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Vaccine Reactions

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You said the doctors were upset at you for not giving Tylenol? So they

are blaming parents if their kids have a reaction after immunizations.

I'm starting to think the medical field is evil instead of the saviors

of mankind like they want us to believe. C.

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In a message dated 11/28/00 9:18:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, ckcarlson@... writes:

<<,You said the doctors were upset at you for not giving Tylenol? So they

are blaming parents if their kids have a reaction after immunizations.>>

i can remember one of the first things that started to alert me to the suspicion that vaccines weren't the medical wonder i had always believed them to be, was when the ped. told me to give my child tylenol immediately following his injections...my sister's bestfriends ped. told her to give her daughter tylenol even before the vax was administered. he instructs his patients to dose up their child before they even come in to the office for the vax!! it made me wonder what exactly they were trying to hide from me--how bad the reaction might really be?? that's what made me start to investigate the truth behind the vaccines...they don't want you to realize how badly your child may be hurting from this "life-saving" procedure, so if your child is already doped up, then maybe they won't complain so loudly. that is sick!!!!!! i never gave my kids any pain killer--if they were gonna have any reaction--i !

wanted to know about it!! now, of course, that's jsut one of the things that i no longer need to worry about!! :o)


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At 10:05 PM 11/24/2000 -0600, you wrote:

>You said the doctors were upset at you for not giving Tylenol? So they

>are blaming parents if their kids have a reaction after immunizations.

>I'm starting to think the medical field is evil instead of the saviors

>of mankind like they want us to believe. C.

Take it from me, a former Pediatric Nurse - the things I'm hearing now days

are SO disturbing and things have really changed.

And TYLENOL and other such things may be part of the problem! It is very

hard on the liver which is already having to process the vaccine toxins and

may actually be what does the child in!

So, many of us don't recommend Tylenol.








Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA



" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

KVMR Broadcaster/Programmer/Investigative Reporter, Nevada City CA

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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  • 4 years later...

Yes,ofcourse vaccines don't cause any problems,lol.

Link her to the page in my sig below.She needs to file with vaers first,and then

with the NVICP if there is damage enough needing medical care.She should NOT do

this through the doctor.She needs to also get a copy of the medical file,and NOT

say anything to the staff about filing with VAERS or NVICP.She will need all the

lot numbers and such things.


We are selling our condo

http://www.era.com/erabin/listing?Property=1527506 & Agent=90847

Injured by a vaccine? http://www.hrsa.gov/osp/vicp/

Circumcision hurts us all:http://peacefulbeginnings.cjb.net/


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At 07:54 AM 01/15/2005 -0600, you wrote:


>There's a girl on my Mommy group that supports vaccines, of course. Her 1

>year old got HIB and Chickenpox shots on Monday and STILL have a 104 fever.

>Now a double ear infection. She thinks the shots caused the fever and the

>fever caused the ear infections (he didn't have the ear infections on

>Tuesday or Wednesday). In what order does this happen?

No, fevers don't cause ear infections. Fever from vaccine, ear infections

from vaccine

All related but doctor will say no


>Her Dr. completely denies the connection to the vaccines and she doesn't

>believe him. I'm working on getting her to look into it more!!

Of course he will but he is WRONG


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Classical Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

vaccineinfo@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Vaccine Dangers On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccineclass.htm

Homeopathy On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm




" Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down.

Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy

knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information

and religions destroy spirituality " .... Ellner

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Yes everything should be filed with VAERS that might be a reaction.


And she needs to see a homepath to deal with this once and for all and

learn about the dangers of vaccines.


At 06:10 AM 01/15/2005 -0800, you wrote:


>Yes,ofcourse vaccines don't cause any problems,lol.

>Link her to the page in my sig below.She needs to file with vaers

first,and then with the NVICP if there is damage enough needing medical

care.She should NOT do this through the doctor.She needs to also get a copy

of the medical file,and NOT say anything to the staff about filing with

VAERS or NVICP.She will need all the lot numbers and such things.




> We are selling our condo

http://www.era.com/erabin/listing?Property=1527506 & Agent=90847

> Injured by a vaccine? http://www.hrsa.gov/osp/vicp/

>Circumcision hurts us all:http://peacefulbeginnings.cjb.net/














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  • 3 years later...

Is it just me or does anyone else notice it is hard to find any

negative information on vaccines right now. When my older son got DTP,

I remembered finding some information on brain swelling and some

connection to when they started using thimerasol. I have been

searching, and can't find it or anything much related. I feel like

there is some major protection of info. going on out there right now

because of the controversy, is it just me?

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It is out there, but certainly not in the main stream media like it

should be. There is a MAJOR effort to squash the growing concern.

The March/April 2008 edition of Well Being Journal has a special

section on vaccines. It has articles talking about vaccines being

motivated more by profit than science, coverage of the Prince

County, MD threat to arrest parents who didn't comply with school

vaccine requirements, book reviews questioning vaccine safety, and

reporting that flu vaccines still contain mercury...

I doubt many read this magazine who aren't already aware of the

dangers, but I hope some people are enlightened. I picked it up at

our HFS today; I'd never seen the magazine before today.



> Is it just me or does anyone else notice it is hard to find any

> negative information on vaccines right now. When my older son got


> I remembered finding some information on brain swelling and some

> connection to when they started using thimerasol. I have been

> searching, and can't find it or anything much related. I feel like

> there is some major protection of info. going on out there right


> because of the controversy, is it just me?


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You really have to dig. You won't find stuff in mainstream media and

if you do it' s a blurb about a vaccine recall due to contamination.

No one mentions anything else and if they do suddenly their career is

under attack. It's a paid hush hush thing going on.

I will post the sites I have so far in my collection.

Some of these have articles, videos, etc.





http://www.starvingbrains.com/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=4 & tabid=2














There is more in the scientific realm if you look at research out there.

It's not just you. People are being paid to be quiet.


> Is it just me or does anyone else notice it is hard to find any

> negative information on vaccines right now. When my older son got DTP,

> I remembered finding some information on brain swelling and some

> connection to when they started using thimerasol. I have been

> searching, and can't find it or anything much related. I feel like

> there is some major protection of info. going on out there right now

> because of the controversy, is it just me?


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  • 11 months later...


This book should be in every home.


From: cassandra alls <cbsunshine@...>

MDCVC ; Vaccinations Group <Vaccinations >

Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 8:55:01 PM

Subject: Vaccine Reactions

One of the NJ Coalition leaders, who is also a mom to two vaccine-

injured children, researched all of the known vaccine side effects

and provided definitions for each. All parents should have the right

to make an informed vaccine choice for their children, but first we

need to know the risks versus the benefits and be familiar with the

side effect " terminology " used on package inserts and in the

Physicians Desk Reference. Also, if a child is suffering from chronic

or acute illness, it may be helpful to look up the symptoms on this

list to see if it is related to vaccines. This information was

presented to the vice-chair of the NJ Senate Health Committee to

support the Conscientious Exemption bill (A260/S1071) .


The Physician's Desk Reference is commonly referred to as " the

Doctor's Bible. " The PDR is a compilation of drug manufacturers'

information for prescription and over the counter drugs, critical to

doctors for safe prescribing. The information commonly emphasizes

warnings, contraindications and the known adverse reactions related

to specific pharmaceuticals.

The Physician's Desk Reference lists these causes of death associated

with vaccines: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS); anaphylactic

shock resulting from an allergic reaction to vaccine components;

encephalitis (inflammation of the brain); thrombocytopenia

(hemorrhaging to death) and " death " (cause unknown).

The Physician's Desk Reference lists these known adverse reactions

resulting from vaccination. Manufacturers state that widespread use

of vaccines can reveal adverse reactions not noted in clinical trials.

Abscess: A localized collection of pus anywhere in the body

surrounded and walled off by damaged and inflamed tissues, usually

caused by a local bacterial infection which the body has failed to


Agammaglobulinemia: A total deficiency of the plasma protein gamma


Anaphylaxis: An abnormal reaction to a particular antigen in which

histamine is released from tissues and causes either local or

systemic symptoms.

Anaphylactic Shock: An extremely serious, generalized allergic

reaction in which the widespread release of histamine causes

swelling, constriction of the bronchioles, heart failure, circulatory

collapse and sometimes death.

Angioedema: An allergic condition producing transient or persistent

swelling of areas of the skin accompanied by itching and usually

produced by allergies to food, drugs, substances or other allergens.

Apnea: Temporary cessation of breathing from any cause. Common in

newborns, it is related to crib death/ SIDS.

Arrhythmia: Irregularity or loss of rhythm of the heartbeat.

Aseptic Meningitis: A non-purulent form of meningitis usually caused

by viral infection.

Arthralgia: Pain in the joints without swelling or any other sign of


Arthritis: Inflammatory disease affecting the muscular walls of the

arteries due to connective tissue disease or infection such as syphilis.

Atrophy: The wasting away of a normally developed organ or tissue due

to the degeneration of cells.

Bell's Palsy: Paralysis of the facial nerve causing weakness of the

muscles of one side of the face and an inability to close the eye.

Conjunctivitis: Inflammation of the delicate mucus membrane that

covers the front of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelids,

causing a pus-containing or watery discharge usually caused by viral

or bacterial infection.

Convulsions: An involuntary contraction of the muscles producing

contortion of the body and limbs. Febrile convulsions are provoked by

a fever in otherwise healthy infants and children.

Deafness: partial or total loss of hearing in one or both ears.

Diabetes Mellitus: A chronic disorder of carbohydrate metabolism,

characterized by hyperglycemia and glycosuria, resulting from

inadequate production or utilization of insulin.

Dyspepsia: Disordered digestion, usually applied to pain or

discomfort in the lower chest or abdomen occurring after eating.

Dyspnea: Labored or difficult breathing due to the obstruction of the

flow of air into and out of the lungs; various diseases affecting the

tissues of the lungs.

Dysuria: Difficult or painful urination.

Ecchymosis: A bluish-black mark on the skin resulting from the

release of blood into the tissues either through injury or through

the spontaneous leaking of blood from the vessels.

Edema: Excessive accumulation of fluid in the body tissues.

Encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain caused by a viral or

bacterial infection; may also result from an allergic response to a

systemic viral illness or vaccination.

Encephalomyelitis: An acute inflammatory disease affecting the brain

and spinal cord. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis is a form of

delayed tissue hypersensitivity provoked by a mild infection or


Encephalopathy: Any of various diseases that affect the functioning

of the brain.

Erythema: Abnormal flushing of the skin caused by dilation of the

blood capillaries, often a sign of inflammation and infection. Also;

erythema nodosum; erythema multiform; erythema infectiosum.

Gastroenteritis: Inflammation of the stomach and intestine usually

due to acute infection by viruses or bacteria.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome: A disease of the peripheral nerves in which

there is numbness and weakness in the limbs. Usually develops

following a respiratory or gastrointestinal infection that provokes

an allergic response in the peripheral nerves.

Meningitis: An inflammation of the meninges of the brain resulting

from infection by viruses or bacteria.

Myalgia: Muscle pain.

Necrosis: The death of areas of tissues or bone surrounded by healthy


Neuralgia: Severe burning or stabbing pain often following the course

of a nerve.

Neuritis: Disease of the peripheral nerves showing the pathological

changes of inflammation.

Neuropathy: Any disease of the peripheral nerves usually causing

numbness or weakness. In polyneuropathy, many or all of the nerves

are involved and the symptoms are most profound at the extremities of

the limbs.

Pancreatitis: Inflammation of the pancreas.

Paralysis: Muscle impairment or loss of muscle function that varies

in extent, severity and the degree of spasticity or flaccidity,

according to the nature of the underlying disease and its

distribution in the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves or muscles.

Paresthesia: A spontaneously occurring, abnormal tingling sensation

resulting from partial damage to the peripheral nerves or damage to

sensory fibers in the spinal cord.

Petechia: A small, round, flat, dark red spot caused by bleeding into

the skin or beneath the mucous membrane.

Poliomyelitis: Otherwise known as infant paralysis caused by an

infectious viral disease affecting the central nervous system.

Purpura: A skin rash resulting from bleeding into the skin from small

blood vessels, due either to defects in the capillaries or to a

deficiency of blood platelets.

Screaming Syndrome: Sudden, abnormal crying or screaming in infants

and children, characterized by loud, high pitched piercing sounds as

if provoked by extreme pain..

Sepsis: A putrefactive destruction of the tissues by disease-causing

bacteria or other toxins.

Sequela: Any disorder or pathological condition that results from a

preceding disease or accident.

Serum Sickness: A reaction that sometimes occurs 7-12 days after

injection of a foreign serum. The usual symptoms are rashes, fever,

joint pain and enlargement of the lymph nodes.

Spasm: A sustained, involuntary muscular contraction, which may

occur, either as part of a generalized disorder or as a local

response to an otherwise unconnected, painful condition.

Stupor: A condition of near unconsciousness with apparent mental

inactivity and reduced ability to respond to stimuli.

Syncope: Loss of consciousness induced by temporarily insufficient

flow of blood to the brain.

Thrombocytopenia: A reduction in the number of platelets in the

blood, resulting in bleeding into the skin, spontaneous bruising and

prolonged bleeding after injury due to failure of platelet production

or excessive destruction of the platelets.

Vasculitis: Inflammation of the walls of small blood vessels.

Definition source: The Bantam Medical Dictionary, copyright 2000 by

Market House Books, Ltd.

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