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Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and a pet puppy

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Why don't you print out a copy of the article and take it to your

rheumy. Perhaps he/she can take a nose swab and have it tested. I'm

going to start Remicade soon and I definitely plan on doing that

myself. They test you for latent Tuberculosis prior to starting

Remicade, and it sounds like this is definitely something that should

be tested for as well.

Here are a couple of particular scary paragraphs from the article you


" ... the new strain [of staphylococcus aureus] became totally

resistant to vancomycin, the longtime drug of last defense against

it. "

" Staph aureus can live innocuously in the nose of a healthy person.

About 5 to 10 percent of Michiganders have it and don't know it, said

Brown, a Wayne State University pathology professor. If it

infects the blood, however, it can quickly become fatal, PARTICULARLY


Can you imagine the effects this bacteria would have on those of us

taking immune suppressing DMARDS who have staphylococcus aureus

living " innocuously in the nose " if we were to get a nose bleed for

some reason!?

On a somewhat related note, I ran across an article about the " Flesh

Eating " Streptococcus bacteria at:


" Doctors believe Chavez suffered a small cut or bug bite that was

then infected with a common bacteria called Streptococcus that

eventually killed him [four days later]. "


" Doctors at UNM Hospital say the bacteria are more common in New

Mexico than elsewhere in the U.S. Doctors says they see a serious

case of the bacteria once every two weeks while hospitals in other

states diagnose the bacteria as infrequently as one a year. "


" Doctors at UNM say these infections are more common than many people

believe. They say all that's needed to become infected is to have the

Strepp bacteria come into contact with an open cut or abrasion.

Doctors say the first signs of the bacteria are severe pain around

the cut as well as dizziness. "

With all the bad news, I thought I'd try to find something good to

read about, so you might want to read this story of a pet Beagle that

was freed from a pipe through the efforts of three fire departments,

several police units, two animal control officers, and dozens of

volunteers after 36 hours of efforts. It was chronicled by local

television crews:



-- Ron

> http://www.freep.com/news/health/nstaph12_20021112.htm


> anyone know how to find a pathologist to be tested for this

> kind of stuff? All the pathologists i talk to say they dont

> work on patients..

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In a message dated 11/14/02 1:19:08 AM Central Standard Time,

newjersey23@... writes:

> Think about....how many of us have had sinus infections all of the time

> prior to developing PA... Its most likely the anti-biotics that made us

> sick

> with PA.. Penicillin is made out of a mold for crying out loud..



I've made similar statements before but met with more scepticism than hmmmm's

and just as you mention it seems penicillin is the culprit. On the other

hand if not for penicillin I truly believe the strep throat would have killed

me at least 3 times so I wouldnt have been here to complain of psoriasis.

It could be that my body finally said to heck with it and decided to go into

overdrive all the time to keep from getting strep again and apparently it

worked. I had strep throat every thanksgiving from age 8 till 20 and

sometimes twice a winter. Since the psor showed up I havent had strep throat

again. Heck of a trade off I would say. Orin

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In a message dated 11/14/02 1:27:44 AM Central Standard Time,

newjersey23@... writes:

> So the anti-biotic that i was on when i had my last sinus

> infection probably turned that bacteria into a super one that is resistant

> to all forms of therapy... The result = psoriatic arthritis

I also recall that anti-biotic was either zithromax or


Hmmmmm Orin

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More bacteria crazyness here :


I have a feeling this is just going to get worse in our world... With all

the doctors these days handing out anti-biotics like their growing on

trees.. What we are doing is turning these ordinary bacterias into

super-mutant type bacterias..

Think about....how many of us have had sinus infections all of the time

prior to developing PA... Its most likely the anti-biotics that made us sick

with PA.. Penicillin is made out of a mold for crying out loud.. So could we

sue our doctors now for prescribing anti-biotics? Wouldnt be surprised if it

started happening..

I know for a fact that my form of PA is bacteria/yeast related... Any type

of food makes my PA bad in everyway... The bacteria is feeding off the foods

i eat.... If i drink water and eat salad all day, i feel great..


>Why don't you print out a copy of the article and take it to your


Because doctors are dumb.. They dont care about what we have to say.. And

they certainly dont have the time to read our foolish articles that we print

up from the internet.. They'll just throw one of those " Dont believe what

you read on the internet " lines... The best thing is for us to do our own

detective work... If you try proving you know more then the doctor, they

will just look at you like your crazy..so whats the use? Maybe its just the

doctors here in jersey...or maybe their just so antsy to get to their next



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Another interesting note i'd like to make about the sinus

infection/anti-biotics connection...

before i developed PA, i had sinus infections every month.... and this

occured throughout my whole life... i was miserable with sinus

infections....After my last sinus infection which was more then 5 years

ago!, i developed PA immediately after... Researchers have also said many

years ago that people with chronic sinus infections have some sort of

fungus/bacteria that stays in their nasal passages even after the infection

is cleared up.. So the anti-biotic that i was on when i had my last sinus

infection probably turned that bacteria into a super one that is resistant

to all forms of therapy... The result = psoriatic arthritis... The only good

thing out of this is no more sinus infections...(almost 6 years now) Which

makes it even more interesting if you think about it.. (immune to sinus

infections) I also recall that anti-biotic was either zithromax or


[Moderator's note: Why don't you ask your rheumy to take a nasal swab and

perhaps blood test to see if you have any unhealthy bacteria in your system?


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oops... forgot to mention.... it was a bout with strep throat when I was 19 that

triggered my P......Did not develop PA until about three years ago. (I am now


Hey Orin--how did the dr appt go? Did you go yet?

LeAnn & Blossom

Heart Bandits American Eskimo Dog Rescue

Railroad Coordinator


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In a message dated 11/14/02 12:12:25 PM Central Standard Time,

DeafEskie@... writes:

> oops... forgot to mention.... it was a bout with strep throat when I was 19

> that triggered my P......Did not develop PA until about three years ago. (I

> am now 36).


> Hey Orin--how did the dr appt go? Did you go yet?



Hi LeAnn There was a mix-up so I'm rescheduled for the 26th this month. Do

you remember what antibiotic was used to treat the strep throat? Orin

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I have NO IDEA what antibiotic we used to clear up the strep--but it was a

trustworthy one, I do know that--most likely Keflex, as it was my old family GP

that had delivered me that treated that first bout of strep throat. We know it

was not the Keflex that caused the P to appear. It is becoming apparent that

Psoriasis is also sometimes seen in indivduals with Congenital Rubella Syndrome

(CRS), as well as my paternal grandmother had what must have been psoriasis in

her scalp and on elbows. So.. who knows? But we do know for sure it was the

strep that triggered mine off......

LeAnn & Blossom

Heart Bandits American Eskimo Dog Rescue

Railroad Coordinator


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>I had strep throat every thanksgiving from age 8 till 20 and

>sometimes twice a winter. Since the psor showed up I havent had strep


>again. Heck of a trade off I would say. Orin

Same here...I had them since about age 8 to 22.... I developed PA at 22 and

no sinus infections since..i'm now 27.. It would be good if the researchers

had access to this discussion group... They could learn alot..

I also felt the same where you mentioned you probably would of died without

those anti-biotics at the time... My sinus infections were so severe and

painful.. I would have a sore throat that hurt SOOOOO bad...Everytime i'd

swallow it was like swallowing nails.. Fever, pain all over my body ,

confusion , coughing , stuffy nose...and i would have that every month...

Come to think of it, I think having PA is better then that...

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Hey Orin,

Me too, I had strep infections beginning in H.S. then stopped getting them in my

late thirties, then started having P and PA , although I didn't recognize the PA

in the beginning. I can remember having one bout with strep in college that

caused severe pain in every joint in my body until the penicillan shot kicked

in. Like you, I think I might not have made it without penicillan! Haven't

had any strep infections since late thirties. I started having sinus infections

when I turned 40 and it seemed I would constantly get colds that developed into

sinus and upper respiratory infections ( I read someone else's post with the

same thing). After a few years my body finally gave into fibromyalgia syndrome

from the PA plus all of the other effects that go along with PA, and I

experienced complete collapse. Three months later I went back to work full

time, then experienced collapse again after four months. I haven't had a cold

or sinus infection since I quit working over two years ago.

It is a heck of a trade off!


Re: [ ] Re: Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and a pet


In a message dated 11/14/02 1:19:08 AM Central Standard Time,

newjersey23@... writes:

> Think about....how many of us have had sinus infections all of the time

> prior to developing PA... Its most likely the anti-biotics that made us

> sick

> with PA.. Penicillin is made out of a mold for crying out loud..



I've made similar statements before but met with more scepticism than hmmmm's

and just as you mention it seems penicillin is the culprit. On the other

hand if not for penicillin I truly believe the strep throat would have killed

me at least 3 times so I wouldnt have been here to complain of psoriasis.

It could be that my body finally said to heck with it and decided to go into

overdrive all the time to keep from getting strep again and apparently it

worked. I had strep throat every thanksgiving from age 8 till 20 and

sometimes twice a winter. Since the psor showed up I havent had strep throat

again. Heck of a trade off I would say. Orin

Please visit our Psoriatic Arthritis Group's informational web page at:

http://www.wpunj.edu/pa/ -- created and edited by list member


In August 2001 list member Jack aka(Cornishpro@...) began to

conduct extensive research which he publishes as the Psoriatic Arthritic

Research Newsletter monthly in our emails and digest format. Many thanks to

Jack. Back issues of the newsletter are stored on our PA webpage.

Also remember that the list archives comprise a tremendous amount of

information (Over two years of messages and answers).Feel free to browse them at

your convenience.

Let's hear from some of you lurkers out there! If you have a comment or

question chances are there is a person who has been around a while who can help

you out with an educated guess for an answer. If not we can at least steer you

in the right direction with a good website to go to for the answers.

Blessings and Peace,

Atwood-Stack, Founder

Alan , Web & List Editor

Jack , Newsletter Editor

Pat Bias, List Editor

Ron Dotson, List Editor

and many others who help moderate (thank you!)

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With all of us having so many simaler circumstances with the 1st : strep

throat infections , and then 2nd : psoriasis... It tells us that PA is

either caused by a severe immune comprimising reaction to anti-biotics ...

Or a genetic weakness towards infections.. Because you also have to think

about it this way... Normal healthy people do not have sinus infections as

often as we do... I remember just trying to go to school and having to call

out because my sinus infections were so bad.. I felt like my teachers and

people around me thought i was weak since i couldnt handle a cold... But

sinus infections are not colds.. And only if they knew what they felt like..

I remember classmates and co-workers that wouldnt call of out work or school

for many years at a time.. I could never do that.. Sinus infections were

part of my life.. So it might not just be the anti-biotic reaction...It

could be our genetic weakness to infections and sinus infections..


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