Guest guest Posted July 12, 2009 Report Share Posted July 12, 2009 The false gods of scientific medicine revealed: It's a cult, not a science Promoters of conventional medicine claim that all the drug marketing, FDA approvals, surgical procedures, chemotherapy and all other treatments are based on " hard science. " The term " science " is invoked with hilarious frequency: Science journals, science-based medicine, proven medical science and so on. As you might have guessed, however, there's surprisingly little genuine science to be found in the common practice of conventional medicine. Rather, what passes for " science " today is a collection of health myths, half-truths, intellectual dishonesty, self delusion, fraudulent reporting and wishful thinking. Take clinical trials, for example. These are supposed to be the " gold standard " of scientific study, and yet it has been well demonstrated that these studies almost always produce results beneficial to the organization providing the funding. The wishes of the study sponsors, not true scientific methods, determine the study outcomes. This is accomplished through an elaborate system of fraudulent trial design, selective reporting, dismissing study subjects who don't produce the desired outcome, statistical distortions and the application of career pressure to the researchers who carry out such studies. (Researchers who don't produce the desired results get blackballed by the industry.) The end result is that today's so-called " scientific medicine " has almost no resemblance to genuine science at all. The word " science " is simply used as a cover story for what's really going on behind the scenes -- a massive campaign of pro-drug propaganda, arm-twisting, public brainwashing, media control and regulatory failures that all add up to one thing: A system of medicine that is the greatest con ever perpetrated on the American people. Where is the skepticism about conventional medicine? Conventional medicine is almost entirely justified by truly bad science. And yet so-called skeptics, who are supposed to exercise clear thinking about all subjects, never seem to question the fraudulent science behind prescription drugs. The mass drugging of children for fictitious diseases, for example, seems to be okay with such skeptics, who are too busy bashing homeopathy and acupuncture to take an honest, critical look at the junk science behind prescription drugs, it seems. Ultimately, these so-called quack-busting skeptics only question certain selected topics. All drugs get an automatic thumbs up, no matter how ludicrous the underlying science, while all natural therapies are automatically and routinely criticized by skeptics who equate their own lack of understanding with proof that something mysterious can't possibly work. They say homeopathy can't work, for example, simply because they can't find any mechanism to explain how it could work. That's tantamount to saying that nothing new will ever be discovered because skeptics already know everything there is to know about the way the universe works. Let's face it: Neither conventional medicine, nor its promoters, has attained any real membership in the club of genuine scientists. Real scientists are people like Feynman, a legendary author, lecturer and infinitely curious individual who never allowed his own ego to cloud his open mind about the laws of the universe. If Feynman were alive today and observing the so-called " science " backing conventional medicine, he'd probably laugh out loud at the utter lack of scientific merit found in the drug studies published in so-called " scientific journals. " The Church of Medical Truth While defenders of conventional medicine don't have membership in the club of genuine science, they are card-carrying members of another organization: The Church of Medical Truth (similar to the Ministry of Truth from 1984). In this Church, the beliefs of members (doctors, FDA bureaucrats, media reporters, etc.) are handed down from the high priests, and those beliefs -- that all drugs are good, all vitamins are bad, etc. -- are blindly followed by the faithful, who dare not question those beliefs on any genuine scientific basis. This is how doctors have come to believe the incredible: That food has nothing to do with health, that antioxidants will kill you, that herbs interfere with drugs, and that only drugs can treat or cure disease. It's a cult-like belief system handed down by the high priests of conventional medicine, and if this intricate web of false beliefs was actually subjected to genuine scientific scrutiny, it would crumble into a thousand pieces of junk science and marketing propaganda. Conventional medicine, as practiced and promoted today, has nothing whatsoever to do with good science, but everything to do with promoting a particular cult-like worldview that says only doctors can treat or cure disease, not patients, or nature, or nutrition. And its proponents and practitioners are not scientists, but rather part of the congregation of the Church of Medical Truth. Mainstream media stories that parrot the cult-like beliefs of conventional medicine are the singing of the church choir, and the altar boys getting sodomized in the back room by high priests are like the public being chemically assaulted by pharmaceuticals. (A kind of " medical violence " perpetrated against the general public.) This is not intended to say anything bad about churches. I believe in Freedom of Religion just as I do Freedom of Speech. But I don't believe in giving a group of doctors and drug pushers the exclusive right to claim their particular beliefs are the one true " science, " to the exclusion of all else, especially when their so-called science is really just another competing system of beliefs founded on circular logic ( " Drugs are safe because they are subjected to scientific scrutiny in studies specifically designed to show that drugs are safe. " ) What skeptics should really be considering Consider these facts about modern medicine: • There is currently no requirement whatsoever that surgical procedures be scientifically proven as either safe or effective before being widely performed on the public. • Chemotherapy has been scientifically proven to be worthless at curing cancer, enhancing quality of life or protecting the health of the patient. In fact, chemotherapy kills patients, and even the ones who survive it are left with permanent damage to their brain ( " chemo brain " ), kidneys, liver and other organs. Chemotherapy is a medical hoax with absolutely no scientific validity. The size of a tumor is not a measure of the degree of cancer that exists on a patient's body, and shrinking a tumor is not a meaningful measure of a cancer treatment's success. • The rapid rise in depression, ADHD and other mental or " behavioral " disorders is so large that it can only be explained by either an infectious epidemic (in which case the CDC should be involved) or rampant disease mongering where drug companies invent diseases and push them onto children and adults in order to sell more drugs. Anyone who believes that ADHD is a real disease that has inexplicably stricken 1000% more children over the last twenty years is kidding themselves. This " disease " is pure fiction, and there is absolutely no blood test, no MRI, no lab test, nothing to diagnose ADHD other than the opinion of someone who most likely earns kickbacks from Big Pharma. • Nearly all pharmaceuticals receiving FDA approval today have been tested on only a few thousand people for a very short period of time (as little as six weeks in some cases). Yet, from such limited testing, the FDA declares the drugs to be safe for everyone, even for long-term use, without a shred of evidence that such long-term use is safe. • No scientific testing whatsoever has been done to fully document the toxic effects of combinations of medications. Deadly drug interactions are simply noted after the fact. Consumers who take multiple prescription drugs are literally serving as Big Pharma's guinea pigs. • There is currently no requirement whatsoever that drug side effects noticed by doctors be reported to the FDA. The entire system of reporting is purely voluntary. • The entire paradigm of pharmaceutical medicine makes no sense. Chemicals are used to treat " biomarkers " or measurable biochemical states, yet disease and dysfunction is complex and always involved more than a single measurable number. Cholesterol drugs, for example, may artificially lower cholesterol numbers, but they completely ignore the root cause of elevated cholesterol. This is why cholesterol drugs have been scientifically proven worthless in preventing heart attacks or other fatal cardiovascular events. • Most drugs don't work on most people. Claims of benefits are highly exaggerated by reporting their relative percentage rather than absolute percentage of efficacy. For example, if two people out of 100 normally get breast cancer, and a drug causes that number to be reduced to one person out of 100, the drug company will claim a " 50% reduction in breast cancer! " when, in reality, it's a 1% reduction across the population. Yet the drug will be marketed to everyone as a breast cancer " prevention " strategy. And yet 99% of the people who take it will experience no benefits from it. Most drugs are useless. A drug only has to work on about 5% of test subjects to receive FDA approval. Someday, future medicine may actually be based on open-minded curiosity about the laws of nature and how human beings may attain a higher state of health. But until then, we're living in the Dark Ages of medicine, where the power of the Church of Medical Truth seems absolute, and its own modern-day Inquisition conducts routine search-and-destroy missions on any health practitioner who dares to question the power of the Church. Real science is about the search for truth and an understanding of the laws of nature, but modern medical science (conventional medicine) is little more than a search for profits at the expense of public health. It has nothing whatsoever to do with genuine science. And as the public wises up to this, the future of conventional medicine doesn't have a prayer. After the collapse of Western medicine, real health care will inevitably end up returning to its roots: The healing power of nature. By Mike Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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