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1918 Flu

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Just a thought here-but do we all remember SARS? That was the last

deadly pandemic threat. I'm not saying that this one won't come to pass,

but the " powers that be " spend quite a bit of time keeping us fearful

and distracted (both great crowd control methods). I'm keeping an open

mind on this one, but I'm skeptical. (And BTW, ever wondered why all

these things seem to start in Asia? Interesting. . .)

That said, I do agree with the biological terrain theory. If a person is

not in good shape, the immune system won't be up to par, leaving one

vulnerable to disease. Kinda basic stuff. I remember thinking as a child

that if people are healthy they won't get sick. The thought seemed

rather basic and obvious to me at the time (at around 8 or 9 years old I

think), but sometimes simple ideas aren't that well received (I usually

kept these " strange " thoughts to myself).

And Shari-my hat's off to you for doing the all raw veg thing. I think

some folks would have a problem with it (physically, I mean); I know I

would-animal protein is a necessity for me, though I wouldn't be opposed

to eating raw there too, as long as the source was very high quality

(such as grass-fed-only beef, etc.). But just because vegetarianism

isn't for me doesn't in any way discount the fact that it is exactly the

right thing for you and many others.

I think the best advice is to look into different systems, and then do

what works for each of us as individuals. Dr. talks about

these differences in individual chemistry in his book " Biochemical

Individuality, " and others have been written based on the work of Dr.

such as " The Metabolic Typing Diet. " Unfortunately,

was ahead of his time and died before his work got the recognition it


I don't believe any offense was intended by anyone regarding your posts.

I hope your new job brings you joy and good financial success. We'll

miss your input.



1918 flu

From " Natural Hygiene The Pristine Way of Life " by Herbert M. Shelton,

chapter 39:


h39.htm ----------------The Prevention of EpidemicsCHAPTER XXXIX An

epidemic is mass sickness. In all epidemics, the so-called epidemic

disease is but one among several symptom complexes presented by the

sick. For example, in the 1918-19 influenza-pneumonia pandemic, there

were great numbers of cases of mumps, of measles, of typhoid fever, of

sleeping sickness and more cases of colds than influenza. . . .


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The point is that most people are sick even when they think they are well.

There are very few people who are actually healthy. Healthy people have

immune systems that do not cave in from the flu or common cold, and rarely

to anything else like SARS. In order to be healthy a person has to stop

ingesting toxins (which is in almost all commercially made food, especially

restaurant food) and eliminate the toxins they have already taken in. The

best way is through a vegetarian diet exclusively of certified organic food,

fasting, and drinking a LOT of pure water.


1918 flu


> From " Natural Hygiene The Pristine Way of Life " by Herbert M. Shelton,

> chapter 39:


> http://soilandhealth.org/02/0201hyglibcat/020125shelton.pristine/020125c

> h39.htm ----------------The Prevention of EpidemicsCHAPTER XXXIX An

> epidemic is mass sickness. In all epidemics, the so-called epidemic

> disease is but one among several symptom complexes presented by the

> sick. For example, in the 1918-19 influenza-pneumonia pandemic, there

> were great numbers of cases of mumps, of measles, of typhoid fever, of

> sleeping sickness and more cases of colds than influenza. . . .

> _____





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The point is that most people are sick even when they think they are well.

There are very few people who are actually healthy. Healthy people have

immune systems that do not cave in from the flu or common cold, and rarely

to anything else like SARS. In order to be healthy a person has to stop

ingesting toxins (which is in almost all commercially made food, especially

restaurant food) and eliminate the toxins they have already taken in. The

best way is through a vegetarian diet exclusively of certified organic food,

fasting, and drinking a LOT of pure water.


1918 flu


> From " Natural Hygiene The Pristine Way of Life " by Herbert M. Shelton,

> chapter 39:


> http://soilandhealth.org/02/0201hyglibcat/020125shelton.pristine/020125c

> h39.htm ----------------The Prevention of EpidemicsCHAPTER XXXIX An

> epidemic is mass sickness. In all epidemics, the so-called epidemic

> disease is but one among several symptom complexes presented by the

> sick. For example, in the 1918-19 influenza-pneumonia pandemic, there

> were great numbers of cases of mumps, of measles, of typhoid fever, of

> sleeping sickness and more cases of colds than influenza. . . .

> _____





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  • 1 year later...

I want to say that more soldiers got sick and died from the vaccine than died in


mensrea320@... wrote:

Here is a recent (1-17-07) article on the spread of the 1918 flu. I love

the quote in it, " The research, which found that an over-stimulated immune

system killed even as it tried to fight the flu, helps explain why many of the


million people who died in the epidemic were healthy young adults.

Conventional flu usually claims mostly the very young and very old. " I don't


much about the bird flu hoax or the 1918 flu. I have read the 1918 flu was

caused from the vaccine. If that is the case, that would explain the above

quote. Anyone else read the 1918 flu epedemic was caused by the flu vaccine?






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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Wow. That would have been very clever. There was no immunization for flu back in 1918. Flu, not to be confused with 'Man Flu' is actually incredibly rare. Sadly half the world reckon that they have had flu loads of times which is total twaddle. Anyone who has ever had flu knows that it is the closest that you will ever get to feeling like death and in fact, you may even welcome it.

I'm pleased that your kids are never sick. Like me, I was never ill until I was diagnosed with MS. Failure to get vaccinations is foolish. We all know the old man who smoked 60 fags a day, was permanently drunk and lived to 98. The damage that vaccines cause is the new conspiracy theory redolent throughout the US. I for one know that it was Poppins who killed JFK and so do my friends.

From: Geri lehner

Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 6:30 AM

low dose naltrexone

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Re flu shots,/OT

The flu epidemic of 1918 that killed hundreds of thousands of people was the result of the flu shot. People were literally falling over sick right after they got the shot. My kids 21, 20, 14, 11 have no vaccines in them and they never get sick...ever! My dad (63 y.o) lived with us last year and after the flu shot he was very sick 3 or 4 times with flu like symptoms. In fact he never really felt well and one flu ran into the next and the next...would you call that a coincidence? I think not. Vaccines kill--in fact many doctors now believe that all autoimmune diseases are caused by vaccines due to molecular mimicry etc. Please see http://drcarley.com/ for more on this.

Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Re flu shots,/OT> > > > >>It is my understanding Dr. Bihari was very much against the flu shot.<<> > Hmm. I wonder why. We could speculate a bit but it would be interesting to know the reasoning behind this.> BC> > "Art H." <rtee54@...> wrote:> It is my understanding Dr. Bihari was very much against the flu shot.> > Art> --> > > >> > List,> > Most flu shots are not the live virus. They are cultured in egg > derivative and some people who are allergic to eggs should not take > the shot. I will have to check but I think the nasal spray version > may be a weakened virus. Fewer people are recommended to take this. > > The flu shot is very safe and after having the flu one year I > will never go without one again. For those with already compromised > immune systems or chronic diseases like diabetes, it is not very > smart to skip it. The flu will kill you. The vaccine is a best guess > of what they think will be prevalent that year. the formula changes > every year, in the US, this is based on what is usually happening in > the far east the months and year prior from my understanding. THIS > year, they missed a pretty bad one (I think from Australia maybe) and > the vaccine was ineffective for this strain, and subesquently it was > a bad year for flu, a lot of people were very sick and a lot of > mortality.> > The benefits FAR outweigh the risk!> > Once again, if you ever had it, you do not want it again.> > Best> > BC>

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We have beat this to death, but....Just a couple more comments. Nigel is correct, there was no such thing as a flu vaccine in 1918, so to say it was responsible for the "Spanish Flu" was not based on even a modicum of research on google or whatever. There was a company that found contaminants in the vaccines in 2004, and this was pulled off the market before any adverse outcomes could occur. We had one heck of a time getting new batches because of this and had to limit the vaccine for awhile to the higher risk patients - elderly and chronically ill. Fortunately, it was not a high volume flu year. Whoever said it was based on the top 3 strains is correct, as I recall, but keep in mind it is still open to error and mutation that cannot be predicted, but you have a MUCH better chance with the vaccine than without it. Also, to say it is injecting "toxins" into you body is kind of overstating it. Taken literally,

my morning Starbucks probably has more toxins, or that rare filet I just ate probably put me at more risk for illness.. If LDN improves the immune system to a point that a vaccine is unneccesarry, that is great and I hope true, but we have yet to see any study involving this yet (correct me if I missed it). Vaccines in the modern era are much safer than 60 years ago, due to more FDA and CDC regulation on testing. I don't have polio and have never seen an onset since the Sabin vaccine, but I do know those who have it and it is not a picnic. Chicken pox and measles are at a low point in history. Small pox was essentially eradicated. For the rare few that have a problem, many many more are immunized and no adverse reactions.. It is a personal decision whether to take the flu vaccine, but once again, I have had the flu and will NEVER go without a vaccine again. My flu vac

arrogance caught up with me and it wasn't pretty! We had a hospital full of DYING people with the flu this year, and it wasn't due to the vaccine, but more due to the unrecognized strain or no vaccine. It is your choice to make your own healthcare decisions, but please do not put an unfounded spin on the dangers that may prevent someone from protecting themself based on innuendo and one or two anecdotes! Best to all, Bob Cnigel-j-dougan@... wrote: Wow. That would have been very clever. There was no immunization for flu back in 1918. Flu, not to be confused with 'Man Flu' is actually incredibly rare. Sadly half the world reckon that they have had flu loads of times which is total twaddle. Anyone who has ever had flu knows that it is the closest that you will ever get to feeling like death and in fact, you may even welcome it. I'm pleased that your kids are never sick. Like me, I was never ill until I was diagnosed with MS. Failure to get vaccinations is foolish. We all know the old man who smoked 60 fags a day, was permanently drunk and lived to 98. The damage that vaccines cause is the new conspiracy theory redolent throughout the US. I for one know that it was Poppins who killed JFK and so do my friends. From: Geri lehner Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 6:30 AM low dose naltrexone Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Re flu shots,/OT The flu epidemic of 1918 that killed hundreds of thousands of people was the result of the flu shot. People were literally falling over sick right after they got the shot. My kids 21, 20, 14, 11 have no vaccines in them and they never get sick...ever! My dad (63 y.o) lived with us last year and after the flu

shot he was very sick 3 or 4 times with flu like symptoms. In fact he never really felt well and one flu ran into the next and the next...would you call that a coincidence? I think not. Vaccines kill--in fact many doctors now believe that all autoimmune diseases are caused by vaccines due to molecular mimicry etc. Please see http://drcarley.com/ for more on this. Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Re flu shots,/OT> > > > >>It is my understanding Dr. Bihari was very much against the flu shot.<<> > Hmm. I wonder why. We could speculate a bit but it would be interesting to know the reasoning behind this.> BC> > "Art H." <rtee54@...> wrote:> It is my understanding Dr. Bihari was very much against the flu shot.> > Art> --> > > >> >

List,> > Most flu shots are not the live virus. They are cultured in egg > derivative and some people who are allergic to eggs should not take > the shot. I will have to check but I think the nasal spray version > may be a weakened virus. Fewer people are recommended to take this. > > The flu shot is very safe and after having the flu one year I > will never go without one again. For those with already compromised > immune systems or chronic diseases like diabetes, it is not very > smart to skip it. The flu will kill you. The vaccine is a best guess > of what they think will be prevalent that year. the formula changes > every year, in the US, this is based on what is usually happening in > the far east the months and year prior from my understanding. THIS > year, they missed a pretty bad one (I think from Australia maybe) and > the

vaccine was ineffective for this strain, and subesquently it was > a bad year for flu, a lot of people were very sick and a lot of > mortality.> > The benefits FAR outweigh the risk!> > Once again, if you ever had it, you do not want it again.> > Best> > BC>

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