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I thought I would share my experiences with others on this site.

I am 50 and have suffered from psoriasis since the age of 17.Around

1987 I began to experience aches and pains in my elbows, knees and

toes.This was diagnosed by my GP as ' An early arthropathy', I was

prescribed Voltarol as an anti-inflammatory, which seemed to help.

However, the cold damp British winters were totally unsympathetic to

my plight, and I had more than one or two 'bad days'.I was a foot

patrol Police officer at this time, so having dodgy toes and knees

was no fun!

Around 1990, I transferred to Detective duties, which obviously

involved less physical exercise.At the time I remember taking a long

time to heave myself out of bed and, on a bad day walking downstairs

sideways to ease the pressure on my knees.

The arthritis was not improving nor was my psoriasis; nor my general

physical and mental health.

In 1992, I was retired from the police on ill-health grounds, mostly

due to my problems coping with the above.

After about a year or so later[ my memory gets worse!] , I was

prescribed hydroxyurea once daily.

Whether purely co-incidental or not I noticed a gradual improvement

in my PS and my arthritis.So much so that in mid 1993 I applied to

rejoin the Police.

The inevitable medicals ensued.I was then told that I would have to

re-take the Police 'Fitness Test' before my application could be

considered further.

I made the mistake of not preparing for the Ist test and failed

miserably.I stuck at it, building up my speed strength and stamina,

until I finally passed the test in late 1993.I would add that by this

time my arthritis had disappeared COMPLETELY and my skin was better

than it had been for years.

Shortly afterwards I rejoined the Police where I still am to this day.

My psoriasis waxes and wanes and I now have problems with my neck and

shoulders, which I am told is 'calcification of the neck ligaments'.

However my quality of life is many times better than it was, whether

attributable to drugs, exercise, good luck or co-incidence I don't

know, but I thought I would strike a positive note!

Tip1.. Buy an oatmeal colour lounge carpet if you are psoriatic,

trebles the life expectancy of your vaccuum cleaner!

Tip2.. Several years ago on British TV there was a musical black

comedy called 'THE SINGING DETECTIVE', written by a bloke called

Dennis Potter. Dennis was a very famous playwright who happened to

suffer very badly from Psoriatic Arthritis, he is sadly now dead [

from cancer.] The piece was allegedly semi-auto-biographical and was

very well received.It was funny sad and very thought provoking,

focussing almost entirely on his illness.Check it out if available in

the US.

Love and Peace to all.

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