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Don; herbs!!!

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thanks Don; you mention several I dont know yet!!!I already have a

big list!!!last nite I slept 8 hours without asthma, and didnt have

it when I awoke!!I finihed my lobelia tablets yesterday and dont

plan to buy more; I had mugwort-valerian root tea at

bedtime...strong. didnt dream either ,which I like.

now,is yellow root the same as goldenseal?? or just similar? It is

sold here at some of the little grocery stores.

Rica :)


Dear Rica,

I would suggest you make your own tincture instead of using caps


you buy. Tinctures work so much more quickly than capsules or


Basic Rx would be equal parts of mullein and Lobelia in 75% alcohol


25% ACV mixture.

Herbs that help to reduce spasms and ease breathing are: Grindelia,

lobelia, Mouse ear, Pill-bearing Spurge, Sundew, and Wild Cherry


Herbs that help get rid of mucus are: Blood Root, Coltsfoot, Comfrey

Root, Licorice, and Senega.

Ephedra is good if there is an allergic component to the asthma.

Motherwort is also very good to add to the tincture to help ease


on the heart.

If hypertension is involved add Hawthorne berries and/or Lime


Add Hops, scullcap or valerian for anxiety and tension

Peace, love and light,

Don Quai


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