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Headaches in a 10 year old

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From: " " k_frog100@... am so full of

questions this week it seems. My 10

year old daughter has been experiencing horrible headaches off and on lately.



Headache and Migraine Triggers, Naturally!

Henry Bieler, M.D., in my opinion, presented the best

logical explanation to migraines and headaches in his book, Food Is Your Best

Medicine. Dr. Bieler

believes that the best way to prevent migraines is to reduce exposure to toxic

substances and improve your body's ability to detoxify substances in your

intestinal tract and liver.

Here's how Dr. Bieler explains a migraine headache:

" Food eaten today is about as far removed from the natural diet of man as

man is from his primitive jungles. Man, however, still has approximately the

same digestive apparatus and liver as his remote ancestors. If he lives on

natural food, his liver remains efficient; if he fills his stomach with breads,

hot dogs, chili, doughnuts washed down with coffee and soda, his outraged liver

cannot do its work. Whether his liver breaks down early or late depends upon

how good an organ it was at birth. But break down it will,

and when it fails to filter and neutralize toxins from the blood, an extra line

of defense must come into play. This defense is carried on by the endocrine

glands, which try to direct these toxins into other eliminative organs. The

principal endocrine glands called upon for this effort are the pituitary which

lies at the base of the brain, the thyroid, situated in the neck, and the

adrenals, which fit like a cap over each kidney.

Glands of internal secretion then are pressed into hyperfunction,

forced to manufacture more of their secretion. However, since the amount of

gland's secretion is in exact ratio to the volume of blood entering it, the

gland is enlarged by this extra blood supply, which often can have disastrous

physical consequences.

The pituitary gland, for example, does not have much room in which to swell,

encased as it is in a bony cup at the base of the skull....very little swelling

can take place without creating a pressure on a gland within its box. This

pressure can cause alarming symptoms. Four different diseased states, all

arising from a toxemia of the blood, can result from the pressure: migraine

headache, the common types of epilepsy, acromegaly

and blindness.

There are many cases in my files of migraine and epilepsy-cases in which the

distressing symptoms have been arrested and the body restored to health. This

was accomplished by taking the excessive dietary burden off the liver, which

then was able to cleanse the blood stream and restore a balance between the

pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands. " (pp. 44-45)

The worst toxins leading to migraine headaches are simple sugars. Dr. Bieler calls it " alcoholic type of headache " . The

alcohol does not come from drinking alcoholic beverages. It is manufactured in

the person's own stomach. It results from the fermentation of the sugars and

starches in that person's diet. This alcohol is more harmful than bottled

spirits. " Alcohol made in the intestines has among its ingredients sour

mash and other products very toxic to the body. " (p. 45)

A migraine sufferer should remove all breads, starches (rice and pasta),

cookies, chocolate....etc. Eat vegetables, low glycemic

fruits (apples, oranges, cherries, peaches, berries and pears), fish, nuts,

seeds, brown rice and yams. This diet will eliminate the surplus of poisons and

migraines will simply not come back.

Beneficial nutritional support:

To help with digestion and assimilation:

• Acidophilus and bifidus micro-blended with

blue green algae.

• Plant based enzymes micro-blended with blue green algae. (Use them with

cooked foods to properly digest meals and in between meals to help with


To help with nourishing the body:

• Wild-crafted blue green algae.

• Organically grown sprouted grains and grasses - a green mix powder.

To reduce oxidative stress:

• Coenzyme Q10 micro-blended with organic flax oil.

• Wheat sprouts micro-blended with red algae and wild-crafted blue green


Drink 8 to 12 glasses of spring water (not tap water) daily. Or, drink half your weight, in ounces,

per day. Take small and frequent

sips to prevent your cells from shrinking as a result of dehydration. Avoid

large amounts of fluid with meals (liquid with meals dilutes digestive enzymes

which are designed to work without dilution from liquids).

Migraines and headaches are preventable. Just treat the body right by giving it

the right foods.


Bieler, Henry, M.D. (1965). Food Is Your Best

Medicine. New York:

Ballantine Books.



Would you benefit from a more effective and

healthy immune system?

Organic, wholefood, supplements provide

nutrients essential for the

health of people, pets and plants. http://www.bluegreensolutions.com


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