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protein in urine?

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> This may sound like a silly question, but can eating a lot

> of protein, cause you to have protein in your urine?

Not a silly question at all. First I'd ask you what your doctor said.

Did he seem concerned? Order another test?

It is not uncommon for protein to be detected in a urine sample and

need not be cause for alarm. Many people have low levels of protein

in their urine. The spot urine test, which is a basic screen, does not

tell you how much protein is present. If your doctor is concerned, he

or she will order additional tests that will determine if there is a


The kidneys are designed to stop proteins from being lost in your

urine. If protein is present in the urine it could mean that the

mechanism in the kidney is being overwhelmed by the amount of protein

in your system or that the kidney is not functioning the way it


Are you drinking enough water?

Protein is not normally found in the urine in *large* quantities.

However, the presence of protein in the urine can indicate a multitude

of disorders. Urine protein is roughly divided into urine albumin and

globulins. Urine protein electrophoresis may be recommended to help

determine the cause of protein

in the urine or as a screening test to semi-quantitatively measure the

various proteins in urine.

Special Considerations

Drugs that can affect the measurement of serum proteins include

chlorpromazine, corticosteroids, isoniazid, neomycin, phenacemide,

salicylates, sulfonamides, and tolbutamide.

What Abnormal Results Can Mean

kidney failure

decreased kidney function

diabetic nephropathy

acute inflammation

nephrotic syndrome

acute urinary tract infection

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I maybe way off, but what if the body is getting rid of all the avoid

protein source consumed in the past? Getting sick like that is very normal.

It is like being held under water for a long time. Once you are let free,

you release the air you were holding in. Except the detox process is never

fun. Remember how you are feeling now every time you reach for an Avoid in

the future.

The healthiest diet plan is the blood type diet. Toxins must come out

somehow. Anything " weird " that happens during the cleansing process, we must

blame our previous dietary habits. Hope this clears up things for you



protein in urine?

Hello everyOne,

I am a Type O Neg, Female. And I have recently began following this list

and eating better for my blood type. Lots of protein, chicken, turkey

burgers, free range eggs, fish, some feta, only Rye bread (no flour or

wheat) on occasion, lhealthy organic veggies, green pepper, red peppers,

celery, carrots, fruit...

Before this, I hardly ever consumed protein, meat, fish, eggs, or

especially red meat which I still am not eating.:o) And so I guess you could

say I was likely very much lacking in protein. Changing my diet to better

suit a Type O has made a great difference in how I feel. And I am losing

weight too! :o) Thank You everyOne.

So here I am, eating healthier than I ever have and feeling healthier

everyday, and then after two weeks of this I come down with the worse flu

bug, fever, cough, nausea, body aches..etc. I ever had. And this is the

first flu I've had in likely ten years. Five days later, when my body temp

reached 103F, I was being checked over by my physician, and upon urine

analysis he announces I have protein in my urine???

This may sound like a silly question, but can eating a lot of protein,

cause you to have protein in your urine?

Also, what is a secreter or non-secreter?

Thank You everyOne.

And Thank You . I greatly enJOY this list and all the valuable

information You generously offer.



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Thyroid problem Andree. Non secretors need more protein.

RE: Protein in urine?


I'm glad to hear that your doctor ordered some additional tests. I'm

hoping that there is nothing to worry about.

Good luck,

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> I was wondering, does non-secreter mean you do not absorb

> protein, but pass it instead?

I was trying to figure out why my naturopath said he thought I was a

non-secretor based on information I gave him. I am allergic to

penicillin, hay fever, hives due to too much tomato (over imbibing of

acidic veggies), had an ulcer at 21 with no real indicators...

Your secretor state (secretor/non-secretor) indicates whether you

secrete your blood type antigens into your saliva, digestive

secretions, and other fluids. These secretions appear to create a

barrier against environmental elements such as bacteria, pollutants,

and other irritants. Immunologically, non-secretors seem to have more

of a " death trap " strategy: they allow pathogenic invaders a way in,

and then attack and kill them internally.

Since I have had all these reactions, he believes me to be of the

non-secretor persuasion. I'd have to agree. :-(

> My hair is always brittle,

> dry, breaks easily and I lose a lot of hair. My skin is

> also dry. I have tried all kinds of hair products as well

> as Pure essential oils. But nothing appears to be working.

> So I tyhought maybe I am not absorbing protein.

I'd have to agree with , hypothyroid, which is common among type

Os. Usually we are low, but not low enough to warrant thyroid

medication. Eating a type O compliant diet will help as it is

designed to boost thyroid production. (Red meat, spinach, kale, salt

water fish...)

I have started taking the supplement bladderwrack to help as well.

You also mentioned - if I recall correctly - that your diet was

protein deficient until recently. It will take some time for your

hair and skin to show signs from your new diet. Be sure that you

including olive oil, ground flax seed and/or flax oil in your diet in

sufficient quantities. These will definitely help, too.

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Oh, and while it is possible that you may be consuming too much

protein, the short answer is probably not.

My naturopath told me that I - and other type Os - should be consuming

my body weight in grams of protein. I weigh 164 pounds so I should be

consuming 164 grams of protein. I doubt that you are even coming

close! It's a lot of food.

Here's my daily schedule of food. Some days it seems that my day

revolves around eating, drinking and working out. Okay, it doesn't

seem that way, it IS that way!!


Another way of looking at it is by ratio. 45% of your daily calories

should be coming from protein, 35% from carbs & 20% from protein.

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I am an A but have eaten well over 300 - 350grs/day when trying to get big.

It may be overkill, but I do feel awesome eating that much. 200-210lbs

RE: Protein in urine?

Oh, and while it is possible that you may be consuming too much

protein, the short answer is probably not.

My naturopath told me that I - and other type Os - should be consuming

my body weight in grams of protein. I weigh 164 pounds so I should be

consuming 164 grams of protein. I doubt that you are even coming

close! It's a lot of food.

Here's my daily schedule of food. Some days it seems that my day

revolves around eating, drinking and working out. Okay, it doesn't

seem that way, it IS that way!!


Another way of looking at it is by ratio. 45% of your daily calories

should be coming from protein, 35% from carbs & 20% from protein.

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some of the symptoms sound a lot like EFA deficiencies too... Are you

getting enough omega-3 and omega-6? Do you know what amounts you are getting

of each? their ratio to each other in your diet? How many carbs do you

typically eat in a day?

If thyroid is going hypo possibly tyrosine, kelp, selenium?

RE: Protein in urine?


> Andree;


> I'm glad to hear that your doctor ordered some additional tests. I'm

> hoping that there is nothing to worry about.


> Good luck,



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Re: Protein in urine?

some of the symptoms sound a lot like EFA deficiencies too... Are you

getting enough omega-3 and omega-6? Do you know what amounts you are


of each? their ratio to each other in your diet? How many carbs do you

typically eat in a day?

If thyroid is going hypo possibly tyrosine, kelp, selenium?

RE: Protein in urine?


> Andree;


> I'm glad to hear that your doctor ordered some additional tests. I'm

> hoping that there is nothing to worry about.


> Good luck,



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Hi Andree,

I had the exact same problem. It took quite a few weeks or even around 3

months to shake, but when it did finally shake off, I felt stronger and had

more " long lasting " energy than ever. Drink LOTS of water during this

process. Whenever you feel very fluey, have a couple of glasses of water.

It seems to be some kind of detox and you will feel better if you up the

water. I am not sure if you read my post ages ago, but I was VERY lacking

protein - it was affecting my skin and everything in my life. So I've gone

through very simular to you.

In the past I would think going on a diet of fruit and veg ONLY would send

me on a detox. It was so strange to have a diet of MEAT and EGGS etc send

me on one of the biggest detoxes of my life! But so is the case for us O's.

As far as the protein in the urine, was your doctor meaning ketones? If so,

it is a great thing. The medico's normally think this is bad, but it is

actually great unless you have certain illness. This is talked about in the

book " Dr Atins Revolutionary Diet "


-----Original Message-----

Hello everyOne,

I am a Type O Neg, Female. And I have recently began following this list and

eating better for my blood type. Lots of protein, chicken, turkey burgers,

free range eggs, fish, some feta, only Rye bread (no flour or wheat) on

occasion, lhealthy organic veggies, green pepper, red peppers, celery,

carrots, fruit...

Before this, I hardly ever consumed protein, meat, fish, eggs, or especially

red meat which I still am not eating.:o) And so I guess you could say I was

likely very much lacking in protein. Changing my diet to better suit a Type

O has made a great difference in how I feel. And I am losing weight too! :o)

Thank You everyOne.

So here I am, eating healthier than I ever have and feeling healthier

everyday, and then after two weeks of this I come down with the worse flu

bug, fever, cough, nausea, body aches..etc. I ever had. And this is the

first flu I've had in likely ten years. Five days later, when my body temp

reached 103F, I was being checked over by my physician, and upon urine

analysis he announces I have protein in my urine???

This may sound like a silly question, but can eating a lot of protein, cause

you to have protein in your urine?

Also, what is a secreter or non-secreter?

Thank You everyOne.

And Thank You . I greatly enJOY this list and all the valuable

information You generously offer.



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, There was no post again. Maybe your pc has a virus.

Re: Protein in urine?

some of the symptoms sound a lot like EFA deficiencies too... Are you

getting enough omega-3 and omega-6? Do you know what amounts you are


of each? their ratio to each other in your diet? How many carbs do you

typically eat in a day?

If thyroid is going hypo possibly tyrosine, kelp, selenium?

RE: Protein in urine?


> Andree;


> I'm glad to hear that your doctor ordered some additional tests. I'm

> hoping that there is nothing to worry about.


> Good luck,



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Kalab said: " , There was no post again. Maybe your pc has a virus. "

in response to a posting unrelated to the following:

I was thinking was re-posting the mess of mail to show that I was

basically clueless about what was REALLY going on... Then I started thinking

that I have no right to be playing a diagnosing M.D. but then I realized I

hadn't said anything of the sort... but I AM wondering what is happening...

I really wish Mr. Dekany (or someone) would share their thoughts on this

with everyone so we can all learn something...

RE: Protein in urine?

> >

> > Andree;

> >

> > I'm glad to hear that your doctor ordered some additional tests. I'm

> > hoping that there is nothing to worry about.

> >

> > Good luck,

> >

> >




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Instead of clicking on " delete " I clicked on " reply " , then somehow I sent

it. happened twice in like 3 days. I did post my thoughts. Here it is

again - but I am no MD either.

" " " " I maybe way off, but what if the body is getting rid of all the avoid

protein source consumed in the past? Getting sick like that is very normal.

It is like being held under water for a long time. Once you are let free,

you release the air you were holding in. Except the detox process is never

fun. Remember how you are feeling now every time you reach for an Avoid in

the future.

The healthiest diet plan is the blood type diet. Toxins must come out

somehow. Anything " weird " that happens during the cleansing process, we must

blame our previous dietary habits. Hope this clears up things for you


love " " "

another reply from me:

" " " " " " " I am an A but have eaten well over 300 - 350grs/day when trying to

get big. It may be overkill, but I do feel awesome eating that much.

200-210lbs " " " " " " "

Re: Protein in urine?

Kalab said: " , There was no post again. Maybe your pc has a

virus. "

in response to a posting unrelated to the following:

I was thinking was re-posting the mess of mail to show that I was

basically clueless about what was REALLY going on... Then I started


that I have no right to be playing a diagnosing M.D. but then I realized I

hadn't said anything of the sort... but I AM wondering what is


I really wish Mr. Dekany (or someone) would share their thoughts on this

with everyone so we can all learn something...

RE: Protein in urine?

> >

> > Andree;

> >

> > I'm glad to hear that your doctor ordered some additional tests.


> > hoping that there is nothing to worry about.

> >

> > Good luck,

> >

> >




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That's pretty funny. You actually accidentally pressed " reply " , then you

accidentally presses " send " - that's so funny. Sorry - maybe it's just my

Aussie humour sending me laughing about that - do you guys see how funny

that is?

-----Original Message-----

Instead of clicking on " delete " I clicked on " reply " , then somehow I sent

it. happened twice in like 3 days. I did post my thoughts. Here it is

again - but I am no MD either.

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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest

My son was getting a physical yesterday and had protein in his urine

(sample taken in late afternoon). They asked for a first-morning urine

sample today, and that was negative for protein. So this tells me that

he has benign orthostatic proteinuria, i.e. when standing, his kidneys

dump protein in the urine. When lying down, his kidneys don't dump

protein in the urine.

SO good news is that it is not kidney disease, and that he'll likely

outgrow it in adulthood. The concern I have though, is, is the loss of

protein during the day, every day, going to affect him? I can't help

but think that dumping protein is a bad thing, even if it's " not a

disease " .

Any experience/thoughts on the matter?



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