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Re: Need Information. Mother has Breast Cancer.

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You posed a question with answers that would run from very positive to not so

positive and none of us, neither the doctors involved nor anyone else, can

really answer unless they know something and haven't related it to you which is


Recurrence is a very real possibility and yet I personally know people that have

gone more than twenty years before a cancer returned. There have also been

cases where breast cancer had a 'spontaneous remission' meaning the cancer went

away with no treatment, not conventional nor alternative.

One thing that you need to become familiar with is that your mother is the one

that must know what to do unless you are so in control she would do whatever you

wish. That doesn't happen too often so we are back to your mother must be

'involved' with learning about cancer and from the Alternative perspective if

that is the direction she wants to go.

If I sound vague it is because members of this list and practitioners have

learned we cannot do the thinking for others and there are few people that would

be swayed from the Conventional course simply by us hounding them about there

being another way. One can begin to discuss Alternative practices and see if

interest is there but again, it eventually comes down to the person with the

cancer, not a son or a friend. Good luck and stick around and perhaps you can

get her interested.

Joe C.

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Breast cancer is tricky because it isn't one disease. Breast cancer is actually

quite tricky.

First, how old is your mother? If she is post menopausal, then things are

different than if she is pre-menopausal. Younger women have more aggressive


Second, what is the grade of your mother's breast cancer? Grade 1 is slow

growing and could not need any further treatment than surgery.

Third, what stage was your mother diagnosed at?

Fourth, is your mother's breast cancer hormone driven or triple negative?

Triple negative disease is more aggressive through the first five years. But

once the patient has made it five years, then chances are, they will not have a

recurrance. Hormone driven cancer tends to recur after five years.

Hormone driven cancers have more treatment options.


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There exists a general consensus that tumors are cancer and their removal is

paramount in early detection and removal due to the potential of it spreading to

other areas of the body often condemning the owner to a miserable death from the

disease. In my opinion, this thinking is mostly faulty.

Tumors form in areas of the body that experience impaired lymphatic drainage.

Often some form of an injury or chronic irritation starts the process which

leads to cancer. This action may be rapid or it may take many years before it is

properly diagnosed and at such time, the disease is often in advanced stages

making it very difficult to resolve. Once a tumor is detected in the breasts it

has probably been growing for ten or more years - in older women. Removing it or

the breasts does not address the other factor which is contaminated circulatory


The good news is that doctors 100 years ago understood this disease and treated

it correctly for the times thus producing true cures. Today, however, we exist

in an environment that is far more toxic than when the world was a little

younger. We are assaulted with cancer causing chemicals deliberately placed into

our foods, water and even toothpastes. We are told that these chemicals pose

little harm and one of the most toxic of all, fluoride, is pawned off as a

cavity preventative. Which is, of course, absurd!

These brilliant practitioners of yester year saw this disease as a metabolic

disorder. As far as I can tell, nearly every cancer patient presented the same

defects in their metabolism and living habits. Many were all hypothyroid and

chronically constipated. By cleaning up the colon thus preventing the

by-products of putrid fermentation, the blood and lymph became less and less

contaminated with detritis and oxygen levels began to rise. Cleansing the blood

is paramount in restoring health and ridding the body of this and all other


Time is on your side, use it wisely. Carmi Hazen


> My mother was diagnosed this past October 2009 with Breast Cancer. She had a

full left sided mastectomy. She is currently cancer free but I am concerned

from a lack of knowledge. I am in need of information regarding Breast Cancer

itself and what to expect in future events, and what are the chances of a

recurrence. Any information would be of great help. Thank You, from North East



> Sincerely,

> Vince Coven


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Hi Vince,

Although there is not one answer when it comes to this disease, many researchers

have linked breast cancer and other cancers to diet and

lifestyle which includes stress. One plan that has worked to heal and possibly

prevent cancer for many people was created by Dr. Johanna Budwig. There is a

group called FlaxSeedOil2 with members

who are following this plan. Over 130 testimonials are have been received from

members who have regained their health using this method. Below are excerpts

from some of the messages about and from members with breast cancer.

1] Breast Cancer, stage 3 - Vijai wrote:

" My wife was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer in August 08...She completed

all six chemo sessions (Dec 31st 08) and then we started on the Budwig Protocol

(Jan 09). After the chemo, she still had a very large tumor in her right breast

and another small tumor in her left breast...she was NOT on any drugs...the ONLY

thing she was on was the Budwig Protocol. The Oncologists and Surgeons ALL told

her that with the size of tumor her situation is critical - life

threatening...She was on the BP for exactly 2 1/2 months prior to surgery -

which was on 17th March 09. The pathological report on the tissues removed from

surgery found: 1. No tumors, 2. No cancer cells. She is cancer free... "

2] Estrogen-driven aggressive breast cancer - Yasmeen wrote:

" I've been following the BP for about 5 months now....I have been 'naughty' at

times, and eaten the wrong things...I went for my 3 monthly scan, Once the scan

was done, the radiologist looked puzzled as she asked me to confirm I'd had no

chemo since my last scan. I told her I hadn't....I was told that I still had a

cyst in my breast, which was no different to last time, but that my lymph nodes

which are affected had shrunk by a few mm's! I was so taken aback. The doctor

said, " Well, what can I say? Just carry on doing what your doing, because it

seems to be working for you! "

3] Breast Cancer w/mets to the bones - Cheryl wrote:

" BC which metastatized to my bones...started the[budwig] diet...did research

into herbs and cleansing...kept my prayer life active...I had a PET...the hot

spots are gone...my numbers went from 698 to 350. I am so ecstatic... "

4] Estrogen positive breast cancer w/mets -- wrote;

" It is so different working with this diet, so positive...I hadn't seen my

oncologist in over a year and, when I finally saw him two weeks ago he couldnt

figure out why my tumor marker had gone down with no chemo or radiation. "

5] Advanced breast cancer w/mets -- Wanda wrote:

" I then quit chemo, as the tumors in my chest were growing again, I started

Budwig in July 07. My remaining cancer is healing, my hand and arm are seeing a

little more function & much less pain...Budwig has been a huge success for me. "

Update-Oct. 23, '08 - " I don't post much anymore, because my life is getting

back to " normal " ...BP has helped me tremendously. It saved my life from an

aggressive form of metastatic breast cancer after chemotherapy was no longer

helping. [note: Wanda still is improving and answers questions in the

FlaxSeedOil2 group.]

If you would like to learn more about the Budwig plan, please click

this link and join FlaxSeedOil2. You will automatically receive a

summary of the plan.


Also, you can read about the program, read more testimonials and watch a video

showing how to make the core recipe of flax seed oil and cottage cheese with

fruit and other cancer-fighting foods at this URL. http://www.budwigvideos.com

Best wishes to you and your mom,

" vinymacc " wrote:

> My mother was diagnosed this past October 2009 with Breast Cancer. She had a

full left sided mastectomy. She is currently cancer free but I am concerned

from a lack of knowledge. I am in need of information regarding Breast Cancer

itself and what to expect in future events, and what are the chances of a

recurrence. Any information would be of great help. Thank You, from North East


> Sincerely,

> Vince Coven


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