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Re: Re: Anyone else exhausted??/Jada

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> Hey, P. What interventions are you doling out for dh? I would be

> interested. Life with ASD can be pretty stressful for everyone.


> Thanks,





> FWIW - my husband wasn't terribly helpful, and seemed to go through

> bouts of complete amnesia when we first started biomed with my son -

> somewhat by accident. He was the first to notice the improvements,

> since our son tended to embarrass his dad in public with his odd

> behavior. But, as time wore on, dh forgot the progress and even

> questioned whether all those pills were necessary, and did so in front

> of son, 17yo who doesn't need any help not wanting to take his pills. I

> just about beaned dh!!!! Boy, was I mad. I actually think there is a

> post about it here. :-) Lovely group, thanks!!


> Anyway, you aren't alone. Dad is being more helpful these days too.

> I've filled him in on more, and actually started some interventions on

> him that I've learned on this list. He is feeling VERY good, almost too

> good. I threaten occasionally to take his (my husband's) pills away if

> he doesn't behave. Who knew that helping him feel better would grant me

> more cooperation with our son's interventions. It is nice though. My

> husband was on the phone with me the other night and saw my son's pill

> containers and reprimanded him for not taking them like he should (daily

> pill boxes, so it tells on my son when he misses supplements).


> Just another one of those hurdles we've obviously made it over here -

> wanted to share. Hopefully it will encourage you not to take out the

> cast iron frying pan yet. Anti-virals might be more productive. ;-)

> P.


> Maggie ORourke wrote:

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Jada <paxlforme@... <mailto:paxlforme%40>

>> <mailto:paxlforme%40>> wrote:

>> > It makes for a real nice resentful relationship.

>> >

>> > So by no means is this going to be easy...try to get his help on the

>> > weekends or with whatever you can. (If you can, mine prefers to

>> > pretend he's not intelligent enough to understand all this)

>> >

>> > HA!! Jada, you crack me up....we must be married to the same guy! Mine

>> > goes off and plays guitar..........then tells me I'm trying to

>> > " control " the situation with our son!! Oh my God, he's soooo

>> > blissfully unaware of the effort that goes into this! I get to spend

>> > all day on the phone with the Regional Center and he tells me I'm

>> > lucky I don't have to work! Do you know what I would give to JUST go

>> > to work and not deal with any of this other crap!?!?!?!?!

>> >

>> > I love my husband very much, but sometimes I wanna wack him in the

>> > head with a frying pan (cast iron of course)!

>> >

>>> > >

>> >

>> > ------------------------------------

>> >

>> > =======================================================

>> >

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My husband was seeing an ND for what I call total exhaustion. He was

still working, workaholic style, and didn't slow down any, but grumpy

and not emotionally helpful in general (still a great guy though, just

knew something was off). The ND put it to him in pretty plain terms

when they discussed his hair test - your next hair test could be all

flatline - everything at the bottom - and that won't be good. For an

analogy he told him what he was doing when he was still working so hard

continually was beating his dead horse, there was nothing left for his

body to give. So, we started enzymes and renadine, and had a list of

other things we never did get to. Instead, reading here, I tried

starting some of the interventions for viral issues. He has no yeast,

but wasn't getting nutrient. Summers are horrible, works in heat, loses

all through sweat. ND talked about detoxing through sweat and gave us

plans for a FIR sauna we could build ourselves. The idea was to control

the sweating so it would release toxins. That's just a brief bit of

info so you can see his situation. I always believe all situations are

unique to the individuals. He is also minus one kidney thanks to MDs and

cancer (in that order in my opinion). In summation, he was tired,

grumpy, and not being very helpful with what I was trying to do with my


So, following the information I'd gained here and input from his

sessions with the ND, I put Mr. Grumpy on many supplements:

He was already taking: MultiVitamin for men his age ;-) (we'll probably

drop this when it runs out since he's taking all the individuals)

Cod Liver Oil

Vit E - 400 mg daily

We added first:

Vit C - 500mg daily (He also uses EmergenC at work when his muscles

start to get tired, mostly in the heat of summer)

Zinc - 50mg 1x daily

Cal/Mag - 600mg/300mg (with added 400IU D)

B50 complex

Enzymes - 3x a day with meals

Probiotic - pill 1x a day in the morning (we've added kefir too, he

keeps some at work and at home)

They made some difference, but he was still beating his overworked

horse, it just wasn't completely dead anymore.

Here's what really made the difference though - the recent threads, last

few months, about antivirals

Vit A 10,000IU daily (with added 400IU D)

OLE - 500 mg 1x a day

L-Lysine - 500 mg 1x a day

He's had warts all his life, one specific very large one on his knuckle

has been burned off with liquid nitrogen a couple times and came back.

It is now 1/2 the size and shrinking daily. Others are completely

gone. That was a nice bonus that I found out about from a recent thread

and had him check.

From our daughter's mito cocktail (which is really helping her) I added

L-Carnitine to his. After reading about it, decided he could use it too.

L-Carnitine 250mg 1x daily

We saw MAJOR improvement from this, and he started referring back to

times when " I didn't feel well " - so I knew he was feeling much better.

Mood improved, got very goofy, like he used to be. And, this is when he

realized that what I was doing for him I was also doing for our son. In

the new haze lifted mood, he became SUPER supportive, and is now a big

help encouraging our son to take his supplements. I'm hoping to start

chelation soon, and am so thankful for the turnaround.

He takes these spread out over the day, each set with a meal. Then at

night before bed he gets 750mg of Milk Thistle with dandelion and

turmeric for liver and kidney support.

Finally, in the last week, we've added oral Hydrogen Peroxide therapy.

He wasn't that excited about it, but I'd been telling him all I was

reading so he decided to try it. I didn't notice much for me, but he

noticed a big and immediate difference. By evening, after a day of

clearing the back 40, running the tractor, doing all that day off farm

work stuff, he noted that he didn't feel tired, his legs didn't hurt,

and he still had energy for the evening. :-) !!!!!!! I think we are

finally there.

Between husband's fatigue and crash, son's biomed and yeast, and

daughter's mito, not to mention son-in-law's adrenal fatigue, I'm with

you all on the tired. But, they've all noticed a big enough difference

in themselves that they apply that to encouraging the others on now just

from knowing how much better they feel. The NT people in the household

are more aware of what is happening for them, and so are now very

helpful with my son, the ASD child who is not quite that connected.

In the end, the lesson I've come away with is biomed IS a family affair

- get EVERYONE well and they will be more helpful. I just wish there

was someone who would tell me the magic combo of pills for me to make me

feel better. I'm sure that getting rid of my amalgams is step one - and

hopefully soon.

Trying to be thorough, hope that's not too long. Didn't proofread -

husband has my lunch ready.


Wiseman wrote:


> > Hey, P. What interventions are you doling out for dh? I would be

> > interested. Life with ASD can be pretty stressful for everyone.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > FWIW - my husband wasn't terribly helpful, and seemed to go through

> > bouts of complete amnesia when we first started biomed with my son -

> > somewhat by accident. He was the first to notice the improvements,

> > since our son tended to embarrass his dad in public with his odd

> > behavior. But, as time wore on, dh forgot the progress and even

> > questioned whether all those pills were necessary, and did so in front

> > of son, 17yo who doesn't need any help not wanting to take his pills. I

> > just about beaned dh!!!! Boy, was I mad. I actually think there is a

> > post about it here. :-) Lovely group, thanks!!

> >

> > Anyway, you aren't alone. Dad is being more helpful these days too.

> > I've filled him in on more, and actually started some interventions on

> > him that I've learned on this list. He is feeling VERY good, almost too

> > good. I threaten occasionally to take his (my husband's) pills away if

> > he doesn't behave. Who knew that helping him feel better would grant me

> > more cooperation with our son's interventions. It is nice though. My

> > husband was on the phone with me the other night and saw my son's pill

> > containers and reprimanded him for not taking them like he should (daily

> > pill boxes, so it tells on my son when he misses supplements).

> >

> > Just another one of those hurdles we've obviously made it over here -

> > wanted to share. Hopefully it will encourage you not to take out the

> > cast iron frying pan yet. Anti-virals might be more productive. ;-)

> > P.

> >

> >


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