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Colon cancer patient -- recommendations?

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Dear Christy,

In a message dated 02/24/2002 7:17:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,

FLPplanner@... writes:

> the FAA flight surgeon will

> not clear him to return to his job as an air traffic controller unless he

> undergoes chemotherapy. He still feels good but is stuck between the

> proverbial rock and hard place. No chemo, no job; chemo, no immune system

> health for the rest of his life.

What a dreadful dilemma. I only have 2 ideas:

1. show the surgeon studies (if they exist; or show him the absence of

studies if there are none) that show that chemo for his type of cancer

doesn't increase survival rates or life expectancy (most likely to be found

in Moss's [2000] _Questioning Chemotherapy_, rev. ed.; let me know if you'd

like other resources for finding such studies).

2. get a lawyer

I have no idea if either of these would help. Also, let us know if he's

looking for any specific diet, natural supplement, or treatment-related info.



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YESSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!

ALL the information at:



[ ] Colon cancer patient -- recommendations?

> I'm a new subscriber to this list and am very, very concerned about the

> battle one of my best friends is waging against colon cancer. He was

> diagnosed with a quarter-sized malignant tumor in his sigmoid colon. He

> declined the recommended surgery, went on a cleansing diet with barley


> juice, bought a Rife generator and followed the recommended frequencies


> cancer treatment on his Rife machine. Thinking that all was on the mend,


> was surprised about six weeks ago to find fresh blood in his stools again,

> which led him to have a proctoscopic re-examination of his sigmoid colon.

> (He had backed off on the frequency of his Rife " treatments " because he

> thought the cancer had been licked.) The finding was that the tumor had

> increased in size and surgery was insisted on by my friend's physician.


> twelve inches of coma were removed, along with 17 lymph glands because the

> surgeon observed that the cancerous tumor had apparently spread to nearby

> lymph glands, meaning that the cancer was no longer contained within the

> " walls " of the tumor in the colon.


> My friend is now being leaned on hard to submit to chemotherapy, but he


> to avoid this at all cost. Speaking of which, the FAA flight surgeon will

> not clear him to return to his job as an air traffic controller unless he

> undergoes chemotherapy. He still feels good but is stuck between the

> proverbial rock and hard place. No chemo, no job; chemo, no immune system

> health for the rest of his life.


> Does anybody have any suggestions to help this dear friend of mine?


> Christy Barton




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This website has info on employment rights as a cancer survivor. I haven't

listened to it, so I don't know if it's any good.



> My friend is now being leaned on hard to submit to chemotherapy, but he


> to avoid this at all cost. Speaking of which, the FAA flight surgeon will

> not clear him to return to his job as an air traffic controller unless he

> undergoes chemotherapy. He still feels good but is stuck between the

> proverbial rock and hard place. No chemo, no job; chemo, no immune system

> health for the rest of his life.


> Does anybody have any suggestions to help this dear friend of mine?


> Christy Barton




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Try Laetrile IV's. Laetrile is a natural " chemo " if you will. My son was

only on Laetrile IV's and his tumor markers went down from 21,000 to 800.

Please make sure he takes enzymes with it. He also will need to detoxify...

His body needs to get rid of the toxic waste. Please note that Laetrile is

hard to get as it is banned by the FDA.

In additiion I would advise a very high dosis of vitamin therapy. .

I am on my way to work now but will give you more advise when I get back

tonight. I will forward the vitamin protocol tonight also. I am in the

Netherlands so there is a time difference with the USA.

Kind regards,

Marga Beukeboom.

[ ] Colon cancer patient -- recommendations?

> I'm a new subscriber to this list and am very, very concerned about the

> battle one of my best friends is waging against colon cancer. He was

> diagnosed with a quarter-sized malignant tumor in his sigmoid colon. He

> declined the recommended surgery, went on a cleansing diet with barley


> juice, bought a Rife generator and followed the recommended frequencies


> cancer treatment on his Rife machine. Thinking that all was on the mend,


> was surprised about six weeks ago to find fresh blood in his stools again,

> which led him to have a proctoscopic re-examination of his sigmoid colon.

> (He had backed off on the frequency of his Rife " treatments " because he

> thought the cancer had been licked.) The finding was that the tumor had

> increased in size and surgery was insisted on by my friend's physician.


> twelve inches of coma were removed, along with 17 lymph glands because the

> surgeon observed that the cancerous tumor had apparently spread to nearby

> lymph glands, meaning that the cancer was no longer contained within the

> " walls " of the tumor in the colon.


> My friend is now being leaned on hard to submit to chemotherapy, but he


> to avoid this at all cost. Speaking of which, the FAA flight surgeon will

> not clear him to return to his job as an air traffic controller unless he

> undergoes chemotherapy. He still feels good but is stuck between the

> proverbial rock and hard place. No chemo, no job; chemo, no immune system

> health for the rest of his life.


> Does anybody have any suggestions to help this dear friend of mine?


> Christy Barton




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He could hire a lawyer who would probably chew him up and spit him out if he is

in the tower. They would probably claim he is a danger to passengers if the

cancer spread to his brain and it would get quite ugly. If he is a ground

controller who flags the flights as they land all a lawyer would have to ask is,

what if he collapses as a plane is landing. I cannot see any jury supporting the

picture of POTENTIAL danger the lawyers would paint. If your friends controller

job is such that could be looked at as a POTENTIAL danger to passengers then

perhaps he could seek a transfer within the company.

I think your friend should have been working with his doctor to see if his

chosen therapy was in fact working before backing off of it. Cancer is a wake up

call to make changes in ones life and for many natural therapy survivors these

are permanent changes in the way one eats, thinks and reacts to the world around

them. Some do get lucky with using only one or two therapies but when the cancer

is inside where you can't see what it's doing then it is necessary to find a

doctor who will observe your progress. Now it is up to him to fight as

agressively with natural therapy as the doctors would do with the chemo and

fight to keep a position with the company or submit. Many of us will pray that

he fights with all he has for his life.

My initial thoughts were, how dare they treat him this way and hire a lawyer but

he has to look at how low and dirty the other side would fight.



A philosophy professor stood before his class and had some items in

front of him. When class began, wordlessly he picked up a large empty

mayonnaise jar andproceeded to fill it with rocks right to the top,

rocks about 2 " in diameter. HE then asked the students if the jar was full.


agreed that it was. So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and

poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of

course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. The students laughed.

He asked his students again if the jar was full. They agreed that yes,

it was. The professor then picked up a box of sand and poured it into

the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. " Now, " said the

professor, " I want you to recognize that this is your life. The

rocks are the important things -- your family, your partner, your health,

your children -- anything that is so important to you that if it were

lost, you would be nearly destroyed. The pebbles are the other things in life

that matter, but on a smaller scale. The pebbles represent things like

your job, house, or car. The sand is everything else, the small stuff.

If you put the sand or the pebbles in to the jar first, there is no room

for the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your energy

and time on the small stuff, material things, you will never have room

for the things that are truly most important. "

Pay attention to the things that are critical in your life.

Play with your children.

Take time to get medical checkups.

Take your partner out dancing.

There will always be time to go to work, clean the house,

give a dinner party and fix the disposal.

Take care of the rocks first - the things that really matter

Set your priorities, the rest is just pebbles and sand.

May there always be work for your hands to do;

may your purse always hold a coin or two;

may the sun always shine on your windowpane;

may a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;

may the hand of a friend always be near you;

may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.

(An Irish Blessing)

[ ] Colon cancer patient -- recommendations?

I'm a new subscriber to this list and am very, very concerned about the

battle one of my best friends is waging against colon cancer. He was

diagnosed with a quarter-sized malignant tumor in his sigmoid colon. He

declined the recommended surgery, went on a cleansing diet with barley grass

juice, bought a Rife generator and followed the recommended frequencies for

cancer treatment on his Rife machine. Thinking that all was on the mend, he

was surprised about six weeks ago to find fresh blood in his stools again,

which led him to have a proctoscopic re-examination of his sigmoid colon.

(He had backed off on the frequency of his Rife " treatments " because he

thought the cancer had been licked.) The finding was that the tumor had

increased in size and surgery was insisted on by my friend's physician. So,

twelve inches of coma were removed, along with 17 lymph glands because the

surgeon observed that the cancerous tumor had apparently spread to nearby

lymph glands, meaning that the cancer was no longer contained within the

" walls " of the tumor in the colon.

My friend is now being leaned on hard to submit to chemotherapy, but he wants

to avoid this at all cost. Speaking of which, the FAA flight surgeon will

not clear him to return to his job as an air traffic controller unless he

undergoes chemotherapy. He still feels good but is stuck between the

proverbial rock and hard place. No chemo, no job; chemo, no immune system

health for the rest of his life.

Does anybody have any suggestions to help this dear friend of mine?

Christy Barton

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As you know, I'm not a doctor and do not give medical

advice. Some information you may find useful is below.

See Best's story. He's in 6 year remission

after using 714X and Essiac tea and a nutritional

diet. His mothers email address is (Sue Best)

Bilsuebest@... .

Web site below.


E-mail Gaston Naessens from his web site.


See my overview of a man I consider to be a genius and

great humaitarian who has really helped some people

with cancer.


Also see the article by Barry Chowka on

naturalhealthline about imminent NCI testing.


Ralph Moss is a veteran cancer researcher of over 20

years. His web site offers some excellent information

about cancer. Here is his information on Naessens


Dr. Burzynski. His

nontoxic antineoplastons have been successful with

some cancers.

Burzynski's website


An overview at my website


I highly recommend the books " Politics In Healing " by

Haley and " Forbidden Medicine " by Ellen Brown.

Synopsis here as well as other great books.


See my links page,


I hope this helps. Gavin.

Exposing the Cancer Indu$try



Exposing the Cancer Indu$try



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  • 6 years later...


You pose one of the most common and frustrating questions because your friend is

the one that needs to make the effort.

All of us that have loved ones run into the same problem and that is trying to

find help for someone that too often doesn't want it. The people in the White

Coats have enormous influence on most of the people and breaking through to

someone with Alternative measures is very difficult.

I will say that there is help for someone with Colon Cancer but again, unless

your friend makes the effort we, including you, will be spinning out wheels.

Introduce him/her to the list and have him make the effort needed and the

results will be encouraging. If that doesn't happen, nothing we say will be


Good luck in this effort of yours,

Joe C.

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Dear Christy,


I am new to this group, but I wanted to respond.  I have colon cancer with mets

to my liver and lungs.  The reason I chose alternative methods to cure my cancer

is because the oncs had no " cure " for me.  It was just cut, poison, and burn. 

Colon cancer does not respond well to chemo.  Your friend would serve

him/herself well by asking the hard questions to the doctor.  Will this cure my

cancer?  Will this prolong my life anymore than doing nothing?  How long?  If

the doctor says it will cure it, or prolong her life, she needs to ask for at

least two medical journal published studies that confirm that.  It is my

experience the doctor can't provide that.


I was diagnosed with this cancer three months after the end of my treatment for

breast cancer.  I know that chemo, surgery, and radiation is not the answer for

me.  The cancer finds a way to return.  Is it scary to buck the system?  You

bet.  I am currently in the sixth week of self-treatment (I chose the Budwig

Protocol, plus some other supplements and techniques).  I can tell you that I

have gotten no worse in this time.  If I had begun " hard hitting chemo " as the

doctors wanted me to, I would be very ill, possibly dead (the last chemo I had

nearly killed me).  In another six weeks I will have my scans repeated to see if

what I'm doing is working at all.  I will be thrilled if the cancer has slowed

or stopped its' progression.


Please feel free to email me directly, or to have your friend email me.  I am

happy to share my story of faith and my decision not to let the doctors scare or

bully me into conventional " treatment " .  Alternative treatment is not " giving

up. "   It is taking responsibility for your own health.


My prayers are with you and your friend on this difficult path.


Health and blessings,



> I'm a new subscriber to this list and am very, very concerned about

the battle one of my best friends is waging against colon cancer.

.....Does anybody have any suggestions to help this dear friend of mine?


> Christy Barton


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Dear Christy,

why don't you try Paw Paw Reg Cell or Graviola and Immunocal?

Vishwajith/Sri Lanka


> I'm a new subscriber to this list and am very, very concerned about

the battle one of my best friends is waging against colon cancer.

.....Does anybody have any suggestions to help this dear friend of mine?


> Christy Barton

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