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Detoxing baths

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A whole house water filter.  Mine will be installed on Monday.  I can't wait.LinnOn Dec 14, 2006, at 12:16 PM, Zoe & wrote:Has anyone discovered how to take hot baths without the fluoride?  Zoe

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Dare I ask how much?? What did you buy. I want one so bad!

Re: Detoxing Baths

A whole house water filter. Mine will be installed on Monday. I can't wait.


On Dec 14, 2006, at 12:16 PM, Zoe & wrote:

Has anyone discovered how to take hot baths without the fluoride? Zoe

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> A whole house water filter. Mine will be installed on Monday. I

can't wait.

-----> Where did you find one that will filter out fluoride. I've

talked and looked everywhere and it's very controversial as to what

exactly is filtered out.

I'm very curious! I want one too



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,Actually the price was not that bad.  When I first starting researching water filters, I didn't investigate the whole house filters too extensively because most of the prices I found were several thousand $$, some upwards of $8K for a house the size of mine.  I ended up finding one through the distributor here from Mountain Valley Spring Water, who custom builds his own.  When he found out about the fluoride problem here, he custom built a special fluoride filter for me to make sure we would be able to filter out the excess fluoride we have in the community here.  Ended up being about $1700 and installation will cost between $350-$500, so I didn't think it was too bad.  The plumber I hired was very impressed with the unit.  My worries were more for my daughter than anything.  She loves to take baths and I have cut her off from doing that much, or at least long ones until we got rid of the problem.  We've had quite a few women in the neighborhood develop thyroid problems and just last week one of the neighbors was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer.  It would be very interesting to collect some data and find out what else is going on.LinnOn Dec 14, 2006, at 8:17 PM, ladybugsandbees wrote:Dare I ask how much??  What did you buy.  I want one so bad!  . 

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Lynn,The guy who built it for me is here in Texas.  He used to work in the plastics industry until his wife got sick with immune system problems.  It took a couple of months for him to design the fluoride filter.  He wanted to make sure since our levels were so high here that the filter would handle getting rid of it all.  LinnOn Dec 14, 2006, at 8:28 PM, Lynn wrote:> > A whole house water filter. Mine will be installed on Monday. Ican't wait.-----> Where did you find one that will filter out fluoride. I'vetalked and looked everywhere and it's very controversial as to whatexactly is filtered out.I'm very curious! I want one tooLynn>. 

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What brand are you using and how much was it?

On Dec 14, 2006, at 5:26 PM, Linn wrote:

> A whole house water filter.  Mine will be installed on Monday.  I

> can't wait.


> Linn


> On Dec 14, 2006, at 12:16 PM, Zoe & wrote:



>> Has anyone discovered how to take hot baths without the fluoride? 

>> Zoe







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Loretta,I think you know him, it's Al Mc of Amac Water, 713-937-8630, distributors for Mountain Valley Spring.  He didn't guarantee 100% removal of the fluoride, but thinks it will get most of it out.  He's going to monitor it and do some testing for us to check exactly how well it's working.  We have a major problem in our area with a screw up by the water company in the amount of fluoride that was added to our water.  They're putting in some alumination equipment but the only thing we've heard so far is that it may take up to a year to get the problem sorted out.  I wasn't willing to wait any longer.  The info I found on RO whole house filters stated that those are able to filter out fluoride.  I'm just not thrilled with the RO process.  LinnOn Dec 14, 2006, at 11:08 PM, Dr. Loretta Lanphier wrote:Hi Linn Can you send me his name and info off-list?  I have been told over and over and over that there is no such filter that will adequately filter fluoride, so I am very interested to speak with him. Thanks!Loretta Lanphier

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Sorry, hit the wrong button to reply, meant to send this to Loretta's email.LinnOn Dec 15, 2006, at 8:22 AM, Linn wrote:Loretta,I think you know him, it's Al Mc of Amac Water, 713-937-8630, distributors for Mountain Valley Spring.  He didn't guarantee 100% removal of the fluoride, but thinks it will get most of it out.  He's going to monitor it and do some testing for us to check exactly how well it's working.  We have a major problem in our area with a screw up by the water company in the amount of fluoride that was added to our water.  They're putting in some alumination equipment but the only thing we've heard so far is that it may take up to a year to get the problem sorted out.  I wasn't willing to wait any longer.  The info I found on RO whole house filters stated that those are able to filter out fluoride.  I'm just not thrilled with the RO process.  LinnOn Dec 14, 2006, at 11:08 PM, Dr. Loretta Lanphier wrote:

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Lynn,I don't think it's alumina, I can call and ask though.  I remember discussing that with him because that's what the local water company is going to be using to clean up the fluoride in our water here.  They made a big deal about ordering $1 million worth of aluminating equipment, (don't you know that cost will passed on to us!!)  When I looked that up, I wasn't thrilled with that either.  Yes, they will be doing testing.  We're not sure due to high fluoride content of the water what the life of the filter will be especially until the water company resolves the problem, so we may be going through filters faster until that problem is solved.LinnOn Dec 15, 2006, at 5:47 AM, Lynn wrote:> The guy who built it for me is here in Texas. He used to work in the > plastics industry until his wife got sick with immune system > problems. It took a couple of months for him to design the fluoride > filter. He wanted to make sure since our levels were so high here > that the filter would handle getting rid of it all.>-----> What's the media in your fluoride filter? Do you know if it'salumina?I've talked to a number of water companies and couldn't come up with asatisfactory answer on fluoride reduction. Does this company have independent testing done over the life of thefilter?Thanks,Lynn. 

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Its very important for the

health of everyone that we all push back on our towns to stop poisoning the

water. Actually, getting involved in town politics can be very rewarding,


Re: Detoxing


Outside of a

full house filtration system - NO. :( I wish.

Detoxing Baths

Ok, I go the

info from my mom on what Dr. Nusbaum told her to do.

6 oz cups of Dead Sea Salts in

waist deep water in the bathtub and to sit in it for 10 minutes daily

Dr. Brownstein told me to do 1 cup

of Epsom salts with 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide

Dr N is also

having my mom take 1 tsp Buffered C Powder with 1 tsp Baking Soda (aluminum

free) for additional detox.

Dr. B has me

taking 4 tsp Buffered C powder.

So you can see

that they are very different in protocol but maybe one works better for some

than others.


Read my ThyCa Journey Blog: http://ds-ladybugsandbees.blogspot.com

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I've just begun looking at floride filtration .... and I'm assuming that the products by Aquaspace are not thought of too highly by those of you who have been researching this for some time?



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Part of the problem with filtering out fluoride is the rate the water flows at.  The ready made fluoride filters do a good job at a very slow rate, but that's not feasible in how we all use our water, so the amount of fluoride that you actually filter out is maybe half.  Depending on how much fluoride is in the water, you can still end up with quite a bit in your water, as in our case.  I found 2 people here in Texas that were experts at water filtration and spoke with both of them at length regarding my problem.  Heard the same info from both of them.  I'd advise trying to find someone who's very knowledgeable and get their opinion first before buying one.  There are many variables.LinnOn Dec 15, 2006, at 10:30 AM, E Silver wrote:Hi, I've just begun looking at floride filtration .... and I'm assuming that the products by Aquaspace are not thought of too highly by those of you who have been researching this for some time? Thanks, Liz. 

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You can get one relatively inexpensive. I just bought a sediment filter and a charcoal filter for $250 total. Then had to have a plumber come install. The filters are relatively small, so I need to change them monthly, but I would do that anyway, as I suspect bacteria.

Best,http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.comhttp://www.CurlyRescue.comView my Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us. -- Hermann Hesse

Dare I ask how much?? What did you buy. I want one so bad!

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You can also rent them from Culligan, for about $25 per month.

Best,http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.comhttp://www.CurlyRescue.comView my Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us. -- Hermann Hesse

Dare I ask how much?? What did you buy. I want one so bad!

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I can narrow it down to a couple of very simple categories...

1) Already too sick to get involved.

2) Too busy robbing to pay for the " lifestyle " that needs

to be maintained, as encouraged by the banking industry.

3) Not educated enough to realize its import. I don't mean " book

learning " or higher education necessarily, but rather an amazing lack

of critical thinking. This is the essence of the dumbing down

process. Actively discourage critical thinking...the masses are SO

much easier to deal with that way!

I don't say any of these to be critical or harsh. I am in category 1

& 2. But due to #1 I've recently left category #3 and joined the

crackpot category. It ain't easy explaining to people how an entire

society can be so damn corrupt without their implicit knowledge...a

few short months ago I would have thought I was an extremeist crackpot






> Its very important for the health of everyone that we all push back

on our towns to stop poisoning the water. Actually, getting involved

in town politics can be very rewarding, really!



> .


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,That's okay, you can always use one of my favorite quotes to get people to utilize their brains.  "If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking."   S. PattonLinnOn Dec 16, 2006, at 11:44 AM, angesc2001 wrote:I don't say any of these to be critical or harsh. I am in category 1 & 2. But due to #1 I've recently left category #3 and joined thecrackpot category. It ain't easy explaining to people how an entiresociety can be so damn corrupt without their implicit knowledge...afew short months ago I would have thought I was an extremeist crackpottoo!Warmly,

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>From: " angesc2001 " <AngInfoHound@...>

>I can narrow it down to a couple of very simple categories...


>1) Already too sick to get involved.

Easier to get sick if they put mercury in your mouth, pesticides on your

food, and even genetically modify it to hold more pesticide, and fluoride in

your water.

They'll lower your cholesterol with drugs, without bothering to tell you if

you go out into the sun, your cholesterol goes down because it turns to

Vitamin C, or they used to treat high cholesterol with thyroid medication,

because it's a sign of a bad thyroid. They'll not only lower it, they want

to lower it beyond what is healthy, as cholesterol is needed for life.

No, the people in charge aren't just stupid. (Well some of them are. As is

the general population. In 2004, we elected a president who had trouble

putting coherent sentences together, so we're all kind of dumb...but, many

of us know under the current system who we elect doesn't really matter.)


>2) Too busy robbing to pay for the " lifestyle " that needs

>to be maintained, as encouraged by the banking industry.

A crackpot might say -

Feminsim was a plot to get women to be more like men, by manipulating them

into thinking they should be working. That way, Daycare and the State gets

to raise the children. Also, if the normal family has a stay at home mom,

and makes $30,000 a year and they live in a $30,000 house, and suddenly mom

goes to work because all the other women are suddenly driven to work, and in

fact they are given hiring preference and if their husband gets laid off he

won't be so able to find work anymore, , and so now the standard household

makes $45,000 a year with two working parents, the price of the normal house

now jumps up to $45,000 because every family has more money to spend.

Did you see the trick in there? Instead of Mom taking care of things while

Dad is gone, so every body can have a little leisure time, and there's

always a parent around for the children, Mom went to work so the family

would have more money. In the short term it worked, but in the long term

all the standard families had more money, the supply of real estate is

limited and people need to spend their money on it, so instead of more

leisure time in real dollars the price of housing just skyrocketed.

The economists weren't dumb when they decided to mandate that companies hire

women and minorities first. Ultimately, it lowered real wages for everyone.

And took away leisure time. Maybe they planned it so " we could be more

competitive in the global market. "


>3) Not educated enough to realize its import. I don't mean " book

>learning " or higher education necessarily, but rather an amazing lack

>of critical thinking. This is the essence of the dumbing down

>process. Actively discourage critical thinking...the masses are SO

>much easier to deal with that way!

That's right. so -

They fluoridate the water

Give us pesticide ridden crops when organic may be able to yield as much (or

so some say.),

PUt mercury in our mouth and tell us it's OK

Put mercury in vaccines, which you're still likely to have your child

exposed to, even if it's called mercury free,

Put mercury in flu shots, which aren't good for you anyway, but the local

news almost appears to be doing product placement commercials for the

vaccine companies.

Tell us supplements don't do anything, you can get all the vitamins from


Tell us Vitamin C can't cure anything,

Tell us genetically modified crops are good,

Tell us no one in America is deficient in iodine.

>I don't say any of these to be critical or harsh. I am in category 1

> & 2. But due to #1 I've recently left category #3 and joined the

>crackpot category. It ain't easy explaining to people how an entire

>society can be so damn corrupt without their implicit knowledge...a

>few short months ago I would have thought I was an extremeist crackpot


If you look, it's easy to see there's a very unpleasant big picture going

on. The social engineeriing which hasn't been good for anyone is easy to

see. The only thing difficult to see is who' or whats really behind it.



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Im not sure which category I fit in at the moment. I just feel like a sleeper recently

awakened, but still too dumb to know what to do about it.


Saturday, December 16, 2006, 9:44:53 AM, you wrote:

I can narrow it down to a couple of very simple categories...

1) Already too sick to get involved.

2) Too busy robbing to pay for the "lifestyle" that needs

to be maintained, as encouraged by the banking industry.

3) Not educated enough to realize its import. I don't mean "book

learning" or higher education necessarily, but rather an amazing lack

of critical thinking. This is the essence of the dumbing down

process. Actively discourage critical thinking...the masses are SO

much easier to deal with that way!

I don't say any of these to be critical or harsh. I am in category 1

& 2. But due to #1 I've recently left category #3 and joined the

crackpot category. It ain't easy explaining to people how an entire

society can be so damn corrupt without their implicit knowledge...a

few short months ago I would have thought I was an extremeist crackpot



> Its very important for the health of everyone that we all push back

on our towns to stop poisoning the water. Actually, getting involved

in town politics can be very rewarding, really!


> .


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>From: zoe W <ilovegrafix@...>

> Im not sure which category I fit in at the moment. I just feel like a

>sleeper recently

>awakened, but still too dumb to know what to do about it.


Yes, that's the problem. We don't really know what's going on or who's

behind it.

Medicine is a large part of the problem. It should have been standing up

and shouting how bad smoking was for us, instead of doing paid

advertisements even saying it was good for a sore throat.

They should've protested when fluoride was talked about being added to the

water. Especially, since they were supposed to have a 10 or 15 year study

of the health effects of water flouridation on two Michigan cities, Instead

of contining the test, the control city simply added fluoride to their water

supply?? The doctors should have been loudly protesting back then.

They should be protesting about genetically modified foods.

Instead how they care about is making money from pushing the drugs.

I guess, as Oprah said, 1% of the country now owns more than the bottom 90%.

They certainly must exert an awful lot of control, in the background.

They seem to want everything they have, and the middle class. Otherwise,

they would have been protecting us in globalization. But, when you're an

" American " but live all over the world, it's kind of hard to have loyalty.



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> >

> >2) Too busy robbing to pay for the " lifestyle " that needs

> >to be maintained, as encouraged by the banking industry.


> A crackpot might say -


> Feminsim was a plot to get women to be more like men, by

manipulating them

> into thinking they should be working. That way, Daycare and the

State gets

> to raise the children. Also, if the normal family has a stay at

home mom,

> and makes $30,000 a year and they live in a $30,000 house, and

suddenly mom

> goes to work because all the other women are suddenly driven to

work, and in

> fact they are given hiring preference and if their husband gets laid

off he

> won't be so able to find work anymore, , and so now the standard


> makes $45,000 a year with two working parents, the price of the

normal house

> now jumps up to $45,000 because every family has more money to spend.


> Did you see the trick in there? Instead of Mom taking care of

things while

> Dad is gone, so every body can have a little leisure time, and there's

> always a parent around for the children, Mom went to work so the family

> would have more money. In the short term it worked, but in the long


> all the standard families had more money, the supply of real estate is

> limited and people need to spend their money on it, so instead of more

> leisure time in real dollars the price of housing just skyrocketed.


> The economists weren't dumb when they decided to mandate that

companies hire

> women and minorities first. Ultimately, it lowered real wages for


> And took away leisure time. Maybe they planned it so " we could be


> competitive in the global market. "

Funny, because this is EXACTLY my theory!!! I've shared it with

intelligent people who INVARIABLY shoot it down. But it's true if you

ask me. The real estate market only shot up AFTER " women's liberation " .

(Women's lib was a big joke too. Before I was relegated to being a

wife & mother, but now I can pick my poison. But ecomonics dictate

that I MUST drink the poison.)



> >I don't say any of these to be critical or harsh. I am in category 1

> > & 2. But due to #1 I've recently left category #3 and joined the

> >crackpot category. It ain't easy explaining to people how an entire

> >society can be so damn corrupt without their implicit knowledge...a

> >few short months ago I would have thought I was an extremeist crackpot

> >too!


> If you look, it's easy to see there's a very unpleasant big picture


> on. The social engineeriing which hasn't been good for anyone is

easy to

> see. The only thing difficult to see is who' or whats really behind it.

Yes, if you're looking for the specific perpetrators. But really,

it's not that hard...it's the giant corporations who quietly run the

government, the country, and frankly, the world. Scary. And I'm a


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GE makes a whole house one that is reverse osmosis. Google GE MERLIN

Reverse Osmsosis. There is a guy selling one on Ebay. I have checked

out their under the counter merlin since it doesn't need a tank like

most reverse osmosis. ..jingles


> -----> Where did you find one that will filter out fluoride. I've

> talked and looked everywhere and it's very controversial as to what

> exactly is filtered out.


> I'm very curious! I want one too

> Lynn

> >


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