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Re: (R) ALA

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I take and advise my anti-aging patients to take 300mg

of ® ALA daily; for my cancer patients I recommmend

600mg (which is what was used in the study comparable

to the IV) for three weeks and then take several

weeks' break and then resume. I corresponded with Dr.

Berkson (who is delightful and helpful) to get details

of the IV protocol for ALA that he uses with oral LDN

and he mentioned he has even more data coming out soon

about this protocol. That someone has survived

advanced pancreatic cancer for 4 years and seems to be

in good health is like a miracle to me. Dr. JM

--- low dose naltrexone wrote:


Low Dose Naltrexone Low Dose Naltrexone

Messages In This Digest (25



Rx of Pancreatic Cancer with LDN and ALA From:



Re: Rx of Pancreatic Cancer with LDN and ALA

From: Mirian Arcila


Need advice on Prednisone weaning and if I

should hold the LDN for t From: Walter Hoffmann


Re: Rx of Pancreatic Cancer with LDN and ALA

From: Etta Reece


Re: Need advice on Prednisone weaning and if I

should hol... From: marshiris@...


Re: Need advice on Prednisone weaning and if I

should hol... From: Walter Hoffmann


Re: Need advice on Prednisone weaning and if I

should hol... From: mdsport85@...


Re: Need advice on Prednisone weaning and if I

should hol... From: marshiris@...


Re: Pancreatic cancer From: Etta Reece


Re: Pancreatic cancer From: Etta Reece


infor guys please From: MarcMorh@...


Re: infor guys please From: Art


Re: infor guys please From: Joni Fernino


Russert death raises questions From:



ps.. also need more infor also i live in florida

From: MarcMorh@...


Re: ps.. also need more infor also i live in

florida From: Joni Fernino


how long does ldn take to work? From:



Re: how long does ldn take to work? From:



Re: how long does ldn take to work? From:



Re: how long does ldn take to work? From:



ALPHA LIPOIC ACID From: marshiris@...




LDN and MS From: lentams


ldn for ms, doctors in San Diego? From:



Anyone taking over 5mg From: annaisa24

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Rx of Pancreatic Cancer with

LDN and ALA Posted by: " JAQUELYN

MCCANDLESS " JMcCandless@...


Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:01 am

(PDT) For those who may not have

access to IV ALA or a

doctor to administer it, this article talks about use

of oral form that is as effective as the IV form.


Topic: Plasma Pharmacokinetics of R-Lipoic Acid

Keywords: PHARMACOKINETICS - Alpha-Lipoic Acid,

R-Lipoic Acid, Racemic, Rac-LA, RLA, Sodium Salt,

Potassium Salt, Na, K

Reference: " The plasma pharmacokinetics of

R-(+)-lipoic acid administered as sodium R-(+)-lipoate

to healthy human subjects, " Carlson DA, AR, et

al, Altern Med Rev, 2007; 12(4): 343-51. (Address:

GeroNova Research, Inc., 4677 Meade St, Richmond,

California 94804, USA. E-mail: david@... ).

Summary: In this study, the pharmacokinetics of

R-lipoic acid in humans were investigated. In one

experiment, 12 subjects were orally administered 600

mg RLA (as NaRLA based on the RLA content) dissolved

in 200 mL purified water 3-4 hours after a light meal.

This was not found to have any adverse effects on

plasma RLA levels. In a second experiment, 1 subject

was given 3 doses of RLA (600 mg each), at 0, 15, and

30 minutes. This resulted in a Cmax of 21.9 mcg/mL,

AUC of 1,049 mcg/min/mL, and extended the Tmax to 45

minutes. Interestingly, the authors state, " An

unexpected finding of this study was that, at plasma

concentrations as high as 30 mcg/mL…negligible free

RLA was detected. " The authors conclude, " As

anticipated from the preliminary study, NaRLA is less

prone to polymerization, completely soluble in water,

and displays significantly higher Cmax and AUC values

and decreased time to maximum concentration (Tmax) and

T1 & #47;2 values than RLA or rac-LA. In order to

significantly extend Cmax and AUC, it is possible to

administer three 600-mg RLA doses (as NaRLA) at

15-minute intervals to achieve plasma concentrations

similar to those from a slow (20-minute) infusion of

LA. This is the first study to report negligible

unbound RLA even at the highest achievable plasma

concentrations. "

Also, see Life Extension's new Super ® ALA; I am

recommending this along with LDN for a patient with

metastatic cancer in Turkey whose doctor will not

consider Dr. Berkson's protocol and who is unwilling

to go the chemotherapy route. Dr. JM

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Re: Rx of Pancreatic Cancer

with LDN and ALA Posted by: " Mirian

Arcila " mirianarcila@...

Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:43 am (PDT)

Thank you so much . You

brought answer to my prayers.


low dose naltrexone@...:

JMcCandless@...: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 02:01:44

-0700Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Rx of Pancreatic

Cancer with LDN and ALA

For those who may not have access to IV ALA or adoctor

to administer it, this article talks about useof oral

form that is as effective as the IV form.ALPHA-LIPOIC

ACID ®Topic: Plasma Pharmacokinetics of R-Lipoic

Acid Keywords: PHARMACOKINETICS - Alpha-Lipoic

Acid,R-Lipoic Acid, Racemic, Rac-LA, RLA, Sodium

Salt,Potassium Salt, Na, K Reference: " The plasma

pharmacokinetics ofR-(+)-lipoic acid administered as

sodium R-(+)-lipoateto healthy human subjects, "

Carlson DA, AR, etal, Altern Med Rev, 2007;

12(4): 343-51. (Address:GeroNova Research, Inc., 4677

Meade St, Richmond,California 94804, USA. E-mail:

david@... ). Summary: In this study, the

pharmacokinetics ofR-lipoic acid in humans were

investigated. In oneexperiment, 12 subjects were

orally administered 600mg RLA (as NaRLA based on the

RLA content) dissolvedin 200 mL purified water 3-4

hours after a light meal.This was not found to have

any adverse effects onplasma RLA levels. In a second

experiment, 1 subjectwas given 3 doses of RLA (600 mg

each), at 0, 15, and30 minutes. This resulted in a

Cmax of 21.9 mcg/mL,AUC of 1,049 mcg/min/mL, and

extended the Tmax to 45minutes. Interestingly, the

authors state, " Anunexpected finding of this study was

that, at plasmaconcentrations as high as 30

mcg/mL…negligible freeRLA was detected. " The authors

conclude, " Asanticipated from the preliminary study,

NaRLA is lessprone to polymerization, completely

soluble in water,and displays significantly higher

Cmax and AUC valuesand decreased time to maximum

concentration (Tmax) andT1 & #47;2 values than RLA or

rac-LA. In order tosignificantly extend Cmax and AUC,

it is possible toadminister three 600-mg RLA doses (as

NaRLA) at15-minute intervals to achieve plasma

concentrationssimilar to those from a slow (20-minute)

infusion ofLA. This is the first study to report

negligibleunbound RLA even at the highest achievable

plasmaconcentrations. " Also, see Life Extension's new

Super ® ALA; I amrecommending this along with LDN

for a patient withmetastatic cancer in Turkey whose

doctor will notconsider Dr. Berkson's protocol and who

is unwillingto go the chemotherapy route. Dr. JM

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Need advice on Prednisone

weaning and if I should hold the LDN for t

Posted by: " Walter Hoffmann "


redspot321 Wed Jun 18,

2008 4:45 am (PDT) Im

currently on 7.5mg of pred Everyday. I take 5 in the

morning and 2.5 at bedtime.


Question- Should my next step be


2.5 in the am AND  2.5 in the pm


just 5mg in the am once a day? I only have 5mg tabs.



Also, Im scheduled for food allergy testing. Should I

not take the LDN the night before so my immune ststem

is not boosted and responds to the allergen and the

test results are not skewed,



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Re: Rx of Pancreatic Cancer

with LDN and ALA Posted by: " Etta

Reece " degolfers22@...


Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:06 pm (PDT)

What dosage do you recommend of the Super

® ALA? Should we stick with Life Expension's brand?


[low dose naltrexone] Re: Pancreatic cancer


I'm sorry to hear about your brother. This web site

(Thanks to Dudley) will tell you about the use of LDN

and Alpha-lipoic acid. The person went into remission

and back to work.

TinyURL.com/ 2pwqy3


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infor guys please

Posted by: " MarcMorh@... "

MarcMorh@... Wed Jun 18,

2008 9:16 am (PDT) if u get

on the probiotics to clear up yeast .. what do u use

to help keep u

regular as the probiotics are now tending to

constipate m e .a year ago i

only tried ldn for a few weeks as it seemed to make my

eyes dryer,, herpes worse

but inflamation pain better .. i have severe chemical

senditivity and as the

weather has gotten hotter i seem to stinketh .. wether

its chemicals or

candida i dont know ..i also have ms symptoms,, pretty

severe .. i had called dr

ayer a year ago got a script for one month .. would

like to try it again ..but

cant afford start up fee .. any suggestions and..can u

suggest different fillers

and other suggestions on anything .. thanks donna


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Re: infor guys please

Posted by: " Art " rtee54@...


Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:24 am (PDT)

I believe a severe yeast problem

can also cause constipation.




> is 300 mgs. a day enough for alpha?? i take 3 - 100

mg. tabs a

day. should

> this be increased??


> _marshiris@..._ (mailto:marshiris@...)


> crohn's diesease - 17 years

> LDN - 1 YEAR




> **************Gas prices getting you down? Search

AOL Autos for

> fuel-efficient used cars.




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LDN and MS Posted

by: " lentams " lentams@...


Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:24 pm (PDT)


I have a MS for 4 years. I would like to know how

long it takes before

results are seen? Thank you,


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ldn for ms, doctors in San

Diego? Posted by: " k.bender10 "


k.bender10 Wed

Jun 18, 2008 2:51 pm (PDT)

My wife has ms and is interested in ldn as a

treatment. We've just moved to San Diego area

and are trying to find a doctor who prescribes ldn for

ms. Any suggestions?

760 707 2997

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Anyone taking over 5mg

Posted by: " annaisa24 "


annaisa24 Wed Jun 18,

2008 2:59 pm (PDT) I have

been taking LDN for Ehlers Danlos and Fibromyalgia for


4-5 months now. I started at 4.5 mg did see some

improvement even

though it took several months. I had seen some people

say they were

taking 5 mg so I decided to try it out. That helped

the pain much more

than at 4.5 mg. I am tempted to try 5.5 mg but I have

not heard of

anyone taking this dose and dont want to cause any

harm. I have always

seemed to have very high tolerences for medicine and

dont know if this

also applies to LDN for me?

Thanks for any thoughts you may have.

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Oh my God! That is so exciting to hear. I truly believe that we can beat this pancreatic cancer. Thank you so much for this information and most of all for the good news!!Etta [low dose naltrexone] Re: Pancreatic cancer


I'm sorry to hear about your brother. This web site

(Thanks to Dudley) will tell you about the use of LDN

and Alpha-lipoic acid. The person went into remission

and back to work.

TinyURL.com/ 2pwqy3


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infor guys please

Posted by: "MarcMorhaol (DOT) com"

MarcMorhaol (DOT) com Wed Jun 18,

2008 9:16 am (PDT) if u get

on the probiotics to clear up yeast .. what do u use

to help keep u

regular as the probiotics are now tending to

constipate m e .a year ago i

only tried ldn for a few weeks as it seemed to make my

eyes dryer,, herpes worse

but inflamation pain better .. i have severe chemical

senditivity and as the

weather has gotten hotter i seem to stinketh .. wether

its chemicals or

candida i dont know ..i also have ms symptoms,, pretty

severe .. i had called dr

ayer a year ago got a script for one month .. would

like to try it again ..but

cant afford start up fee .. any suggestions and..can u

suggest different fillers

and other suggestions on anything .. thanks donna

************ **

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Re: infor guys please

Posted by: "Art" rtee54 (DOT) com


Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:24 am (PDT)

I believe a severe yeast problem

can also cause constipation.




> is 300 mgs. a day enough for alpha?? i take 3 - 100

mg. tabs a

day. should

> this be increased??


> _marshiris@. .._ (mailto:marshiris@ ...)


> crohn's diesease - 17 years

> LDN - 1 YEAR




> ************ **Gas prices getting you down? Search

AOL Autos for

> fuel-efficient used cars.

(http://autos. aol.com/used?

ncid=aolaut00050000 000007)


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LDN and MS Posted

by: "lentams" lentams (DOT) com


Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:24 pm (PDT)


I have a MS for 4 years. I would like to know how

long it takes before

results are seen? Thank you,


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ldn for ms, doctors in San

Diego? Posted by: "k.bender10"

k.bender10 (DOT) com

k.bender10 Wed

Jun 18, 2008 2:51 pm (PDT)

My wife has ms and is interested in ldn as a

treatment. We've just moved to San Diego area

and are trying to find a doctor who prescribes ldn for

ms. Any suggestions?

760 707 2997

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Anyone taking over 5mg

Posted by: "annaisa24"

annaisa24 (DOT) . com

annaisa24 Wed Jun 18,

2008 2:59 pm (PDT) I have

been taking LDN for Ehlers Danlos and Fibromyalgia for


4-5 months now. I started at 4.5 mg did see some

improvement even

though it took several months. I had seen some people

say they were

taking 5 mg so I decided to try it out. That helped

the pain much more

than at 4.5 mg. I am tempted to try 5..5 mg but I have

not heard of

anyone taking this dose and dont want to cause any

harm. I have always

seemed to have very high tolerences for medicine and

dont know if this

also applies to LDN for me?

Thanks for any thoughts you may have.

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Oh my God! That is so exciting to hear. I truly believe that we can beat this pancreatic cancer. Thank you so much for this information and most of all for the good news!!Etta [low dose naltrexone] Re: Pancreatic cancer


I'm sorry to hear about your brother. This web site

(Thanks to Dudley) will tell you about the use of LDN

and Alpha-lipoic acid. The person went into remission

and back to work.

TinyURL.com/ 2pwqy3


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infor guys please

Posted by: "MarcMorhaol (DOT) com" MarcMorhaol (DOT) com Wed Jun 18,

2008 9:16 am (PDT) if u get

on the probiotics to clear up yeast .. what do u use

to help keep u

regular as the probiotics are now tending to

constipate m e .a year ago i

only tried ldn for a few weeks as it seemed to make my

eyes dryer,, herpes worse

but inflamation pain better .. i have severe chemical

senditivity and as the

weather has gotten hotter i seem to stinketh .. wether

its chemicals or

candida i dont know ..i also have ms symptoms,, pretty

severe .. i had called dr

ayer a year ago got a script for one month .. would

like to try it again ..but

cant afford start up fee .. any suggestions and..can u

suggest different fillers

and other suggestions on anything .. thanks donna

************ **

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getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient

used cars.

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Re: infor guys please

Posted by: "Art" rtee54 (DOT) com


Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:24 am (PDT)

I believe a severe yeast problem

can also cause constipation.




> is 300 mgs. a day enough for alpha?? i take 3 - 100

mg. tabs a

day. should

> this be increased??


> _marshiris@. .._ (mailto:marshiris@ ...)


> crohn's diesease - 17 years

> LDN - 1 YEAR




> ************ **Gas prices getting you down? Search

AOL Autos for

> fuel-efficient used cars.

(http://autos. aol.com/used?

ncid=aolaut00050000 000007)


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LDN and MS Posted

by: "lentams" lentams (DOT) com


Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:24 pm (PDT)


I have a MS for 4 years. I would like to know how

long it takes before

results are seen? Thank you,


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ldn for ms, doctors in San

Diego? Posted by: "k.bender10" k.bender10 (DOT) com

k.bender10 Wed

Jun 18, 2008 2:51 pm (PDT)

My wife has ms and is interested in ldn as a

treatment. We've just moved to San Diego area

and are trying to find a doctor who prescribes ldn for

ms. Any suggestions?

760 707 2997

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Anyone taking over 5mg

Posted by: "annaisa24" annaisa24 (DOT) com

annaisa24 Wed Jun 18,

2008 2:59 pm (PDT) I have

been taking LDN for Ehlers Danlos and Fibromyalgia for


4-5 months now. I started at 4.5 mg did see some

improvement even

though it took several months. I had seen some people

say they were

taking 5 mg so I decided to try it out. That helped

the pain much more

than at 4.5 mg. I am tempted to try 5.5 mg but I have

not heard of

anyone taking this dose and dont want to cause any

harm. I have always

seemed to have very high tolerences for medicine and

dont know if this

also applies to LDN for me?

Thanks for any thoughts you may have.

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I wonder if Swayze's doctors at Standford are aware of these

amazing results for pancreatic cancer. ???

I saw news that he was responding well to his treatment, but of course

they didn't say what his treatment was.


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Conerning Swayze - It would also be interesting to know how large his tumor was, if it was one or multiple, or the location. I think all these factors determine the longevity outcomes of pancreatic CA. Once again, like many other cancers, the faster you get to treatment the better shot you have. Unfortunately, as we have seen over and over, pancreatic CA is pretty far along before symptoms show up. There are a few lesions that are resectable, and occasionally a whipple procedure is in order to insure all the tumor is resected. That can be a lifesaver but rare. I think we have not heard all the details of the Swayze condition, and am reluctant to be predictive of the outcome. But it goes to show us that even a healthy athletic guy can fall victim. I cannot stress enough that we should be hopeful but realistic about pancreatic cancer. The combination of ALA and LDN would be MY first choice in therapies,

since all the other traditional methods really do not have a high incidence of success at all. I suspect radiation can help reduce the tumor size, but of course wonder if this would interfere with the actions of ALA or LDN at the cellular level. Besides, radiation has it's own nasty side effects and I would have to really think it over....Just my two cents.. Bob Cjannz2 <jbreslin@...> wrote: I wonder if Swayze's doctors at Standford are aware of theseamazing results for pancreatic

cancer. ???I saw news that he was responding well to his treatment, but of coursethey didn't say what his treatment was.Jann

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