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The FDR Polio Myth

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I recently watched the made for HBO movie Warm Springs. The script

claimed that FDR contracted polio while drinking contaminated water

during a photo-op with some Boy Scouts.

I remembered that quite some time ago I read lin Roosevelt's own

account of what happened, or how he says he got sick. The script

didn't seem honest in comparison to my memory.

A quick side here, there is nothing wrong with revising history

provided that something new has been discovered which corrects

something which has been wrong traditionally. For example, the myth

that Autism is genetic. We all know that there is no such thing as an

outbreak or epidemic of genetics. And, of course, before that the

fickled-finger of fate implicating falsely that Autism was caused by

refrigerator moms.

I myself, did some investigating and discovered that the

proliferation of mercury usage during the Great War may factor in

some cases of shell shock, which had not been medically described

before the advent of cartridge munitions.

There is, however, something wrong with CDC-style revisionism, or

what Wikipedia refers to as the 'illegitimate manipulation of history

for political purposes " .

I didn't find the actual essay FDR had written, but I did find a 2003

study concerning his diagnosis, including bits of narrative

concerning how FDR got sick.



Included in the case report was the following restatement of what

happened according to FDR, noting no mention of Boy Scouts. I have

eliminated the footnote numbers:

Case report

In August 1921, when FDR was 39 years of age, he

and his family went on holiday to Campobello

Island, New Brunswick. On the afternoon of 9

August he fell into the cold waters of the Bay of

Fundy. He was chilled but uninjured.

The next day (10 August) he and his three oldest

children went sailing on the Bay of Fundy. They

stopped to put out a fire on the island, which took

several hours, and then jogged a few miles across

Campobello Island to swim in Lake Glen Severnand the Bay.

Roosevelt later said, ``I didn't get the usual reaction,

the glow I'd expected''. He walked slowly back to the

house, complained of a ``slight case of lumbago'', felt ``too tired

even to dress'' and had chills. He climbed the stairs

unassisted and retired early to sleep. The chill

``lasted practically all night''

The next morning (11 August), one leg was weak

and by afternoon it was paralyzed. That evening

the other leg began to weaken. By the following

day (12 August) he could not stand because of the

bilateral paralysis. His temperature was 102.

He ``felt thoroughly achy all over''. ``There was

no special pain along the spine and no rigidity

of the neck''. The family physician, Dr E E

from Lubec, examined him and declared

he had a ``heavy cold''. FDR was unable to sit

unaided, presumably because of muscular weakness.

His legs were numb.


His skin and muscles had developed a sensitivity to touch so

painful that he could not stand the pressure of the bedclothes,

and even the movement of the slightest breeze across his skin

caused acute distress.

By 13 August he was paralyzed from the chest


As I read the entire study it became clear that FDR never had Polio.

He had Guillain-Barre Syndrome. (Ghee-lawn Bare-Ray)

Again, there's nothing wrong with historical revisionism. Many great

discoveries have come from research by those curious enough to

revisit historical events and finding something wrong then correct it.

The Warm Springs movie, as much as I initially liked it, is a bad

attempt to manipulate history for political purposes. It's my guess

that CDC media scholars have their fingerprints all over the script.

It's part of the " engineering of consent " scheme.

On the other hand, the 2003 study correctly revises that episode of

history using a new perspective. GBS was first medically described in

clear detail in 1916.

What's more, I did archival work and discovered that there were a lot

more vaccines in play at that period than I had previously thought. I

already know that the rich were typically the most vaccinated. FDR

was rich.

I also learned that Campobello Island is in Canada. Being that it was

1921 meant authorities at the north border still had the " Spanish

Flu " pandemic on their minds and travel policies may very well have

required vaccine compliance. Shots have historically been customary

for travel.

I do know that GBS is an adverse reaction to vaccination. GBS and

death from vaccination stopped the Swine Flu crusade in the 1970s.

Not a single case of Swine flu was ever diagnosed. People were

dropping dead exiting the building after receiving their shot.

So FDR may have actually been a victim of vaccine injury and the Warm

Springs movie was created by the social engineers to skew the truth

and sow the myth.

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