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Re: Digest Number 871

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Just a note to let everyone know to check the " Anthrax Heroes " page on our

web site about once a week - it's at http://www.anthraxvaccine.net

It's slowly growing - unfortunately - be we are deeply grateful to all of

the ill troops and refusers who are sending in their photos and stories. We

have found that people who read these stories and finally see the faces are

moved beyond words. You cannot go through these stories without becoming

aware of three major things; courage, of the kind that many of us will never

be asked to find within ourselves in our entire lifetimes; integrity, of the

kind that only poets seem to write about; and faith, of a nature so deep and

abiding that it literally becomes life-saving. Thank you all.

We are loading the photos and stories on volunteer time, away from our jobs,

so although we try to act quickly, you may find a few days' delay from the

time you think we've received your information to the time it appears on the

site - but it WILL get there.

The Anthrax Vaccine Network

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  • 7 months later...


My son is now twelve and recovered. He gets straight A's, has friends and

is socially appropriate. But it wasn't always that way.

Fortunately, I had my daughter first and because of that I knew what he was

suppose to be doing. He never gave me an indication one way or another that

he was ready for anything. When he was three and a half, I said I guess it

is time for toilet training and used the same methods I did with my

daughter. The difference was that she showed me she was ready, responded to

my excitement, and answered me. Although the same techniques worked, but he

gave me no indication one way or another that they did until he was trained.

One mistake I think parents make is that they stop talking to their kids and

interacting with them because they get no response. Believe me they are

hearing you even though there is no evidence that they care one way or

another about anything you say or do. In turn the parents stop interacting

because they think the child doesn't understand or can't. The hardest thing

I ever did was to keep talking to my child in a normal way when there was no


To teach socialization, I would borrow other people's kids. Playing with my

son was not fun because at first the other kids got no response. So I made

my house the Kool-aid place. I had the best toys, and the best treats. We

even built a Gucci playhouse, got a trampoline, a Nintendo or anything else

that would be a kid attractor. Anything that would make these kids want to

come back because my son was not fun to play with. Their parents loved it

because it was free babysitting that they didn't have to reciprocate. I had

kids at my house at least three times a week. At first they came for a

short time and then longer.

In the beginning, I was the one who played with the other kids. I had to

facilitate every interaction with other kids. Fortunately our guests loved

the one on one attention and always wanted to come back to play with me even

though my son had bizarre behavior. It was especially hard to watch the

differences between my child and " normal " kids. It took quite some time

until I could get my son to join in and years until he could do it solo.

At first he just hid in the back of the house when anyone would come over.

We used ABA and those techniques to help me know how to get him to do things

that were hard for him. In the short turn, it would have been much easier

to let my son be autistic. Easier to let him wander the house plugging in

his portable radio over and over again in every outlet in the house. Easier

not to have the confrontations when I expected him to do something he didn't

want to do. I didn't want to watch him scream when he didn't know what to

do with other kids. But if I had given in to him; he never would have

learned the right way to behave.

I remember not wanting to get up and do this again, but what choice did I

have? I could have let him be the best little autistic boy he could be or

make him join up with the rest of the world. Thank god I didn't give up and

had more stubbornness than he did. Thank god for Dr. Goldberg and his wife,


Don't let your child be autistic and get someone to train you in ABA. It

won't work if you try to correct everything at once. Pick the one behavior

that drives you up the wall and systematically eliminate it using ABA.

Ignore the other bizarre behaviors. When that is accomplished, pick another

one. Mauice once told me to use what they love to reinforce

appropriate behavior. That was good advice.

Don't give up!!! With Dr. G and ABA, recovery is possible. Maybe not for

all kids, but how will you know if your child is one of the lucky ones

unless you try. It takes years and is the hardest thing you'll ever do, but

if you don't try you'll never know what might be possible for your child.

I thought my child would never be " normal " . My motivator was to do

everything possible, so I wouldn't have guilt later. I had no idea my child

was getting better, even while I was working at it. The changes are so

gradual and take such a long time. I never would have seen my child in the

school play Annie flirting with Miss Hannigan if I had taken the short term

easier route. He never would have learned to talk to people in the grocery

store or have all his friends over to play. Please give your child a chance

at life.

Re: Wheat Flour - Clarification Please



> >

> > I went to a bookstore and found The Zone. You can read about it at

> > www.drsears.com , I like the feingold diet myself, you can check them

> > out at www.feingold.org , they deal with salicylates, additives ,

> > artificial flavors and colors.> >

> > > > M

> > > >

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Thanks for your words of inspiration. This has been a long journey for us

(6 years - she is now 8) and we are finally able to really work on social

skills. It is so hard. We are burned out and so is she at times. If you

had told me six years ago where we would be today I would have been

overjoyed. Now for the umpteenth time I am figuring out her schedule - how

to fit in all her therapy, play dates with other kids, OT, speech and

somehow religious ed. We may have to put religious ed on hold for now.

This gets really old when you have to drag two other kids around in a hot

car after school through major traffic. It helps to keep getting pushed

from someone that you are on the right track, that sometimes you don't

always see it, but it is coming (even though I know that, I need to be

reminded). No one really pushes me because we do lots of therapy and we are

really doing pretty well - but we are not there and we still have a way to

go. I agree the play dates are really hard. A friend will come over and

want to play with 's sister or brother or me. It is a lot of work and

it is exhausting. I wish this went faster. I decided to change her

behavioral at home therapy into play date therapy and our behavioral

consultant trained two high school students to run it. Her friend that

comes over loves it because she gets mucho attention and then gets to swim

in our pool. That was a major relief to get that kind of help and we are

fortunate that Meg has a friend that wants to come and " play " . You are

also right about always talking to them and not " about them " . I stop myself

all the time when someone asks " How is Meg doing? " I include her in the

conversation. If someone asks her a question and she doesn't answer, I try

to catch myself and NOT answer for her. I prompt her and if she still

doesn't answer, I tell her what to say. She is healthier and happier now

than she has ever been. Her blood is much cleaner thanks to Dr. G, but we

still struggle on. I can't wait until I can post inspirational e-mails like

yours that we have finally " made it " . Thank you for your support


Re: Wheat Flour - Clarification Please

> >

> >

> > >

> > > I went to a bookstore and found The Zone. You can read about it at

> > > www.drsears.com , I like the feingold diet myself, you can check them

> > > out at www.feingold.org , they deal with salicylates, additives ,

> > > artificial flavors and colors.> >

> > > > > M

> > > > >

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I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all you comments and

advice to parents out there who are struggling. I only found out

about recently and it was your words that inspired me to jump

off the fence and book an appointment with Dr. Goldberg. The

appointment is a long way off but thanks to your comments and other

words of advice from parents out there who have responded to some of

my questions I feel my families future has gotten a whole lot

brighter! Have you ever considered writing your own book? I'd buy one.

Thanks again,


> Re: Wheat Flour - Clarification Please

> >

> >

> > >

> > > I went to a bookstore and found The Zone. You can read about it


> > > www.drsears.com , I like the feingold diet myself, you can

check them

> > > out at www.feingold.org , they deal with salicylates,

additives ,

> > > artificial flavors and colors.> >

> > > > > M

> > > > >

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, All I can say is Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! You have given me so much

hope with your e-mail! It is people like you who help people like me who are

wondering if we're doing the right thing by forcing socialization. Good luck to

you and your family. Sincerely, Janine

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 years later...

I have not posted for quite awhile but had to comment on the recent use

of Harrington Rods. One of my friends lives in Kentucky, and had

Harrington Rods used in her fusion in 2000. Knowing what I know about

them & facing 2 surgeries this Spring by Dr Boachie-Adjei, no doubt to

say I was dumb founded. So was she when I told her about what

Harrington Rods give you 10-15 yrs down the line. I only had them in

from 85-88 & at the end of 99 started walking pitched forward by the end

of the day when I was very tired. Now 5 yrs later I have a 19 cm plumb

Line when for the new people that do not know is a measurement from your

forehead down past your hips & if your hips are more than 2 cm behind

your forehead this is abnormal. It took 31/2 yrs for my plumb line to

reach 10cm & only 18mts for it to go to 19cm. I walk so bent fwd my

hips are way bk & flexed & my knees are always bent. If you look up

Fixed Saggital Imbalance on the Spine Universe website you will see a

pix of a woman with Ft Bk & pictures of the 2 types of Osteotomies

( removal of a wedge of bone from a fusion ) they do to correct it.

There are also pixs of her before & after. I had the site in my pc so I

could attach it to an e mail but my hubby got us a new Dell & my

daughter in law erased everything before I could even get a chance to

send things I wanted to save over to my new pc.

Best of Luck To All,

Diane B

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Look at any sagittal diagram of a normal human spine. What parts are not curved

front-to-back? H-rods can also reduce thoracic kyphosis, though I guess this

effect is not as devastating as the loss of lumbar lordosis. (I also suspect it

is held in check somewhat by the construction of the rib cage, but that's just

my lay supposition.) As I understand it, it is the distraction force of the

Harrington that is so notorious for straightening the curves God put in us on

purpose. But even with newer instrumentation flatback is not always avoidable.


Re: Digest Number 871

Hmm. I thought that the big problem wasn't the Harrington rods per se

but the fact that they (or any kind of rod) were used to create a

straight lumbar fusion and destroy the lordosis, creating the flat

back effect. I think this would happen with any straight rod extended

into the lumbar fusion, whether Harrington or not, and also

conversely that Harrington or other straight rods could still just as

well be used in other parts of the back where a front-to-back

curvature wasn't necessary.

Not to say that Harrington rods are or are not still in use, as I

don't know, but my understanding is that the larger problem isn't the

rod type -- it's the fact of extending a long straight fusion into a

part of the body that can't abide a straight fusion.

As with all matters biomechanical or medical, I defer to Racine

and others. ?

> I have not posted for quite awhile but had to comment on the recent


> of Harrington Rods. One of my friends lives in Kentucky, and had

> Harrington Rods used in her fusion in 2000. Knowing what I know


> them & facing 2 surgeries this Spring by Dr Boachie-Adjei, no

doubt to

> say I was dumb founded. So was she when I told her about what

> Harrington Rods give you 10-15 yrs down the line. I only had them


> from 85-88 & at the end of 99 started walking pitched forward by

the end

> of the day when I was very tired. Now 5 yrs later I have a 19 cm


> Line when for the new people that do not know is a measurement from


> forehead down past your hips & if your hips are more than 2 cm


> your forehead this is abnormal. It took 31/2 yrs for my plumb line


> reach 10cm & only 18mts for it to go to 19cm. I walk so bent fwd my

> hips are way bk & flexed & my knees are always bent. If you look up

> Fixed Saggital Imbalance on the Spine Universe website you will see


> pix of a woman with Ft Bk & pictures of the 2 types of Osteotomies

> ( removal of a wedge of bone from a fusion ) they do to correct it.

> There are also pixs of her before & after. I had the site in my pc

so I

> could attach it to an e mail but my hubby got us a new Dell & my

> daughter in law erased everything before I could even get a chance


> send things I wanted to save over to my new pc.

> Best of Luck To All,

> Diane B

Support for scoliosis-surgery veterans with Harrington Rod Malalignment

Syndrome. Not medical advice. Group does not control ads or endorse any

advertised products.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Everyone. Thanks for all of your information and website references on the

benefits of a raw diet.

I've another question. If cooking destroys minerals, what is the point of

drinking tea or the herbal infusions I've been downing? Is it also bad to heat

seaweed? I do notice an energy increase when drinking oat grass infusion and a

diuretic effect from the nettle infusion. I use about a cup of the dry herb to

a quart of boiling water, let it set for about 4-6 hrs, then strain and drink.

Well ,

All I am going to say on this is if fresh juices have vitrually no

minerals then cooking them will not produce any minerals either. This is

a rather odd statement to be made by Susun Weed. Cooking your food only

makes the minerals inorganic and totally useless, to the human body for

health purposes. One only needs to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and

the body is more than capable of breaking down the cell walls. This is

what the enzymes in the fresh fruits and vegetables are for. Cooking

foods kills the enzymes needed to help digest the food properly.

Actually, cooking your food does more damage to your bones than eating

raw foods will ever do. Your body cannot use inorganic minerals. Not one

bit. It can use the minerals that come in fresh fruits and vegetables

because they are combined with an enzyme that assists in their

assimilation into the cells of your body. I do believe that I posted

something to this effect several weeks or a month or so ago that talked

about inorganic minerals versus organic minerals (or raw food versus

cooked). It is really a shame that the majority of people (including

those who should know) don't know about organic vitamins and minerals.

They still believe that cooking is good for you. Maybe it is but that is

not my truth. There is beginning to be a lot of research that says

otherwise as well.

Okay, what source/s does your sister have for her statement?

Don't take anyones word as Gospel. Do the research for yourself. You

have to find what is true for you. Nobody else can do this. What is true

for Susun Weed is not necessarily true for me. What is true for me may

not be what is true for you. We each, everyone one of us must seek the

truth for ourselves. Otherwise we end up living someone else's truth and

we may find ourselves in a heap of doo doo.


Peace, love and light,

Don " Quai " Eitner

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You're not boiling the herbs... you're boiling the water.... then after you take it off the heat - you add the herbs. right? the hot water releases the herbs medicine... but doesn't "cook" them.

Suzicweeks@... wrote:

Hi Everyone. Thanks for all of your information and website references on the benefits of a raw diet.I've another question. If cooking destroys minerals, what is the point of drinking tea or the herbal infusions I've been downing? Is it also bad to heat seaweed? I do notice an energy increase when drinking oat grass infusion and a diuretic effect from the nettle infusion. I use about a cup of the dry herb to a quart of boiling water, let it set for about 4-6 hrs, then strain and drink.__________________________________________________

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> You're not boiling the herbs... you're boiling the water....

> then after you take it off the heat - you add the herbs.

> right? the hot water releases the herbs medicine...

> but doesn't " cook " them.

The Chinese cook their herbs.

(A D.O.M. will ask you, " did you cook your herbs as I told you to? "

In TCM leaves and flowers are infused in boiled water for at least 20


Roots and barks are decocted in simmering water for as long as it

takes to extract what is needed.

For a decoction the roots or barks are added to the water cold,

soaked for a period of time if there are properties in them to be

extracted only in cold water and then brought to a boil for the

properties that are extracted with heat.

It pays to know what in the herb you are trying to get.

Some properties are only released into alcohol or oil.

A Chinese herbalist might cook an herb in honey or roast it to change

the energetic temperature of the substance.

The Chinese rarely use simples. They tend to formulate medicines of

herbs as if they were organizing a team of workers, each one chosen

for a special skill that harmonizes like a symphony.


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cweeks@... wrote:

> Hi Everyone. Thanks for all of your information and website references

> on the

> benefits of a raw diet.

> I've another question. If cooking destroys minerals, what is the point of

> drinking tea or the herbal infusions I've been downing? Is it also bad

> to heat

> seaweed? I do notice an energy increase when drinking oat grass

> infusion and a

> diuretic effect from the nettle infusion. I use about a cup of the dry

> herb to

> a quart of boiling water, let it set for about 4-6 hrs, then strain

> and drink.



Hi ,

There are a lot of other constituents in herbs and plants, besides

vitamins and minerals, that are not destroyed by cooking. However, a tea

or infusion, are not used for vitamins and minerals but for the other

phytochemicals (alkaloids and such) that are in them.

Is it bad to heat seaweed? Now that depends on how you mean. If you mean

by cooking it then that probably is not going to do the minerals a lot

of good. Best would be to use it uncooked. However, most seaweed you buy

is already toasted to kill off the enzymes, so it will last, and most

likely the minerals are all rendered inorganic. You can buy raw

dehydrated seaweed, I believe, that would be great for anyone. Seaweed

that is sun dried and not processed any further would be best.


Peace, love and light,

Don " Quai " Eitner

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "


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