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My 7 year old has been battling this nasty virus for almost a year. It appears

we are on some of the last stages, however, we cannot seem to clear up the few

that are under his armpit area. He has 5-7 that look really yucky. They will

clear a bit then get red and infected looking. I even noticed that his lymphnode

is swollen under that arm. Should I be doing something more aggressive or taking

him to a doctor?


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We used a product called Molluscum No More. If I recall it was essential oils

and it worked great.

Tamara Kuhn <tkuhn1@...> wrote: We had a very unpleasant

experience with Aldara. Not only was it expensive,

thank goodness for insurance, otherwise $240 for these little packs. We

would put it on each little area, every other day before bed, but it did so

much damage to the skin around it. I'm not sure if it was sweating at

night. My son had it terrible in the groin area. Anyway, we did several

trips, to a dermatologist too. We ended up dropping that course of

treatment and just letting it run its course. We were so fearful of what

people would think if they saw him, almost looked like a curling iron burn.

He was uncomfortable; Vaseline and lubing him up didn't help, very

frustrating. We were done maybe a month and low and behold it showed up on

my other son. Gurrr...We did nothing, it went away much faster and with no

complications unlike our horrible experience with Aldara. Just to share our



[ ] Re: molluscum

we battled that with our 11 year old for a year. He even ended up

with staph from it. I finally got more agressive because I was so

afraid he'd spread it to our younger (ASD) son...who already has

terrible eczema.

We took him to the dermatologist who prescribed Aldara. It did work

in less than a month. We had to pop each one (get the hard core out

of it...yuk!!) then put a tiny bit of the aldara on it. The Aldara

basically burns the lesions off...which is why you use it so

sparingly. The toughest place to get rid of it for our son was under

his arm. The Aldara cream is actually used for skin cancer

lesions...I know there are alot of dangers associated with it!! I was

EXTREMELY hesitant to use it, but like I said I was also worried my

ASD son would get it...and with all of his immune issues it could have

been very bad.

If your the child you are talking about has ASD then I would proceed

with extreme caution with the Aldara!!


> My 7 year old has been battling this nasty virus for almost a year.

It appears we are on some of the last stages, however, we cannot seem

to clear up the few that are under his armpit area. He has 5-7 that

look really yucky. They will clear a bit then get red and infected

looking. I even noticed that his lymphnode is swollen under that arm.

Should I be doing something more aggressive or taking him to a doctor?

> mb



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We tried ALL the other treatments out there and apple cider vinegar

(with the mother) was the best one for those last few that would not

go away. HOWEVER, we had to FIRST do this incredible protocol that I

found in a molluscum group...it is now called " post 98 " since

that is the number post it was originally posted as...it has become

famous as " THE CURE " for molluscum. It gets rid of the virus from the

INSIDE out, since anything topical WILL NOT get rid of the virus-

only the papules. I highly suggest doing this protocol first, then

using the vinegar if all else fails. I have also heard good things

about Tagament...but do this FIRST!

" Hello ladies, I just joined this group last night and was so excited

to find it. My two youngest suffered with molluscum for two years

before any relief came in sight. I've tried it all, the derm gave

us every possible cream, blistering beetle, freezing,

picking...everything. I started researching all of the

web " cures " ...bought them all and after $300 down the drain and

nothing working. I did something myself. I started rfesearching

everything I could find, talked to any pharmasist, homeopaths and

herbalists I could find. I am going to list what and how I used

them and I hope for you moms at your witts end, it might just help

you child. If nothing else, it will boost immune systems and clear


Here is the things we gave our and . had MC from 10

months old and got it right after . had over 300

bumps at one point and never had over about 40. Both were

completely clear after three weeks and thier skin is perfect, except

for the scars from the derm!

Liquid Echinacea (in a multi-vitamin mixture) You can use Astragalus


Newton # 36 wart liquid (just a few drops twice a day)

Newton #1 Detoxifier (just a few drops twice a day)

Thuja (pellet form) 10X MDV on the website (we gave him 3 to 4 twice

a day)

We gave him Ultra Colloidal Silver (10ppm) by Source Naturals

He took about 1-2 ml twice a day. It came with a dropper top so we

just squirted a little in each time. You can also by the spray form

and just spray it in her mouth.

Actually, we just used the droppers for everything but the pellets.

We weren't very scientific, we just squirted a little in his mouth

twice a day and within two to three weeks he looked like a new

child. He hates taking medicine so we made it a game and when I

pull the basket off of the fridge, he sticks his tongue out! I've

kept him on the detoxifier and I make sure he got the #36 warts and

thuja pellets at least twice a week for a few months, not one bump

has come back in over a year.

You don't want to do the silver for more than 10 days (the bottle

says) so we stopped for three days and started again. We also used

the silver topically (mixed with Emu oil, you can usually get this

at the natural food store also) you can use any good moisturizer, to

moisturize his skin while he was taking everything else.

With , we did the routine for three weeks, we were amazed at how

fast he cleared up. A lot of people are saying to pick at the bumps

when they start to turn red, I didn't. They will turn red as her

body starts to fight them. We just left them alone and made sure

he always wore a shirt to cover them up so he wouldn't bump or pick

at them.

The vitamin is crucial; it will boost the immune system so they can

help fight these things off theirself.

I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice, just what worked

for me and my kids. I'm not trying to sell anything either, I don't

care where you buy these items, your local natural foods/herbal

store should have or can get them all. Please make sure that your

child actually has molluscum, a lot of other things can look like it

and show a lot of the same symptoms. Your pediatrician or

dermatologist can usually tell by just looking at them. They look

like a little pimple or wart but they have a small indentation in

the center (like a little pit). If you open one, the center will not

be puss like, it will be a little soft, firm round ball that is hard

to remove from the skin. That is actually the virus and will spread

if not completely removed.

I hope someone can get some use out of this info. I've passed this

info on to at least five other moms (it has since worked for MANY

MANY more, including us) who have used it and it worked

for each of thier children. "

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Thanks for all the great replies and responses. The Aldara sounds risky. We

haven't done much to it all year other than treating with colloidal silver when

it gets really yucky looking. Can you tell me more about the essential oil and

where you purchased it?


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Here is a response I sent to someone yesterday- discussing a protocol

that worked for us- it was posted in a molluscum group:

Yes, I found the " apple cider vinegar with the mother in it " (that's

the actual name of it- it has the " mother " {the part everything gorws

out of} in it) to be the best treatment for the stubborn ones. I got

it at the health food store. We tried ALL the other treatments out

there and this was the best one for those last few that would not go

away. HOWEVER, we had to FIRST do this incredible protocol that I

found in a molluscum group...it is now called " post 98 " since

that is the number post it was originally posted as...it has become

famous as " THE CURE " for molluscum. It gets rid of the virus from the

INSIDE out, since anything topical WILL NOT get rid of the virus-

only the papules. I highly suggest doing this protocol first, then

using the vinegar if all else fails. I have also heard good things

about Tagament...but do this FIRST!

Hello ladies, I just joined this group last night and was so excited

to find it. My two youngest suffered with molluscum for two years

before any relief came in sight. I've tried it all, the derm gave

us every possible cream, blistering beetle, freezing,

picking...everything. I started researching all of the

web " cures " ...bought them all and after $300 down the drain and

nothing working. I did something myself. I started rfesearching

everything I could find, talked to any pharmasist, homeopaths and

herbalists I could find. I am going to list what and how I used

them and I hope for you moms at your witts end, it might just help

you child. If nothing else, it will boost immune systems and clear


Here is the things we gave our and . had MC from 10

months old and got it right after . had over 300

bumps at one point and never had over about 40. Both were

completely clear after three weeks and thier skin is perfect, except

for the scars from the derm!

Liquid Echinacea (in a multi-vitamin mixture) You can use Astragalus


Newton # 36 wart liquid (just a few drops twice a day)

Newton #1 Detoxifier (just a few drops twice a day)

Thuja (pellet form) 10X MDV on the website (we gave him 3 to 4 twice

a day)

We gave him Ultra Colloidal Silver (10ppm) by Source Naturals

He took about 1-2 ml twice a day. It came with a dropper top so we

just squirted a little in each time. You can also by the spray form

and just spray it in her mouth.

Actually, we just used the droppers for everything but the pellets.

We weren't very scientific, we just squirted a little in his mouth

twice a day and within two to three weeks he looked like a new

child. He hates taking medicine so we made it a game and when I

pull the basket off of the fridge, he sticks his tongue out! I've

kept him on the detoxifier and I make sure he got the #36 warts and

thuja pellets at least twice a week for a few months, not one bump

has come back in over a year.

You don't want to do the silver for more than 10 days (the bottle

says) so we stopped for three days and started again. We also used

the silver topically (mixed with Emu oil, you can usually get this

at the natural food store also) you can use any good moisturizer, to

moisturize his skin while he was taking everything else.

With , we did the routine for three weeks, we were amazed at how

fast he cleared up. A lot of people are saying to pick at the bumps

when they start to turn red, I didn't. They will turn red as her

body starts to fight them. We just left them alone and made sure

he always wore a shirt to cover them up so he wouldn't bump or pick

at them.

The vitamin is crucial; it will boost the immune system so they can

help fight these things off theirself.

I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice, just what worked

for me and my kids. I'm not trying to sell anything either, I don't

care where you buy these items, your local natural foods/herbal

store should have or can get them all. Please make sure that your

child actually has molluscum, a lot of other things can look like it

and show a lot of the same symptoms. Your pediatrician or

dermatologist can usually tell by just looking at them. They look

like a little pimple or wart but they have a small indentation in

the center (like a little pit). If you open one, the center will not

be puss like, it will be a little soft, firm round ball that is hard

to remove from the skin. That is actually the virus and will spread

if not completely removed.

I hope someone can get some use out of this info. I've passed this

info on to at least five other moms who have used it and it worked

for each of thier children.

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