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MRI results

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In a message dated 4/8/2004 7:45:00 PM US Mountain Standard Time, jfw4359@... writes:

Dave I tried Imitrex but it made me feel funny so he put me on a different kind that starts with an R..I haven't tried it yet..They say it is roll ove rheadaches but I do also get migraines along with them..Say there is no cause..Now to me it seems there is a cause for everything..I get the sots in my eyes and all..

***********This sounds like food sensitivities/food intolerance to me....keep in mind that there is a difference in food allergies and sensitivities/intolerance. I have some articles in my library however, I am unable to get to them....I am on a friends puter as mine is in the shop....when I get it out remind me and I will send you some things to read.....

***********You might want to try a google search using the right meta tag (words) like food sensitivities, food allergies, food intolerance.....also on a second search put gluten free foods and you will understand how gluten intolerances can give you constant headaches.

**********If you are drinking "any" diet OR regular sodas then you are ingesting aspartame and other chemical sweetners, which cause constant headaches....BTW, there were 3 lawsuits filed in 3 different California courts against Coke, Pepsi, Wrigley's and 9 other companies for using the 2% law and putting this deadly poison into regular sodas, yogurt, medications, baby products, etc., etc., I will post more about the lawsuits when I get back on or find the document in my mail...

**********Another thought is dairy.....milk, cheese, and other dairy products....

Chocolate also causes chronic headaches in some folks....

*********I hope this has given you some food for thought....

Angel Huggzz

or Angel


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  • 3 years later...
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On Fri, 01 Jun 2007 01:12:02 -0000, you wrote:

>I got my results back from my most recent MRI. To bring you up to

>date, a previous one from 11'06 showed a pituitary micro adenoma

>measuring 5X8mm. We did a current one to see if it has grown, and the

>most recent one didn't even show that?!? I'm definitely happy, but

>puzzled by those results. Still, going to see Dr. very soon,

>maybe June.


>God Bless,


Are you on medicine for it? If not, -sorry to disappoint- they may

just have missed it. They're essentially taking thin slices to look

for it, and the adenomas can be as small as the space between slices,

and it can fall in between.

But 5X 8 mm, is large to miss.

i'M GUESSING YOU'VE BEEN TAKING bromocriptine (Parlodel) or

cabergoline (Dostinex), in which case it actually could shrink.

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> >I got my results back from my most recent MRI. To bring you up to

> >date, a previous one from 11'06 showed a pituitary micro adenoma

> >measuring 5X8mm. We did a current one to see if it has grown, and the

> >most recent one didn't even show that?!? I'm definitely happy, but

> >puzzled by those results. Still, going to see Dr. very soon,

> >maybe June.

> >

> >God Bless,

> >Chris



> Are you on medicine for it? If not, -sorry to disappoint- they may

> just have missed it. They're essentially taking thin slices to look

> for it, and the adenomas can be as small as the space between slices,

> and it can fall in between.


> But 5X 8 mm, is large to miss.


> i'M GUESSING YOU'VE BEEN TAKING bromocriptine (Parlodel) or

> cabergoline (Dostinex), in which case it actually could shrink.



I actually haven't been taking anything for it. I don't understand how

it could show like that. But, don't look a gifthorse in the mouth...

God Bless,


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mine is 4mm and I'm in the clear. hope you're in the clear too.

vaiisking1026 <vaiisking@...> wrote: I got my results back from

my most recent MRI. To bring you up to

date, a previous one from 11'06 showed a pituitary micro adenoma

measuring 5X8mm. We did a current one to see if it has grown, and the

most recent one didn't even show that?!? I'm definitely happy, but

puzzled by those results. Still, going to see Dr. very soon,

maybe June.

God Bless,



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  • 1 year later...
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I saw my Neurologist this past Friday to discuss the results of my MRI and he told me he had never had a patient that had as many damaged cells before. When I was diagnosed in 1998 the Neurologist said that I showed signs of having MS since my early pre-teen years, and have always had much activity on my MRI's. The way I look at it, MS is a debilitating disease and some show signs of having it. I took my first dose of LDN last night, hoping it'll help me if/when I have my next 'Pseudo-relapse' {false relapse due to pushing oneself to do more than one with MS should do}.

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  • 1 year later...

This message is for EVERYONE that has been diagnosed with MS!!!!


Have you been tested for Lyme disease. And by tested I mean...have you had an

IgM and IgG Western Blot panel performed by IGENEX Labs in California.

I highly encourage you to try Samento TOA-Free Cat's Claw for two months or have

your doctor prescribe you a trial run of Doxycycline for 30-days and then be

tested by IGENEX.

Lyme is very stealthy and mimics MS related symptoms (I personally believe it to

be the primary cause of MS) and if it gets into your CNS over a long time,

causes MS like scarring and lesions on your MRI.

Please, please, please! Take the steps to rule out Lyme Disease. LDN alone

will not cure you if your MS is the result of a systemic bacterial infection

like Lyme.

LDN is great for helping you fight the good fight though by strengthening your

immune system and keeping a chronic disease from compromising it.

In order to have the best possible chance of detecting it and not getting a

false negative on your tests, you must successfully treat it for a period of 2

weeks to 2 months. This way your immune system can generate the appropriate

antibodies that will show up on the test. If you aren't doing anything to treat

it, your tests will come back negative and the doctor will want to keep you on

what ever CRAB therapy he's currently advocating.

Best way to ensure you have the best possible chance of detecting the Lyme

bacteria in your system is to do this:

1) You can take Samento for a month or two and work your way up to 30 drops

twice daily. If you have Lyme, you will herx like a mo fo after a couple days.

2) Another way is to ask the Doctor to prescribe, just as a precautionary test,

30 days of Doxycycline (Also have him prescribe Nystatin to control yeast

buildup while you are taking the abx). It can't hurt you if you don't have Lyme

or its co-infections, but if for some reason that is what's been causing your

MS, you WILL herx and begin to feel pretty horrible.

If you herx on the abx or on the Samento, immediately have your doctor order an

IgM and IgG Western Blot panel from IGENEX Labs in California. The reason

is...Quest, Labcorp, and the other national labs that most doctors use DO NOT

check bands 31 and 34 on the test. These bands are specific to borellia

burgdoferi (the bacteria that causes Lyme disease) and do not cross reference to

any other bacteria.

The labs exclude these bands because the CDC prevents them from reading them.

IGENEX Labs is the only lab that I'm aware of that reads these bands (#31 and

#34) and is much, much, much more accurate for testing to see if you have it.

If you are successfully killing the bugs (i.e. you are herxing on doxycycline or

on Samento) you will have the correct antibodies showing up in your system and

it will show up on the test.

It the surest way to confirm you have it.

I know this isn't a Lyme forum. But there are so many people with MS that are

posting on this newsgroup that haven't a clue that their MS could actually be

Lyme Disease. I have lived through this. I want to help as many people as I


If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me off group at anytime.

For Deb...Good luck to ya sister.

My best.



> I was diagnosed with MS in 1995. Yesterday I had my first MRI after starting

LDN a year ago. The course of my MRIs had been stable for 11 years before there

was an increase in the number and size of my lesions 4 years ago. LDN is the

first " standard " medication I have taken, treating with CAM therapies instead (5

element acupuncture & homeopathy mostly.


> In my opinion, the results of my MRI were inconclusive. Whereas there was no

increase in number and size as there had been in the previous 2 MRIs, there were

several active lesions. Does this mean the LDN is not effective? (I have gotten

my Candida under control) Could it be the active lesions were solely a result

of the nasty viral flu I had 2 weeks ago? My doctor will continue to prescribe

me LDN but wants me to go on methotrexate instead (I am hesitant and resistant).


> Any feedback or advice is welcome. I feel confused and concerned and want to

make a well informed decision.


> Thanks, Deb


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It's also best to find a lyme literate doctor to perform these tests, most

doctors want to go with the CDC tests and guidelines and lyme is missed that way

a good 80% of the time.



> >

> > I was diagnosed with MS in 1995. Yesterday I had my first MRI after starting

LDN a year ago. The course of my MRIs had been stable for 11 years before there

was an increase in the number and size of my lesions 4 years ago. LDN is the

first " standard " medication I have taken, treating with CAM therapies instead (5

element acupuncture & homeopathy mostly.

> >

> > In my opinion, the results of my MRI were inconclusive. Whereas there was no

increase in number and size as there had been in the previous 2 MRIs, there were

several active lesions. Does this mean the LDN is not effective? (I have gotten

my Candida under control) Could it be the active lesions were solely a result

of the nasty viral flu I had 2 weeks ago? My doctor will continue to prescribe

me LDN but wants me to go on methotrexate instead (I am hesitant and resistant).

> >

> > Any feedback or advice is welcome. I feel confused and concerned and want

to make a well informed decision.

> >

> > Thanks, Deb

> >


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Yes! I meant to say earlier that if your current doctors tell you " no, we don't

need to do that " , you tell him, " you're FIRED! " and then find a doctor that


Seriously....do NOT let the medical establishment screw you over. Be YOUR own

best advocate.

I NEVER would have discovered the real cause for my issues if I had just sat

back and blindly accepted what I was initially told.

Finding a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor is the most important first step you can


Thanks for the assist on this.

- KenC.



> It's also best to find a lyme literate doctor to perform these tests, most

doctors want to go with the CDC tests and guidelines and lyme is missed that way

a good 80% of the time.



> ========

> ========

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I totally agree...i have found out after years of major health issues, that i have chronic Lyme.

It never accrued to me that I could have it, not knowing anything about it....now that i have learned more about it, i was so surprised that it was never even considered by any doctors as to even bring up the possibility of Lyme. Now I am not so surprised, seeing that most doctors dont know anything about it either!!!!

So many it seems are chronic before they even find out....so good advise Ken.


From: cleremond2000 <cleremond2000@...>Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: MRI resultslow dose naltrexone Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009, 6:57 PM

Yes! I meant to say earlier that if your current doctors tell you "no, we don't need to do that", you tell him, "you're FIRED!" and then find a doctor that will.Seriously... .do NOT let the medical establishment screw you over. Be YOUR own best advocate.I NEVER would have discovered the real cause for my issues if I had just sat back and blindly accepted what I was initially told.Finding a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor is the most important first step you can take.Thanks for the assist on this.- KenC.>> > It's also best to find a lyme literate doctor to perform these tests, most doctors want to go with the CDC tests

and guidelines and lyme is missed that way a good 80% of the time.> > > ========> ========

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I totally agreed with Ken. I have gotten thru simialr experience. Now I am on 4.5 mg LND very 4 days and the jury of LDN's effectivenss on lyme is still out. Will keep you posted..


From: cleremond2000 <cleremond2000>Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: MRI resultslow dose naltrexoneDate: Thursday, October 22, 2009, 6:57 PM

Yes! I meant to say earlier that if your current doctors tell you "no, we don't need to do that", you tell him, "you're FIRED!" and then find a doctor that will.Seriously... .do NOT let the medical establishment screw you over. Be YOUR own best advocate.I NEVER would have discovered the real cause for my issues if I had just sat back and blindly accepted what I was initially told.Finding a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor is the most important first step you can take.Thanks for the assist on this.- KenC.>> > It's also best to find a lyme literate doctor to perform these tests, most doctors want to go with the CDC tests and guidelines and lyme is missed that way a good 80%

of the time.> > > ========> ========

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I don't have MS but do have a condition in which MRIs can be a useful

tool. I would be surprised if the MRI machine had not been upgraded at

times over the 14 years, thus showing more lesions and also displaying

active lesions more clearly. Therefore, even IF your condition may not

have changed over that period improvements in technology may make it

appear as if you have. May not be the case but something to consider.

queeniequeenbeemalka wrote:

I was diagnosed with MS in 1995. Yesterday I had my first MRI after starting LDN a year ago. The course of my MRIs had been stable for 11 years before there was an increase in the number and size of my lesions 4 years ago. LDN is the first "standard" medication I have taken, treating with CAM therapies instead (5 element acupuncture & homeopathy mostly.

In my opinion, the results of my MRI were inconclusive. Whereas there was no increase in number and size as there had been in the previous 2 MRIs, there were several active lesions. Does this mean the LDN is not effective? (I have gotten my Candida under control) Could it be the active lesions were solely a result of the nasty viral flu I had 2 weeks ago? My doctor will continue to prescribe me LDN but wants me to go on methotrexate instead (I am hesitant and resistant).

Any feedback or advice is welcome. I feel confused and concerned and want to make a well informed decision.

Thanks, Deb

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