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ozonated olive oil

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Hi dear parents.

As i was searching cure for my 4 years old ASD son, I aslo end up

with ozone therapy, i am going to share my experience, and please

feel free to comment on that, i have bought ozone generator, so i

can ozonate water, olive oil, and funneling my son Spine " this is

where the herpes resides " , and stomach, " for the measles " , hoping

i could get the viruses this way, but I also gave him ozonated olive

oil to ingest, and he did not like it much, could not sleep at

night, but i am going to give him on day time, since there was so

many article about vitamin A and it's effect on measles, why not

ozonated olive oil, since ozone will destroy bacteria and viruses on

contact I would like to know any parent experience that on this

site, I have asked Dr. Pressman from Canada, about effect of ozone

fot Autism, and he was for it, and he even believes if we do it

through the ear, it is very beneficial and he also says it will

change the property of mercury so it could be less toxic and also

easy to excrete, I dont know about that, eventhough I did do it for

my son, but i stopped doing that, but iam doing it to myself, and i

get lots of discharge, i know it is a perfect therapy for fungues on

ear, but iam not sure about mercury, and what it does to it, if any

one wants to make some comment, or had some experience, please share

it with us, at the end i want to say, it did fix my hand with

fungues problem, that i had it for 7 years, and i also used it for

my root canal that started to go bad, and i could not eat anything

from that side, but the pain went away overnight.


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  • 11 months later...
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Yes it's safe internally/vaginally and it's been studied as a cure for vaginosis

in the Eastern Bloc with excellent results. Yes you could eat it too if you

could gag it down.




> Hi Duncan,


> Thank you for the response. I'm willing to order the ozonated olive oil to

try it out. Is it safe to use internally/vaginally to treat the yeast infection

(I assume you don't eat it)? It doesn't say on the website whether or not this

is ok.


> Thanks for the suggestion.






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Hi Duncan,

I ordered the OOO from the site you provided on Tuesday and received it today.

It was shipped 2-day UPS and I got it straight from the UPS driver's hands today

at 5pm....BUT when I opened it immediately the 3 bottles were already VERY warm.

The ice pack had melted completely :( Everything I read online says this stuff

MUST be kept cold for it to be effective. I called up Dit (the owner of

ozonatedoliveoil.com) and asked him about it and he said it would be no problem,

just to refrigerate it immediately (Which I did). Can anyone confirm that this

is the case - that it getting so warm didn't effect it's potency? It is now

cold and I can *sort of* smell the ozone....it's not too overwhelming a smell

though. Also, I was told by Dit on Tuesday that it would taste terrible

(because I asked about eating it) and he emphasized the TERRIBLE. Also, below

in your email you say I can eat it " IF I can gag it down. " Well, I definitely

could because it hardly has a flavor! I brushed my teeth with it a few minutes

ago, no problem, not disgusting at all. I'm wondering if this means it's lost

all (or at least most) of it's ozone? I was also told that when I insert it

vaginally it should burn because yeast is dying off. Well, I don't feel much

burning :(

My other question has to do with 's post about the strong possibility that

I have intracellular vaginitis (instead of a normal skin-surface yeast

infection). If this is the case (and I believe it to be) would the OOO,

assuming it was actually potent, even help in such a case? Where the yeast is

*below* the top layer of tissue (at least that's how I understand it).

Thanks for all your help and advice. I can't tell you what a relief I've felt

ever since reading Duncan and 's posts!


> Yes it's safe internally/vaginally and it's been studied as a cure for

vaginosis in the Eastern Bloc with excellent results. Yes you could eat it too

if you could gag it down.

> http://ozonatedoliveoil.com


> Duncan

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I just happened to check out this message and read what you wrote below. I

may have brought Parvo into my home to my pets. Parvo is a virus, do you

think OOO would kill it? If I could get it into my dogs, I would then need

to give them probotics and prebotics too, right? Thanks, Sylvia


> >

> > I don't usually suggest this, but ozonated olive oil kills everything,

> and you can melt it and dilute it with more oil for a cheap and effective

> retentive packing. Not sure about saying it would be a long term vaginal

> candida cure but it will be very good and healing for the tissues too so

> would definitely give them the edge against it. And it's safe for your

> environment and the baby's.

> >

> > Dr. Pressman has OOO at http://ozonatedoliveoil.com

> >

> > all good,

> >

> > Duncan


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, have you been checked for diabetes? I was diagnosed with an

ongoing vaginal yeast infection by a male doctor for a year before a female

PA told me I had diabetes. The dr kept telling me to get over the counter

medications that just didn't work. He did not do a test to diagnose the

infection and neither did the PA do a test until after she told me that I

was a diabetic. In the year I went untreated I lost a heck of a lot of hair

and it still has not grown back, I don't think it ever will. I was diagnosed

as a diabetic in 1999. Sylvia

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 10:02 AM, jessicaanne13 <jess426@...> wrote:

> Hi Duncan,


> Thank you for the response. I'm willing to order the ozonated olive oil to

> try it out. Is it safe to use internally/vaginally to treat the yeast

> infection (I assume you don't eat it)? It doesn't say on the website

> whether or not this is ok.


> Thanks for the suggestion.







> > >

> > > Hi-

> > >

> > > I joined this group a while back and have been reading through as many

> posts as time allows trying to get an understanding of the group. I must

> say I'm often confused or things are over my head. I guess it's time to

> introduce myself and ask for some help.

> > >

> > > I'm 29 years old and have been suffering from intermittent vaginal

> yeast infections since I was 17. I would get them a couple times per year.

> Over-the-counter monistat stopped working for me when I was in college and

> now it seems I'm resistant to diflucan as well (which worked for me up until

> a year or so ago).

> > >

> > > I gave birth to a baby 8 months ago and have been suffering with a

> vaginal yeast infection ever since. Well, it may have started a few months

> before giving birth actually. When I was 7.5 mo pregnant the midwife did a

> vaginal exam and she told me I had a yeast infection, the exam was very

> painful. I went to get tested and the doctor confirmed it was yeast. They

> gave me diflucan but looking back I don't think it worked. The weird thing

> was this was the first (mostly) asymptomatic yeast infection I'd ever had.

> I really don't have any itching the way that I'm used to with yeast. I

> hear yeast infections are more common during pregnancy because of hormone

> changes but I cannot get rid of this one and I'm getting scared. The one

> symptom I do have is random sharp pains, which I am pretty sure is caused by

> the yeast.

> > >

> > > I just went to the obgyn a few weeks ago and she prescribed Terconazole

> (7 day cream) after I told her I was resistant to monistat and diflucan.

> She said she'd never met anyone who Terconazole didn't work for. I was

> hopeful. Unfortunately it just made me worse! While I was using it I had

> itching symptoms again let up just as soon as I stopped the cream.

> > >

> > > (1) How do I know if my candida is a " systematic infection " ?

> > >

> > >

> > > I didn't have the best diet growing up but it's become much better over

> the past 5 or so years. I eat largely according to the principles of the

> Weston Price Foundation, but I do also eat dessert and baked goods. I don't

> drink soda or overdo sugar; at least certainly not compared to most people I

> know.

> > >

> > > I want to do the candida diet. Well, I don't WANT to, but I obviously

> must need to. Anyway, I keep hearing that diet alone isn't enough and that

> I have to use anti-fungals as well.

> > >

> > > (2) Well, if I'm resistant to them, how does this apply to me? What

> should I do?

> > >

> > > The other thing is, I'm breastfeeding and would really like to

> continue.

> > >

> > > (3) Can one do the candida diet while breastfeeding? Is it safe? Is

> it a " detox " diet in that toxins could be expelled in my breastmilk just

> from stoping eating sugar, carbs, etc?

> > >

> > > Obviously I can't take high doses of anti-fungals when I'm

> breastfeeding anyway, even if they do work. But they don't, at least not

> the ones I know of...

> > >

> > > (4) I live in Atlanta. Does anyone know of a doctor in these parts

> that they would recommend I see for my Candida issues?

> > >

> > > I'm really at a loss and feeling very helpless. I really appreciate

> any responses or advice.

> > >

> > > Thank you so much,

> > >

> > >

> >





> ------------------------------------



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