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Re: lobelia.....

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I would highly recommend making your own tincture of lobelia and

mullein. I take this on a daily basis and have not had the need for any

asthma medication in 6 months. Even now, during these weather changes we

are having that usually wreak havoc on my breathing...I am feeling some

slight wheezing off and on but not enough to concern me...and it goes away

quickly...even more quickly when I take a dropperfull of the mixture at

that time. I take about three droppers full each morning along with my

total tonic...and have had no problems with my asthma since I started doing



>14 tablets a day???!!! are you sure the tablets are any good?? did you

>buy them over the counter or make them yourself?

>Have you considered Mullein?? ( i just posted some info on mullein) along

>with lobelia. Is the lobelia got the seed pods or just the leaves and

>flowers? I would make my own tincture.



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Rica wrote:


> I wonder if anyone knows how many lobelia tablets[or extract] I shud

> take to avoid taking my breathine prescription??

> so far, I have taken 14 a day and still need the breathine,just dont

> have asthma as fast when I get it.....

> 14 tablets is practically one fourth of the bottle ,which is 60.and

> $12.

> If I make my extract strong...wonder how long it will last? I have

> been on this over a month; thought I wud know by now....any ideas or

> insights,anyone??

> Rica :)


> I resally like my garlic and other extracts.saves money.


Hi Rica,

I would suggest you make your own tincture instead of using caps that

you buy. Tinctures work so much more quickly than capsules or tablets.

Basic Rx would be equal parts of mullein and Lobelia in 75% alcohol and

25% ACV mixture.

Herbs that help to reduce spasms and ease breathing are: Grindelia,

lobelia, Mouse ear, Pill-bearing Spurge, Sundew, and Wild Cherry Bark.

Herbs that help get rid of mucus are: Blood Root, Coltsfoot, Comfrey

Root, Licorice, and Senega.

Ephedra is good if there is an allergic component to the asthma.

Motherwort is also very good to add to the tincture to help ease stress

on the heart.

If hypertension is involved add Hawthorne berries and/or Lime blossoms.

Add Hops, scullcap or valerian for anxiety and tension


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "


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