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The effect of DMSA on neutrophils

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Is there someone who can clarify something for me please? When Andy

writes that DMSA causes neutrophil numbers to fall, what exactly does

this mean? Do they fall while on round only? How long does a decline

typically last (a few days or weeks)? Do neutrophil numbers rise on

their own after chelation stops or do they need help getting back up?

How fast to they rise?

I've been trying to understand why my daughter has been getting sick a

lot lately with infections and have been reading about the effect of

DMSA on neutrophils. Low neutrophils is a a possible explanation for

her repeated illnesses, especially since she is also very yeasty

(another effect of low neutrophils) and I suspect she has parasites or

worms (I read a post of Andy's that ringworms can result from low


BUT, she had a routine blood test on June 27th, which showed

neutrophils within range (3358 /mm3, range 1500 to 7500 /mm3). I'm

assuming this level is OK since the DAN who analysed them said they

are " fine " .

Chelation previous to blood work was on weekends only, 1/8 mg per lb

DMSA & ALA. Rounds given were on weekends of May 9 - 12, June 20 - 23,

July 4 to 7. The bloodtest was drawn on June 27th, after one weekend

of chelation following a pause of a few weeks. So what can I conclude?

Is it possible that her neutrophils were down during chelation but

came back up after a pause and that when we tested, they were within

range again?

I also didn't realise that giving arginine helps neutrophils, but too

much without lysine can raise susceptibility to certain infections.

I've been giving arginine without lysine, so I'm adding lysine again

as of today.

I want to chelate my daughter over the summer holidays but since we're

leaving the country, I can't risk doing this if she's going to get

sick. A trip to the hospital or doctor out of country will be

complicated & very costly.

If someone can help me with this, I just may be able to have some time

to enjoy the summer instead of spending all my time at the PC trying

to figure things out while another beautiful day passes me by yet

again ;-(

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