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Most group members know me and what I do, but this is to update members

who've joined in the past month.

I collect and share health success stories through casehealth.com.au.

All success stories are contributed freely and shared freely in the

interest of increasing the volume of evidence and making the path to

success shorter for those who follow.

1) LDN stories are shared with Dr Gluck (ldninfo.org) and

Elsegood (ldnresearchtrust.org).

2) I request updates on stories from time to time. Updated stories are

particularly helpful because they provide evidence of effectiveness over

longer terms.

As a courtesy, before sending a copy of your story to Dr Gluck or , I

seek approval from you, the story contributor.

To protect your privacy, all identifying information is removed from your

story (with the exception of first name and country).

There are many ways you can help others and one of those is to record your

story in as much detail as possible, as a case study, and share it through

Case Health.

Another is to maintain contact with the group and help support newcomers -

just like those wonderful people you see here who give freely of their own

time and energy so new group members won't have to face the same battles

they did (even though most are also dealing with their own adverse health


There are usually numerous potential success stories reported in the group

posts. Sadly, from experience I've learned memory often fails further down

the track - so please try to keep a journal of everything you take, how

much you take, when you take it, and how you feel. All information is

useful for those who follow you (including medical test results).

Additional detail helps transform health success stories into case studies

that add value to the collective LDN evidence.

Many of you would've found it difficult to find out about LDN in the first

place - and I'm sure there are many, many others out there in a similar sit

uation to the one you were in. Your story could help shorten their path to


No pressure, just an introduction for those who aren't already familiar

with what I do and how they might contribute to helping others.

If and/or when you're feeling up to it, I'd be happy to help with your

story. Just email me.

Kind regards,


PS A booklet containing a selection of five Multiple Sclerosis/LDN health

success stories is available on the Case Health website. The booklet is

available without charge or expectation and can be shared-forward under the

same philosophy.

a July 2008 book revision is in production and will be ready for the LDN

Conference this year. It'll include a wider range of stories, so if you'd

like to share your story through Case Health and the book, please email me.

I'm collaborating with Elsegood on this year's book so if you're over

's neck of the woods, you could email her.

Cris Kerr


Case Health - Health Success Stories

casehealth.com.au & casehealth.com

Website Email: Online format


About Case Health ...

'Case Health - Health Success Stories' is a community health service

website providing a free health information-sharing service primarily based

on visitor's anecdotal stories of health success. The online database also

contains a selection of successful research results to provide research

insights. Any visitor can submit their own non-identifying health success

story (case study), or search the database for other health success stories

of WHAT WORKS. Searches are free and facilitated by condition, symptom, or

treatment. We can also notify you of new stories. Case Health has been a

safe surfing site since 2001. It does not ... sell anything, generate SPAM,

use cookies, spy, or conduct any other intrusions.

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So your group is the " know it all " group, meaning that if I were to

pose a question to you guys on the name of the Neurologist in Florida

that offers to prescribe LDN to patients over the phone, you'd have

that info available for me? I know I've read this info previously

myself, but should have printed it out! My name is , I

live in South Carolina and have been diagnosed with Secondary-

Progressive MS since my original diagnosis of Relapsing Remitting MS in

1998. I'm having the difficulty of finding a doctor to prescribe LDN to

me, which is why I'm asking your help in finding that Neurologist in

Florida that prescribes over the phone!

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