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Common cold and flu

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From: Suzanne suziesgoats@...




Here’s an

interesting article I have about cold and flu.



Bless the Common Cold”

NOTE: The information in this article comes from various alternative health

books such as, Your Health, Your Choice by Dr. M. Ted Morter

Jr. and Detoxification and Healing by Sidney Baker.

Germs are not the cause of disease.

Germs only set up residence and become a problem when your body's defenses are

down. Lowered resistance is a large " welcome " sign for germs.

Bacteria, viruses, and micro-organisms are in and around us all the time, they don't show up just on rainy days or during the

winter season (Morter, p. 11).

A runny nose, watery-eyes, fever, and a miserable cold represents

an internal cleansing process. You should be very happy that your body is

strong enough to do house cleaning because this helps bring your body back a

state of homeostasis (balance). The body’s first line of defense against

unwanted or unnecessary visitors is dilution. Diluting substances the body

doesn't need or want renders them less harmful. One method of removing unwanted

or toxic materials from the body is the common cold. A cold may make you feel

rotten, but the cold itself serves a purpose. Your body is getting rid of waste

matter that if left in your body may lead to health problems in the future (p.


A fever that sometimes accompanies a cold and other ailments is another

ingenious method of house cleaning intruders...A controlled fever(up to 104 F)

can dispatch germs, burn off toxic material, and allow the body to resume its

regular routines. Both science and culture acknowledge that fevers serve a

health-restoring purpose, however, the pesky cold

hasn't yet been awarded this lofty status (p. 15).

Cold symptoms can be brought about by improving your diet too quickly and

giving your body more natural and beneficial foods than it is accustomed to

having. For example, if a person starts to improve their diet by drinking a

glass of vegetable juice every night, he/she may develop cold like symptoms. I

personally remember twelve years ago I used to come down with cold/flu like

symptoms several times a year. Then I started developing the habit of making

vegetable juice part of my diet every day. Within 4 weeks I came down with a

strong cold combined with a fever. I was in bed for a week. However, that was

the last cold/flu I've experienced in the last twelve years.

Cold symptoms can also be brought about by experiencing unusually stressful

conditions whether emotional, physical or nutritional. For example, my brother

leads a very healthy lifestyle and for years has never experienced any cold or

flu like symptoms. Last summer because of a new job he had taken, he ended up

traveling a great deal of the time and eating foods in restaurants for several

weeks that he was not accustomed to eating. Sure enough when he came back home

and started eating his healthy meals and going back to his less stressful

lifestyle, he came down with a strong cold. He knew that it was just a cleanse

and he understood that when this happens, his cells are clearing out the

remnants of excessive waste matter faster than his elimination system can take

the debris out of the body.

Another contributing factor to the common cold or cold like symptoms is eating

the wrong foods. For example, sometimes our hurried lifestyle can lead us to

eat too many fast foods or if it’s the party season (Thanksgiving and

Christmas with all the wonderful taste treats) our bodies will tolerate only so

much accumulated junk foods before its saturation point is reached. A good cold

is one way to clean out some of the “junk”.

No matter how much money is spent trying to eradicate the common cold and

nullify all of the microorganisms that are potential health threats, we

probably may never succeed. Since germs aren't the problem, killing them off

isn't the solution. The solution is practicing all the good health habits that

we can on a daily basis to strengthen our immune system. Remember, “Germs

cannot insist, if the body can resist” (p. 12).

Here's what you can do to speed up the

getting well process " naturally " :

• Use plant based enzymes to speed up the cleansing process thru your

lymphatic system. Take enzymes on an empty stomach several

times throughout the day (if possible take them every hour), in addition to

enzymes with your meals. Continue to do this for several days. Most

often by the third day, you’ll feel dramatically better. Enzymes are

known for assisting the removal of waste matter from the lymphatic system.

• Probiotics: You must ensure adequate intake

of friendly bacteria on a daily basis to improve the digestive processes.

Supplementation of friendly bacteria can indeed stimulate our immune systems

because " ...50 percent of the lymph tissue is located in the intestinal

lining and 80 percent of all our protective immune globulins are produced

there. " (Nichols, p.16)

One of the best friendly bacteria products in the market today is a

wide-spectrum friendly bacteria supplement micro-blended with fructo-oligosaccharides. Following are its ingredients:

Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus,

Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus salivarius,

Streptococcus faecium, Streptococcus thermophilus, Acerola and Rose

Hips blend, wild blue green algae, Jerusalem Artichoke,

Lipase, Amylase, Protease, and Cellulase.

• Virgin coconut oil: One of the most amazing aspects of coconut oil is

its ability to fight harmful germs. When coconut oil is consumed, the body

transforms its unique fatty acids into powerful antimicrobial powerhouses

capable of reducing the negative side effects of most harmful microorganisms.

Coconut oil is, in essence, a natural and powerful antibacterial, antivirus and

antifungal food (Fife, pp. 59-60).

• Vitamin C will help you recover faster. Of course the source of the

vitamin C should always be from fresh fruits and vegetables not man-made

supplements. My mother taught me about a wonderful Vitamin C drink that helps

reduce the effects of a runny nose and coughing. Mix warm water with raw

organic honey. (Make sure you don’t use boiling water, so the enzymes in

the honey are not deactivated.) Stir the honey so the warm water can melt it

and then squeeze fresh lemon or lime juice and mix. Viola, lots of fresh

Vitamin C.

• Use an enema, if necessary, to reduce fever and release waste matter.

Or place a cold towel (tap water temperature) over your stomach while covering

your body tightly with a blanket to reduce the fever.

• Gargle with sea salt and moderately warm water if you have a sore

throat a few times during the day and at bed time.

• Here is another wonderful tip that my mother taught me in case headaches

or severe coughing accompany the cold or flu. Rub some

“Tiger Balm” ointment on your forehead, throat and/or chest. This

is helpful, especially at bed time. It may not smell good to whoever is sharing

your bed, but it is helpful to you. You can buy this ointment from any Chinese

grocery and many health related stores.

• Drink lots of water in between meals to help dilute the toxins and

clear your system.

• Eat simply. Fresh squeezed orange juice, and green vegetables are far

better than anything heavy or high in volume. Also consider nutrient rich foods

in supplement forms like wild-crafted blue green algae or a green drink mix

made from organically grown sprouted grains and grasses. When you eat simply in

times of colds and flus, you don't end up burdening

your detoxification system and you may feel better faster. Eat only when you

are hungry during a cold or flu.

• Sometimes if toxins are trapped in your gut and you are feeling

nauseated and just not right in your stomach, take some activated charcoal.

Charcoal will absorb gas and toxins and remove them quickly from your system.

Activated charcoal can be bought from any health food store. However, activated

charcoal is indiscriminate in what it absorbs. Therefore, it should not be

taken with food or medicines as it would absorb them, too, and it should not be

taken for long periods of time (Baker, p. 90).

If you can’t find activated charcoal, buy Alka-Seltzer without aspirin. This form of Alka-Seltzer, which comes in a gold package and is

nicknamed Alka-Gold by doctors who know the value of

alkaline salts, contains only sodium and potassium bicarbonate. It is

one step up from the baking soda found in any kitchen, which is just sodium

bicarbonate and it can help in a pinch (p. 91).

• A good folk remedy for a nauseated stomach during a cold or flu is an

herbal tea made of the following sweet herbs: anise, caraway and fennel seeds

plus fresh ginger. Take a heaping teaspoon of each of the listed seeds and add

water to make a cup of tea. Slice two or three thin pieces of organic, fresh

ginger and add to the mix. Bring to a boil and continue to boil for 5 minutes.

This tea is very calming to the stomach, especially if you have a stomach flu. It reduces gas, nausea and bloating.

• Rest, sleep and relax.

So, whenever you get a cold, as difficult as it may be through your runny nose

and weeping eyes and sore throat, be thankful that your body still has enough

vitality to defend itself and say “God bless this common cold”.


Baker, Sidney Mac, M.D. (1997). Detoxification and

Healing. New Canaan,

Connecticut: Keats Publishing,


Fife, Bruce. (2001). The healing Miracles of Coconut

Oil. Colorado Springs:


Morter, M.

Ted. (1990). Your Health, Your Choice. Hollywood, Florida:

Fell Publishers, Inc.

Nichols, Trent W., M.D. (1999). Optimal Digestion. New

York, Avon Books, Inc.

Organic, wholefood, supplements provide nutrients

essential for the health of people, pets and plants. http://www.bluegreensolutions.com

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