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Re: help me rid myself of systemic yeast

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I emailed Dr McCandless to see what her protocol was for Candida and this is what she said to do -

Prescription Treatment for Candida

Dr. McCandless¢s protocol for those with insurance is diflucan(fluconazole) and for you 100mg twice daily for threeweeks, along with flagyl (metronidazole) 500mg twice aday for 10 days, stop 4 days (to let the spores hatchout) then 10 more days. Highly recommend you takegood hi-potency probiotics to replace the gut withgood bugs - these are never prescribed, but sonecessary for all of us for good gut health. Be sureto keep the probiotics and the metronidazole 2 hoursapart, as the probiotics (good bugs) will be destroyedby the metronidazole. I'm sure no need to mentioneliminate ALL refined sugar (if you love it, it isyour yeast screaming, "SUGAR, SUGAR, SUGAR!!!". Eventoo much fruit sugar is bad, especially strawberries,watermelon, pineapple, and ripe

bananas, and no appleor grape products, as yeast love these fruits. Acceptable fruits are kiwi, pears, and berries inseason except for strawberries. Best wishes, Dr. JM(feel free to share this for those who needprescription strength yeast treatment).

Hugs & Blessings,


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[low dose naltrexone] Re: help me rid myself of systemic yeast

Hello All,Just wondering, is the stool test definitive? I had a stool test forcandida back in March and it came back negative. I don't think I haveany candida symptoms except some discolored spots on my chest thatfade when I apply coconut oil. I've been on LDN for about 2.5 monthsnow and am not sure if it's working. Me head feels clearer, my moodis better and I have almost no more headaches but I'm not sure if it'sthe LDN or just that I'm no longer taking Rebif? I was just thinking that if candida prevents the LDN from working andI'm not noticing much - could I have candida even though the stooltest came back negative?Just a thought - thanks all,> Is there any serious medical research > > supporting what is written on the tinyurl page that you quote?> ---------> > The stool test and the live blood analysis test are legit medical > tests, they are listed in that tiny url. The spit test is not a legit > test.

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Ivy, can you share how you did it? Sorry if you've already posted -

perhaps you can give me the link if you have?

Thanks - Angie


> Toni,

> If you read my earlier posting you can see that I was doing great

on LDN

> until recently when I had to take a round of antibiotics for a tick

bite and at

> the same time had a tooth abscess that overlapped another two

rounds of

> antibiotics. Most females will attest that you can almost guarantee

a vaginal

> yeast infection (even my OBGYN) will automatically write a script

for that just

> in case).

> Once I had candida overgrowth (vaginal, thrush, and tons of

symptoms) my LDN

> quit working. Now that I am taking care of the candida ( thanks to

all for

> your postings/help) is that LDN has kicked back in.

> Hope this helps

> ivy




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can you advise in what formula you used the Pau D'Arco and what

amount (pills, tea, or whatever, and how much per day)? This sounds

like a really interesting approach, and certainly one I've never


Thanks for your help! Judy

> > > >

> > > > Isn't LDN supposed to help your immune system? I would think

> that

> > > > this means it can help your body fight candida. Has this not

> been

> > the

> > > > case for everybody?

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Pau d'arco tea is widely available at health food stores. Pau D'Arco has been used by

South Americans forever for various cancers,viruses, parasites, and immune problems. For people with Crohn's it has the added bonus of being loaded with iron, and it's really not bad tasting. I credit Pau D'Arco with saving my son's brain when he was tiny. He had regressed pretty dramatically over a few months time, following bouts of pneumonia and several rounds of antibiotics. A friend had sent me The Yeast Connection by Dr. william Crook, and I was convinced that yeast was making ill, but it was 1988 in upstate NY and there was no chance of getting a prescription anti-fungal for . I got Pau D'Arco capsules from our local health food store and sprinkled a little "magic powder" on Mike's dinner. For 3 days, did every autistic behavior I had ever seen, with a vengeance, while icky green stuff poured from his sinuses and diapers. But at the end of those 3 days, he

could smile and move his eyebrows, and he was making eye contact again. He stayed on Pau D'Arco for 6 months. He is 21 years old now, and he has both severe Crohn's Disease, and Lyme Disease. He shops for his own food, and he has been buying and drinking Pau D'arco again. It's good stuff


From: gwayles <gwayles@...>Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: help me rid myself of systemic yeastlow dose naltrexone Date: Monday, June 16, 2008, 11:14 PM

Tonette,can you advise in what formula you used the Pau D'Arco and what amount (pills, tea, or whatever, and how much per day)? This sounds like a really interesting approach, and certainly one I've never tried.Thanks for your help! Judy> > > >> > > > Isn't LDN supposed to help your immune system? I would think > that > > > > this means it can help your body fight candida. Has this not > been > > the > > > > case for everybody?> > > >> > >> >>

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