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The Vaccine-Autism Story: Trust Your Government, or Be a Patriot and Get on Goog

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The Vaccine-Autism Story: Trust Your Government, or Be a Patriot and Get

on Google



Posted March 7, 2008 | 01:33 PM (EST)

By Kirby

Read More: Autism <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/autism> ,

Autism Thimerosal <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/autism-thimerosal>

, Autism Vaccines <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/autism-vaccines> ,

Concession <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/concession> , Google

<http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/google> , Hannah Poling

<http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/hannah-poling> , Hhs

<http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/hhs> , Mercury

<http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/mercury> , Poling

<http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/poling> , Vaccines

<http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/vaccines> ,

Breaking Living News <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/living>

A big autism bomb

<http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/conditions/03/06/vaccines.autism/> went

off yesterday, about how US medical personnel had determined that

vaccines had aggravated a little girl's mitochondrial disorder,

resulting in autism. Now, the American people are left to interpret what

it all means.

Here is a handy guide. You can:

A) Blindly trust what government officials are saying (or not saying)


B) Invest 30 minutes in the future of your nation's young people (do it

now, over a nice, warm latte!) and go Google for yourself.


Yesterday, Dr E. Jarris, Executive Director of the Association of

State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) sent an email to his

colleague, DeBlois, on how officials should respond to the glaring

headlines emanating from Atlanta.

" You may have seen the recent media interest in a vaccine-autism lawsuit

which was settled by the federal government, " he wrote. Apparently,

someone in the federal government had reached Dr. Jarris and told him to

pass on the following (internal) explanation:

The case was settled because the vaccine worsened the child's underlying

and previously undiagnosed disorder, causing impaired brain function.

These symptoms of impaired brain function then led to an autism spectrum

disorder. The federal government maintains that vaccines do not cause

autism, and that this case does not indicate any change in their

position on the issue.

TRANSLATION (An Anti-Syllogism): " Vaccines cause brain impairment, and

brain impairments cause autism. Therefore vaccines do not cause autism. "

Meanwhile yesterday, back in Washington, Bush administration officials

would not comment on the case, saying they needed permission, " from the

person who submitted the information " to the court.

TRANSLATION (Auto-Censorship): " We really, really want to explain WHY we

folded like a tent without so much as a whisper of a defense, but that

would require asking permission from our lawyer (the DOJ), which we are

unwilling to do.

And most recently, CDC Director Gerberding told the media that the

American people need to " set aside this very isolated, unusual

situation, " even though " the court apparently made the decision that it

is fair to say that vaccinations may have been one of the

precipitators. "

TRANSLATION: (Middlebrow Bureaucratese) " I am either an exceedingly

ignorant, untruthful or misleading Director, because there is no

evidence at all that this situation is 'isolated and unusual' (indeed,

the evidence points to the opposite), and because the court 'decision'

was not made by the court at all, but rather by medical doctors who work

for the US Secretary of Health and Human Services, " otherwise known as

Dr. Gerberding's boss.


Google " autism and mitochondria,

<http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient & ie=UTF-8 & rls=GGLD,GGLD:\

2004-21,GGLD:en & q=autism+and+mitochondria> " (96,900 hits) and then

Google " mercury and mitochondria

<http://www.google.com/search?hl=en & rls=GGLD%2CGGLD%3A2004-21%2CGGLD%3Ae\

n & q=mercury+and+mitochondria & btnG=Search> , " (169,000 hits) and draw

your own, informed conclusions.

Now, enjoy your coffee (and your good citizenship).

PS: The next time someone tells you that this girl does not have autism,

but only the " symptoms " of autism, you tell them that the definition of

autism is having the symptoms of autism. Period. Hannah Poling has

autism as defined by every medical book, on every shelf, in every

library -- including at the colleges where all these government

officials received their degrees.

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