassium after quitting censium.



Dr. Loretta Lanphier wrote:

>I would suggest that anything that is " hyped " as a cure-all or a " possible "

cure-all is highly suspect. ......

> Drinking any type of fruit juice is probably not a good idea. The reason?

Because when you juice a fruit then consume it you will get a high insulin

response. Most fruit juices contain high levels of sugar. ............

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I totally agree with Loretta on this, has anybody ever found that

they can eat an orange WHOLE but orange juice gives them acid

refux. Its the same for me with tomatoes, as it is a fruit. Being a

lymphoma sufferer for 23yrs i can relate to the Desperate search for

the magic bullet, the quick fix, the claims fly fast and too damned

often. Ive tried a few over the years, in fact my nephew has just

invested $2,ooo of cold hard cash in a so called cure based on a

meeting with a guy, there were about 6 people in all at this so

called [fleecing] i mean, meeting, and the guy was armed with nothing

but a typed portfolio and the gift of the gab.

As Loretta has said, there is NO quick fix, Im sorry to say.

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ly speaking, I am a member of FREELIFE Company, the one who introduced GOJI

in the US. I was moved to join the company since my auntie got healed of cancer

and my uncle is surviving Tuberculosis and Diabetes with the help of GOJI

JUICE... anyways, I am also fond of other home made fruit juices :) Just wanna




Previously Emmanuel wrote:

" It's not that I'm a member of a MLM company... But I guess based on experience,

fruit juice could really help "

JCaston wrote:

Hello Emmanuel:

Are you a member of an MLM company and if so, which one?

Is it one that gives you this 'experience' you speak of and if not, what is that


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