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Re: Starting Over: My New Protocol for Stage IV Breast Cancer

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Boy, I want to say so much to you,...nows not the time!  Most important thing

about diet is no sugar.


You can't go low on everything in stage IV.




Cancers can only burn glucose, your cells can burn fats, ketone, triglycerides.


You know, Research is funny after you've read thousands of pages.


Funny how you can look through a microscope, see a duck, it quacks like a duck,

walks like a duck, swims,flies like a duck,....but according to previous studies

it is common for other animal to immitate other animals therefore,....it can

never will be a duck.


I've seen so many mischaracterizations from true results it's very disturbing to


Facts get turned into something sinister. Ask me for an example!


Did you know that higher cholesterol is protoctive of cancer, especially in



What? ....Can it Be? 


 ALso higher fat diet and less carbs have been associated with decreased,

stroke, heart attacks, and diabetes?


(Mediteranian Paradox Studies, French Paradox study, Spanish Paradox)


The food pyramid?  LOL We know how well that has worked!


You can get bogged down in complex diets, protocols, kitchen sink but

understanding cancer is the only way you are going to choose the correct

treatments. I am a nurse, I have seen way too many people die from their cancers

while eating healthier diets!





Did you know that to make a white blood cell you body needs a cholesterol


If you lower your cholesterol what will that do to the number of white cells you

can make?


There are a dozen detoxes,....are you choosing the right one?  


There are fifty different alternative substances that are said to treat cancer, 

which ones shouldn't you leave out?


How do you know for sure, which therapies have really had the highest success?


Are we putting faith or guessing at which alterntives we are going to use?




I have just left you with thought stimulating questions.


Questions we all should be asking ourselves.


I will get back to you in the meantime and give you some feedback on your new







O.K. The tumors haven't grown (at least according to my doc there are

no-to-small changes). But the tumors haven't shrunk either, so I have to now

buckle down and be 100% strict on diet, exercise, cleansing and attitude. In

putting my new protocol together. I want to follow a nearly 100% raw foods diet

(if you add supplements, you can't consider yourself 100% raw), carefully

choosing my supplements. Supplements have become a problem to swallow as I have

the problem of choking on water, so I have had to carefully select the most

important ones. .....

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I agree with Brett about how confusing studies, environment,

reactions/interactions can be when it comes to disease - especially cancer.

Perhaps that is why I am such a big fan of thinking things out thru the lens

of common sense.

Stage IV is so extreme, I don't think I'd be able to apply much common sense

to that situation where one could trust it would have impact to reverse the

situation. However, that said, regardless of stage, what has always made

sense to me is bringing the body back to balance. It is what all the

therapies out there attempt to do... give the body a chance to heal by

attempting to bring some semblance of balance to the body so that it has a

chance to self-correct and heal itself. I have been corresponding with Joe

C. over the past few days, and the correspondence has been quite

enlightening - and has greatly influenced my thoughts about health. I hope

this can be of benefit and make just as much sense to everyone who reads


I'd like to include the link and quote to a pioneer in health. I have yet

to delve deep into his works, BUT what I have read (and what Joe C. has

personally experienced - subduing his cancer) makes a world of sense to me

in the world of the " common. " :)

Fasting Is Not Starving.



Carrington has well summed up the matter in these words: " Fasting is a

scientific method of ridding the system of diseased tissue, and morbid

matter, and is invariably accompanied by beneficial results. Starving is the

deprivation of the tissues from nutriment which they require, and is

invariably accompanied by disastrous consequences. The whole secret is this:

fasting commences with the omission of the first meal and ends with the

return of natural hunger, while starvation only begins with the return of

natural hunger and terminates in death. Where the one ends the other begins.

Whereas the latter process wastes the healthy tissues, emaciates the body,

and depletes the vitality; the former process merely expels corrupt matter

and useless fatty tissue, thereby elevating the energy, and eventually

restoring the organism that just balance we term health. "


I agree that we cannot escape toxins... never thought we could... they are

just a part of life. However, I believe that achieving health is all about

balance. Two things: 1. Health is when the body is in balance - the right

amount of nutrients in the system (not too much, not too little) so that the

body can function optimally; 2. Having a balance where the body has more

nutrients and less waste (toxins) relative to each other, ensures proper

inner balance that the body needs - aka: health.

Regarding your protocol, I begin to wonder if the efficacy of your protocol

depends greatly on the current state of your body (% of fat, protein, and

various nutrients in your body, etc.) Assuming there is merit in fasting...

your protocol may provide too much or too little or just the right amount of

nutrients depending on the state of your body to help manage / rid yourself

of your cancer.

Just as there are varying levels of tolerance we each have, it becomes clear

that there is no generic protocol that can ensure effective impact to a

cancer. some may need more or less fat, protein, etc. etc.

How do we determine that balance? Can we just flood our bodies with

nutrients and follow up with consistent exercise and rest in hopes that our

bodies will come back to a balance state? I thought that was the case not

too long ago. WHAT MAKES MOST SENSE TO ME... is that it may be easier to

find our baseline minimum than ideal tolerance ranges to get the body back

in health. My new questions are now: " Can we reset our bodies by way of

fasting? Can we achieve health/balance from the bottom up by adjusting our

intake of densely healthy nutrients, while minimizing / avoiding the junk

food/toxins that many people consider to be food? "

What if we reset our bodies, FIRST.. then install the fundamentals of

optimal health - the four pillars: 1. food; 2. elimination; 3. exercise; 4.


hmmm... sorry this created more questions than anything!


On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 8:51 PM, Bret Peirce <patientadvocate2@...>wrote:



> Boy, I want to say so much to you,...nows not the time! Most important

> thing about diet is no sugar.


> You can't go low on everything in stage IV.




> Cancers can only burn glucose, your cells can burn fats, ketone,

> triglycerides.


> You know, Research is funny after you've read thousands of pages.


> Funny how you can look through a microscope, see a duck, it quacks like a

> duck, walks like a duck, swims,flies like a duck,....but according to

> previous studies it is common for other animal to immitate other animals

> therefore,....it can never will be a duck.


> I've seen so many mischaracterizations from true results it's very

> disturbing to me!

> Facts get turned into something sinister. Ask me for an example!


> Did you know that higher cholesterol is protoctive of cancer, especially in

> women?


> What? ....Can it Be?


> ALso higher fat diet and less carbs have been associated with decreased,

> stroke, heart attacks, and diabetes?


> (Mediteranian Paradox Studies, French Paradox study, Spanish Paradox)


> The food pyramid? LOL We know how well that has worked!


> You can get bogged down in complex diets, protocols, kitchen sink but

> understanding cancer is the only way you are going to choose the correct

> treatments. I am a nurse, I have seen way too many people die from their

> cancers while eating healthier diets!





> Did you know that to make a white blood cell you body needs a cholesterol

> molecule?

> If you lower your cholesterol what will that do to the number of white

> cells you can make?


> There are a dozen detoxes,....are you choosing the right one?


> There are fifty different alternative substances that are said to treat

> cancer, which ones shouldn't you leave out?


> How do you know for sure, which therapies have really had the highest

> success?


> Are we putting faith or guessing at which alterntives we are going to use?


> OK,


> I have just left you with thought stimulating questions.


> Questions we all should be asking ourselves.


> I will get back to you in the meantime and give you some feedback on your

> new protocols.


> Sincerely


> Bret





> O.K. The tumors haven't grown (at least according to my doc there are

> no-to-small changes). But the tumors haven't shrunk either, so I have to now

> buckle down and be 100% strict on diet, exercise, cleansing and attitude. In

> putting my new protocol together. I want to follow a nearly 100% raw foods

> diet (if you add supplements, you can't consider yourself 100% raw),

> carefully choosing my supplements. Supplements have become a problem to

> swallow as I have the problem of choking on water, so I have had to

> carefully select the most important ones. .....


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Kelvin you said, " Stage IV is so extreme, I don't think I'd be able to apply

much common sense to that situation where one could trust it would have impact

to reverse the situation. "


What is your situation? Are you a cancer survivor? I felt the same way 15 years

ago. I felt like I had a buzzard on my shoulder at all times squawking in my

ear, " Who do you think you're fooling? " I proved the doctor wrong who gave me

six months to live. In many ways, it was much worse then my mets to the lung

now. Back then I had a tumor that had destroyed my sternum and had started to

wrap itself around my aorta. I didn't have a chance in Hades of reversing it,

but try I did. I worked harder at that then anything in my life. I had a sixteen

year old daughter who I wanted to see graduate from high school. Next spring

2010 she will finally get her degree after two initial trys at college life.


I think we get hung up in labels too much and the belief that cancer is

incurable. I do believe that my will to live and attitude was paramount to

beating it. I worked very hard however and few people would have done what I

did. I can't even get myself to work that hard this time. It was two full-time

jobs. The challenge doesn't seem as fun this time. But given that my recent

written CT scan gives out different information then what I got from the advice

nurse as told to her by the oncologist, I am getting geared up for the fight of

my life.





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Hi ,

I'm here b/c I recently discovered the difference between " average health "

and " optimal health. " I was searching for all groups that discussed the

topics of natural/alternative health, and I came across this list. I am not

a cancer survivor nor have cancer, but I am much like you... a life thriver.

I joined this group b/c I wanted to share the things I've learned and am

learning that have made an energetic and positive health difference in my

life. You crossed my radar when you talked about alkalinity and smoothies -

one of the two items that led me to my discovery of high vibrancy and what I

associate with " optimal health. "

Reading what you quoted of me, it didn't sound too good. I was just

uncertain if my input would benefit anyone, hence the comment about stage

IV. Thank you for waking me up with this ALL TRUE observation:

" I think we get hung up in labels too much and the belief that cancer is

incurable. I do believe that my will to live and attitude was paramount to

beating it. "

I'm not a fancy naturopath, md, guru of health, or a person of xx years of

veg*n lifestyle under his belt. But I suppose one does not have to have any

or all of the above mentioned in order to provide helpful feedback. I do

have to offer common sense and basic critical thinking/questions when it

comes to understanding/learning things. Y'know... the same thing we're all

blessed with, but sometimes forget to use in any given situation - as I did

by getting hung up on the label of cancer. ;)

I have come to believe so far that the definition of health is the body

coming to balance (not excessive, not deficient in what it needs - nutrients

- to function normally). this is the balance we were born with (assuming we

had average/healthy parents and environment for 9mo's til birth).

the idea of fasting makes a lot of sense to me... it resets our bodies to

that level of balance so that we can start from somewhat of a clean slate to

rebuild the proper balance of nutrients that our body can use to thrive.

the 4 fundamentals to maintain that balance or even reach that balance (over

a longer period) is by 1. what we eat/drink consistently, we become; 2.

cardio exercise - to help circulation of blood/lymph and elimination; 3.

elimination - what goes in must come out or manifest; 4. rest and relaxation

(attitude, mood, meditation, stress mgt, etc.)

we must be consistent in our regimen to provide the " ideal environment " that

the body needs to thrive.

the case with cancer is that the body has become out of balance over a

period of time... this touches upon the idea of thresholds...

everyone has their different ranges of threshold before their body begins to


the process of breakdown (the body functions getting less efficient) is also

known as aging - and that is how we can age " prematurely " ... aging is sped

up by breach of threshold over period of time... there can be a chain of

events that put the body out of balance over time where multiple

factors/parts of the body are above threshold over an extended period of

time which leads to a far less than ideal environment. the goal of life is

to live...and so that's what the body does at the cellular level.. it will

try to adapt to it's new parameters of the environment - the mutation of

cells - cancer. perhaps this is an oversimplified perspective... but it

would seem that if we can change the environment to encourage the original

environment.. or even a more extreme measure, to find the environment that

would reach the new range of threshold ... it would seem that the cells

would revert to the previous range it had.

i'm rambling now... just my thots. This is where I look forward to more

data from more knowledgeable people/resources in the group/world. Mike G,

Bret, and a few others on board seem to have facts/insights into these

details that can help us determine more pieces to the health puzzle to solve

and bring the body back to balance.


On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 10:40 PM, Dorr <dorrnancy@...> wrote:



> Kelvin you said, " Stage IV is so extreme, I don't think I'd be able to

> apply much common sense to that situation where one could trust it would

> have impact to reverse the situation. "


> What is your situation? Are you a cancer survivor? I felt the same way 15

> years ago. I felt like I had a buzzard on my shoulder at all times squawking

> in my ear, " Who do you think you're fooling? " I proved the doctor wrong who

> gave me six months to live. In many ways, it was much worse then my mets to

> the lung now. Back then I had a tumor that had destroyed my sternum and had

> started to wrap itself around my aorta. I didn't have a chance in Hades of

> reversing it, but try I did. I worked harder at that then anything in my

> life. I had a sixteen year old daughter who I wanted to see graduate from

> high school. Next spring 2010 she will finally get her degree after two

> initial trys at college life.


> I think we get hung up in labels too much and the belief that cancer is

> incurable. I do believe that my will to live and attitude was paramount to

> beating it. I worked very hard however and few people would have done what I

> did. I can't even get myself to work that hard this time. It was two

> full-time jobs. The challenge doesn't seem as fun this time. But given that

> my recent written CT scan gives out different information then what I got

> from the advice nurse as told to her by the oncologist, I am getting geared

> up for the fight of my life.


> Cheers,


> nancy


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You're a smart guy and have a way with words. I'm impressed. I think you will be

a great asset to our group. Yes, the ideal is to prevent cancer before it

begins. You are on the right track. After curing my cancer back in 1994.95,  I

had some major family issues which took me off my path of health (my choice, I

can't blame anybody), added stress and I ate my way up to 212 pounds (I weigh

124 pounds now) eating primarily junk food. Talk about internal environment?


I hate to have to admit that I brought this cancer on myself by screwing up my

internal environment, but I know deep in my heart it is the truth. The cells of

our body---there are more cells in our bodies---trillions---then the entire

human race!! They have the exact make-up as all living beings. The only

difference is the DNA code which is different from everything else, including

you and me. The cells thrive on good stuff---whole foods, organic, minerals and

vitamins. Give it good stuff and yeah we win! Throw in bad stuff and the cells

wither and die or go beserk to try to fend off the stuff. Wish I had believed

this when I started creating havoc in my internal environment. A lot of cancer

patients never examine this concept. I no longer go to the breast cancer support

group (CANCERCURE IS MY SUPPORT GROUP) that was full of people who were fat and

had Stage IV cancers and wanted to hear nothing of what I had to say. The

facilitator was always

interrupting me and saying, " You can follow any path you want, including doing

nothing. " Yes, that is true, but I also said to the group (my last words), " I'm

not here to commiserate with people. I am here to fight this. I won 15 years

ago, and think I can again. I've got somewhere I need to be. " And walked out of

the group and never returned.


I made the choice back in 1999 to reverse my miracle and destroy my body. I am

now paying the price. I didn't care back then. I had given up. I was helplessly

lost in my addiction to junk food and not loving myself. I kept this up with

meager tries at trying to get back to a raw foods diet or at least a whole foods

diet. I ballooned from 170 pounds (which is FAT on me) to over 200 pounds which

is morbidly obese (I am only 5' 2 3/4 inches.


Kelvin, learn from me. Take my experience and avoid cancer. Let my bad

experience benefit you. This is my deepest desire is to help teach others how to

prevent cancer. You don't want to go thru what I have been thru. Even the first

time I got cancer in 1990, I did NOTHING, I mean NOTHING to change my diet. I

bleakly went along with the doctor's prognosis of " You have a 95% cure rate " and

kept on eating cheeseburgers, french fries and milkshakes---at that time the

typical American diet.


I look at people when I go out now and I can't believe how overweight we

Americans are and I once was. It is so sad. And I know that only a fraction of

these people can contribute it to thyroid. Diabetes, cancer, arthritis awaits

them at some point in their future. Then they will go to the doctor like I did,

expecting a miracle when they had it all the time---the human body, one of the

most miraculous things in the universe. Think about your body and how it

works--the nerves and muscles that control our bodily functions and allow us to

walk and think. Our hearts which pump the good stuff--Oxygen---to all our vital

organs and takes out the bad stuff---Carbon Dioxide, toxins, etc. to be

dispelled by our lungs, kidneys, liver, colon, lymph system and other organs.

The human body was designed to work down to the tiny mitichondria in our cells,

which fuel our bodies with energy if we treat it right. Just like my car

yesterday, which overheated because it

didn't have any coolant in the radiator, the body will also break down if not

treated properly. No rocket science here. Just basic, simple facts. Yes, you are

right, the environment goes either way---for the better or worse--over time,

just like my radiator overheating overtime because it ran out of coolant. I

could have blown the engine, but just happened to notice the signal light going

into high heat.


So, Kelvin you sound like a young man on a quest for better health and a good

life. Keep searching. You are definitely on the right tract. If more Americans

would do what you are doing, then 1 our of 4 Americans wouldn't be

overweight/obese and get one of the myraid of degenerative diseases I got.


I am not blaming my mother for my disease, but my sister recently reminded me

about a bucket of old grease mother used to keep on the kitchen sink whenever

she fried something. My mother was absolutely the best cook in the world. She

could have put Colonel to shame. I have never been able to duplicate her

fried chicken, fried okra or fried green tomatoes. She made the meanest coconut

cake, German chocolate cake, and pecan pie. She would always make me a baked

Alaska just for me. My mother died on her 85th birthday in 2007 so she lived a

relatively long life. But I developed an addiction to sugar at a young age. I

also developed an eating disorder precisely because I wanted to look like

Twiggy, the model. Every girl in America wanted to look like her. She was like

5 " 10 " tall and weighed 100 pounds and was the number one model in America. This

role model coupled with southern fried foods and my sugar addiction fueled my

lifetime battle with weight

and an eating disorder of bingeing on sugar and then starvation diets. I also

developed bulimia, where I would gorge on high-fat and high-sugar foods. I

overcame the " throwing up " portion of the disorder in 1977/78 when I became

pregnant with my daughter because I didn't want to hurt the fetus. But I

continued with the sugar and carbs binges. So this set the stage as well as

smoking on and off for 15 years or so. After I stopped smoking in 1987, I got

breast cancer three years later. Imagine my shock several years ago when I read

that women who smoke have a 30% chance of getting breast cancer. I was shocked!

But looking back on that I am shocked that I was shocked. I mean, come on, where

was my brains? I recently walked past a row of people in downtown Portland

dining outside and smoking. I rudely stopped and said, " I have had cancer 4

times since stopping smoking in 1987. Please stop smoking. Cancer isn't any fun.

Give up the cancer sticks!! " Actually

one guy agreed with me who had a cig in his hand.


So, there. That is the truth of what I got cancer. I take 100% responsibility

for eating my way to cancer (and oh I seldom excercised) and now take 100%

responsibility for trying to reverse the damage I caused. Cancer is no big

mystery. I think you hit it on the nail in your description of the 4

fundamentals to health.


Kelvin, you said, " the 4 fundamentals to maintain that balance or even reach

that balance (over a longer period) is by 1. what we eat/drink consistently, we

become; 2.

cardio exercise - to help circulation of blood/lymph and elimination; 3.

elimination - what goes in must come out or manifest; 4. rest and relaxation

(attitude, mood, meditation, stress mgt, etc.). We must be consistent in our

regimen to provide the " ideal environment " that the body needs to thrive. The

case with cancer is that the body has become out of balance over a period of

time... this touches upon the idea of thresholds.. .everyone has their different

ranges of threshold before their body begins to

breakdown. The process of breakdown (the body functions getting less efficient)

is also

known as aging - and that is how we can age " prematurely " ... aging is sped up

by breach of threshold over period of time... there can be a chain of events

that put the body out of balance over time where multiple factors/parts of the

body are above threshold over an extended period of time which leads to a far

less than ideal environment. the goal of life is

to live...and so that's what the body does at the cellular level.. it will try

to adapt to it's new parameters of the environment - the mutation of cells -

cancer. perhaps this is an oversimplified perspective. .. but it would seem that

if we can change the environment to encourage the original environment. . or

even a more extreme measure, to find the environment that would reach the new

range of threshold ... it would seem that the cells

would revert to the previous range it had. "


My refrigerator is now full of organic fruits and vegetables----organic spinach,

kale, heirloom tomatoes, cucumbers, red bell peppers, lettuce, celery, carrots

and yummy young virgin coconuts. For breakfast I had some avocado on a raw

dehydrated organic cracker.  Later on this morning, I will have a coconut mylk

shake made in my HP3 Champ juicer, which is more powerful then the Vita-mix.

This afternoon I will have my first of several green smoothies and my raw kale

wilted salad. The extra fiber from retaining the pulp from fruits and vegetables

by blending instead of juicing also helps to flush out the excess estrogen from

my estrogen-dominant cancer. Also, I have a swallowing disorder which makes it

difficult to drink straight water. I have been aspirating water and small

particles of food into my lungs and have developed pneumonitis, an inflammation

of the avelioli.


Here are my recipes for my green smoothie and kale salad. All ingredients are

organic except the asparagus, which are a low-pesticide vegetable. I purchase

both organic and non-organic hothouse tomatoes, cucumbers and red bell peppers.

If you ever see the " hothouse " label, it means it was grown in a green house,

using hydroponic means and will usually be pesticide-free. I purchase mine from

reputable local companies. They are way cheaper then organic. I am NOT going to

pay $6.99 a pound for organic asparagus. I can buy hothouse red bell peppers

4/$5 rather then $4.99 - $5.99 a pound for the organic--quite a savings!!


Awesome green smoothie: About 185 Kalories

Asparagus 1 cup 27 K

1 Medium - large Tomato 25 K

1 Large carrot (1 cup) 35 K

4 cups raw spinach 28 K

2 Large stalks celery 20 K

1 red bell pepper 30 K

1 cup English Cuke 18 K

4 " piece rhubarb

1 " jalapeno pepper

Red pepper flakes (hot)

Couple drops liquid smoke (optional)

Total K: 183

Cut up pieces of vegies and add to 12 ounces filtered water in Vita-Mix or HP3

Champ juicer. Add hot peppers. Blend for 30 seconds. Add liquid smoke if desired

to each glass.


Kale Wilted salad (1 cup raw) 34K

Cut spine off of kale leaves.

Massage in 1/4 - 1/2 tea himalayan salt

Add 1 Tea Raw olive oil 45 K

Set out for 15-20 minutes.

Enjoy! 89 K

(adding kale to a green smoothie makes it very bitter, so this way I get my

cruciferous vegi for the day)


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Hi ,

I wish I can provide constructive comment on your diet protocol. My only

observation is that in the case of cancer, the cells are competing for

sustenance to survive/thrive. IF both cancer cells and healthy cells thrive

on the same intake, then we have an interesting situation to address.

I commend you on your detailed manner of itemizing your intake - a detailed

person after my own heart. :) I am wondering that (and it has been

suggested from what I have read in discussions among members in the forum)

cancer cells do not require the exact same nutrients that healthy cells

require. However, they do share a common subset of nutrients. If your

protocol fulfills that subset, it would seem that no amount of calculating

calories will further your objective of eradicating the cancer cells.

This is where the value of having insight into the nature and behavior of

cancer cells would be extremely valuable. The more we know about what we

want to accomplish, the better leverage we will have in meeting our


That said the questions I have for your situation is:

What EXACTLY are the nutrients that cancer cells do not thrive on, BUT

healthy cells can benefit from? --> increase this.

What nutrients or environmental factors do the cancer cells shrink and die

from? --> increase this.

What are the common factors/nutrients that both healthy and cancer cells

thrive from? --> decrease this.

It's my " best guess " by common sense, lay term perspective that these

directives/criteria in selecting your diet protocol will give you leverage

over the cancer. The challenge will be that the more factual your answers,

the less gray your results. If you have conflicting data, you have a risk

of moving away from your objective.

Lastly, you have a great start for defining your diet protocol, how about

the other factors that are under your control that can change the

environment that the cancer cells are in (your body)? More questions:

What is your protocol for exercise?

What is your protocol for waste management?

What is your protocol for mental state (rest/relaxation)?

I believe that if you are as detailed in the other areas, and you are armed

with FACTUAL knowledge in the other fundamentals of health. All, by the

way, individually and collectively influence the environment of your body

the cancers live in. You have a great STARTING strategy. In forming your

complete strategy, it is imperative to know your highlevel strategy. Is

there any high-level strategy noted in the war against cancer where

mainstream or alternative-stream has identified the IDEAL " IF ONLY WE

COULD... " scenario/strategy? For example, from what I have begun to get

familiar with - the idea of fasting - the idea of fasting as it applies to

general health (and I contend in special health situations - i.e., disease,

sickness) seems to make a lot of sense to me:

Get rid of the toxins in the body; give the body a chance to heal in an

clean slate environment; give the body the focus it needs to repair/heal.

So far, I am coming to the personal opinion that fasting does not have to be

an all or nothing approach. Fasting might be best approached at a gradient

- by time or quantity of intake. Quality should not be compromised, however

-since the objective is to rid the body of toxins - quality ensures avoiding

the introduction of more toxins.

sorry for rambling. just some thots about protocols, strategy, etc. in

regards to cancer.

I love your preliminary proposal to handling your cancer. I am only

thinking out loud and hopefully introducing a broader perspective as you

form your strategy to handle your health situation.

I wish you the best, and look forward to learning alongside and from you and

the members of this group!


On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 7:14 AM, <dorrnancy@...> wrote:





> Kelvin,


> You're a smart guy and have a way with words. I'm impressed. I think you

> will be a great asset to our group. Yes, the ideal is to prevent cancer

> before it begins. You are on the right track. After curing my cancer back in

> 1994.95, I had some major family issues which took me off my path of health

> (my choice, I can't blame anybody), added stress and I ate my way up to 212

> pounds (I weigh 124 pounds now) eating primarily junk food. Talk about

> internal environment?


> I hate to have to admit that I brought this cancer on myself by screwing up

> my internal environment, but I know deep in my heart it is the truth. The

> cells of our body---there are more cells in our bodies---trillions---then

> the entire human race!! They have the exact make-up as all living beings.

> The only difference is the DNA code which is different from everything else,

> including you and me. The cells thrive on good stuff---whole foods, organic,

> minerals and vitamins. Give it good stuff and yeah we win! Throw in bad

> stuff and the cells wither and die or go beserk to try to fend off the

> stuff. Wish I had believed this when I started creating havoc in my internal

> environment. A lot of cancer patients never examine this concept. I no

> longer go to the breast cancer support group (CANCERCURE IS MY SUPPORT

> GROUP) that was full of people who were fat and had Stage IV cancers and

> wanted to hear nothing of what I had to say. The facilitator was always

> interrupting me and saying, " You can follow any path you want, including

> doing nothing. " Yes, that is true, but I also said to the group (my last

> words), " I'm not here to commiserate with people. I am here to fight this. I

> won 15 years ago, and think I can again. I've got somewhere I need to be. "

> And walked out of the group and never returned.


> I made the choice back in 1999 to reverse my miracle and destroy my body. I

> am now paying the price. I didn't care back then. I had given up. I was

> helplessly lost in my addiction to junk food and not loving myself. I kept

> this up with meager tries at trying to get back to a raw foods diet or at

> least a whole foods diet. I ballooned from 170 pounds (which is FAT on me)

> to over 200 pounds which is morbidly obese (I am only 5' 2 3/4 inches.


> Kelvin, learn from me. Take my experience and avoid cancer. Let my bad

> experience benefit you. This is my deepest desire is to help teach others

> how to prevent cancer. You don't want to go thru what I have been thru. Even

> the first time I got cancer in 1990, I did NOTHING, I mean NOTHING to change

> my diet. I bleakly went along with the doctor's prognosis of " You have a 95%

> cure rate " and kept on eating cheeseburgers, french fries and

> milkshakes---at that time the typical American diet.


> I look at people when I go out now and I can't believe how overweight we

> Americans are and I once was. It is so sad. And I know that only a fraction

> of these people can contribute it to thyroid. Diabetes, cancer, arthritis

> awaits them at some point in their future. Then they will go to the doctor

> like I did, expecting a miracle when they had it all the time---the human

> body, one of the most miraculous things in the universe. Think about your

> body and how it works--the nerves and muscles that control our bodily

> functions and allow us to walk and think. Our hearts which pump the good

> stuff--Oxygen---to all our vital organs and takes out the bad stuff---Carbon

> Dioxide, toxins, etc. to be dispelled by our lungs, kidneys, liver, colon,

> lymph system and other organs. The human body was designed to work down to

> the tiny mitichondria in our cells, which fuel our bodies with energy if we

> treat it right. Just like my car yesterday, which overheated because it

> didn't have any coolant in the radiator, the body will also break down if

> not treated properly. No rocket science here. Just basic, simple facts. Yes,

> you are right, the environment goes either way---for the better or

> worse--over time, just like my radiator overheating overtime because it ran

> out of coolant. I could have blown the engine, but just happened to notice

> the signal light going into high heat.


> So, Kelvin you sound like a young man on a quest for better health and a

> good life. Keep searching. You are definitely on the right tract. If more

> Americans would do what you are doing, then 1 our of 4 Americans wouldn't be

> overweight/obese and get one of the myraid of degenerative diseases I got.


> I am not blaming my mother for my disease, but my sister recently reminded

> me about a bucket of old grease mother used to keep on the kitchen sink

> whenever she fried something. My mother was absolutely the best cook in the

> world. She could have put Colonel to shame. I have never been able

> to duplicate her fried chicken, fried okra or fried green tomatoes. She made

> the meanest coconut cake, German chocolate cake, and pecan pie. She would

> always make me a baked Alaska just for me. My mother died on her 85th

> birthday in 2007 so she lived a relatively long life. But I developed an

> addiction to sugar at a young age. I also developed an eating disorder

> precisely because I wanted to look like Twiggy, the model. Every girl in

> America wanted to look like her. She was like 5 " 10 " tall and weighed 100

> pounds and was the number one model in America. This role model coupled with

> southern fried foods and my sugar addiction fueled my lifetime battle with

> weight

> and an eating disorder of bingeing on sugar and then starvation diets. I

> also developed bulimia, where I would gorge on high-fat and high-sugar

> foods. I overcame the " throwing up " portion of the disorder in 1977/78 when

> I became pregnant with my daughter because I didn't want to hurt the fetus.

> But I continued with the sugar and carbs binges. So this set the stage as

> well as smoking on and off for 15 years or so. After I stopped smoking in

> 1987, I got breast cancer three years later. Imagine my shock several years

> ago when I read that women who smoke have a 30% chance of getting breast

> cancer. I was shocked! But looking back on that I am shocked that I was

> shocked. I mean, come on, where was my brains? I recently walked past a row

> of people in downtown Portland dining outside and smoking. I rudely stopped

> and said, " I have had cancer 4 times since stopping smoking in 1987. Please

> stop smoking. Cancer isn't any fun. Give up the cancer sticks!! " Actually

> one guy agreed with me who had a cig in his hand.


> So, there. That is the truth of what I got cancer. I take 100%

> responsibility for eating my way to cancer (and oh I seldom excercised) and

> now take 100% responsibility for trying to reverse the damage I caused.

> Cancer is no big mystery. I think you hit it on the nail in your description

> of the 4 fundamentals to health.


> Kelvin, you said, " the 4 fundamentals to maintain that balance or even

> reach that balance (over a longer period) is by 1. what we eat/drink

> consistently, we become; 2.


> cardio exercise - to help circulation of blood/lymph and elimination; 3.

> elimination - what goes in must come out or manifest; 4. rest and

> relaxation

> (attitude, mood, meditation, stress mgt, etc.). We must be consistent in

> our regimen to provide the " ideal environment " that the body needs to

> thrive. The case with cancer is that the body has become out of balance over

> a period of time... this touches upon the idea of thresholds.. .everyone has

> their different ranges of threshold before their body begins to

> breakdown. The process of breakdown (the body functions getting less

> efficient) is also

> known as aging - and that is how we can age " prematurely " ... aging is sped

> up by breach of threshold over period of time... there can be a chain of

> events that put the body out of balance over time where multiple

> factors/parts of the body are above threshold over an extended period of

> time which leads to a far less than ideal environment. the goal of life is

> to live...and so that's what the body does at the cellular level.. it will

> try to adapt to it's new parameters of the environment - the mutation of

> cells - cancer. perhaps this is an oversimplified perspective. .. but it

> would seem that if we can change the environment to encourage the original

> environment. . or even a more extreme measure, to find the environment that

> would reach the new range of threshold ... it would seem that the cells

> would revert to the previous range it had. "


> My refrigerator is now full of organic fruits and vegetables----organic

> spinach, kale, heirloom tomatoes, cucumbers, red bell peppers, lettuce,

> celery, carrots and yummy young virgin coconuts. For breakfast I had some

> avocado on a raw dehydrated organic cracker. Later on this morning, I will

> have a coconut mylk shake made in my HP3 Champ juicer, which is more

> powerful then the Vita-mix. This afternoon I will have my first of several

> green smoothies and my raw kale wilted salad. The extra fiber from retaining

> the pulp from fruits and vegetables by blending instead of juicing also

> helps to flush out the excess estrogen from my estrogen-dominant cancer.

> Also, I have a swallowing disorder which makes it difficult to drink

> straight water. I have been aspirating water and small particles of food

> into my lungs and have developed pneumonitis, an inflammation of the

> avelioli.


> Here are my recipes for my green smoothie and kale salad. All ingredients

> are organic except the asparagus, which are a low-pesticide vegetable. I

> purchase both organic and non-organic hothouse tomatoes, cucumbers and red

> bell peppers. If you ever see the " hothouse " label, it means it was grown in

> a green house, using hydroponic means and will usually be pesticide-free. I

> purchase mine from reputable local companies. They are way cheaper then

> organic. I am NOT going to pay $6.99 a pound for organic asparagus. I can

> buy hothouse red bell peppers 4/$5 rather then $4.99 - $5.99 a pound for the

> organic--quite a savings!!


> Awesome green smoothie: About 185 Kalories

> Asparagus 1 cup 27 K

> 1 Medium - large Tomato 25 K

> 1 Large carrot (1 cup) 35 K

> 4 cups raw spinach 28 K

> 2 Large stalks celery 20 K

> 1 red bell pepper 30 K

> 1 cup English Cuke 18 K

> 4 " piece rhubarb

> 1 " jalapeno pepper

> Red pepper flakes (hot)

> Couple drops liquid smoke (optional)

> Total K: 183

> Cut up pieces of vegies and add to 12 ounces filtered water in Vita-Mix or

> HP3 Champ juicer. Add hot peppers. Blend for 30 seconds. Add liquid smoke if

> desired to each glass.


> Kale Wilted salad (1 cup raw) 34K

> Cut spine off of kale leaves.

> Massage in 1/4 - 1/2 tea himalayan salt

> Add 1 Tea Raw olive oil 45 K

> Set out for 15-20 minutes.

> Enjoy! 89 K

> (adding kale to a green smoothie makes it very bitter, so this way I get my

> cruciferous vegi for the day)




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, congratulations on beating cancer 15 years ago! I wish you strength and

will to beat it again! May I ask you - how long did it take you then? Were you

following any protocols since then?

Thank you!


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Dear ,


Thank you very much for your post. I am so sorry that you are dealing with

cancer again and pray that all that you do sees you fit and healthy once more.

You said in your post that you want to help others. This is what you are doing,

more than you know. Your words of wisdom are teaching me, and I am sure others,

what to do and what not to do in this battle against cancer.


A little bit about me - I am 48 years old and was diagnosed with breast cancer

last August. I had a lumpectomy in September. Stage II with two lymph nodes

positive. I am ER+/PR+ HER2-. I made the decision not to do chemo, radiation,

medication, and no more mammograms. I was fortunate in that family and most of

my friends were supportive. Those few that were not really made things tough. I

know they love me and meant well, but it was hard to take. I went to two post-op

appointments with my surgeon and then to two appointments with the oncologist.

The hospital I went to is a large one, and the cancer wing took up a whole

floor, very large waiting room filled with cancer patients. I am not sure why I

went to the second appointment, but I was so scared. Terrified really. The

doctors did not try to push me into treatment, much to my surprise, but did urge

standard of care. They said they would monitor me, which I found out was a

yearly Pap and mammograms

every six months. They would not do any bloodwork. It was an hour wait for an

appointment that lasted only minutes and cost lots of

$$$. I was so stressed from just being there and knew that I would not go back

after the second oncologist visit. My life has totally changed. I am fifty

pounds lighter than I was last June. There is much more to lose but the change

has begun. I am totally off whites and sugar, eating only organically. I follow

the Bill protocol with emphasis on the Bugwig diet. I do see a MD who

has gone into alternative medicine. He is treating me for hypothyroid and also

has me on iodine and Vitamin D3. I feel like a different person. I have a

regular exercise routine after a lifetime of no exercise. The alternative MD is

a good doctor but is a bit afraid of cancer patients. It would be nice to have

someone to give me guidance through things I still want to do, cleanses, etc. I

have a lot of amalgams and root canals but cannot afford to do anything about

them right now. This was causing me a lot of fear, but I have had to let go and

put all in God's care.

Do I know if I am cancer free? No I do not. My insurance does not cover

thermograms and covers very little of any test that the alt MD does. We are

living paycheck to paycheck at the moment, with my husband being cut to four

days a week because of the economy. We are not complaining but just very

grateful to God that we  both have jobs. Money that should be going into savings

and retirement is going for good organic food and supplements. What is money in

the bank

when you do not have your health? I do know that I now feel better than I ever

have. My young years were spent in a binge of junk food and an unhealthy

lifestyle. I came close to 300 pounds at one point. This is a journey of day by

day. I have learned a lot with lots more to learn.


Thank you, dear , for your post to this group. I went through a bit of a

struggle foodwise in the past few weeks, and your words touched me deeply. I did

not eat sugary junk food but did eat junky bread and butter...lots of it. I

could feel the junk food monster rearing its ugly head. I will keep you in my

prayers and good thoughts. You healed once before, and it can be done again. Day

by day only - don't stress about tomorrow. I wish you all the best.



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