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Re: Amalgams removal

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> @y...

> Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 9:44 PM


Hi Kathy

Thanks for all the brilliant information.

The protocol I am using for detox now is alpha lipoic acid which has

been proved in published research by Dr Lester Packer to move metals

from the body and brain. It is cheap and safe and I use it in

rounds starting low and gradually building up so the good news is it

doesn't have to cost much to chelate the metals but of course it

takes ages, years rather than months. However I have felt so much

better very quickly.

I got loads of information on what to do from the adult-metal-

chelation list on .

Good Luck with the rest of the removal.


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Hi Kathy,

Yeah, key thing is no chelation with amalgams in.

Activated charcoal will absorb what is dumped into the gut, and will bind to

it, as well as just about everything else in your gut. It won't go into your

tissues in search of mercury. It just scavenges what's in it's way as it's

making it's way through your GI tract. Mercury binds up selenium, making it

unavailable for what your body needs it for. That's why most mercury toxic

folk are selenium deficient, and need additional selenium supplementation to

try to counteract its being bound up by the mercury. To my knowledge,

selenium does not go after mercury, it's the other way around, but even then

I'm not sure that mercury goes into the tissues after selenium, it's more

like mercury stores itself in tissues, which is where selenium is found.

There is a preferential tissue distribution for mercury in the liver,

kidneys, lungs, brain, heart and intestines. I believe those are the biggest

sites of mercury distribution, but DH put all of my old research papers (the

sheep and monkey studies, particularly, in the attic while I was away, and

now they will probably be forever unavailable to me due to the moldy/musty

smell that permeates everything in there....), so I am going on a faulty

memory here, and I had to get the original studies from the NC State

library, so won't be that way for a while again LOL. I'm sure Rich can

explain that part of it much better than I though.

I don't remember how many you have left to do???? I had mine done two at a

time. Did you ask the holistic dentist how many he is willing to do at a

time, and what the risks of doing more than two at a time are? I think they

are good questions to ask him when you meet with him. Some are willing to do

one quadrant at a time, but I think that may be dated back to what was being

done at the time mine were removed. Besides the concern about a bigger

release of mercury than your body can handle at one time (and only you know

how strong you are at the moment), in your case I see another potential

issue to think about. But I am not a doctor, nor a scientist, and perhaps

Rich can answer this concern, but mercury is a big time endocrine

disrupter, and loves screwing up your thyroid and all your other hormones.

I'm wondering with your hormonal situation, if a big release, or even just a

big upset in the body's homeostasis, would be problematic for you from a

hormonal standpoint. Really just thinking out loud here. Again, charcoal can

only capture but so much, as it will also capture nutrients as well, so you

will have to take some breaks from the amount of charcoal you are talking

about taking to restore nutrients lost, and in the meantime....Also, some

amount of vapor will invariably be inhaled, giving it a direct route to

wherever it will want to go, so another consideration. I urge you to ask

your new dentist these questions, he may have a schedule more to your


There is no such thing as chelating like crazy. Your body can only remove so

much at a time. Any excess which you chelate above and beyond your body's

ability to excrete it at each moment, is stirred up mercury that may run

around your bloodstream for a while before being re-distributed to a

different site, perhaps the brain. One of the big keys in chelation is to

try to not pull more mercury out than your body can excrete safely so that

you don't run the risk of sending the excess to your brain.

I'm not a patient person by nature either, but mercury tox and CFIDS sure

are teaching me. Good luck

Donna in NC

Amalgams Removal

> Hi Donna -


> Thanks for sharing your experience with this.


> Ok...so not to chelate till they're gone is the key. I totally believe

this as the few times my enviro doc has tried to chelate me, I got really

messed up. I take issue with her suggesting this while someone has the metal

in the mouth....however, that's a different topic all together! Even the

use of ALA gets that face and eye burn thing going which I am wondering if

it's been the mercury getting stirred up.


> If during removal mercury is being dumped into my body anyway, will

activated charcoal simply carry out that which has been released without

going after any more? I am also wondering about selenium too. If I

understand previous posts and other stuff I have read, doesn't selenium just

bind the mercury for excreting or can it also stir up that which is still

stored too?


> DAMS suggests only having two teeth at a time worked on spaced apart from

each other. I am fighting this urge to just get it over with as soon as

possible. I am really curious as to why I couldn't just get it all done as

soon as possible, wait a month or two then chelate like crazy. I realise

the risk here is possible release of a bunch of it all at one time and am

wondering if I couldn't capture it with the charcoal and/or something else

till I could safely start chelating.


> I'm rambling. Any thoughts?


> Thanks

> Kathy


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Hi Donna-

Can only remove so much at a time....oh, ok.....it really makes sense and

explains why too much getting released at one time is really bad. Yes, I plan

on discussing all this with my new guy when I see him in a few weeks and am very

interested to see what his treatment plan will be as he supposedly follows the

IAOMT protocol to the letter. Thanks to you and others, I am getting very

educated and prepared for this.

The selenium info...Rich has only explained this 15,000 times and I have yet to

retain it. Of course...it is not a chelating agent per se....I wish I knew why

I keep thinking of it that way. Thanks for repeating it AGAIN.

I have 5 left, two big, one tiny in one quadrant. Second quadrant has two.

Third quadrant has two composites from many years ago and my regular dentist

noticed a small piece of mercury still left in there. This is the side that

probably needs an onlay as there were so many fissures when I had it done. Then

the last thing is the old root canal that currently has a metal jacket porcelin

crown covering it that is on my right front tooth.

So I figure by the time this is all over with, the lifetime value of my mouth

will be greater than the assessed value of our house. Of course my teeth won't

be subject to the cost of living index so perhaps the house will eventually

overtake it's proper position!

Thanks for taking the time and energy to respond. I hope you're feeling ok.


Amalgams Removal

> Hi Donna -


> Thanks for sharing your experience with this.


> Ok...so not to chelate till they're gone is the key. I totally believe

this as the few times my enviro doc has tried to chelate me, I got really

messed up. I take issue with her suggesting this while someone has the metal

in the mouth....however, that's a different topic all together! Even the

use of ALA gets that face and eye burn thing going which I am wondering if

it's been the mercury getting stirred up.


> If during removal mercury is being dumped into my body anyway, will

activated charcoal simply carry out that which has been released without

going after any more? I am also wondering about selenium too. If I

understand previous posts and other stuff I have read, doesn't selenium just

bind the mercury for excreting or can it also stir up that which is still

stored too?


> DAMS suggests only having two teeth at a time worked on spaced apart from

each other. I am fighting this urge to just get it over with as soon as

possible. I am really curious as to why I couldn't just get it all done as

soon as possible, wait a month or two then chelate like crazy. I realise

the risk here is possible release of a bunch of it all at one time and am

wondering if I couldn't capture it with the charcoal and/or something else

till I could safely start chelating.


> I'm rambling. Any thoughts?


> Thanks

> Kathy


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  • 5 years later...





Here are some relevant posts. There are lots more where that came

from. To find them, go to www.onibasu.com, uncheck the Native

Nutrition box, check the box, and type in the search

bar " andrewhallcutler amalgam removal " . I am sure there would be

many other searches that would yield nice results too.



> Hello All, I am planning to get rid of my 4 mercury amalgams and

> therefore has couple of questions.


> 1. Can I just go to any dentist?


> 2. DO I need extra supplemets after the removal?


> Look forward to hear your input!!!!


> Thanks in advance....


> Regards,

> Sunny


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Under 'Featured Articles' there is a link to the IAOMT safe amalgam

removal protocol. The most important thing to do is find a dentist

who is both a believer that dental amalgams are harmful AND is

experienced in safe removal. It could be very expensive, unless

somehow you are able to run it through dental insurance. I had 11

removed for $2500. A dentist will usually price each tooth

individually, since the cost will be based on the size and complexity

of the filling replacement (my most expensive was over $400).

My personal feeling is not to get all of the biocompatability testing

or enlist in the multitude of tests/supplements offered by the

naturopath or other practitioner that often practices with the

dentist. I base this on experience (not always the best way to make

recommendations!) and advice from Andy back in 2004 when I had these


That is a personal choice, but it will save you some $$$. I don't

think the IAOMT protocol contains any advice about what supplements

to take, but stuffing your teeth with chlorella doesn't sound good to


Congratulations on taking this step!



> Hello All, I am planning to get rid of my 4 mercury amalgams and

> therefore has couple of questions.


> 1. Can I just go to any dentist?


> 2. DO I need extra supplemets after the removal?


> Look forward to hear your input!!!!


> Thanks in advance....


> Regards,

> Sunny


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Thank you so very much!!!!


> >

> > Hello All, I am planning to get rid of my 4 mercury amalgams and

> > therefore has couple of questions.

> >

> > 1. Can I just go to any dentist?

> >

> > 2. DO I need extra supplemets after the removal?

> >

> > Look forward to hear your input!!!!

> >

> > Thanks in advance....

> >

> > Regards,

> > Sunny

> >


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Thak you so much!!!


> >

> > Hello All, I am planning to get rid of my 4 mercury amalgams and

> > therefore has couple of questions.

> >

> > 1. Can I just go to any dentist?

> >

> > 2. DO I need extra supplemets after the removal?

> >

> > Look forward to hear your input!!!!

> >

> > Thanks in advance....

> >

> > Regards,

> > Sunny

> >


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