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What do you know of the Bio-Bac.... I read a small article on it that it was good to take if you had cancer. Let me know if you hear of this....L595@...

thank you Moonbeam

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Sources are at www.cancure.org/laetrile.htm. Best source is CytoPharma.

Kemsa and CytoPharma make it for most of the sites that sell it, so why not

buy it from the source. Kemsa says you have to go to Mexico to get it from

them though.

You would need to follow a complete protocol that includes diet, enzymes,

etc. Not just laetrile.

Melinda Wiman


Cancer Cure Foundation

(800) 282-2873

Re: moonbeam

> does anybody know where i can get the real layatrile >?? here in

> u.s.a.???....where can i buy and send away for it ?? thank you ..pat.


> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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  • 3 months later...

i agree with mtnworld. i suggest, once again, that if anyone on this list has a " bone to pick " with someone else on this list, that they do so privately. kees, i am growing very weary of your negativity and your need to put moonbeam down. i have read every post that moonbeam put up on this list for one year now, and i have never known him to say that his protocol or research was THE CURE for everyone's cancer. he has been very helpful to me and to many people to whom i have passed on his information.

we all have methods and supplements and ways of eating that we prefer and we feel have worked for us. this list is about SHARING our experiences. please allow each person to do so without putting down what they have to say!


-dianna rawleigh


Dianna Rawleigh


From: MtnFolk <mailto:mtnworld@...>


Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2001 2:52 PM

Subject: Moonbeam

I have been a member of the cures for cancers list for 21/2 years. Every once in awhile someone very negative comes along and it becomes very stressful to read their posts. Your attempts to undermine Moonbeam are not beneficial to anyone. I had been following a protocol similar to his for a few years. I now follow his protocol because he always has such good resources to back up his research. I admire and respect him. I believe he is a very good person who wants to help others. I will delete your posts because you are so negative.

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Dear Moonbeam, I've been reading this page for a month or so. Your messages came true and clear to me amidst the din. I also just found out you're a man. I think we all have to get busy changing ourselves to get better. Please keep up the good work. Pat

MoonbeamI have been a member of the cures for cancers list for 21/2 years. Every once in awhile someone very negative comes along and it becomes very stressful to read their posts. Your attempts to undermine Moonbeam are not beneficial to anyone. I had been following a protocol similar to his for a few years. I now follow his protocol because he always has such good resources to back up his research. I admire and respect him. I believe he is a very good person who wants to help others. I will delete your posts because you are so negative.

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  • 4 months later...

Dear list members,

I have to recognize that during the last month, due to

my mother's health deterioration, I read few messages

from this list, so I am not really aware of what has

recently happened. However, as the last time I sent a

similar message more than a month ago, I think these 2

people are really valuable but tthey have different

perceptions and different attitudes, even opposite

ones, and things seemed to get worse. I have to mention

that Moonbeam helped me to get a lot of documented

information about alternative treatments. I printed a

file of paper with that information, and I was planning

to take that file with me once our family traveled, but

it could never happen. Although nothing could really

work on my mom, I think there is many, many information

that people deserves to know in order to decide what to

do. They can also contrast those studies with others in

the internet, or ask doctors their opinion about them,

but the most important thing is that at least people

know there are other possibilities in treatments. It's

up to anyone if they follow that or not.

It was a real mess to get some kind of information

about alternative treatments and process it, after

spending a year and a half blindly believing the words

of doctors as the ultimate truth. How I had wished to

knopw about those treatments more than a year ago, when

my mother was still strong.... Of course, although I

was almost desperate, I never immediately believed in

anything anyone of you wrote; I had to check with other

sources, ask other people and then I could decide to

buy some. So, it was finally our decision to accept,

believe or not the things other recommended. But if

moonbeam and others hadn't not only gave their personal

protocol but also supporting studies, I wouldn't have

been able to even decide anything. So, I don't see anty

danger in that... I see danger in people as my mom's

conventional doctors who made us believe everything was

fine when everything was wrong; the main oncologist,

who in the last 3 months of life of my mother only came

to see her once; to all the doctors that told my mother

to eat everything from the beginning, and never made

her a good diet; the doctors that sometimes didn't push

my mom enough to make her have a better attitude, but

were so desperate in getting their $80 for each

consult, even if that was only to say hello.... And I'm

not angry with them, I don't blame therm of anything,

but I think they have attitudes that are not right; and

when my father some times asked them if there were

other treatments available anywher in the world, they

said no, that the best was here (??!!!). So, I don't

know how things are in other countries, but I would

really like there were more moonbeams by the doctors'

side, so they could get in touch with other valuable

information. And, also I would like that many people in

the world could get all the information moonbeam had

given us, so they could discuss a broader spectrum of

possibilities in their fight for life.

And this is not a mail against anyone or in favor of

anyone, because i also think that moonbeam seems to

have a lot of ego or lacking humility and tolerance, to

understand others' people opinion that may be

criticizing too much. Moonbeam doesn't need to

unsubscribe telling everybody how hurt he may feel;

also, I didn't read any apologies from him during the

discussion of a month ago, while I saw one of kees. The

best way to defend agains an argument is with ideas,

with knowledge, not with adjectives or lousy atittudes.

Once again, I can hardly believe here we are debating,

arguing, discussing about this topic here, wheere all

should be allies against a common enemy. We all are

adults but in these moments we see as babies divided in

two bands and trying to support and choose a leader...

It's a nonsense.

Anyway, I hope moonbeam returns to this list and be

more tolerant, and I hope kees also respects moonbeam

role in this list, not as a dangerous doctor, but as a

very valuable reasearcher.


Lima, Peru

Mensaje citado por: mtnworldvt <mtnworld@...>:

> Dear members,

> I am truly saddened that we are losing Moonbeam (and

now Dianna also).

> Three years ago I was diagnosed with stage III

metastatic colon

> cancer. I was 46 and expecting my first grandchild in

1 month. My

> sisters rallied to me. My older sister, a phychiatric

nurse, stopped

> working and went with me to all my doctor

appointments. She stayed up

> all night and put drops of water on my lips after my

surgery. She

> accompanied me half-way across the country to my

first treatment.

> Three years later my husband and I spent Christmas

alone. My sisters

> were " busy " . I'm " ok " now. I know my sisters love me.

> Three years ago Moonbeam's sister was given

a " sentence " . He did not

> accept this. He spent many many hours searching for a

way to save his

> sister. He succeeded. He did not stop. He continues

researching many

> many hours. He does this out of LOVE. He loves his

sister. He did for

> his sister what most of us don't even do for


> He decided to try to help others. He SHARED his

information with

> others. He gave many of us HOPE. He never stopped. He

was always

> there. He did not seek compensation. He certainly did


> respect.

> I have seen several alternative and integrative

doctors. They all

> want big bucks for what now seems like incomplete

information. They

> all want to sell you expensive designer supplements.

Moonbeam wanted

> to help us all afford to help ourselves. He is a good

man with a good

> heart.

> I don't know what Moonbeam's credentials are and

frankly I don't

> care. He is thorough and can intelligently support

anything he

> recommends.

> We lost one of our best, most informative members

during this season

> of " goodwill to all " . It's very sad.

> Moonbeam...if you are still reading posts please

reconsider. However,

> if you choose to go it is certainly understandable.

Please let me

> know if you are writing on another list. Until then,

thank you from

> the bottom of my heart for caring so much about

people with cancer.

> With warm regards,

> Judi Krafft




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...


there is no point in any longer version. For example coenzyme Q10 was in

the longer version.

Q10 may be good for cancer but that is not the point. The point is what are the

best things for

cancer, what are the best and most synergistic things for cancer.

A lady told me she bought a cleansing product for cancer instead of some other


One should take what is the MOST EFFECTIVE, not just something that has a

little bit of benifit.

There is no single most effective product because there are so many products

and treatments.

Should one boost the immune system with a beta glucan prodcut like PSK or

should one be

inserting a fine wire and directing DC current into the tumor. Which is the most


peope often take things which are have some small benifit, but do not use

things that when

combined produce a very great synergistic benifit. Such as Beta Glucan products

with vitamin C -

that is synergistic. Then taking enzynmes which will be synergystic with the

beta glucan also.

Or they take enzymes but then eat meat, which is the opposite of synergystic,

as the meat will

quickly destroy the anti cancer activity of the enzymes.

A small number of synergistic things is much better than a large number of

un-synergistic things.

Then we have cost, I spent all the money on one or two expensive things so I

cant afford to buy

anything else.

I have a friend with an out of control neck tumor. She is afraid to buy a

magnet as it may make it

worse - she says. A cancer is allready out of control, there is little need to

worry about doing

something that will make it worse. if I were her I would buy some acupuncture

needles, stick one n

the tumor and one in the healthy flesh nearby, then run a small DC current with

the anode in the


But that may be a scary idea to my friend. Look, if one allready has cancer

there is no point being

scared of treatment.

1: Nippon Igaku Hoshasen Gakkai Zasshi. 1989 Nov 25;49(11):1390-403.

Experimental study of transvascular direct current treatment for intraabdominal

malignant tumors

Article in Japanese

Manabe T, Takashima S, Nakatsuka H, Nakamura K, Minakuchi K, Onoyama Y.

Direct current treatment (DCT) is a treatment for malignant tumors suggested by

Nordenstrom in 1978. In DCT, two platinum electrodes, an anode and a cathode,

are introduced percutaneously. Usually the anode is inserted into the tumor, and

the cathode is inserted into healthy tissue near the tumor. Passage of a direct

current acidifies the surroundings of the anode and causes necrosis of this part

of the tumor. DCT has been used to treat lung cancer and superficial tumors

clinically, but it has not yet been used for intra-abdominal tumors.

PMID: 2602102 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2: Gynecol Oncol. 1982 Aug;14(1):89-95.

The Nordenstrom screw and its application in the management of gynecologic


Belinson JL, Papillo JL, Lynn JM, Lee K, Korson R.

PMID: 7095592 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

4: Acta Radiol Diagn (Stockh). 1971 Jan;11(1):1-16.

Electric potentials in pulmonary lesions.

Nordenstrom B.

PMID: 5557189 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

<cures for cancer >

From: " k & Kim " <exnyers@...>

Date sent: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 23:32:06 -0400

Subject: moonbeam

Send reply to: cures for cancer

> I am very interested in the info you have shared. I see you said the cancer

protocol you listed is

> the 'short version'. Would you be willing to forward the long version to me?

Or to the group...

> whichever. At this point I feel like the more information I can wrap my head

around and pass on to

> my mom the better. Anything to give her some sense of hope.


> Thank you,

> Kim



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